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  1. Etis

    Half Human, Half Demon like alien as a starting race

    Vulkrimi are core race with distinctly demonic appearance. And with them being all-male race... I like the idea :)
  2. Etis

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    Just note - fluffy puppets are not exactly fluffy, so you can't have both. Perk from Foxfire would vanish without full-body fluffy fur or feathers.
  3. Etis

    "The New Forums Are Shit" Mk 2

    Is wiki log-in broken?
  4. Etis

    Option to turn off size limit for sex?

    Or smallest depends on how the scene is coded.
  5. Etis

    Option to turn off size limit for sex?

    Some scenes have forks for specific sizes.
  6. Etis

    An egregious oversight

    Foxfire does that. If you don't mind that they would be on the fox muzzle.
  7. Etis

    Option to turn off size limit for sex?

    It would likely create a lot of weirdshit and strangely working scenes.
  8. Etis

    A Question About Drone Writing

    There is no set concept what combat drones should be. Originally, they sorta intended to be an offensive fork of the tech class, but now it is not worth taking, which means that drone system would likely be redone in future.
  9. Etis

    A Question About Drone Writing

    Drones are the huge mess now, so I don't think that there are strict guidelines. Just keep it sane. And mind that current drones ar mostly vanity, only slightly different from basic one.
  10. Etis

    Das Busts

    Well, you have the luck to have the same fetish.
  11. Etis

    Das Busts

    This. Not everyone believes that bigger=better. When I see Ajatha's bust I want to poke it with a needle. Because all of them look like inflatable toys, pressurized to the bursting point.
  12. Etis

    Frozen Half-Gryvain companion

    Gene is a hyper character by itself. Semith - is it a 6 inch with smaller-than-average thickness? Nope. Bragga - there is no such a bust. Toves - both have hourglass figure, Xotchi has at least B cups on the bust, Tlako has at least DD-cups on the bust. Codex says they have no breasts or hips at...
  13. Etis

    Frozen Half-Gryvain companion

    I'm still quite sure than indulging own fetishes instead of following character description is a bold sign of total incompetence for the illustrator.
  14. Etis


    if (balls == 0) quantity = Math.round(ballSize() * 2 * 2 * ballEfficiency); else quantity = Math.round(ballSize() * ballSize() * balls * 2 * ballEfficiency); Basically, for prostate efficiency is linearly dependent on the size, while for balls it has quadratic dependence. Otherwise, formula...
  15. Etis

    Frozen Half-Gryvain companion

    You are not alone. Giving her slender by default frame cartoonish bimbo forms... There should be an option to totally remove an artist from busts list, not just change priority or disable specific busts.
  16. Etis


    It's deeper than just descriptions :)
  17. Etis


    If your production is based on cum multiplier, it would be retained fully. And it won't diminish balls before making them internal, unlike Ovir TF, so prostate size is only limited by function internal limit. Also, if you'll go for chimerical TF, you won't get internal balls.
  18. Etis


    They would turn by one shot into big prostate (since there is no actual mechanic difference between internal balls and prostate). It uses makeBallsInternal, so it would retain production if it is possible, i.e. balls was no extremely big. This can happen only after obtaining genital slit. But if...
  19. Etis

    "The New Forums Are Shit" Mk 2

    Hm... The good: BBCode! The bad: No way to config timestamps on posts. The ugly: Orange on gray? My eyes are gonna bleed...
  20. Etis

    [Complete] Nilin, Nightmarish Tentacle Monsters (Uveto VII)

    Not yet. But game mechanic allows it. "Energy weapon" is an item flag, while "kinetic" is a damage type. So it is possible to have kinetic energy weapon or electrical/burning bullet weapon. Well, yes, looks like melee energy weapon would partially work. But it still wonky.