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  1. K

    Which Character(s) Would Your Steele Marry?

    Embry all the way.
  2. K

    [Finished] Sheep Costume, Halloween Submission

    Maybe I just didn't see it, but I feel like it should add the woolly perk?
  3. K

    [Finished] Sheep Costume, Halloween Submission

    So cute! Really hope it makes it into the game, but I agree, I would drop the stat loses or make them very small.
  4. K

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Is the Alraune legs tf back in already, its my favorite
  5. K

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Did something happen?
  6. K

    Chastity belt/cage.

    Can't you just make it flag your character as having no bits? That way mot scenes would be disabled or redirected towards the anus
  7. K

    [Editors Welcome] Vibrato, A Vibrating Cock TF

    Would you consider making a female version as well?
  8. K

    Charater Creator v2

    My anti virus is going haywire about this, be careful guys
  9. K

    Your dream crew

    Marry Embry and explore space together.
  10. K

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Where can I find the manticore I read about?
  11. K

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    No, I can't trigger the final fight, is what I mean. I killed the gardener and centaur. The statue is optional, right?
  12. K

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Is it just me or can you not finish the stronghold, preventing ascension?
  13. K

    Furry Beach Club

    Same issue...
  14. K

    [WIP]P&G: Body-mod company + Uveto P&G Facility

    Except that there not just humans in the tits-verse, I think even raskvel and the tarkus goblins are shorter than tha, not 100% sure though
  15. K

    [WIP]P&G: Body-mod company + Uveto P&G Facility

    Obviously 1 inch is too small to achieve ingame, 2 feet might work though as a lower hard limit
  16. K

    [WIP]P&G: Body-mod company + Uveto P&G Facility

    I don't know about others, but I would rather have my PC just as I want them, rather than having scenes make perfect sense
  17. K

    [WIP]P&G: Body-mod company + Uveto P&G Facility

    But you can grow MUCH taller than the scope of the character generator. I for one would like my fairy sylvan character to be actually small. 
  18. K

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I think flagging them as neuter is the way to go with the chastity, yeah. I would love you so much if you make this!
  19. K

    [WIP]P&G: Body-mod company + Uveto P&G Facility

    Any reason the shrinking treatment is capped at 4'4''? I would love a way to get properly tiny.
  20. K

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I would really like one of the dommy NPCs forcing a chastity device onto the pc to either have them run around permanently horny, or to enforce buttslutting.