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  1. R

    Conversation Battles: A Duel of Wits

    I'm just wondering about the limitations for these battles, from the perspective of writing and such. Would it be reasonable to have a conversation battle end with an actual fight (as a failure to the conversation battle)? Like, the player tries to intimidate the wrong NPC in order to get...
  2. R

    What content would you like added?

    Well, undead creatures are alive, by y'know definition of no longer being dead. Necrophilia is generally with cold, inanimate bodies, so as long as the dullahan and vampire characters aren't that... I'd expect it to be fine...?
  3. R

    How do I get out of town

    This thread should be stickied if only to combat the "how do I get out of town" menace.
  4. R

    Bubble's CoC2 Hub

    I read the summary and skimmed the rest of the doc and it looks like there's potential for special dom PC scenes. Is that in the works with Ninian's storyline?
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    A Discussion about Werewolves and CoC2 Lore

    I think it makes more sense to have the PC not be a werewolf TF. The big draw to the game is TFs and having a character change from their current TF to a werewolf form periodically... seems too complicated to code and write for. It also seems like an involuntary TF, which is pretty much a no-no...
  6. R

    What content would you like added?

    I think another issue with marking in general would be that it would effectively disappear for every scene and interaction that isn't related to that mark. Like, you have sex with NPC-that-Marks and he mentions something about that mark or there's interaction based on the marking, but every...
  7. R

    A Discussion about Werewolves and CoC2 Lore

    No, I mean cloister, like a place to keep themselves away from other people. I'm currently working on a history of werewolves in Savarra, which I'll link to in my writing hub thread in Event Submissions. I had hoped this thread could be a discussion place prior to writing things but idk it kinda...
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    Ranie's CoC2 Contributions Etc.

    As I have yet to write a draft for it, I'll still toy with the idea. What would y'all suggest for that particular enemy encounter? Like, a clearly magical creature or is even the basic idea too silly? That basic idea being a harmless looking creature that's an early game threat, magic being an...
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    Ranie's CoC2 Contributions Etc.

    It attacks with magic. It's meant as a low level but rather threatening magic enemy. The accompanying enemy is its old age form, which is a snake effectively made of fire. That's the idea, at least. I totally forgot to mention this in the OP.
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    Ranie's CoC2 Contributions Etc.

    Forgot about the apparel norms, actually. I just want it to wear something small and kind of cute, tbh. A fur cap (of mouse hode?) would work equally well for this purpose probably. RE: werewolf ban; these aren't gonna be feral at all. Not sure about the weapon for the generic enemy encounter...
  11. R

    Ranie's CoC2 Contributions Etc.

    I'm planning on maybe a Location for the Cold Snakes so having a pet snek could be feasible. As you can tell by looking at the current OP here that Location is very well down the road, though. And if there's demand for something cute being a pet then that could be a goal of mine writing-wise.
  12. R

    Ranie's CoC2 Contributions Etc.

    If people want boop let em hav boop Now the question is wut boop men, like pet?
  13. R

    Ranie's CoC2 Contributions Etc.

    Henlo, this is where I'm going to plop my WIP stuff until they're ready for actual submission threads. I kind of wanted to contribute to CoC but by the time I had heard of it, I learned that it was more or less replaced by TiTS... so here I am excited to contribute to CoC2. Currently working...
  14. R

    What content would you like added?

    How did I forget to mention more incubi. There were a few that I remember in CoC, but only one that I recall having sex with. The incubus janitor in the Factory. He was great.
  15. R

    Its sounds easy but im stupid so sorry in advance

    Just put the number of inches without units. Works for me every time.
  16. R

    A Discussion about Werewolves and CoC2 Lore

    Can we discuss werewolves? It isn't a verboten "race" anymore, right? Because I have an idea for a few characters that could be werewolves, but the lore surrounding werewolves makes things a bit tricky. Especially since I'm not totally sure if there's been any lore regarding werewolves in CoC...
  17. R

    Enemy Variation: What to look for as a new writer?

    I wanted to write a few basic enemy encounters for CoC2 and I recently read a post of Savin's saying that the Charmer PC class will have specialized tease combat. This got me wondering about enemy weaknesses. Y'know, similar to how flans in Final Fantasy games usually have a super high defense...
  18. R

    What content would you like added?

    A few hypnosis-related characters or events similar to Lane in TiTS, though not necessarily with the player as the subject. Or at least with more than a permanent master-slave relationship. Also masculine men. TiTS and CoC have a fair number of 'em, iirc, but it's kind of a -- I'm not sure what...