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  1. T


    See thats the funny part. I actually like super "hunky" types in text adventures (example being CoC I always over enlarged stuff) its probably the way i imagine the stuff is less ick compared to the way poeple draw. but yeah i was hoping to get a glimps of poeples tastes with this thread. Bit...
  2. T

    Helix Prime: May I have your criticism?

    Gonna watch this like a hawk. Love the idea, i've got a sort of glitch i found, not sure how it occurred, but every-time i tried to visit someone in the cells after capturing a herm, i got a herm encounter in the forest, even though i was in the cells.
  3. T


    Am i the only bi-guy in the world (i'm including gay guys and straight women here) who is completely turned off by Over masculine guys/huge breasted women? I wanna play a gay/bi dating sim (almost impossible to find) and i finally find one that's a work in progress.... and the guys look like...
  4. T

    Corrupt or not Corrupt? Tis the question.

    YAY I'm foff to mindbreak jojo.  :jizz:
  5. T

    Corrupt or not Corrupt? Tis the question.

    So will i still have access to phoenix tower and stuff like that (i guess what im asking is if there is exclusive content for pure path that i should work on)
  6. T

    Corrupt or not Corrupt? Tis the question.

    Playing the COC revamp mod Which path has the most / rewarding content. I like playing corrupted hero, am i missing out on a lot?