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  1. Jiffler

    How to get lethice out of the air?

    Funny thing about Lethice, she's a friggin cake walk with my White-Hot Hellfire Barrage. I'm not a Dragon-kin Hellhound for nothing xD
  2. Jiffler

    How to get lethice out of the air?

    Pfft. Weird, but a'ight...
  3. Jiffler

    How to get lethice out of the air?

    That's weird, because I can hit her despite being in the air. 
  4. Jiffler

    Hello just 4 questions

    To answer your 4th question, I recommend that you use Large Pink Eggs to increase Fertility, use Ovi Elixir to speed up pregnancy cycle, Talk to Cum Witch in the Desert Cave (after clearing it) to get the Fertility blessing to increase pregnancy multiplier and fertility by 15 points. Become...
  5. Jiffler

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Never payed to Jojo's natural inteligence, but yeah, debimbo only works for the PC and Sophie. 
  6. Jiffler

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Actually, this is not implemented into the game. Unfortunately, Kitteh stated that he won't create a debimbofied Jojo/Joy, but you can restore her intelligence up to a maximum of 50. At the moment, Kitteh is creating more male/male scenes for PC/NPC followers, one of them including Pure Male...
  7. Jiffler

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Lol, perhaps. But then again, sex slaves in this game aren't meant to make much sense.
  8. Jiffler

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Other than double Nine-Tails Perm-perks and incorpreality being permable (though, not w/o ghost legs), there isn't much else.
  9. Jiffler

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    On Fen's side of things, Mitzy most likely won't come to fruition until CoC2, but that's IF Fen revisits CoC. He's stated before that the coding for CoC is rougher than TiTS (huehuehue).                                                                                                           ...
  10. Jiffler

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Looking at it from that point of view, I guess that makes sense.
  11. Jiffler

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Nah, Mitzi would still be a slave, but if the Tamani Lover idea becomes a thing, there's gonna be some hilarious short-stack fighting between them xD I thought Savin hated her creator?
  12. Jiffler

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Well, You also need Marae for that ending. Can't have 1/2 of the requirements, y'know? I think Fen went about Excellia the way he did because people kept pestering him about it, so he probably just went "Fuck it" and made her a concubine of a queen. Many other people had their own idea of...
  13. Jiffler

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    OOOOOH!!! I didn't realize that...
  14. Jiffler

    CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)

    Welp, time for me to start learning to write stuff for sex again. Also, speaking of Golem's and stone creatures, was there ever going to be a use for the Stone Giant's Lethicite?
  15. Jiffler

    Wanna chat?

    Yep. Anyway, I'm going to bed. G'night!
  16. Jiffler

    Wanna chat?

    Hm? I just play the game and experiment on the different transformations and requirements for ascension perks. For example, just unlocking and breezing through all the dungeons in the game gets you about 8 ascension perks per game, so that comes in handy if you're grinding for the ascension perks.
  17. Jiffler

    Wanna chat?

    Nope, lol. Other than experimenting in the revamp mod and helping people in Monster Hunter and Dark Souls, there isn't much going on in my life.
  18. Jiffler

    Wanna chat?

    Whatup, buttercup? Mind if I ask what happened?
  19. Jiffler

    What is your favorite animals morph?

    I have about 4 favorites; Wolf, Dragon, Deer, Dryad