Search results

  1. flying_moustache

    Favourite Planet

     I voted "Other". Not that I am disappointed with the existing planets, but I still hope for a ME Illium-like planet with an urban setting (skyscrapers, lots of corrupt companies and merchants, high criminal rate and maybe even something like rivaling gangs?) Raskvel ears are cute as hell. If...
  2. flying_moustache

    Polygamy in TiTS

    If Im honest with her and Kara, they'll fight, more or less kill each other and Ill probably never see either again. If Im not honest I can sell Kara out to the devil or be an asshole to Shade. ...a shame I cant just knock both out with headbutts and dump them in separate trash bins at...
  3. flying_moustache

    Polygamy in TiTS

    You dont have to answer if you want to keep it a surprise but Ill ask nonetheless: Is this about her honor as a Stormguard taking on a job or does she have backstory with Kara? See below. Im with Vantage on that. I just wanted to strive for the "perfect" conclusion, hoping I could appease...
  4. flying_moustache

    Polygamy in TiTS

    Its not about the HP, its about the feels. ...shes a bounty hunter, cant I just pay her credits equal to Karas bount?
  5. flying_moustache

    Polygamy in TiTS

    Nooo...Ill buy her catnip! 20.000 credits worth. And a plushie. A plushie full of 20.000 credits worth of catnip.
  6. flying_moustache

    Polygamy in TiTS

    *sigh* Thats what I did but I disliked hiding things from Shade + I expect to be punished for that decision later on. I think Savin even mentioned something like that. Heres hoping theres some way to achieve a happy end of sorts.
  7. flying_moustache

    Polygamy in TiTS

    While I would agree if forced to choose because of spacial reasons, Id rather just kick out Steeles bed for a bigger one and just have both sleep in my bed all day. Puppycuddles everi naite. Never enough cuddles. You are right. I would love to see more interactions between crew members. They...
  8. flying_moustache

    Polygamy in TiTS

    Of course. I meant directly on the ship with other followers you recruited. Kaede is her girlfriend, thats official business. But seeing as she had no problems sleeping around with Steele even while having Kaede, I thought its reasonable to assume shes not "saving herself" just for Steele/Kaede...
  9. flying_moustache

    Polygamy in TiTS

    I think separate rooms on the spaceships and some solid, good old-fashioned walls can solve a lot of these problems. Whats going on in room X, stays in room X (unlike CoCs open campfire). For example, I imagine Annos sexual appetite isnt exactly quenched by waking me up with a blowjob once...
  10. flying_moustache

    Companion Combat

    A parasite that takes up an equipment slot? I dont know if I like it or not but I cant help but find that interesting.
  11. flying_moustache

    Uveto Weapons submissions

    You are kind of right about that. I was just throwing it into the room.
  12. flying_moustache

    Uveto Weapons submissions

    I guess Ill throw mine into the mix too then S.M.A.S.H. - hardlight wristblade Nova II - inaccurate shotgun, overheats for one turn after usage T.E.M. Thunderbolt - SMG, insta extra damage after reaching a certain threshold of successfully placed shots A.S.S.A.I.L. - goo halberd, deals damage...
  13. flying_moustache

    General New Races / Codex Thread

    It was meant in a positive sense, yeah : P
  14. flying_moustache

    General New Races / Codex Thread

    Holy twirled moustache thats some attention to detail.
  15. flying_moustache

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    They attach to your body and nervous system, they take on your skin colour best as they can, but I would not say they actually become your body. They always keep a mind of their own of some sort, Shades tail especially so. Your right hand, for example, doesnt decide to rape you if left alone for...
  16. flying_moustache

    Fair warning about Shade? (Spoilers ahoy!)

    Im not into incest but I think Shades situation was handled very well. Even if you absolutely despise incest and stumbled into her scene the only thing you REALLY sexed was her tail, which is not an acutal part of her body and thus doesnt count in my eyes. (I was suspicious when I realized that...
  17. flying_moustache

    Favourite Starting Race

    I chose Kaithrit because Cat TFs are the next best runner-up for me. Would have preferred either Goo, Vulpine or Vanae though.
  18. flying_moustache

    VI emergent AI?

    Lets see if I can explain... Ingame you are considered a "bimbo" if you gain the perk "Ditz Speech" (or at least thats what the game checks for to trigger both dumb-bimbo talk and sexy-bimbo talk) This perk is gained if you: get treated by Dr. Badger take the Dumbfuck Pill take the Treatment...
  19. flying_moustache

    Best weapons and armor to use in TiTS?

    Not like I wrote them with Uveto in mind, but I have four weapons sitting around in a GDoc. You already had a look at the first two if memory serves. You are also welcome to use them as inspiration or whatever if they are not fit for implementation as is but parts of them are to your liking...
  20. flying_moustache

    VI emergent AI?

    I even made a thread about it on the old forum where it was discussed at length but I STILL feel like I dont understand the Treatment 100%. Have pretty much given up on it by now. That reminds me of the "genius ditz" idea of the same thread, where only the sexy-bimbo-talk but not the...