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  1. argenten

    So...where is Steele's mother?

    I can't remember if it's pupplyslutmas or when Anno and Syri are first reunited. But I'm pretty sure it's one of the two and Syri basically goes, "His son? Are you sure?" more along the lines of making sure Anno had processed her grief about Vic I think...but acknowledging the bit of squick some...
  2. argenten

    Who do you want to recruit?

    I meant Ramis, thanks for the catch on the typo. Check event submissions for Nonesuch's work on the character. Warrior cat supreme...with a Welsh accent.
  3. argenten


    Which is always fun to do hehehe.
  4. argenten

    So...where is Steele's mother?

    No worries, Anno is actually questioned by Syri about it herself. And it's a lot more fun to dive into Scrooge McDuck style than solid gold.
  5. argenten

    So...where is Steele's mother?

    Oh no, she's known him carnally, biblically, and outright pornographically. 
  6. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    Fair point. 
  7. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    And preggo waifus, don't forget.
  8. argenten

    Who do you want to recruit?

    Yeah, I'm with you there, hence why I'm looking forward to Ramis, as I think she fulfills that niche pretty damn well.
  9. argenten

    So...where is Steele's mother?

    How would Anno even work? She's too young.
  10. argenten

    So...where is Steele's mother?

    For me, it just felt pointless, it wouldn't add anything to the story and the idea felt more like another spam than anything else. Not that it's a bad idea in and of itself, but it'd need to have follow up to give it any impact.
  11. argenten

    New Texan Bar Idea

    It's a good scene, although I think you get a "really?" look  from Reaha the first time.
  12. argenten

    So...where is Steele's mother?

    Meh, they couldn't cut it. And I already have a pia rival to deal with.
  13. argenten

    [SUBMITTED] Rapier! In Space!

    Np, I'm mostly peanut gallery in the nature of my posts, so I'll defer you to him in regards of what to do.
  14. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    Nooo, being serious about your inheritance is not dicking around (literally) in a bee-person planet and sending orgy-selfies to your rival. What you are describing is something out of the freaking Borgia family.
  15. argenten

    So...where is Steele's mother?

    I think many Steeles would take the "Turning Vanae is easier than gouging my eyes out after seeing that." route to purging their poor eyes.
  16. argenten


    Yeah, I loved being a Draco-morph in CoC, Ember and Kiha were 2 of my fav characters in that game. I know I have a "reborn Thundercat Steele" right now, but boy would I jump ship for the dragon bits.
  17. argenten

    [SUBMITTED] Rapier! In Space!

    ...good point, what ^ he said.
  18. argenten


    I'm happy with my cat-tails, at least until it's possible to get a dragon tail.
  19. argenten

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I gotta admit that Fazian's quest intrigues me, as it does a good job of showing the effects of a long war on a society...even the victors suffer and will attempt retribution.