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  1. argenten

    Favorite Tits Scenes

    A lot of my favs are Jim's work, so it'd have gotten pretty repetitive to list them all.  I did neglect Tavria and conquering her and her bedroom scenes, there's just something about knowing you are the only person she'll willingly and even eagerly submit to that just makes me go "Muh boner!"...
  2. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    Yeah, you have to have a certain amount of spite in your personality to find the option appealing. Not proud of the admission but not going to deny it either.
  3. argenten

    Favorite Tits Scenes

    *much flamboyant bowing* thank you thank you, you are too kind.
  4. argenten

    Favorite Tits Scenes

    I have to say that Kiro losing her virginity was not one I saw coming. I'm expecting more of her brash nature and "let's tear it up!" and what do we get? A very tender moment when she basically admits she's falling for Steele. I say that because she starts to go through all the reasons why she's...
  5. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    Hence why I said it wouldn't be my first choice, just that I'd take this option if things somehow got this far.
  6. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    No I can see the appeal, leaving them stewing in their own hormones and going nuts does have the draw of vindictive satisfaction to it. Wouldn't be my first choice but if Jill/Jack crossed a line serious enough and I was honked off enough about it, I'd probably take this option.
  7. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    Not many that I can recall but the wallflower was meant more as a comparison to what she is not and why I like that. She makes Steele work for the dominance and then revels in the way Steele controls/plays with her. It's not so much that she's weaker than him, but that he's stronger than her and...
  8. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    There needs to be fire, passion...something that makes the sex more than mechanics. A good example in Tits is Penny. Yes she's arguably a sub, but she is NO wallflower or doll. 
  9. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    I don't like being a sub, so I kinda get where you are coming from, but a totally subservient female turns me off just as much. 
  10. argenten

    Favourite Dorna Sibling

    I'd rather be the dominant one in that situation but other than that, YIS! Those four together is 2 weeks minimum of bed breaking, sweltering, toy wearing, exhaustion-inducing, all around blowing sex. You were wise before your time :P
  11. argenten

    Favourite Dorna Sibling

    Can't really say I'm surprised either, Can you imagine the awesomeness if Syri and Steele could team up against others in the game and totally own all comers...sometimes literally?
  12. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    So the current 2 options for her are either turn her in or give her a taste of her own medicine....hmm, I'm not a bimbo fan, but at the same time I love poetic justice. 
  13. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    Same. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good "conquest and domination" scene as much as the next guy, hence my love of Tavria, but in the end, the partner needs to be enjoying themselves at some point in the process. 
  14. argenten

    Favourite Dorna Sibling

    Either way, going to be a tough choice as is the case with most Savin characters. Hell, with ANY characters in TiTS really. 
  15. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    Nonono, you let her take the heat and wear the twins out, thus getting valuable experience, and you come in for the kill and leave them all in a happy cum coma.
  16. argenten

    Who do you want to recruit?

    I was unclear, I meant that I read that statement that way and included the statement " I'll be happy if I'm wrong " in case I was since I'm poor at reading intent off text. So while I can appreciate not wanting to be taken out of context or having words put in your mouth, I likewise do not...
  17. argenten

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    I'm looking forward to Savin's possible reconciliation content. As much as its fun to play vengence dom, it'd be nice to actually have more positive resolution in situations like this. Plus, with Jill and Anno, it'd be just like old times for the puppyslut.
  18. argenten

    Captain Steele Inspiration

    Jim Carey's the Mask in personality, and a Thundercat in form.
  19. argenten

    Who do you want to recruit?

    I read that as Savin saying fairly certain there wasn't going to be any more content for Tavria, I'll be happy if I'm wrong but she has her own kingdom to run and it's take some writing so that she could leave without it all falling apart.
  20. argenten

    Favourite Dorna Sibling

    This, this right here. Anno cares about Steele don't get me wrong and yeah the pupplyslutmas shows it as well as other scenes. But Syri and Steele have a different connection and one that feels more intimate than Anno's. HER pupplyslutmas moment includes Steel reuniting her with her family...