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  1. Pokemonique

    [Implemented!] Ciaran the Treated ausar, AKA "Hellhound"

    I still believe, Brokeback Myrellion featuring Hellhound Desperado will happen one day dangit
  2. Pokemonique

    Syri Quest Help

    Even if you override Siegwulfe, you get her data core so it's not like she's lost forever if you're attached to her. Now I wish there was a way to get another Bimbobot from someone other than Badger. Can't quite undo her bimbofication :U
  3. Pokemonique


    Dove Balm. Like, a million Dove Balm. Flying with wings is my dream. And Skin Clear I guess? I have bad acne.
  4. Pokemonique

    Quick Question about Cerespirin

    Is there any way to get rid of the plant skin? I just want the bloom, but I keep getting the plant skin no matter how many times I load, and I've ingested enough Terran Treats to feed entire planets, but it won't go away. I've tried overriding it with the Goblin suit on Poe A, but it seems like...
  5. Pokemonique

    What is your favorite thing abot TiTS?

    Character customization, for sure. I get to have big wings but with a human body? Hell yes. I love flying. I want em in real life.
  6. Pokemonique

    Show me your characters!

    Fairly vanilla, aside from the herm part, the wings and the eyes. Fun fact: I was about to post this except with Flourescent Yellow hair because of Sera and her Rainbowtox Seranigans. Bless Ceria.
  7. Pokemonique

    What kind of weapons would you like to see in TiTS? 2.0

    I mean, that exists already lol... The gray goo armor/crew member you can get after Anno's recruitment quest is exactly that.
  8. Pokemonique

    What kind of weapons would you like to see in TiTS? 2.0

    >Psionic powers I think this has been brought up before, but the game reeeeeeaaaaaally isn't ready for player-side psionics yet. As much as I love them mind altering power trips, it'd kinda break stuff. Perhaps when the game is more fleshed out. (Do current enemies even have individual psionic...
  9. Pokemonique

    list of things that affect lust gain.

    I believe the Savicite you can get on Uveto or Zheng'shi ups your lust gain so long as you have it in your inventory. Unsure if more than one amplifies the effects or not, though.
  10. Pokemonique

    A list of unrelated questions

    Three things: How do you screw Ciaran as a masculine dude? I remember reading somewhere that you could meet him somewhere else and bond with him, but I don't know the details and the wiki, unsurprisingly, isn't updated on it. In the Deck 13 Armory during the Anno recruitment quest, there's an...
  11. Pokemonique

    Dedicated Sera Thread

    Sera is by far my favorite girl in the game. It's probably because I'm vanilla as hell, she's human, I love demon aesthetics and she's snarky. She's got just enough bite to be endearing even when you subdue her. She's relatable, as I grew up with choice religious people around me in my family...
  12. Pokemonique

    Wild Mass Guessing

    Victor's family name is only Steele because he changed it so it would be cool and thematic after he gained his fortune from mining, and his birth last name is something lame and generic, like Smith or something. On a similar vein, Vic also purposefully left a kid with Shade's mom because...
  13. Pokemonique

    Slave Sera Pregnancy

    lol Seriously though, river, what do you mean by the bump "disappearing?" If the bump appears and she's vomiting, she's pregnant. Do you still have the "Belly Rub" option when you talk to her? How long have you waited through the pregnancy? It does take a good while.
  14. Pokemonique

    The Merchant Steele

    I think it'd be cool. I mean, it'd certainly make my crew still feel useful when I eventually have to boot them off the ship when ship expansions come to (ironically) stop my ship from being an infinitely huge dormitory. And they can earn some sweet credits so I can buy a bigger ship for 'em...
  15. Pokemonique

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    More crew interaction!! By which I primarily mean the crew interacting with each other, but I wouldn't complain over more crew/Steele content lol. But I am really gettin' tired of seeing Kase/Anno being like, the only crew member interaction that ever pops up lol. More Aurora stuff would be...
  16. Pokemonique

    favourite and least favourite character in tits.

    Favorites (in no particular order): Ben/Bess - they are cute! Aurora - I love the child genius inventor trope. She is wacky and adorable. Dr. Lash - his services are so useful. I love the children mechanic (despite not wanting kids IRL lol) but I don't like the breasts it usually forces on my...