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  1. Mister Gregar

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Yeah, I'm an idiot. I read Sera in the first half of his comment, and my switched the names in the second.
  2. Mister Gregar

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Stuff for her mobile store? Idk, she does seem pretty "done". That's not a negative statement or anything, btw, I love what you've done here. I was originally only interested in her sub content and didn't really like her enough before to explore her Dom stuff, but thanks to an exploitable bug...
  3. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    I notice you did the status thing last night. You seriously work fast o.o
  4. Mister Gregar

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    That's a good point that I didn't consider, thank you. Its not even just the comfortability, but if it fits the setting, when I think about it. I'm not put off by any of the stuff in Free Cities, but I wouldn't want some of those fetishes here because it doesn't fit the setting of this game. I...
  5. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    I would like to restate my earlier comment about you moving terrifyingly fast, and thank you once again. One thing though, a request, the available status effects don't seem to include "Genital Slit", is it possible to add that one? Its from the naleen/bird TF's, and would be convenient to have...
  6. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    I'd recommend either waiting for a new build of the .exe, or building a new one yourself. The xml works fine...with the latest build of the whole she-bang. That said: There's a few issues. All of which seem to be typos, save one. A few descriptions for status aliments have " \n " scattered...
  7. Mister Gregar

    Question about Fightin'

    I read that as fucking minibosses in the field.
  8. Mister Gregar

    Question about Fightin'

    See, now I want to go back and tease her into submission. Clearly my violent methods were the wrong ones.
  9. Mister Gregar

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Given that we have a Stockholm syndrome'd slave that we can potentially acquire a scant few days before they can free themselves, in a game where rape and forcible impregnation is not only present but acceptable and expected in some regions, I don't think that THIS is the time to worry about...
  10. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    You move terrifyingly fast. Thanks a ton, mate.
  11. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Oh, I didn't know the amber seed TF's weren't in the public build. Thanks.
  12. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Awesome! Is there any chance of adding ID#10 as avian for penis, face, ear, tongue, and vagina types?
  13. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    That would be awesome! Along with that, though, would there be a way to better see the difference between flags that don't have a value and flags that aren't on the save file? Like, idk, a dot or something that denotes that "this flag is a thing that exists on this save"? Can it save stuff...
  14. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Oh, I feel I should point out that the current (that is, the as unreleased drop down version) does, in fact, work as intended. Its the previous ones that didn't.
  15. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    It never actually changed the original race, or at least it never did so for me. For the visual studio thing, is there a difference in how it builds it? (Also, side question, are the newer versions free?)
  16. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Since my last comment I, out of curiousity, decided to do the buildy thingy. Azureink mentioned are in the thingy, but the one Lancer used as an example isn't. There's also a bunch of new items/key items and UI improvements, and the item tab does things faster. It also shows the breast row...
  17. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    You can download all the files, and then use Visual studio 2012 to build it. It tells you that on the github page.
  18. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Well, I mean, you're in the save editor thread...
  19. Mister Gregar

    TiTsEd - A save editor

    Yeah, you can't force your perceived race, its based on what others see you as. Most you can do is change your original race, but that only works if you change it in Minerva. If you want them to see you as something else, you have to change parts of your body. Otherwise my "alien hybrid" would...
  20. Mister Gregar

    Just Who is Captain Steele?

    Darn. I came to make that joke, only to see that it has already been made.