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  1. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    An announcement, folks. There's been some speculation as to whether I'm around or not since I went AWOL in November last year. I want to clarify that I'm not; I've left the smut writing business for good. This will be my last post both on Fenforums and elsewhere. I won't be answering any...
  2. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    Full Laeviin have black skin, white/silver hair and irises. They're also pretty hedonistic and live-in-the-moment. Half-laeviin only have the black scales on their lower body, while their humanoid upper half resembles the non-laeviin parent. If they were half-ausar, half-laeviin, the upper half...
  3. JimThermic


    Jacques00 speaks truefax. Gray was meant to go with luminous black. I had it in my head how such a strange color would work, but upon further research into things like black light sabers, it didn't seem feasible without a white outline to define it. It's kind of an accident that light gray is...
  4. JimThermic

    So, is anybody disappointed with the lack of Hardlight compatible scenes?

    > Give people 500 options > People ask for 501 options. ;_;
  5. JimThermic

    Bess vs Gianna?

  6. JimThermic

    Embry X-Pack Wish List

    Froggy, why would you, of all people, use a vag-licking pic for your avatar? =O
  7. JimThermic

    The Grand Galactic Credit Theory

    Oh god. People got so anal about Embry's tipping scale. Originally I had 10 credits as a low tip, but then people were like 'If some food costs 10 credits, then 10 credit tipping is like the cost of the meal'. Or maybe it wasn't 10 credits, maybe it was 50. Idfk. Space numbers.
  8. JimThermic

    So, is anybody disappointed with the lack of Hardlight compatible scenes?

    I'm not on the team, so only they can answer that question. I was only speaking on my own behalf as a content contributor. All I know is Third wrote it and Fen put it in. 
  9. JimThermic

    So, is anybody disappointed with the lack of Hardlight compatible scenes?

    Honestly, I'd be more keen to support hardlight if I could actually get into them as a concept. For me, the idea of a hardlight dildo that has sensory feedback is difficult to imagine and therefore fantasize about, as opposed to if it were just one of these things (A regular dildo with sensory...
  10. JimThermic

    Bess vs Gianna?

    You can pay for it. <3
  11. JimThermic

    Bess vs Gianna?

    And hopefully Bess never does. It'd totally ruin the variation thing. 
  12. JimThermic

    Bess vs Gianna?

    Oh god no. Someone actually made this thread.... ...Still, The lure to answer the cost question is too irresistible. That dude who bought it for 10k credits DID hideously undercut you. He definitely gave you less than 10%. More like 1%. It's stated in the codex that  Bess or Ben models are...
  13. JimThermic

    Favourite Planet

    That last option makes none of the sense. Does he gently fondle your breasts while you do it? ... You know what? I shouldn't even be nitpicking this.
  14. JimThermic

    More Sex Scenes For Herms/Multiple Genitals?

    Well besides essentially stating the same thing twice, yeah, that's pretty much it.  In short, what Nonesuch said.
  15. JimThermic

    JimThermic's Project List

    Wouldn't work. 1. The Appearance screen is where tattoos and piercings get to shine. If you can't describe them as any more than 'It's American Traditional', it's going to look really lame. 2. The more ambiguous the description, the more repetitive it looks when you do it on multiple body...
  16. JimThermic

    More Sex Scenes For Herms/Multiple Genitals?

    I just can't be honestly fucked writing anything too comprehensive after doing 'if taur', 'if not taur', 'bimbo', 'if got a pussy', 'if got a cock', 'if got cocks, plural', 'if got a pussy and a cock{s}', 'if a fucking neuter' etc.  The most effort I can spring for herms and multidicks is...
  17. JimThermic

    Favourite Planet

    I'd love an alternate for Myrellion, personally. Something with less ethical hand-wringing and more primal sexy-times. Preferably Galotia 2.0.  There'll be folks who want the exact opposite, of course.
  18. JimThermic

    Embry X-Pack Wish List

    The only part that would register with Embry. She would then quaintly suggest giving you a blowjob to help you* get through all five hundred pages. *Also because she really, really likes giving blowjobs.
  19. JimThermic

    Favourite Planet

    Mhen'ga.  It's the most primal and unexplored, which makes you feel like you're actually making your own way and on an adventure. If more worlds were like Mhen'ga, that'd be ace, or even MORE unexplored with no colonies at all. | ... Also, my girls live there.