Will we be able to put Hand So into Bess/Ben?

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Why would you want to? BESS-13 chassis isn't that special; the Tarkus sexbots can change both their sex and apparent species as easily as BESS-13 changes hair colour, for example. The main attraction's the AI (and the person the AI can grow to be), so replacing that seems rather counterproductive.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Why would you want to? BESS-13 chassis isn't that special; the Tarkus sexbots can change both their sex and apparent species as easily as BESS-13 changes hair colour, for example. The main attraction's the AI (and the person the AI can grow to be), so replacing that seems rather counterproductive.

Be able to romance Hand So?

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Why would she need to be put in B's body for that? If she needs a body for romance, she could probably build her own body, or you could order one online, or (as is actually done in her content) she can use one of the Tarkus sexbots.

Edit: A Generation Six companion droid chassis (think Gianna) without the AI is supposed to cost mere 65k brand new. No point in overwriting an existing (and very rare and advanced on its own) AI just for the hardware.
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Aug 27, 2015
Theoretically? Yes.

In practice? Firstly, there's the issue that FA points out, which is there's nothing special about Bess physically. In her base ship-side content, So can either repurpose a Tarkus sexbot or straight up build one herself, so she gains a physical form. Now, if you were either particularly cruel or straight up intend to treat Bess as a plain sexbot, you could have the capability to use Bess in this way anyway. Indeed, So should notice that you already have a sexbot lying around and propose she use it. But if I'm honest, I don't particularly like the thought of it. So can easily magic herself a body anyway, so what's the point beyond essentially killing a sentient being?

There's plenty of scope for So to have fun with Bess, as surely as she can have fun with you in her bad end/planned dom path. If you have the capability to slow down a helpless, simpler sentient's perception of time and then inundate every single one of their sensory inputs with shifting, sheerest ecstasy for a week, why wouldn't you do that? I really want So to be able to do all sorts of things to your crew, if you let her anyway. But there's a particular problem with Bess. It's known as Ember's Dilemma. Although I've yet to properly engage with all of Bess's content, on the surface I doubt I will be able to overcome it. Or in trying, I'd drag my own character into a similar sort of mire.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
It seems a little pointless and wasteful (and immoral depending on how you view artificial intelligence) to overwrite an unchained AI with another unchained AI when you could have procured another body for Hand-So in the first place. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
It seems a little pointless and wasteful (and immoral depending on how you view artificial intelligence) to overwrite an unchained AI with another unchained AI when you could have procured another body for Hand-So in the first place. 

Thing is, will we have the same amount of custimizability with Hand So's new body?

So deserves to be a pretty space princess too, and I want to dress her up as such.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Thing is, will we have the same amount of custimizability with Hand So's new body?

Most sex droid chassis can match BESS-13 in customization, or even exceed it. Generation Six (think Gianna) can change genitalia and body proportions just as easily, with added bonus of easily changing any or all of their coloration, and the Tarkus sexbots, as mentioned, can change their apparent species on the fly. So, from an in-universe point of view, it seems rather likely that whatever chassis So opts for, customizability won't be an issue.

From a writing perspective, there's no fucking way in hell Hand So will get the sort of customizability Bess has, if you pardon my French.
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2015
Bess is/was the Ember of TiTs afaict, in terms of absolute customizability. Don't expect anything near that level again. Unless one of the Pink Titles™ decides to be masochistic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As of now only one man can beat Bess customizability with any brand new npc. And he know more than much that it will made him killed if he submit that to dev team ^^

Heh since subject pretty much ued up all what about reverse thing. Would be possible to move Bess/Ben software to other hardware bodies. If done right it should fully move her without hurting her sentient self.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Bess is/was the Ember of TiTs afaict, in terms of absolute customizability. Don't expect anything near that level again. Unless one of the Pink Titles™ decides to be masochistic.

I'm pretty sure Bess 2.0 is against the rules mate.

Besides we still need Yandere Bess, why else would she get a katana? I kid, or do I?
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Aug 27, 2015
To be fair, None said a lot of words and that hurt my brain.

So no need Bess body. So make Bess body herself. So not doing Bess though. No sex friend doing Bess. Bess too complicated.

From a writing perspective, there's no fucking way in hell Hand So will get the sort of customizability Bess has, if you pardon my French.

Also, this. So changes her form based on what the scene needs. She can be the room, if you give her the tools. But will she be able to morph a maid's costume at your whim? God no. Three different sexual attitudes is enough of a headache.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
So no need Bess body. So make Bess body herself. So not doing Bess though. No sex friend doing Bess. Bess too complicated.

hate to feel like im quoting Savin all the time.... but i think alot of the other writers, plus the coders feel the same for the most part... Savin said something along the lines of "I won't even mention Bess/Ben in passing cause of the coding nightmare..." theres so many variables when it comes to Bess/Ben that just to write a scene with him/her in it takes up way too much time. That being said, I'm not gonna lie and say i wouldn't like to see a scene with Bess/Ben x Captain Steele x [insert NPC here] in a threesome... but noone wants to subject themselves to that kinda headache, sorry to say. Though Bess interacting with any of the crew is a cool idea just not very likely.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
hate to feel like im quoting Savin all the time.... but i think alot of the other writers, plus the coders feel the same for the most part... Savin said something along the lines of "I won't even mention Bess/Ben in passing cause of the coding nightmare..." theres so many variables when it comes to Bess/Ben that just to write a scene with him/her in it takes up way too much time. That being said, I'm not gonna lie and say i wouldn't like to see a scene with Bess/Ben x Captain Steele x [insert NPC here] in a threesome... but noone wants to subject themselves to that kinda headache, sorry to say. Though Bess interacting with any of the crew is a cool idea just not very likely.

One way it could go is like '{If Bess has (specific things): You can think of one person who fits the profile... /Else: Nothing springs to mind, looks like you're outta luck with this one.}'

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
One way it could go is like '{If Bess has (specific things): You can think of one person who fits the profile... /Else: Nothing springs to mind, looks like you're outta luck with this one.}'

That scene would require just someone spends like days/weeks on writing it to be coherent with all variable factors. Well and some must be insane I suppose to try do it knowing how much it will cost such person to write it (I already count that such insane soul got perrmision form Jim and other npc author to use those two npc's).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That scene would require just someone spends like days/weeks on writing it to be coherent with all variable factors. Well and some must be insane I suppose to try do it knowing how much it will cost such person to write it (I already count that such insane soul got perrmision form Jim and other npc author to use those two npc's).

Not really, I'm talking like Bess must meet the specifics of the scene to access it, if she(he) doesn't meet the req it's unavailable. But bad ideas are bad :#

Basically saying "You want this special Bess scene? You must conform to it then." that or one of the characters could ask Bess to change to the specifics if PC has bought the needed additions


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Not really, I'm talking like Bess must meet the specifics of the scene to access it, if she(he) doesn't meet the req it's unavailable. But bad ideas are bad :#

Hidden Content

Nagh I just saying that it's possible to make scene for Bess accounting all variations or as also as you saying it's possible do with check for specific setup of her. Both approaches need only enough time spend so depent how much write got it on hand. Sorry if I made it sound like saying your idea bad and mine is superb. Each fill it own niche and not interfere to point of mutual exclusivity.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What might actually be viable for Bess is to write a scene where she interacts with an NPC without the PC participating.  That cuts down on the variables considerably.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Shit, now I want to see Maid So.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Thing is, will we have the same amount of custimizability with Hand So's new body?

So deserves to be a pretty space princess too, and I want to dress her up as such.

Maybe she doesn't want a standard physical body? What if she wants to dwell in some sweet future data center with quantum computers and a raised floor? Perhaps after installing her onto your ship Hand So begins to pleasure other spaceships?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Green Cortana. That's how I imagine her final form. Dump the sexbot body and get a big hardlight projector for AIs.