Search results

  1. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    Gotcha, would extra encounters like the one I'm writing for the male Naleen be counted as "how and where you encounter her"? In that, the interactions don't follow the current combat encounter, but are separate events altogether, but which don't remove the other encounter (apart from technically...
  2. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    I really regret not just straight up writing the mating ball to be honest >< I thought that the male Naleen thing would be a small encounter to grind up some writing experience, but it's turning into a pretty big set of two encounters with I think 7? distinct scenes, which I do intend to finish...
  3. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    It just came to my attention that I started writing a repeatable event about male Naleen, and I'm ending up with a non-repeatable encounter where 2/3 scenes are Zil only. I'm not sure what to say honestly, apart from "oops". The second repeatable encounter will have more Naleen action, in the...
  4. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    That seems like a repeating cycle though: PC has to do nice things before of personality gate, gets bonus to nice personality. Your mention of non-repeatable events does give me an idea though. The way I ended up writing the current scene for "nice", it would be extremely weird for it to be a...
  5. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    Cold water is not happening. How are you even going to find a large amount of cold water in a tropical forest? I've decided to go with a combat option anyway. One thing that I need to ask though, what's the view on "morality" in TiTs? In CoC it was a pretty straightforward thing, with the...
  6. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    Seems too complicated and gimmicky. Thanks for the suggestion though. I'm currently going with a combat option with 2 choices. You can choose to either "rescue" the Zil for a gentle scene later, or to "steal" the Zil for a rough scene.
  7. LightningRose

    IRC guide copypasta from old forum

    Hi everyone, apologies if a guide to connecting to the IRC was posted already (if it is I can't seem to find it), but a very recent thread by symbolNamed had a guide on how to access the old forums, and I went in to copypaste the IRC guide. Enjoy! Something something I hate you, whatever...
  8. LightningRose

    How to access the old forums

    Thanks for this, was recently searching for the guide on how to access the IRC but the googlecache link to the old forum in the other thread wasn't working. Your method worked! I'll drop a copypasta of the IRC guide on the other thread as well, once I've verified that the steps on it still work.
  9. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    Oh wow Savin appeared. Thanks for clarifying whether the Naleens are the same, and for the advice on the male Naleen coming back bit. So the rule of thumb is just "If you want to sex a dude, you should be fine with getting sexed by a dude? The Zil in the scene I'm writing currently is female...
  10. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    Seems to me that the both the male and female Naleen that you encounter are both the same, which fits the theme of them being apex predators with a set territory, but the female Naleen has a resetting flag on the "encountered?" check, which gives you the re-introductory encounter every now and...
  11. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    I am pleased to announce that I managed to get the first part of the encounter fleshed out, though it definitely still has room for improvement as well as a portion still under consideration for phrasing and immersion...
  12. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    This is part of my concerns, that trying to add on content to someone else's stuff could clash with stuff they might eventually do. Though if nothing else, it'll be good practice and if they like it then all the better. Thanks for everyone's feedback so far! I think that I'll shift my first...
  13. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    Ah oops. Is there a way to shift the topic to the idea forum? By mod intervention or otherwise? My thoughts for the male Naleen currently are some non-combat encounters like the nighttime encounter we have with the female Naleen, just that for the male Naleen you come across him capturing...
  14. LightningRose

    Naleen Expansion (Interest check/brainstorming)

    Hi everyone, I've been lurking around the game since CoC times, and I've finally decided to do something about my urge to contribute to this community. As the title says, what I would  be interested in doing would be a Naleen expansion. Just wanted to get some feedback from the community on what...
  15. LightningRose

    Nightgames Mod (v2.5.1.2) updated 2/11/17

    Hi, came into to ask about this as well. Really enjoying the game, it's really amusing and the customization in the late game is huge, but it really does feel like too much of a rat race to keep up your levels and everything with the enemy. Would it be possible to add in some kind of casual...