How to access the old forums


New Member
Nov 30, 2015
I didn't see any instructions on how to do this, so I'll post them here. Sorry if this has already been covered.

Step 1. Follow this link. This takes you to the latest Internet Archive backup of the old forums.

Step 2. At some point, your access to the forums may be blocked by the age confirmation script. Unfortunately, you can't just verify your age the normal way, because the Internet Archive servers aren't set up to handle that. Instead, you will have to right click on the verification page and select "Inspect Element"

Then, right click the line of html code that has id="av-overlay-wrap" and select "Delete Node"

That will remove the code that blocks you from seeing the forum.

Step 3. Donate to the Internet Archive. It's tax-deductible!

Edit: apparently images don't work as easily as I thought.
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Active Member
Nov 27, 2015
Thanks for this, was recently searching for the guide on how to access the IRC but the googlecache link to the old forum in the other thread wasn't working. Your method worked! I'll drop a copypasta of the IRC guide on the other thread as well, once I've verified that the steps on it still work.