Recent content by sumdude3456

  1. S

    What content would you like added?

    It was romantic- and that's exactly the stuff I want more of, you know? I wanna love on that catgirl properly. It's good to know it's in the pipeline though.
  2. S

    What content would you like added?

    At this point, I just want to have a bit more Cait content. Proper sleep-withs similar to Brienne's ranging from events where she'll wake you up with some oral or smooches, to moments where she's just being a totally chaste cuddlebug who needs some snuggling- and a conversation where you can...
  3. S

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I really liked the pub patch for the most part, SkoW is a master at writing dragons as shown with Aileh and she aced it again with Ashe. The sentient mace has just the right amount of input and commentary to give you a reason to keep her in the inventory even if you never use her as an actual...
  4. S

    What content would you like added?

    It'd be pretty cool if we could get the title of "Warden", it'd fit with this bit after the Alraune fight (and I'm a sucker for the name because of Dragon Age.)
  5. S

    What content would you like added?

    No need to tag the leading man as the writers (as well as anyone who spends time in the forums) are used to Animalistic complaining about literally anything that doesn't cater to his specific tastes or enjoyment. Even if he's capable of making a decent point now and again, his constant whining...
  6. S

    Your gripes with CoC II

    That "someone he just met" is a valkyrie that was handpicked by a god to hold a leadership position. She will have inherent tenure so it makes total sense that he'd trust her capabilities enough to spill the beans. As to why he doesn't tell his most trusted companion/friend/lover, well, the...
  7. S

    Alypia's Content Corner

    Between Annika, Serena, and your contributions to Ryn, I think you're cornering the market on the most lovable and in-depth content in the game. I mean, I was expecting the valkyrie to be fantastic after the moo teacher stole my heart but I was not prepared for the perfection that is Anni...
  8. S

    Your gripes with CoC II

    I don't really have an issue with Liaden or Azzy's characterization aside from how inconsistent it can feel sometimes. You're given 2 options to recruit Azzy, either by fucking her or by repeatedly challenging her to duels but in her recruitment dialogue with her mother, your champ says "Yeah...
  9. S

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Fair point, I thought I saw a dev imply it more directly in the Discord but I could be misremembering. That being said, Aileh is also the only person that we can talk to from Mareth who might have up to date info on what might've happened to Calla so it would still make sense to ask her, at...
  10. S

    Your gripes with CoC II

    It is kinda weird that we can't ask Aileh about Calla at all. Seems like she'd have some info because the implication is that Kasyrra was the one getting Tollus's sacrifices, so as far as champ knows, the cat ended up neck deep in Aileh's sisters when she got chucked through the portal. It's...
  11. S

    Alypia's Content Corner

    Holy SHIT you did a phenomenal job. That many background/stat variables, that many interactions with companions, that much dialogue and a kickass new purple cape (with its own set of variations) to boot? My socks are officially knocked off! I kept redoing the class visit, the wholesome sweetness...
  12. S

    PLAN B

    Don't ask the poor man to add another variable when he's already this deep into the storyline AND when there's already a poly relationship option with Berry and Matiha.
  13. S

    [0.4.22] Rune talk mentions Quin by default

    Rune's talk scene about Cait mentions Quin whether you've met/recruited him or not.
  14. S

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Yeah once Cait gets some chunk on her she has a bit of dialogue. Our resident entitled dumbass took it as "You mean nothing to me unless you can continue my bloodline" when she actually says something more akin to "Wow I love bein' chubby, only way to get thiccer is if u knock me up haha jk...
  15. S

    Your gripes with CoC II

    Jesus Christ man, this is sad. You're making me sad. I can see now that you're completely dedicated to your career of complaining about any and all content that doesn't cater specifically to you, so have fun with that.