Recent content by leftbracket

  1. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    Luna looks fantastic, though I'm so, so sorry to say guys that I'm gonna have to retract myself from this rp. Sudden things in my life just keep coming up at the worst times, as things that are just a bit more serious than smutty roleplay. Again, I'm so sorry that this turned out to be a letdown...
  2. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    So sorry guys! I apologize now, and for further in advance, I end up busy on the weekdays quite a few times. Even tonight, I'm just checking in. Friday and the weekends should be pretty ay-okay and cleared up so we can get down to business on here. Oh, and *she* Floozer ;)  I get it, this...
  3. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    Ditto, Reptillicus's system it is. Thanks for putting up with my gm inexperience y'all, I'll set up a post p soon. Unta's situation with just lashing the tail and arms is a little too anticlimactic on my part to call a fight, but we'll get some dice rolls in sooner or later
  4. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    The Unta post with the flying foxes is fine and dandy Ecnalab. If y'all could refresh my memory on dice combat without making me dig through a manual, we could switch over to give it the realistic sense of chance that something like this probably should've had in the first place
  5. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+)

    GM (For Unta) The stripes on Unta's body did manage to thin out parts of the corridor's darkness, but it hardly mattered as the door before her opened with a startling thud. Behind her, too, a door had shut itself, ensuring that she could make no return to the starting room, and only continue...
  6. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+)

    The unabashed promiscuity from Benji didn't go unnoticed by Epsilon, only unaddressed for the time being. This Ausar fella did strike him as a bit of a sex hound, but then again, so was just about everyone you'd find these days in the scrappy little town of Tarkus, and the rest of the galaxy...
  7. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    First DM and Epsilon posts are up! Let the clusterfuckery commence: I did indeed draw from a hat, and the partnerships are as follows: Benji and Epsilon Umi and Binx and Unta, alone for the time being Truth be...
  8. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+)

    GM You awake to find yourself in a simple, acutely-square room, feeling both exposed and confined at the same time by the tight, lewd clothing you're wearing that's been secured into place on your body. A bit claustrophobic, and bereft of any furniture, the smooth grey walls surrounding you...
  9. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    Welcome aboard folks. Edited Epsilon's description just a tad, as CoC and TiTS blended in my mind to confuse Leithans and Lizans. That'll probably happen a lot with the encounters especially, so look forward to seeing some of your wilderness-dwelling favs and trying to avoid their advances like...
  10. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    Guilty as charged, I initially thought that it was the universal-ish combat system for this site, but then I realized my mistake and was too lazy to deal with it Go for horse genitals! Can do with keeping them, I'll let you all decide your own transformations. Tauric would be fine, great...
  11. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    Looks fantastic! Welcome aboard! Rest assured, there'll be plenty of smut to go around
  12. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    Great question! I forgot to say initially that much like in regular TiTS, there's a lot of anything goes. m/m, f/m f/f, h/f/m, etc. the whole package. Epsilon, for example, is bi, and'll very probably be getting some dude-on-dude action at some point, either with another rp'er perhaps, or an...
  13. L

    Labyrinth Adventure (18+) (OOC Discussion) (OPEN)

    Welp, first time posting in at least eight months, and first time dipping my toes in the rp section of this forum. Let's hope I'm not too rusty. The rp takes place (very loosely) in the Trials in Tainted Space universe, so the whole "furries and transformatives" thing is a given. Transformed...
  14. L

    Idea for Overhaul Mod

    Man oh man, sign me the hell up! Unfortunately I'm batshit useless when it comes to coding, but if you ever need someone with a will to write for the sake of the story, I'm always around.
  15. L

    What kind of Champion are you?!

    For lack of a better name, I've been referring to my bread and butter champion "Valynn." Like every other champion, she came from Ingnam, and was sent through the portal by disgusted townsfolk after a slight incident involving an incubi draft. Standing at 5'11'', with nine silver fox tails and...