Recent content by Emv7

  1. E

    donations to Gwyn

    I can't tell what is upgraded or expanded I think it start with a kitchen but my main concern is if you can lost donations if you donated big? since it took a while for upgrades to need 1k/2k Electrum also is there anything if you donate 20k?
  2. E

    some questions

    yes it was efficacy I just go with the description of the witherig bolt when it fail and it explodes harmlessly thank you
  3. E

    some questions

  4. E

    some questions

    I think the answer to most is no but thanks for looking -what determines your magic will not blow up on your face and accuracy? -how can you make your hair longer? -the materials that you collect and wyver venom have any practical use? -the silver ball that you get from the fountain goddes...
  5. E

    Build 0.1.15 Lightning spike

    ahh so that is what it was thanks sorry about the not real bug report but while I am here there is this part of the ol forest description that says: FOREST_Y19 is the northeast part the bit that come to the right of the eplorable map dunno if is a pending part thank you for your time
  6. E

    Build 0.1.15 Lightning spike

    it never fails for me and even when it hit it won't chain let me see if I can get a picture, maybe is supused to miss but it hit anyway?
  7. E

    Build 0.1.15 Lightning spike

    so I been noticing it only hit the target that I aim but it won't chain, so is the storm suges effect random?