Rise of the mutants RP


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn looks over at Tina before grinning. "Did we wake you up? And yes, sure did. Although I think she enjoyed it more than I did." He says, winking at Victoria. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Bushing when she realized that there had been an audience for hers and Kajinn's performance, Victoria responded "Yeah, we had a pretty good time"  Turning back to her search she added "We're looking for some way out or forward if you want to help, the voice did say it was a test after all."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
GM Post: the first scuffle

slowly one of the walls began raise up revealing a darkness behind it. A strange gurgling noise come from within as a pair of large blue eyes watched them from the insides the darkness. the sound of six skittering legs was heard as what ever was in side there was beginning to move. Then out of the darkness a large, mutant creature appeared! In all three of the lower areas a large six legged red crab like mutant! It could be described as a giant fiddler crab, having one huge claw and one little one. blue glowing eye stalks watched them with predatory interest. a few strange tentacle like limbs wriggled on its back as it shifted around. its bpody was guarede by a large thick shell. "Now lets see how strong you have become!" said the cruel voice from before.

(ok so each of the 3 groups is fighting one of these things, when you make a move on the enemy dont be all like: i smack them etc! thats not how this works! you should say i swing at them make sense? then the rolls will happen ok.)


Jena jumped when she her the crabs monsters approach "What?! What the hell?! A giant... crab?!". Jena saw the thing stare her down and she squeaked and trembled in fear. Its one big claw looked very dangerous to her and she gulped as she shuddered. She quickly hid behind Bones not wanting to be attacked. "A-A-A Monster!" she cried.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones turns to face the creature, an insulted look on her face. "A crab? You send a CRAB to attack me?! I care not how strange a crab it is, this is insult! I will make this crab my lunch!" Going off of new instincts, she charges at the crab with her horns out front! 


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015

A fuc**** Grab?, let´s rock

My insect or mantis wings appears suddenly and i start to fly around the grab but far of the claws of the grab, trying to cut it with my blades-hands...


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"The fuck? A giant crab? Come on, I used to eat these guys for lunch when I was a kid! Literally, I might add." Kajinn says, grinning, but nevertheless, he moves so he's blocking the crab from attacking Victoria and Tina. That one claw looked rather dangerous... He moves forward, his hand twitching behind his back to indicate that Tina and Victoria should stay behind him. Then, he leaps forward, trying to grab the crab's little claw. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric stood adjacent to Jena, farther forwards and closer to the giant crab than the cowering batgirl, but still not quite next to Bones. Clenching his fists, and with a dangerous look in his eye, he imitated Bones's charge so that he was approaching from the side, adding to his momentum as he leaped up and attempted a jump kick.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Hearing the grinding of the wall lowering, Victoria quickly got behind Kajinn, not wanting to be the first person to deal with whatever was on the other side. Seeing the giant crab thing, she was glad she had gotten away from it. With Kajinn going in for the attack, Victoria got ready to have to help out if she needed to, for now deciding to just cheer Kajinn on, "Go for the joints! They should be weaker!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Hearing the grinding as the wall descends, Coye turns in time to see the mutant crab emerge. "What the hell is that thing?!" he shouts in disbelief. Looking about the room he resigns himself to the fact he has to fight. "Ever heard the saying about the cornered rat?" he growls "Because this rat is going down fighting!" he snarls, darting forward in an attempt to reach the crab's underside.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Kala jumps in surprise as the wall open to reveal a giant freaking crab come out of it ,she watches in horror as the giant creature comes closer and the others charge to attack it ... Kala back away to the wall opposed to the one the crab came from, she wasn't a fighter she was weak and afraid  she couldn't possibly do any damage to it her weak arms would do nothing against it's carapace ,she shivers in fear and hope the other don't get hurt or die while fighting the crab. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Upon seeing the crustacean, something strange began to bubble up inside Tina. An strange hunter's instinct that she had never felt before, as the squid in her saw its preferred food source. on instinct, her skin began to change color as the red stripes that covered her suddenly began spiraling around her body in an almost hypnotic pattern.

[I'm trying to use charisma to lull the crab into coming toward me.]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016

Group A

Bones rushes the crab with her horns. the crab tries to snap at her with its single large claw.

Bones STR:18+2=20

Giant crab mutant STR:12+4=16

Bone hits the crab with her horns knocking it a few feet backwards.

Cedric tries to fallow up with flying kangaroo kick! the crab tries to hit him out of the air.

Cedric STR: 12+2=14

Giant crab mutant STR:12+2=14

Draw! Cedric manages to hit the crab hard in the body, But! it then bats him away with its larger claw sending back a few feet.

Group B

Tina tries to use her colors to confuse and charm the giant crab.

Tina CHA:15+4=19

Giant crab mutant CHA:7+3=10

success! Tina get the crab to look her way distracting it from kajinn's attack!

no roll required, Kajinn's attack lands and he got a hold of the crabs little claw.

Group C

Slutty tries to claw the crab while flying around, while it tries to snap her out of the air.

Slutty AGI: 8+2=10

Giant crab mutant AGI: 7+5=12

Failure! The giant mutant crab snatches slutty out of the air with its big claw! holding her in its tight grip.

Coye tries get to the crabs underbelly, it tries to snatch him up in on of its back mounted tentacles.

Coye AGI:11+4=15

Giant crab mutant AGI;7+3=10

Success! He managed to slip underneath the crab, he could try and attack it next and the crab wouldn't be able stop him.

GM Post: the smack down

Group A

as bones charged at the giant i raised its claw and ready to try and snap at her with it, however due to her sheer strength she plows into it before it can do any real damage to her. knocking it several feet back wards and causing some damage to its shell. Then, Cedric follows up with her own kangaroo kick! he then land it on the crabs body, but the its was still far from defeated and it lashed out with its large claw and batted the kangaroo hybrid away! the hit was hard and he was smacked in his side, but at the same time his kick had further damaged the shell of the monstrous crab, leaving a visible crack in its shell.


Jena was watching from further back, shaking in fear. as Bones slammed into the mutant crustacean she gasped. She was surprised by her great strength and she found herself rooting for her silently. As Cedric landed his attack she called out, "yeah! get em'!", but he was soon smacked by the monstrous claw and landed next to her/ Jena gasped again this time in worry for the 'roo man. "Cedric! a-are you ok!?" she said as she ran over to him. she put her wings on him and tried to help him up but she just couldn't grab him.. she had no hands..... and it seemed she had yet to full come to terms with that... but there was no time for that now  so she instead stayed standing in front of him scared as all hell but ready to help him. she hoped bone would keep it busy while Cedric got back up.

Group B

As Tina colors flashed and rippled the gaint crab seemed mesmerized momentarily and then that when kajinn struck. He quckly got ahold of the crabs smaller weaker claw. with the smaller appendage in his grasp he found that the massive claw could not reach him while her was right up in the crabs face, but the giant crustacean was trying to rectify the situation by starting to back up so it could get kajinn back in snapping range.

Group C

Slutty wasn't as lucky as the others in their chambers however, as she tried to scile the massive crab with her claws it snatched her out of the air with its large claw and held her. she was hurt by the grab but it seemed that it didn't intend to kill her as the tentacles on its back began wrap themselves around the her big lovely breasts and began to tweak her nipples! this one apparently wanted to "play" with her. just then coye managed to slip underneath and could easily pull an attack of his own as the crab mutant was distracted by it new plaything,


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
With a growl, Kajinn brings his open palm down on the weak joint, aiming to completely snap the limb off, before he tries to roll under the crab. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015

I wasn't as lucky as the others in their chambers however, because i didn´t know it, as i tried to scile the massive crab with my claws it snatched me out of the air with its large claw and held me. I was hurt by the grab but it seemed that it didn't intend to kill me as the tentacles on its back began wrap themselves around my big lovely breasts and began to tweak my nipples! this one apparently wanted to "play" with me. Just then Coye managed to slip underneath and could easily pull an attack of his own as the crab mutant was distracted by it new plaything,

At first i am confused but after the crab took or catched me with its claw, i am angry with my silly action, but when the crab tries to penetrate or "play" with my breasts, my first reaction is to be angry with the crab, but after some minutes of touching or pushing my breasts, i feel that my body is very hotty, and i needed it, i decide to carry me with the sensation of the pushing of the tentacles of the crab some time,...

But i remember Kala and Coye, they expected me to defend our self, with the sensation of the pushing in-out of the tentacles, i try to clarify my mind, and decide to stay between them (the tentacles) and continue enjoying or in the other side, free me and attack this crab...

I don´t know what to do...


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Seeing the crab mutant trying to catch Kajinn, Victoria started circling around the side with the small claw, attempting to stay out of reach of the large claw, before jumping to try getting on top of the crabs back, hoping to find a way to do some damage up there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones laughs as she pushes the crab back "You can not match my power! Even before I change into this I was able to turn you into jerky!" She steps toward the crab and throws a wicked punch!


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015

At last shi decided to escape from the claws of the crab, trying to open it until shi breaks it claw (if shi can), if shi escapes of the broken claw, shi tries again to attack but in this case to the legs of the crab or the unions of it, trying to cut it in "small pieces of sushi crab"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric fell to the ground with an audible "whump," muttering to himself, and almost inclined to bat Jena's wings away as she tried to help him, before correcting himself with a twinge of guilt. The pain and shock of the fall incited a spike of rage within him, though it was numbing to a manageable level as the initial surprise faded. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said tersely, seemingly more focused on the situation at hand than her. "If it comes this way, you've got to dodge." His subconscious spoke aloud without him knowing, trying to help Jena, same as she'd helped him, as he righted himself back on his feet. Taking a moment to regain the lost balance in his stance and shake the dizziness from his head, he stood his ground, letting Bones take the lead in offense again as he readied himself to move in case the crab tried to take a swing.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Seeing he crab distracted by Kajinn, Tina slipped around to the other side of the creature. In a sudden burst of motion, her six tentacles sprang out trying to wrap around the creature's legs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"You know the saying..." Coye mutters, as he prepares to lift himself up and attempt to crush or otherwise entangle the joint of the nearest appendage between his coils. "The bigger they are..." he trails off as he readies himself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Kala yell as she sees Su being grabbed ,she closes her eyes preparing for the worst but she didn't hear a scream ? she looks again the crab was trying to molest Su with it's tentacles ?! 

Kala Needed to help she knew she couldn't do much and just cause a distraction at best she runs to the front of the crab trying to get it's attention "hey you .. hum .. oversized perverted crustacean ! " hoping this would get it's attention she would run in circles around it while avoiding it's attack and preventing it from attacking the others. 
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016

Group A

bones goes for a punch and the huge crab tries to barrel into her meeting force with force

Bones STR:18+3=21

Giant crab mutant STR:12+5=17


Bones nails the large crab in the body further damaging the crack in its body.

Group B

Kajinn tries to break off the monster crabs small claw with a plam strike, the crab tries to throw him by thashing it body

Kajinn STR:12+4=16



Kajinn tries to crack the little claw off but he is thrown off before he can break it.

Victoria tires to jump onto the crabs back with a jump, the crab tries to snag her with its big claw.

Victoria AGI:11+3=13

Giant crab mutant AGI:7+3=10


Vitoria manages to get on the crabs back by deftly avoiding the claw.

with Victoria on top of the crab it was to distracted to see Tina bind its legs no roll nesssary

Group C

Slutty tries to slice at the crab to make it let go the crab tries to keep her in place.

Slutty STR:10+5=15

Giant crab mutant STR:12+2=14

(The rolls are very close)

Minimum success! she hits the crab but the damage is minimal, she does whoever manage to make it drop her.

Kala tries to get the crabs attention so it wont go after anyone else.

Kala CHA:6+1=7

Giant crab mutant CHA:7+6=13

Failure! it ignores her completely staying focused on slutty

Coye tries to go for one of crabs legs with his tails to either trip it up of stop its movement, the crabs tries to step on him for that.

Coye AGI:11+6=17

Giant crab mutant AGI:7+5=13

Success! Coye manages to get at one of the crabs legs and wrap it up before the crab can step on him.

GM Post: shell breakin'

Group A

Once again Bones and the huge crab clashed, and again she hit it hard! this time how ever the mutant crustacean made a gurgling squeal is it shell was left in critical condition. the crack on its shell was dripping green fluid, the crab was very much wounded now.


Jena gave another gasp as the two titans clashed and again bones proved the stronger one. seeing that she cheered her on. "Yeah! You go big girl! you're so strong!", She called to bones with enthusiasm. She wished she could be so brave, she wished she could help... well maybe she could.... she looked down at her body once more still more or less felling very unused to what she was. Her hands were wings now so she couldn't really grab anything or throw a punch... well at least she didnt think she could... she saw her feet and wiggled her sharp clawed toes. Could she use that? she wanted to try, she wanted to help! Jena looked over to cedric and said, "Hey! we'll jump it together yeah?" with a slightly nervous nod.

Group B

Kajinn was about to snap the little claw off with palm strike but he was thrown off before he could connect! He flew off of the monstrosity and landed a few feet away on his back the crab then turned towards and was ready to make another move on him. Just then however, Victoria jumps at the crab. It tries to snatch her out of the air but she was too fast for it and she was soon on it back where all the tentacles are located. the all start rubbing on her body and groupe at her breasts but the could really hold her down or anything but they did try to "pacify" her with the sexual grouping.

Group C

"Su" while in the clutches of the monster was still able to attack! with swipe of her claws on the crabs big claw, she was dropped out of its grasp as a few small cuts were dug into its larger claw. at the same time, coye who had gotten under the the crab was able to snag one of its legs with his serpentine tail, all before it could try to trample him! its movemnet was now hindered it wouldnt be able to dodge the next attack like this.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Bones walked backwards as the crab staggered away from her, a confident grin on her face. "Is time to finish this crab." She reaches up and rubs her horns, feeling the curve and sharp points of the top two. She nods to herself, lowers her head and charges in once again, aiming to finish the job with her horns! 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn growls, gets to his feet and runs forward before suddenly dropping to the ground, trying to get under the crab, where he would be within easy reach of its soft underbelly. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
"Su" while in the clutches of the monster was still able to attack! with swipe of my claws on the crabs big claw, at last or finally i was dropped out of its grasp as a few small cuts were dug into its larger claw. At the same time, coye who had gotten under the the crab was able to snag one of its legs with his serpentine tail, all before it could try to trample him! its movemnet was now hindered it wouldnt be able to dodge the next attack like this.

I try to attack the crab unions very quickly to continue going very far of the claw of the crab without atrap me or my body..., also sometimes i could try something that could be offer my hug body to the crab but far away of it possibilities, giving time to Cole and Kala to hit the crab...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Having leaped atop the crab, Victoria quickly found out what the tentacles did, immediately being groped at by the nimble appendages. Taken aback, she yelled "WHY WOULD SOMEONE MAKE THIS THING?" Realizing that the tentacles were trying to subdue her, she started attacking the tentacles with her claws, not wanting to admit that they felt pleasurable.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Cedric assented to Jena's idea by nodding back, no less nervous than she, and uttering a simple "Okay" as he prepared himself yet again. His eyes wandered to the crack he'd left in the crab's shell, and for just a moment, confusion surged through his features as he realized that that was his work. He was no fighter, yet there, right on the giant grab, he'd left his mark. Even if he'd been smacked aside like it was nothing right afterwards, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of misplaced pride in his new power, before realizing what he might've just admitted to. He set the conflicted feelings aside again decisively. The experiments were cruel and horrible, regardless of whether or not his kicks could now hinder giant monsters. Striving to take initiative, he ran forwards, watching Bones do the same, and leaped up same as he had before, hoping to land another jump kick and aid the finishing strike with his two fellow prisoners by his side.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
With the crab in her clutches, Tina felt a strange, overwhelming surge of power course through her as thousands of volts of electricity ran through her tentacles and into the crab.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

Her attempts to distract the crap being no successful she panic and resort to the only thing she can think of the moment and try to claw at the crab legs .


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Oooh... this looks tender" Coye snarls as he coils himself around one of the crab's legs. "Sorry to break it to ya, but this legs gotta go" he growls, voice straining as he begins tightening his coils in hopes of crushing the leg's joints.