Rise of the mutants RP


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Ugh..." Coye groans as he regains his bearings after the fall. Once the room stops spinning he finds that he has managed to tangle himself within the coils of his tail. "Great, just great..." he mutters, wiggling in an attempt to get free.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Kala Tried to resist but her weak arms just couldn't hold she was sucked to the depths alongside the others ,when she could finally could see again she was on the floor close to Su's .. cock  ,he head turn red and she skitters to the corner of room she then see Coye he seems to have tangled on his own tail ,still a bit flustered she walk over to him "l-let me help you Coye" she try to untangle you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Hm..? Oh... uh, thanks Kala..." Coye says, his voice trailing off while he blushes furiously in embarrassment. "Are you alright, nothing broken after the fall?" he inquires as he tries to twist himself out of a particularly irksome coil.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"i-i'm alright ... Su caught me before i hit the floor " Kala continue to blush she never touched a man for so long ... especially not one with a tail "and .. there!" she finishes untangling Coye's tail and steps back for him to stand 


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
"Ungh... hah" Coye grunts and sighs, rolling his neck and shoulders as he rights himself to 'stand' again "Glad to hear you and Su are both alright" he says as he continues stretching out the kinks that have formed in his arms and tail. "Thanks for the help" he says, grinning.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Dazed by their sudden landing, Victoria shook her head, trying to clear her vision. Managing to clear her head, she asked "Thanks for breaking our fall, but are you ok?" Looking around at her surroundings she didn't see anyone except her and her cell mates, and casting her gaze down at Kajinn, Victoria realized where she had landed, with the length of the shark mans shaft pressed against her nethers, blushing she added "Oh, ummmmm, I should probably get off of you, shouldn't I?" not quite sure what to do.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
You are welcome, Coye. Sorry to not help you with your tangled tail but i had more importants problems that i had to solve it...

Where are we now?

Looking the dirty and green room, i try to find the slice down that we used before...


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah. I'm fine. Mostly. Don't think anything is broken, at any rate..." Kajinn mutters, then looks at Victoria with a mischievous grin. "You don't have to get off if you don't want to. I sure as hell don't really mind!" He says, winking at her. 
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Remaining where she was, Victoria looked around at the room they were in, twisting to see behind her, causing her to grind against Kajinn. "Where do you think we are? And what the point of this room?" 


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He looks around too, trying to get the layout of the room. "No idea... Some sort of room, that much is clear, but as for it's purpose... That's up to them to decide, isn't it?" He says with a grin, arching his back and neck to look behind, causing his dick to grind up against Victoria's ass. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Suprised by the between her cheeks, Victoria stammered "W-Well they said something about a test, didn't they?" Feeling the rod pressed against her, Victoria's tail flicked back and forth, teasing the tip. Continuing her question "What do you think the first test is going to be? More injections? Testing out our physical changes?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn lets out a little purr of pleasure as her tail teases the tip of his dick. "Most probably the latter, I suppose." Kajinn says, grinding his hips a little harder and faster against her ass as he crosses his hands behind his head for support, enjoying the view. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Struggling to speak as she was pressed against, Victoria managed to get out "Y-yeah, y-your probably right-t." Closing her eyes, she barely held back a moan, feeling herself get wet as Kajinns thrusts picked up. Seemingly with a mind of it's own, her tail wrapped its tip around the base of the rod grinding against her. "W-w-where do y-you think-k the oth-ah-thers ended up?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Probably in rooms just like this one..." He says, before suddenly rolling her over and pinning her down, rubbing his dick against her folds. "But I'm a wee bit concerned about the horny girl beneath me." He says with a wide grin that exposes the rows of sharp teeth, before slowly sinking his dick into her.  
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
   Eyes going wide as she was flipped over, Victoria yelped when she was pressed into the ground unable to do much other than keep her ass in the air. Moaning aloud as Kajinn rubbed against her lips, she barely heard him, only able to moan out a quick "P-please" before the shark man above her pressed himself into her tight folds, her tail wrapping itself around the base of his shaft and balls. Grinding herself back against Kajinn, Victoria's hands made their way to her breasts and crotch, teasing herself as she was filled.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Please what? Fuck you harder? Mm. If you insist." Kajinn says, suddenly ramming the rest of his length in, the ridges on his cock scraping against her walls and adding to the pleasure. He waits a minute for her to adjust before he starts roughly slamming into her pussy. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
   Feeling the shaft spreading her wide, Victoria though she was ready, but was quickly proved wrong as she was stimulated in places she didn't know she had, moaning out "YESSSSSSS!!!". Panting as Kajinn let her rest, she nearly collapsed when he pulled back, feeling her folds being pulled back by the ridges, her arms and legs giving out, leaving her supported by Kajinns cock. Feeling him slam back into her left Victoria almost insensate, moaning out like a bitch in heat as she was repeatedly filled and emptied. Managing to get one of her legs back under her she started grinding back, moving her hips in circles as her tail rubbed itself against Kajinn's hefty balls.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He picks up the pace, slamming into her faster and groaning in pleasure as her walls clamp down around his cock. "Ohhh, you like that, huh? How about this?" He growls, one hand pressing her down while the other reaches down between her legs and drives two fingers into her asshole, thrusting in and out in time with his penetration of her pussy. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
   Feeling her tight rosebud being spread around Kajinn's fingers, Victoria groaned out, clenching down on his fingers and cock. Pulling her legs up she wrapped herself around the shark mans waist, pulling herself against him in time with his thrusts. Trying to say something, all that came out of Victoria's mouth was a garbled moan. Having pulled herself closer, Kajinn's thrusts went even deeper, causing Victoria to grab onto him, and her claws to slide out, scratching along his arms.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Kala steps back from Coye and smile "no problem Coye" she hears Su say that she was taking care of something ... she becomes curious then look at Su's body and changes the idea os inquire about what she meant about that 

"as for where we are .. .i have no idea but probably isn't somewhere nice .. she voice said it was going to experiment with us " she sighs and look at the green walls unable to do anything besides wait.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He growls in pleasure and fucks her even faster, his hips ramming into her at a breakneck pace. He can feel his orgasm building higher and higher, and there was this strange urge in the back of his mind that told him to cum inside, to breed this woman, so that she'd be heavily pregnant... He shakes his head and leans down to Victoria. "Inside, outside, or in your ass?" He asks, his words punctuated by grunts as he slams into her. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     With Kajinn picking up his pace, Victoria can't even get a full response to his question before she crashes over the edge of her climax, only managing to get out "P-P-PleaAHHHHHHHHHHH!" pulling herself tight against the shark man, clamping down on his cock and fingers inside of her, and dragging her claws along Kajinn's body.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
With a groan, he reluctantly pulls out of her pussy and rams into her ass, moaning in pleasure as his orgasm finally boils over. Ropes after ropes of cum spurt into her ass as he continues to thrust, wanting to wring as much pleasure from this as possible, before the flow of his cum finally stops, and he stops moving, still buried in her ass. He pants heavily as he looks into her eyes. "We... Definitely need to do this again..." He murmurs, nibbling her ear. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Riding her climax as Kajinn slams his shaft into her ass, leaving Victoria moaning as she feels him erupt deep inside her, the ridges on the sides of his cock spreading her rosebud as he thrust back and forth, eliciting small moans from her with each ridge. As they came to a rest, Victoria left her limbs wrapped around her partner, pulling close and snuggling herself against him as he nibbled on her ear, just saying "Yes we do" as she caught her breath.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
He grins and pants, also trying to catch his breath as he winds down from his orgasm. "So... You like it rough, hmm?" He says, grinning and resting his chin on his hands and looking down at her with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Looking up at Kajinn, Victoria replies "Mhmm, and when others take control"  and leaning up to the side of his head, she adds "And I mean take control."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
Kajinn grins a slow, wide grin. "I think... You and I are going to have a lot of fun..." He murmurs back, his dick twitching in her ass in agreement. He slowly draws his still half-erect dick out of her ass and rolls off her. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
     Sighing as she was pulled out of, Victoria let herself rest for a moment, enjoying the feeling Kajinn's hot spiunk inside her. Getting up she started looking around the room, hoping to find anything useful. Looking over at her cell mates she called out "We should probably start looking for a way out, or at least a way forward."


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2016
"Yeah. You're right..." Kajinn says, sitting up and looking around for clues as to their purpose in the room or any way out. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
As the floor gave out below her, Tina reflexively reached out with her tentacles, sticking them to the wall. She hung there for a few minutes before the sudden wind tunneling effect began blasting through the room and she was forced down into the darkness. She hit the floor with a wet splat, and everything went dark for a while until she was awakened by the sound of pleasured moaning. Opening her eyes she saw her cellmates, Kajinn and what's-her-name, locked in the throws of passion. Pulling herself into a sitting position she had the perfect view of them from behind, and watched as he thrust into her over and over again before finally finishing in her ass. "Having fun you two?"