Inter-species Breeding and Fertility Treatments


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
No it doesnt make more sense. Having nanomachines specifically go into gonads and change dna there for no reason is stupid. It only opens companies for getting sued for adding a dangerous nonsensical features.

Nanomachines already making all alteration of DNa...weird. Sicne their can change PC arm or leg why it can;t go into gonads to change them? Ofc heir can and it all only comming down to one thing: programming them to do specific thing.

So I take for sake of sanity Fen&Co set that none of existing TF items got nanits that would target DNA in host gonads. Even all those "illegal" items still seesm to avoiding touching gonads dna. Well aside that actualy their would need to affect already produced reproductionary cells since simply modifying dna of cless that still are before meiosis will still carry unpredictable factor.


Oct 18, 2016
@Savin, is Misty mostly correct in their statements about interspecies breeding? Also, according to McCallister when talking about the Myr species morph mods, taking a species mod will cause breeding true with the new species (if used to become a Myr, one's children with natural Myr will be effectively full Myr for instance), which is why the golds are so interested, they want/need more queens and males, and hope the mods will allow them to gain that. That is correct, right?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Im on the cell phone and accidently clicked submit.

I assumed it was something like that. 

It happens.

So I take for sake of sanity Fen&Co set that none of existing TF items got nanits that would target DNA in host gonads. Even all those "illegal" items still seesm to avoiding touching gonads dna. Well aside that actualy their would need to affect already produced reproductionary cells since simply modifying dna of cless that still are before meiosis will still carry unpredictable factor.

I´m not sure how the space magic works, but yes, your cum is gonna contain your original dna.

I did once wonder what actually happened to your cells when you changed your cum type, but I guess they just change shape, form, taste etc. along with the lubricant they´re surrounded with. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I did once wonder what actually happened to your cells when you changed your cum type, but I guess they just change shape, form, taste etc. along with the lubricant they´re surrounded with. 

My quess is that this change only what is this liquid in which cells flowing since that would be most natural explanation. As the most important part aka cells are the same but medium in which their are placed it is changed by all those mods.

I think in scene about TF for honey cum Codex saying that PC cums desite been ure honey stil got cells in it. So as ong the medium itslef won;t physicaly damage celss in it it could be used. That thou...question lil bit if Kelly/Kally/umm that Kiro sis cum is actualy not making some damage to cells in cum (it's after all kind of alcohol she cums out).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
The answer is simple. It changes the cells in the prostrate to produce different fluids. Thats where most of semen comes from.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I am hereby founding the Holy Church of Space Magic. Repent now lest ye be condemned to the Tainted Space for all eternity.

- Pope Captain Shitpost


Changing every cell in the body is kinda like demolishing a whole house and then rebuilding it just to add an balcony or a pool.

Thats what the nanomachines do though they re-build your body and modify your DNA to continue producing the cells. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thats what the nanomachines do though they re-build your body and modify your DNA to continue producing the cells. 

They don't rebuild the whole body, they just replace/modify the parts that are to be replaced. Replacing every single cell in the body in the duration that a transformation takes is literal insane. In a few minutes it would have to change every single cell in every organ, vein and dermis without the pc turning to goo. Or having to replace the heart without it bursting or stop working as the naomachines tear into it. Or worst just the concept of entirely replacing the brain in a few minutes is pretty fucking spooky.

Somatic mutation + stem cell manipulation is a much more reasonable, and much less spooky, interpretation of how nanomachines work, than replacing every single cell of your body in mere moments.

Here is the wiki definition on somatic mutation:

A change in the genetic structure that is not inherited from a parent, and also not passed to offspring, is called a somatic cell genetic mutation or acquired mutation.[72]

Cells with heterozygous mutations (one good copy of gene and one mutated copy) may function normally with the unmutated copy until the good copy has been spontaneously somatically mutated. This kind of mutation happens all the time in living organisms, but it is difficult to measure the rate. Measuring this rate is important in predicting the rate at which people may develop cancer.[83]

Point mutations may arise from spontaneous mutations that occur during DNA replication. The rate of mutation may be increased by mutagens. Mutagens can be physical, such as radiation from UV rays, X-rays or extreme heat, or chemical (molecules that misplace base pairs or disrupt the helical shape of DNA). Mutagens associated with cancers are often studied to learn about cancer and its prevention.

Back on topic:

I'm not sure how exactly it's going to work, but at some point i'm going to have to think how exactly vulkrim reproduction works when it comes to hybrids.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
according to McCallister when talking about the Myr species morph mods, taking a species mod will cause breeding true with the new species (if used to become a Myr, one's children with natural Myr will be effectively full Myr for instance), which is why the golds are so interested, they want/need more queens and males, and hope the mods will allow them to gain that. That is correct, right?

Yeah. That's not why Golds are interested in Xenogen at all, though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Lashcharge technicaly later on PC and now already some npc can use psionics skills and this also already out of the window of possible to logical explain thing when it come to explaining it. So to some degree full body rewriting genome followed by full body reconstruction....well minutes not bu half an hour could be done accounting future in game mean higher lvl of technology. Or just like as many nanomachines as human body cells x10 used at once on PC than few min full "reconfiguration" of body could be done.

And ofc on topic: does we got already item to upgrade PC quality of stuff s/he producing not only it quantity and I missed this moment of it been added or still we all waiting for such thing written by someone? xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So if mods aren't carried over to ones offspring, how come Shade isn't a human/kaithrit crossbreed, since her father was a human modded with a kaithrit tf?  :colbert:

I'm looking at you @Savin
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Lashcharge technicaly later on PC and now already some npc can use psionics skills and this also already out of the window of possible to logical explain thing when it come to explaining it. So to some degree full body rewriting genome followed by full body reconstruction....well minutes not bu half an hour could be done accounting future in game mean higher lvl of technology. Or just like as many nanomachines as human body cells x10 used at once on PC than few min full "reconfiguration" of body could be done.

And ofc on topic: does we got already item to upgrade PC quality of stuff s/he producing not only it quantity and I missed this moment of it been added or still we all waiting for such thing written by someone? xD

It's still would be a mess.

I guess quality directly messes with the balls, through just the amount of it that is produced and not what is produced.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
So if mods aren't carried over to ones offspring, how come Shade isn't a human/kaithrit crossbreed, since her father was a human modded with a kaithrit tf?  :colbert:

Well, what was her father's TF at the time of conception?  If it was Kaithrit, perhaps the genetics could've been fooled enough?  Hell of a stretch, but that's all that comes to mind right now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There is added starting perk for improving quality of produced fluids but feels atm like it's left alone without anyhthing similar gained from ingame items. Why would someone add this if there wasn;t plans to allow PC rise/lower this value too?

Making some code to handle balls not grow when instead of more TF would allow to stuff produced be of better quality to have same effect shouldn't be such hard to do now? Or would it be now since nothing toward this have been done over the last year?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Well, what was her father's TF at the time of conception?


modded with a kaithrit tf?  :colbert:

I'm going to assume the answer lies in the question Savin just answered: if you take a species morph mod to the point where you'd be considered a pure-blooded version of that species, offspring you have with that species will be pure-blooded whatever. In Kitty Vicky's instance, kaithrit. However, that would imply that species-morph mods change an individual's reproductive DNA to some extent...

That's just how I'd reason it, though. It's all up to Savin because they're his characters. Vic does have the potential to be "over-modded" to the point where maybe the gene mods he took started "contaminating" his sperm? I mean, we can bullshit stuff all day. Vic is an open book and is identified as being a fringe modding case already, because he damaged his genome to the point where anti-aging treatments and other mods began to fail...

Still goes against the "gene mods don't effect your kids" stance...
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016
Ah, I failed to see that.  Can't read today.  But I think lVlysteriousPerson has a far better answer than I do.

Makes more sense, anyway.



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@IVIysteriousPerson Or maybe Vic downfall was also effect his genome was such unstable it was possible for him to became fully kitty guy allowing to get from fucking kitty lady fully kitty daughter (Shade)? Or was it side effect of that he get so mess up genome he could be treated as full blood memebr of races her TF into?


Maybe vic set his nanites to overwrite the dna in his sperm. Or they didn't have a limit on them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
If New Texans' and Huskars' consistent use of gene mods over long periods of time could produce permanent genetic changes to future generations, it's not unreasonable that one person like Vic that went so absurdly far with gene mods, to the point of completely losing his genetic identity and scrambling his DNA so badly it killed him, could mess himself up in some unique way.

He'd be an outlier, and, while he would go against an established rule, that's literally what outliers do. It doesn't invalidate the concept by itself.

On top of his overusage of gene mods - old and far less reliable mods at that, if I understand the timeline correctly - Victor also had deal with transformations caused by his version of personalized micro-surgeons. Which mutated him in a quick and dirty fashion using aliens' genetic material harvested right than and there.
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Aug 26, 2015
Did he have nanites for these types of things, though?  I was under the impression he didn't.

He had a less advanced type of nanite that would mutate him more often and more dangerously than Captain Steele's, which were developed over a century later.  The way I have Dr. Lessau tell it, the creator of Vic's microsurgeons was Lessau's mentor at the time.  Said creator was recruited by Xenogen Biotech to gain access to the technology, while Lessau remained an independent scientist.  From there the development paths diverged heavily: Xenogen used it as the foundation of their powerful, cheap and reliable gene mods, while Lessau, once backed by Steele Tech, focused on using it as a step up from existing immune boosters that nearly everyone has, but don't provide the same transformative abilities that Captain Steele's grant.

If Captain Steele clears Deck 13 and provides Steele Tech with rights to the gray goo in the process, Lessau will mention he plans to use them to further his research.  Whether anything will come of this...we'll see.  Stand by for future announcements.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
He had a less advanced type of nanite that would mutate him more often and more dangerously than Captain Steele's, which were developed over a century later.  The way I have Dr. Lessau tell it, the creator of Vic's microsurgeons was Lessau's mentor at the time.  Said creator was recruited by Xenogen Biotech to gain access to the technology, while Lessau remained an independent scientist.  From there the development paths diverged heavily: Xenogen used it as the foundation of their powerful, cheap and reliable gene mods, while Lessau, once backed by Steele Tech, focused on using it as a step up from existing immune boosters that nearly everyone has, but don't provide the same transformative abilities that Captain Steele's grant.

If Captain Steele clears Deck 13 and provides Steele Tech with rights to the gray goo in the process, Lessau will mention he plans to use them to further his research.  Whether anything will come of this...we'll see.  Stand by for future announcements.

Is there anybody in Lessau's office that specializes in fertility and pregnancy product?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That's TamaniCorp's gimmick already.

I guess. I thought one of the points of Dr. Lessau is so that Steele Tech can breach into other companies markets and stop the PC from sucking Xenogen's cock so much.


Aug 26, 2015
Xenogen is a unique case because it's everywhere, it's noticeably more evil than most other megacorps, and the PC is frequently involved in things that could promote or harm its interests.  The majority of the other megacorps that provide transformatives or equipment are just there as setting fluff and perhaps the occasional event.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Xenogen is a unique case because it's everywhere, it's noticeably more evil than most other megacorps, and the PC is frequently involved in things that could promote or harm its interests.  The majority of the other megacorps that provide transformatives or equipment are just there as setting fluff and perhaps the occasional event.


Either way, the nursery will require some sort of dedicated pregnancy based scientist at some point.


Active Member
Sep 7, 2016
Yeah. That's not why Golds are interested in Xenogen at all, though.

Then what are they interested in it for, if not making sure their species survives? Incidentally, what might a myr/Zil hybrid be like?

He had a less advanced type of nanite that would mutate him more often and more dangerously than Captain Steele's, which were developed over a century later.  The way I have Dr. Lessau tell it, the creator of Vic's microsurgeons was Lessau's mentor at the time.  Said creator was recruited by Xenogen Biotech to gain access to the technology, while Lessau remained an independent scientist.  From there the development paths diverged heavily: Xenogen used it as the foundation of their powerful, cheap and reliable gene mods, while Lessau, once backed by Steele Tech, focused on using it as a step up from existing immune boosters that nearly everyone has, but don't provide the same transformative abilities that Captain Steele's grant.

If Captain Steele clears Deck 13 and provides Steele Tech with rights to the gray goo in the process, Lessau will mention he plans to use them to further his research.  Whether anything will come of this...we'll see.  Stand by for future announcements.

Who is Lessau, he's not on the wiki.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I think its more like the opposite. Nanomachines changing the dna of all the pc cells should also be biological imposible if not extremely lethal. Also a huge waste of money to add sucha feature.

My interpretation is that nanomachines go to the cells they need to change, change the dna locally and then accelerate cell production and death cycles. Doing what takes 7 years for your body to in a few mere moments.

Well not in size mods,thats a different issue.

But wouldn't that make us age a decade every time we use a mod...