What would you like as a starting race?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
How are you expecting a half-Puazi PC, to remain a virgin until the events of T.i.T.S. starts unfolding?  :p  

Through the power of daddy's money. As clearly that's the only thing that keeps the PC a virgin before the game started at all.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Yea sorry, I couldn't stop laughing at the convo between our two resident Harpies and the man with a PHD in Xenobiology.

Anyways I would love an insect starting race, but not the ants.

Maybe a Spider or a Firefly? (Only two that comes to mind, that I would personally find to be interesting).

Also the whole Vulcan thing sounds interesting, I hope somebody does something with it.

V- Most of this was random ranting, that you don't need to read but I didn't have the heart to erase. -V

Do you know what is funny though?

If they had an irresistible need to mate, that would be on the line of a state of being feral.

And when I brought up maybe adding in a Feral NPC, I was told that was bestiality and is not allowed.

I still find it hard to understand this kind of shit...
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Do you know what is funny though?

If they had an irresistible need to mate, that would be on the line of a state of being feral.

And when I brought up maybe adding in a Feral NPC, I was told that was bestiality and is not allowed.

I still find it hard to understand this kind of shit...

If I may ask. What did you mean by 'feral' exactly?

Seems like, judging by the way you put it, you meant 'feral' as in wild, predatory, and savage. Ya know, Stuff like that basically. But not feral as in the 'quadruped' feral.
If that's what you meant, I feel like you should've pointed it out in the initial suggestion so that others didn't read it wrong. Feral has two meanings and all, and it's kinda easy to mix the two up, especially since it seems the first thing people think when they see the word 'feral' is the quadruped meaning.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
If I may ask. What did you mean by 'feral' exactly?

Seems like, judging by the way you put it, you meant 'feral' as in wild, predatory, and savage. Ya know, Stuff like that basically. But not feral as in the 'quadruped' feral.
If that's what you meant, I feel like you should've pointed it out in the initial suggestion so that others didn't read it wrong. Feral has two meanings and all, and it's kinda easy to mix the two up, especially since it seems the first thing people think when they see the word 'feral' is the quadruped meaning.

I meant feral, as in one who is lost in their baser instincts.

My particular kink, is partner who is rough in the sack.

So a feral partner would have some wild sex, wouldn't it?

But when I brought that up in another thread, they said it wouldn't happen.

I'm not saying "Hey let's go fuck some wild animal!!".

Maybe something more tribal I suppose???

I'm still unclear on the subject myself, but just wanted more aggressive NPC's is all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Seems like we can have intelligent/ relatively civilized monstrous looking partners like the queen of the deep. And we can have simple minded/ feral yet humanoid looking creatures like the pexiga. But we aren't allowed to have sex partners that are both significantly non humanoid and simple minded/feral at the same time. Apparently that trends to close to bestiality for Fen's comfort (Which is understandable. Although an odd exception is made for sexual parasites such as cunt snakes, mimbranes, and cockvines.) 
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I meant feral

I'm not saying "Hey let's go fuck some wild animal!!".

There's your problem.

Feral refers to a specific fetish in the furry community -- which is to say, bestiality. If you say you want something something feral something, that's what everybody assumes. Find a different word for your kink.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
The concept is weird. Like the Naleen are intelligent enough to speak even though they live in the jungle wilds. But if a human child did that they'd be "feral" and would probably never reach adult intelligence.

Almost no furry/monster girl/etc is "dumb" enough to be feral by the traditional sense. The furthest you can get is one that doesn't speak but is still intelligent. Take Savin for example, would he really complain if a lamia that didn't speak English went after him?


Aug 26, 2015
The concept is weird. Like the Naleen are intelligent enough to speak even though they live in the jungle wilds. But if a human child did that they'd be "feral" and would probably never reach adult intelligence.

Almost no furry/monster girl/etc is "dumb" enough to be feral by the traditional sense. The furthest you can get is one that doesn't speak but is still intelligent. Take Savin for example, would he really complain if a lamia that didn't speak English went after him?

The capacity for speech is generally a requirement outside weird edge cases that you have to deliberately create.

If you want an otherwise intelligent character who goes berserk during sex, that should be fine.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
The concept is weird. Like the Naleen are intelligent enough to speak even though they live in the jungle wilds.

That's not really weird at all. Go to some random village in the Amazon and see if the people that live there can speak.

Naleen babies don't just get hurled into the jungle by their mothers, you know. Mommy catsneks raise their young at least until they're old enough to take care of themselves. And Steph's episode on the planet shows that they're at least somewhat social creatures to boot: they just prefer to live alone, rather than in larger communities. Plus they'd also be interacting with zil, vanae, and other indigenous intelligent races regularly. Naleen are as intelligent as anybody else living in a hunter/gatherer society should be, if perhaps somewhat less educated/socially adept.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Surely they don't speak English, the Universal Intergalactic Language?

They all speak the universal language of love.

And now to mask the vapid shitposting:

Characters having periods of time when they become truly animalistic and guided by the instincts can be and are used in TiTS to great effect, same with the things in which everyone involved gets to be like that.

 Heck, the Treatment alone provide lots of those moments, and most things written by Wsan have at least similar themes going.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I want a sex crazed race that has moments of transcendental empathy.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2016
I want a sex crazed race that has moments of transcendental empathy.

I feel like that species would be very, very hard to play as or converse with. I mean...you said "Moments" of empathy, meaning that the majority would be a sex binge. 

So, I mean, Treatment with the bonus of actually doing stuff in-between of sex.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Feral refers to a specific fetish in the furry community -- which is to say, bestiality. If you say you want something something feral something, that's what everybody assumes. Find a different word for your kink.

Humans are in themselves beasts, but with a sense of thought that allows them to choose to ignore their instincts.

I'm sure there have been many cases of humans losing all sense of reason, and going in that sense "feral".

People shouldn't take a word with a specific meaning, and attach it to either an action or lifestyle choice.

That is how idiots for instance used the word "gay" to define a homosexual, when it's original definition was one with a joyous disposition.

^ (Me ranting like an idiot, but not wanting to delete it) ^

I suppose this is why I was so confused about why people thought of it as bestiality...

Anyhow my "kink" is for my partner to be rough, but I'm not saying I'm into a domineering partner if that makes sense?

Well to each their own I suppose, so thank you for your time.

 And if anybody read my rant, I am sorry for taking up your time... :(  
Apr 7, 2016
Hey everyone! I think an option to be a full blood would be a nice roleplaying detail. We know that Victor spent time as pretty much every race so he could have been say an Ausar or a Kaithrit at the time the PC is conceived. I dunno it's just a little thing


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Hey everyone! I think an option to be a full blood would be a nice roleplaying detail. We know that Victor spent time as pretty much every race so he could have been say an Ausar or a Kaithrit at the time the PC is conceived. I dunno it's just a little thing

That´s a though one. Mods aren´t usually able to transfer to the next generation, but then again Steele´s dna was changed to the point that it actually might´ve been possible. We did have some questions coming up on whether or not that exception led to Shade being a full Kaithrit, or if she´s actually a half Kaithrit.

But exceptions or not, at the time Steele was human, or at least he made sure his kid was going to inherit human traits.

And becoming a full blown race is so easy that getting one as a starting would be pointless, imo half the fun is TF-ing yourself.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
To be fair, Vic's prototype microsurgeons were so unstable that they would turn him into the mother species mid-conception. 

If i might weigh in on the original subject, i really want to see worldofdrakan's half-Bruchandus starting race (and the bruchandus/lapinara shop in general) become available. 
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Jul 11, 2016
Probably something avian, or those moth-people mentioned earlier, half-breed girls with little tufts of fuzz around their wrists and neck sounds really good.

On the subject of inheriting gene mods, didn't Kelly inherit one of her dad's mods or something like that?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Because of that, I consider her a lore inconsistency that can and should be fixed. Or at the very least her dad needs some kind of snowflake backstory to explain how he passed his mods onto his kid. I'd much prefer the former, though... >_>

Well reason was said here on other thread. Mutations to his gonads to make them possible to carry his mutation over. But  for sake of not opening can of worms making it req. too much time for fine tunning nanites used plus tons of other things req. to be done before to make it possible. Yet thinking it over PC IS another snowflake so making Kelly father one would rise mob demanding PC been another one. So simply fixing lore to him not possing his mods and just her somehow getting them after birth should be the way to solve it without breeding new issues or canon inconsistencies.
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Video game logic: The ever present foe of the community's lore hounds. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
You're just upset because your fetish is a strictly defined set of standardized rules and regulations.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
*bites lip sensually*

Consent is important. :^)

Do people do this? I go to great lengths to make sure I'm not biting the other person too hard, but biting my own lips just hurts.

Not sure if making fun of me.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So it seems I'm not the only one who wonders what's with the lip biting line when it comes to display lewd situations.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
So it seems I'm not the only one who wonders what's with the lip biting line when it comes to display lewd situations.

Biting your own lip, as opposed to nibbling someone else's, isn't supposed to be pleasant. It's to look sexy, or it can be involuntary reaction akin to spasm, or a person deliberately trying to cool down/draw their attention away from something by introducing a non-pleasurable senstation. 

E.g. X bites tgeir lip to stop themselves from jizzing their pants after explaining an obvious joke. :smugdog:
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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2016
What about a half human half demon alien hybrid? But, regardless of sex, the offspring would always be a herm

Whereas, if Steele is a female, they also get a penis and balls along and vice versa to male where they get also get female organ


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What about a half human half demon alien hybrid? But, regardless of sex, the offspring would always be a herm

Whereas, if Steele is a female, they also get a penis and balls along and vice versa to male where they get also get female organ

There are no demon aliens in TiTS nor will there ever be a species that is straight up demons or spiritual in nature. The only demon-looking character is a human that took mods to look demonic.

The closest thing to what you are proposing are the Vulkrim and they are like all male space-imps.
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