Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Of course we are..." She looks over to Greta. "I am assuming she put me back together? Good thing we brought her along." With a sigh she looks around the room "Well, We can go straight or left... for whatever that is worth in this backwards place. Or do you need a res before we go?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi continued her moan as she was filled with the minty cum and then covered in the strange ejaculate. She shivered as a few sparks of pleasure raced about her body as she laid there covered in jizz. it kind of tickled when Melanie tried to wipe it off, Umi couldn't help but laugh a little herself. "I-Its ok... y-you couldn't help it..." Umi said as she panted, now somewhat exhausted. She wanted to maybe get cleaned up but she felt too tired to get up. She blushed as she saw just how covered she was in the minty spunk... she hoped no one else would see her like this.....
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx nodded and got off the large couch "There, you can have that. I will take the watch until Greta gets up. Thanks for watching over me Unta." She reaches up on her tippy toes and kisses her before moving away.

Of course, that brand of thinking always seems to summon people. Korlish, Walsh, Samara, Busco and Wendy all walk into the little home as the two of them sit there covered in minty cum. All at once they freeze and stare at the two of them, silence falling over the room.

Busco: "Anyone else suddenly want some mint candy?"

That broke down the awkward silence into uproars laughter as they all lost it at the sight of the mint covered lovers. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Unta's dreams are troubled by images of losing her friends, watching them beaten, broken or taken away by the labyrinth in some other way. Thankfully she does get some rest and soon her eyes open to show that she is still in the same room. Binx and Greta are talking quietly while leaning up against Unta's body for a bit of extra warmth. 

Greta: "Oh! Hello Unta. did you sleep well?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx: "Sure!" She hops to her feet and heads down the left hall "I figure it doesn't really matter which hall we go down. This place just makes stuff up at random!"

Greta: She follows along next to Unta as they walk "It seems to be that way. No rhyme or rhythm to this place. Just one perverted sex crazed area after the next. Not that I have the right to complain... I am one of those perverts."  She blushes lightly at her own recognition. 

The hall is just like every other hall, light up by torches and comes to an end with a wooden door. Binx looks back at Unta and gives her a nod before pushing the door open. With a slow creek it opens up wide to reveal a sprawling desert! Sand as far as the eye can see with only a cactus every now and again to dot the landscape as heat scorches for above.

Binx: "...Haven't we had enough hot places already?" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I sure hope so!" Melanie snickered. "Chief could rightfully have our heads if we made a mess of the house! C'mon all, there's plenty to go around." To accentuate her half-serious point, she scooped up a handful and slurped it from her paws. No matter how much of the stuff she'd consumed in the one day, Melanie wouldn't get sick of the stuff. The lewd peppermint soup that had become her cum had a definite appeal to her sweet tooth, and she knew that if the others weren't willing to lend a hand, she'd gladly lick it all off herself. Speaking of which, she looked down at poor Umi, still trapped under the mire, and squeezed her hand briefly in comfort.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
when they all walked in on them covered in the sexy juices. Umi gasped and then covered her mouth (witch also flicked a bit of the cum around ) as her face became a very bark bronze. she was so embarrassed, she squeezed Melanie's hand tightly. as her whole face grew hot with blush. "I-I-I! We- but- you- and-" Umi stuttered as she felt so ashamed. "...can i please get cleaned up...?" Umi asked as she looked away completely unable to look anyone in the eye.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx nods her head and turns around "Yea... let's just head to the other door. I really don't want to-" her words are cut short by a scaley hand reaching through the door and pulling her inside. Greta bawks in terror as she turns around to behold a tan scaled lizard man half way into the sand, holding Binx by the shoulder. "Sorry! I will just be taking this!" He dives under the sand and brings Binx with him the mound of his movement getting farther and farther away.

Walsh walked right on over and kneeled down by the mushroom bed. "Of course you can get cleaned up! Let me help!" He leans forward and starts licking her body clean! Samara laughs and come over to join Walshy in cleaning the bee girl off.

Busco: "Oh hell, why not right?" He moves over to Melani and tosses her onto her back before licking her crotch clean with his big old tongue.

Korlish: "...This place is weirder than I thought..." He walks over and joins Walsh and Samara 

Wendy: She just struts over and joins Busco, attacking Melanie with her tongue. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Ticklish as ever, Melanie tried not to squirm too much as Busco and Wendy had her surrounded. "W-whoa hey ta-ake it easy!" she managed to say between hearty laughs. Oversensitive in the afterglow of her orgasm, Busco's tongue made her twitch all over, stomach convulsing with Wendy's own licking. Between her insurmountable chuckles, a moan would slip out as Busco's broad, warm tongue traced her clit and cock just right. She couldn't even imagine poor Umi over there, and felt just a single twinge of satisfaction as she imagined her writhing yet again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco had her crotch clean in no time flat, his huge tongue easily picking up all her minty and leaving warm spit behind. Once that was done he moved down to her legs and got those clean as well while Wendy moved up and spent a real long time cleaning her breasts. She isn't given time to think about it as she soon feels Busco's warm mouth wrap around her cock and start to suck again, a mischievous glint in his eye as his tongue presses up against her sensitive prick. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi shivered as their tongues tickled across her skin and chitin. "guh?! wa-wa-wa-it! this Isn't what i had in mind!" Umi cried as she began to feel a laugh rise up in her. she was super sensitive right then, and they could feel her shake and squirm as they lapped the minty cum off of her body. "ahahaha! wa-wait wait! im sensitive right now! Ahahahah!", she said as she tried to push them away but she just didn't have the strength to do so as the soft tongues played all over her body.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Walsh, Samara and Korlish attacked her with pact like cooperation! Korlish moved down to get her legs, Walsh got her lower torso while Samara got the upper torso and head. She was quickly free of the minty cum but soon was prey to three licking, naughty wolves. Walsh quickly started sucking on her clit while Korlish attacked her puffy black pussy. That left Samara to suck on her black nipples and lick at her breasts. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Oh come on, give it a rest-ah! Okay okay! Never mind, keep it going!" Melanie demanded through clenched teeth, shutting her initially smug response right up as Busco made his intentions clear. The rough taste buds on Wendy's wet tongue did her sensitive nipples wonders, coaxing just a few more trickling drops of nectar from them as Melanie seized up against the bed, breaths heaving as she forced herself not to buck up into Busco's mouth. Violent pleasure surged right through her, numbing her senses as she shut her eyes tight.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco keeps his lips tight, his tongue moving and his head bobbing as he works over Melanie like a pro, obviously having done this before. his motions are on point and send waves of pleasure up her already sensitive body. Meanwhile, Wendy is showing her breasts the kind of attention that only a woman could know about, sucking and licking at her nipples while her hands grope and squeeze the rest of her breasts. The two of them are perfectly synced up, never giving Melanie a moment of rest. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie was nothing but a wriggling, writhing mess as Wendy and Busco worked her body over. Again, her moans became so frequent that her breaths turned choppy, still forcing herself not to thrash too much, as she couldn't help but thrust up into Busco's tight mouth despite how she tried to stop herself. Wendy could surely feel the incessant quivering of her body. With her breasts tender and aching, and her nipples drawn taut, Melanie was already building up for another messy climax.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Enough! Enough! I'm clean I'm cleeeean!", Umi cried, as her lady bits were assaulted by the tongues of the three wolves. she squirmed and squeaked as her sensitive lady parts were once again in use even after two orgasms! once again the the fires of lust were being stoked within her and she began to take long deep breaths. there was still plenty of zil honey in her nice weighty breasts so Samara was treated to some more sweet treats. down below the two male wolves were treated to the tase to her sweet girl cum mix with some of the remains of Melanie's minty spunk. Umi placed her hands on Smara to try and push her off but again she was too exhausted to really put up much resistance...


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Both Wendy and Busco move as fast as they can, eager to push the hybrid girl over the edge. Busco sucks and suck while Wendy attacks her breasts without fail! To add to her pleasure, Busco raises a hand and pushes two fingers deeper into her drooling pussy and another two into her moist ass before pushing them in and out as fast as he can. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
And that, without fail, was the coup de grace for Melanie. She clenched hard around Busco's finger's, frantic to warn him of her crashing orgasm, but eventually just deciding "fuck it" and letting him figure it out on his own. As it hit, and it most definitely did hit, pleasure exploded through her wet nipples courtesy of Wendy, balls contracting roughly, and scrounging up another load to finish off the quickie. Even so, her load was far from sparse as she fired into Busco's mouth and throat, granting him those hefty ropes of sweet mint candy that he so desired, and coaxing even more streams of nectar to dribble from her chest.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy licks and sucks up all the nectar she can while Busco coughs and pulls off her cock, letting a fresh wave of mint that splats onto the bed around them

Busco: "Well then! Didn't think you had that much left in you!

Wendy: "Mmm! This nectar is amazing! I hope you make more of it soon!" 

Samara was quick on the draw, snapping up Umi's breast and sucking the honey from her breast greedily. Walsh and Korlish were licking away at her clit and cunt, enjoying the mix of honey and mint. Soon, Walsh shoved his tongue into her pussy, wiggling it around her walls while Korlish kept on sucking her clit. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Yeah, but what happened to cleaning up the mess?" Melanie nudged her head towards the new, fresh stain on the bed with a fake whine, jokingly kicking at nothing to imitate a peevish child. "Alright, alright, now get off of meeee!" She squealed at Wendy, hardly holding back her chuckles as she set her hands on the otter girl's head. Her tongue was still soothing on her sore tits, but she needed a break.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Busco laughs and moves away from her, standing up to go over and wash up using the washing up water bin. Wendy giggles and moves her head away "Aww, but tasty nectar is tasty! How could you deny me or the world of such a perfect bounty?!" She puts on a fake dramatic voice. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Well tasty will be tastier if you give it the time to come back!" Lacking a smart reply, Melanie still declared her statement matter-of-factly. "Aw but okay I'm sorry. Thanks a bunch for that, and for leaving me with your gal. Wait no, she's her own gal, but the gal that you and me both are fond of." Feeling a tad absentminded after her orgasm, she would've normally thought it wise to shut up, even if she wouldn't now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy nods at her "The sexual tension between you two was unbearable so I just let things happen as I knew they would. I hope she was a good ride... she has been needing a good fuck for a while and you certainly have the equipment to satisfy that desire."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Oh definitely, though hey, I'd never talk down on a little lady loving." Melanie rose up to give Wendy a peck on the cheek, sitting with her on the bed so that they could watch Umi's treatment from the wolves.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was moaning out again, she was at the mercy of the packs attack. "ho~ hooo~ ho~ Wendy! heeeeelp!" Umi cried as a brand new wave of pleasure hit her. she was really sweating now. with her pussy penetrated again, this time by Wlashs tongue. The sexy Zil felt the building of another orgasm in her body as she was pushed but into lusty town. she copuld last very long in this state.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy: She nods and gets up, moving over to the gang attack and promptly joining in by kissing Umi on the lips.

This spurs on the horny wolves and the redouble their efforts, attacking her body with their tongues, invading her pussy, lashing her clit and sucking on her nipples!