Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"Yeah, I think I've got a pretty solid idea of what she wants to happen." Umi's suspicions reassured Melanie of her own, and she suddenly became all the more aware of the rhythmic throbbing of her cock and sighed as well. "Although, I'll be honest and say that that's not the only "solid" thing in here right now, if you can pick up what I'm throwing down." She spoke the last part in a sidemouth, unable to will herself away from the lust fumes as her lower holes dribbled lubricant.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi actually laughed at that. She could tell that Melanie was an ok gal despite how... different.... she looked. "....I'd be lying if i said i didnt feel something too. the real question is: do we give her what she wanted...?" Umi said as she held Melanie in her gaze. she was already aroused by walking about naked and seeing melaines big lovely bust and long hard candy cane cock didn't help.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
"I dunno, but the real question is: do you like the taste of peppermint?" Melanie palmed the tip of her candy cane cock with one hand, skimming her fingers slowly across Umi's thigh and up towards her cute black pussy. Feeling bold, she snaked it further up the trail of teasing touches and thumbed at her clit.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi gasped as she felt Melanie play at her black slit, but she didn't stop her. Melanie could feel that Umi was very much already wet down there. She looked over her new friend nervously unsure of what to do. Her eyes darted to those big lovely breast she had, and not wanting to seem rude she slowly move one of her hands over to Melaine's now rather spacious rack. 
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Do not underestimate me, I have more than one trick up my sleeve, where do we sleep... Yawn. I don't want these flower getting me in the night" Elmyra said


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Heh, you sound like every other person who comes in here thinking they are the big man or woman about town. I wonder how long you will last..." She stares at Elmyra for just a few moments before shrugging her shoulders. "I sleep among the plants, I enjoy their embrace, so you are in a tight spot aren't you? I suppose you could gather some large leaves, try to fashion up a bed." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Umi's reaction allowed Melanie the wiggle-room to go a little further, and she slid one finger up against the bee girl's wet slit as she pressed it inside. Seeking her g-spot, Melanie rubbed slowly and firmly across the upper-wall of her tight cunt, hoping to wind her up further, but not send her over the edge just yet. In response to Umi's touch, a small spurt of sweet fluid fell from Melanie's breasts. "Oh uh, don't get freaked out, that's just nectar." For a moment, she wondered if it would be rude to imply the connection between bees and nectar, but immediately shut her mind the fuck up as she remembered what all she was doing, and pressed a second finger at her entrance.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"It's alright sleeping on ground with the grass on my body was always relaxing, just tell me where the flower won't rape me"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Crystle looks around and shrugs. "I honestly have no idea. This is the ENCHANTED forest after all. Everything here has a mind and will of it's own... so just take your best guess!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra took a minute or two to find the place that was looking the least enchanted and decided to lay down for the night while being on her guard 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
umi bit her lip softly as Melanie started to giver her a proper fingering. her lust fumes were on full blast now, her lust had made it impossible to control. she soon had both her hands on the big enticing set of breasts. This got nectar on both of her hands, she brought one back to her face almost on instinct and licked the nectar. she was surprised by the taste. it seemed to embolden her and she moved closer to the hybrid until they were hip to hip. her gaze was stuck on those nectar filled breasts. the nectar seemed to perk her up and for reasons she couldn't explain she seemed drawn to it... She was extremely embarrassed to admit it but... she really wanted more the sweet substance "oh god how do I even ask about this?!" Umi thought. "um... Melaine... can I-I... oh geez... this is hard to say.... can i.... maybe... hav some of... your nectar!" she finally managed to say her face blushing very hard. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie wrapped her legs around Umi's back, pulling them even closer together as her stiff cock brushed up against her partner's stomach. Cheekily, she answered Umi's request with a question, pressing her rack closer to the bee girl's face as she did so. "Good question, can you?" was her only response, and she savored the blush on Umi's face as she gradually sped up the motions of her fingers. Her thumb, too, made its way up to paw at her clit, forked tongue lashing in her mouth in anticipation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Elmyra spends the night on the grass with no coverings. Thankfully the forest is warm enough as it is... but it still wasn't the best night she has ever had. Slowly the morning sun comes back up and she is woken by the sounds of wild life around her once more. She is also woken up by a soft and silky feeling around her breasts accompanied by a gentle tickle around her breasts.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Her hand brushes off something silky and smooth, making the sensations stop for a moment before they resume again. The soft feeling around her breasts makes them warm up just a tad while she feels a gentle tickle on her nipples. After just a few moments, she feels the same feeling around her pussy and a tickle around her clit. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra was slowly waking up "You cannot do this until I am married you know..." as she saying that her eyes opened to see what was happening.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Three flowers have grown around her sleeping form. They are a deep purple color with three long, tendril like stamen growing from the middle. Two of them have cupped gently over her breasts, the stamen wrapping around her nipples while the third is over her pussy, the stamen wrapping around her clit. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
It's not like the flowers had a very powerful grip at all, and mid roll she flattened the one on her right. She was now completely out of their range and they made no move to get her.

Crystle walks into the clearing and gasps before running over to cradle the crushed flower. "What are you doing?! You squished the poor thing!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I'm sorry but they were trying to do things to me, i'm sure these are tough they will be fine" Elmyra tattoos were a light pinkish, the teasing from the flower was still very arousing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was embarrassed with herself for asking something so lewd but she couldn't help it... she wanted more.... with Melanie wrapping her legs around her and putting her tits very close to her face with such a snarky comment, she felt her heart beat faster as she could take it no longer. she just about lunged at Melaine's breasts and latched to one of her nipples and began to suckle as her other hand found itself on the other breast, grouping and squeezing as she began to drink.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie threw one hand over Umi's shoulder so that she could savor the arch of her back. The gentle but also not-so-gentle feelings of Umi at her breasts forced a relaxed, drawn-out moan from Melanie as she ground her cock softly against the bee girl's stomach. The two fingers in Umi's snatch moved faster now, rubbing the gals g-spot hard and head on at a merciless pace as her lower set of arms toyed with the girl's lusciously soft boobs, rolling her nipples between her fingers. The arm around her back needed something more to do, Melanie decided, and it snaked its way down Umi's body, tracing across her thighs and plump ass, and then prodding gently at the girl's anus with the intent of entry.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Crystle glared at Elmyra and set the flower down while turning around to face her. "You know what... the deal is off! You are such a massive pole up your ass that I just can't deal with you. Entitled little rich girl stomping all over the forest. Take your arranged marriage and shove it up your ass! The door is that way!" she points off to the west "Good luck getting there... I hope this place rapes some sense into you." She turns her back to Elmyra and tries to help the little flower. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I'm sorry it's not what I wanted to do, if I can do anything to fix things between us..." Elmyra tattoos where a very pale blue and her voice was very sincere for once 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"These flowers are harmless you know... they are just little scamps that like to touch and tickle. No side effects at all. Now you went and squished one... You want to fix thing? Loosen up! Very few things have added effects here and the ones that do are really obvious." The flower is slowly perking back up as she holds it. "you might think this place isn't getting to you... but it has already made you so paranoid that you are lashing out at the harmless." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Alright I will try to calm down, now does our deal is still standing?" Elmyra said in a apologetic way


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Crystle sighs and stands back up "Well, the flower is fine I suppose... but you are on thin ice lady." She moves over to where she came from and picks up the fruit she dropped. "Here, more of these, eat up and we will keep moving." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Several hours at the least and this next part is the hardest one. We have to pass the fae dragon hive to reach the door and they are... very mischievous at the best of times. They love to play pranks that are, for the most part, harmless. Changing hair color, eye color, skin color... bigger boobs, butt, growing a cock.... anything to make you flustered."