Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Crysle, what a wonderful name, this place look beautiful, but what's is this labyrinth?" Elmyra asked in a way that was sounding a just little bit fake.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As Umi pushed open the door she was greeted with the normal sandstone hallways she has become so used to seeing. Wendy takes her hand and the two of them step into the hall, closing the door behind her as they move further inside and into the open room down the hall. They had options now. Left, right, forward and  a ladder that went down. "Hmm... which way?"

The chief does something rather strange. He kneels down and starts petting her head like a person would pet their dog. "There we go pet... that is exactly how you please your new master. It was nice wasn't it? To get more of my cum inside of you and submit yourself? Isn't it nice to not have to think and only serve?"

"The labyrinth is really where you are. This entire place is just one of the seemingly endless rooms contained inside of it. People from different worlds and time lines seem to get dragged in here for some reason or another. None have found an exit as far as I know... most just get assimilated into this place and forget that they ever wanted to leave." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Dread crept up her throat alongside his cum, but Melanie didn't let it show. The realization of her situation was finally setting in, and as much as she would've liked to fight it, she spoke docilely to keep her supposed "master" pacified. "Yes... chief master," was all she managed. Thoughts continued to fill her head. She wondered if she'd be tight ever again, or if there'd ever be a moment where there wasn't some trace of his cum inside of her. Melanie saw herself from a distance, slurping at the lewd mire beneath her, and was ashamed. She'd done as he'd asked like a dog, accepting the idea of living like this. Fuck! How could she have forgotten? Samara and Busco and Korlish and Walsh, Diana too, even Ravindra, Tom, Sally, Chief Chief, and the lot. They would've wanted her out of there, and she knew that the moment he let her be, she'd have to take matters into her own hands.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Gold Chief got up and hooked her to the wall again before walking away. "Well, I have business to attend to. you rest up here for a while. When I come back, I will have the village drink from your breasts. I am sure you give enough for everyone to have several cups." He chuckles and leaves her to stew in her own lewd juices and his cum.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Thank you, and you one of those people that get assimilated?" Elmyra asked as her tatoo changed from her natural light blue to a dark one as fear filled her. The idea of beign stranded far away from her cosy palace was awful for her.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
She wondered if perhaps the shackles could be weakened overtime by moisture. Specifically, she looked to where the chains were attached at the wall, looking for any bolts she could loosen as she cupped her hands and scooped up the plentiful cum. In the meantime, maybe she could slow down his plans? Melanie wasn't sure how much more her body could handle, but she brought one nipple to her mouth and swallowed down the streams of nectar. If she couldn't have it, none of his ants could either, she decided.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Crystle nods her head "Yes. I came here several years ago as just a normal human... but this place is the nicest I have been to and now I am happy to stay here rather than risk my ass out in the labyrinth. I think these plants are rather fitting don't you?" she strikes a pose for Elmyra to admire her soft looking body.

 The chains are stuck to the wall by a metal stake her has jammed into it... maybe if she wiggled about and lubed it up she could pop it free? Mean while, she chugged down her nectar, filling her belly with tasty warmth as her energy slowly returned. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi took in all the option before her and then focused on the latter going down. "what about forward.... I have bad feeling about the downward path..."


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra knew tales of plant woman luring young man to "fest" on their pray, and was on her guard. "Yes, it look beautiful, but do you know anything about this possible exit?" Elmyra asked Crystle 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Wendy nodded "I don't think direction has much meaning in here... but lets just go forward all the same. I don't have any better ideas after all." still holding Umi's hand, they move down the north hall and come up to another wooden door. "You ready?"

"Oh yes, I know of the exit. Every room has two doors after all. It is a long journey though. A day at least through this entire place and past all the other things that live here." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Horny wolves, horny deer, horny plants and he worst of the bunch, horny fei dragons. Each one brings a different style of lusty attacks to try and make you bend over." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx moves over and leans up against Unta who is quickly joined by Greta as well. "you are really something special... you know that right Unta? You have this amazing body and I always feel safe around you... basically... thanks for being here for us." 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Her nectar became less and less appetizing the more she drank, and her painfully full stomach gurgled in protest. So, rather than swallowing any more, she killed two birds with one stone, suckling a mouthful, before spitting it onto the base of the stake. Should the chief walk in, it'd be fairly obvious what she was doing, but at least it was less obvious than if she were using stark-white cum as her lubricant. Melanie positioned herself so that her back obscured most of the stake from view, and between mouthfuls, she'd tug at the base to try and pull it out of the wall.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As Melanie worked, she got more and more progress with the stake coming looser and looser before finally it popped free! Her wrists and ankles were still shackled, but she could probably hover around in short bursts with her new wings. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie gathered up the chains in a heap so that they didn't drag on the floor. Quiet as a mouse, she got out of bed, and peered around the corner of the hallway where the chief exited, scrutinizing just about everywhere for any potential places of escape.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Hey, it's not like you two have done nothing for me," she replied. "Speaking of which, I think I've figured out why I've been so horny lately."  


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Elmyra tattoos turned to a complete black as the idea of horny beast. "What is the safest way to get at the door, or a way to skip past those beast?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Melanie peeks around the corner and she can actually see out into the village Gold chief is on his throne and many ants move back and forth while they do their jobs. The exit is rather far away and bound as she is... her chances are not the best. She could try to wiggle around the houses... but with so many ants she is bound to be caught. 

Greta looks up at her "Why is that Unta? Though I think I already know the answer to that."

"well, you either fight the beasts, fuck the beasts or sneak around them. know a path around most of it... but I am not going to tell you... not for free of course." 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, it seems that my milk has been building up since we left your farm, Greta. I didn't realize how full I had gotten until one of those dragons grabbed my tits."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta: She bawks at that. "Of course! the machine made you lactate naturally now! We have not been taking care of it so of course your body would heat up!"

Binx: "Are you saying we have to milk you on a normal occasion now?" 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"At the rate I seemed to heat up, I'd say at lest daily," replied Unta, crossing her arms under her breasts and pushing them up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Binx: "Well, I see no problem with this... so long as I can drink it by mouth rather than milk with my hands. No need to waste it right?"

Greta: "I... I would also like to drink it if you are ok with that Unta."

Crystle things for a moment. "Hmm... you don't have much to offer and you are basically naked as it is... Oh! I know!" She reaches up to her flower hat and pulls an acorn out of it. "Put this inside of your pussy! Keep it there until you feel ti heat up. When that happens, plant it whever you are! It will grow into a big tree! That way we can spread new life about this crazy place!" 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie looked frantically up and down the shackles, looking for any signs of weakness, any way she could snap the chains that were around her wrists and ankles. She checked all over the room in every nook and cranny for anything she could use to break them, or use as a distraction, or anything that could help her in general.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
In a flash of movement one would never expect from something so big, Unta scooped the smaller women up and shoved a breast into each of their faces. "Oh, God, I thought you'd never ask," she cried.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
In her search she found Gold Chiefs box of goodies which was interesting at least. More searching and she found... a key! A brass key! I might fit her shackles!

Both Binx and Greta gave surprised gasps before smiling and sucking the offered nipples into their mouths. Their lips felt so soft against her sore and full breasts and they quickly drew out the milk waiting inside. Both girls drank deeply from her breasts while pressing their bodies up against her, suckling happily and hugging their big friend. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2016
Melanie tried the key on the shackles, and while knowing very well that time was scarce, took a few seconds to dig through the box in search of a weapon of any kind.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Luck truly does favor Melanie right now as the key fits and her shackles quickly fall off of her. She doesn't find any weapon in the box, just pills and medi-pens. At least her limbs are free to move again.