Labyrinth Adventure Reborn (Closed for lack of Attendance)


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chak chirped happily and took the stick back. He quickly drew and a little stick lizard with it's arms up in celebration. A quick smile up to her and he drew another stick figure with little wings... it looks like her tried to draw her. Next came an arrow which pointed from her to him and then to the hut? Looking down at Chak showed those big helpful eyes again, it seems he wants her to stay with him.

Greta: she put her hands on her hips. "Darlin, that is a question with so many answers and I am not sure I have all of them. Care to be more specific?"

Binx: "Yea, what is up with that crazy labyrinth that lead us here? Why are we locked into these revealing clothes? Where are we now?"

Greta: "Alright, take it easy now. One question at a time would you? That crazy labyrinth as you say is a complete mystery to me. I showed up there a long time ago. It seems to have tons and tons of different places for you to go to, but they are all contained areas. I have been in snowy mountains, jungles, islands and post apocalyptic worlds. But they always have a way in and a way out. As for your clothes, I have no idea... maybe the labyrinth is alive and likes the look? You aren't truly locked into them, as they can be stripped off by someone with... less than pure intentions for your body. Last was where you are now... well, you are in a peaceful place. I found this part a while back and decided to live here. I built this house but the barn was already here. Now I just take care of the animals and live my days in peace... even if it is rather boring at times." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna was trying to control herself, but she was unable to not feel pleasure from all the cock around and inside her. She was no longer fighting against the envy of bitting the cock in her mouth. She was even fighting against the envy of taking the cock even deeper in her throat. Her hand were busy trying to untie themselves. The bond were poorly made due the speed at which she was tied up, and Luna was quite flexible.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
using her dexterous fingers she was able to squirm her hands free of the furs covering them. The knots were hastily tied and did not hold up well to her constant prodding and poking. Ever so slowly she can feel them coming loose around her wrists but her legs were still tied in several places. This entire time the hunters were taking turns on her holes, thrusting into them without care for her pleasure. Each one would last maybe five minutes before pushing in to the hilt and pumping their load deep into her ass, pussy or throat before stepping back and letting the next hunter have their round.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna mind was beyond breaking point, she was able to hold her climax for quite a lot of time, but her will broke and the orgasm came like a crashing wave trough her body and mind. Her eyes were rolling and her tears of joy were replaced by tears of pure ecstasy. She was still trying to untie her hand and the bonds were coming loose. And she started to work on her legs and feet.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
As the hunters continued to fuck her through her orgasm, the chieftains staff came down with a loud thud inches away from her face. He knelt down with a snarl on his face and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. "I no fool, you loosen bonds. Punishment get worse." The hunters pull out of her holes and roll her cum stuffed and soaked body onto her back. Stakes are driven into the ground and her limbs are untied before quickly being retied to the new stakes, leaving her spread eagle and exposed. "Now. Slut. you obey? Or this need worse?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I will obey" Then luna took a look at her cum soaked body, she was clearly disturbed at the sight, not because of what they did to her, but rather because the lack of shame she felt at the sight of her body.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The chieftain just snorts and clicks at the hunters. All at once they resume their gang bang, stuffing her ass, pussy and mouth at the same time and quickly setting into fast thrusting motions. Her new pose leaves room for more though, as two hunters come up and stats rubbing their cocks on her breasts and two more move over and put their cocks in her hands, forcing her to give them hand jobs as they thrust.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
Luna knew that her only way to get out of this, was to obey the order of the chief. After a couple of minutes Luna came again, this time she wasn't able to hold it out for the same time as the first one. Her hands started to jerk off the hunters. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
This is Luna's fate for the next four hours. Hunter after hunter, dick after dick, is pushed into her holes or rubbed on her body. She is forced into orgasm again and again, pleasure attacking her body and mind with no mercy in sight. By the time the last hunter blows his load over her body, she is covered from head to toe in the cum of roughly 50 hunters, many of which came back for round two. Her ass and pussy are dripping with cum and she will be tasting cum until morning. The last of the sun light has faded, leaving the only light from the big bonfire that was started mid gang rape. The chieftain approaches her cum soaked and bound form, holding a small clay jar in his hand.

"Tribe satisfied. You good slut. Last punishment, drink this, see world from our eyes." He pours the jar into her mouth and a sweet sensation covers her tongue. Every hunter watches her with bated breath, waiting to see how she changes.... but nothing happens. "Fortune favors you... this time. No more trouble. Next offense is enslavement." He turns and walks away as a hunter comes over and cuts her binds. Luna is now free to move. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I am a good slut, thank you chief for your mercy" Then luna washed herself in the river to remove as much cum as she was able. She felt stupid for what she did, and decided to go she the chief to apologize one last time before leaving.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
The chief is already flippant about the happening, the tiny scratches having clotted long ago. It was more the assault on someone of is status that made it such a crime. He accepted her apology, but did make note that their deal for clothes and weapons is off and that she should be happy he is letting her stay for the night. Once done, he waved her off after telling her were Chak lives on the other side of camp.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi looked at the drawing for a second with her finger on her lip. "Oh, I think I get it..." she said as she looked at Chak. it seemed like her wanted her to say... though she wasn't sure how long he meant. Either way though she could use a place to sleep, so she just nodded to him and patted his head.

after a little while the exhausted form of luna came in and crashed into a pile of furs in the hut. Umi gasped a little in surprise. "Whoa! Luna?!......dare I ask what happened?", she said as she looked down at the tired cat girl.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chak, knowing full well what just happened, quickly got up and offered a the bowl of water to Luna as well as the bag of jerky strips. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"I angered the wrong person, I think I have said enough... Thank you, you were not there with the others, but I will refuse your beef jerk I had enough proteins for the day" Luna said to chak while making a smile.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chak doesn't really get what she is saying, but understood that she doesn't want the jerky. He leaves the bowl of water next to her on the floor and goes back to Umi, sitting on her lap and getting comfy again.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Ok next time I'll do the talking ok?! I don't want you getting raped by saying and doing dumb ass things got it!?" Umi said rather angry with Luna, but she could see she was more concerned about her then actually mad buy the look in her black eyes. She sighed and let Chak get back into her lap. "Please tell me you at least managed to get us something to wear.", Umi said as she patted Chak's head.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi put her head against the wall and gave an even bigger sigh. She thought for a second and grabbed the stick again. She then drew a picture of simple picture of a cloth skirt and bra then circled it and drew an arrow pointing to chaks drawing of herself. "well lets see if he get what Im trying to say...", Umi said.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chak stares at the pictures for a while, stroking his chin before understanding dawns. With a few chirps her runs out of the hut and comes back a few minutes later with a big arm full of giant leaves. he drops them to the side and leaves again, this time coming back with a bunch of string. Without asking he wraps a piece of string around Umi's hips and cuts it with his knife. Using his nimble little fingers he weaves the string through the huge leaves and in a few minutes present Umi is a big leaf skirt! "Umi!" he says proudly.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Unta rolled the woman's words over in her head a few times before an idea formed in it. "Well, in that case, I don't suppose I could interest you in a 'roll in the hay' could I? I'd very much like to get this thing off, it itches like hell," she said, motioning to the clingy body-stocking.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta smiled at Unta and stepped out from her door frame to walk around her large body. "Hmm, i think you are just the right size! Tell you what girl, you help me out with my farm and animals, in return I will have that body stocking off of you!"

Binx: "Hey! What about me! I am locked in a latex suit! I don't want to be in this when things get sweaty!"

Greta: She laughs happily "Yes, you too. How does that deal sound?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, I've never worked n a farm before, but I'll do my best," replied Unta.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta: ah don't worry about it dear, you will be doing some very... basic work for me." She walks past the two and heads for the barn. "Come along then! The sooner we start, the sooner you are free!"

Binx: She leans over and whispers to Unta "Why do I get the feeling we are being taken for a ride here? Is it just me or is this too easy?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Umi was a little disappointed that he couldn't give her something for her breasts, but she was grateful for getting anything to cover herself with. She give Chak a small smile and took the skirt. She then gave him a hug and put the leaf skirt on. It would be a good temporary fix but she would need to find something better once the leaves get too brittle and wither. God, if anyone civilized saw her now they'd say she'd fit right in on men'ga, she shook that thought out of her head. "well...if you can avoid pissing everyone off again...I'd say we should head for the other door north of here.", Umi said as she looked towards Luna.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
"Well, let's just see what she wants. Worst case scenario we, just say no and get them off by ourselves," replied Unta, as she followed the curvy woman to the barn.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2016
"Yeah we leave tomorrow in the morning, the sooner I leave this fucking hellhole the sooner I will forgot about all of this. Nice skirt by the way your friend seems to have pretty good skill in the tailoring department" Then luna fell asleep.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Chak chirps happily at the patting and suddenly reaches up and grabs both her breasts. he gives them a few squeezes and rubs them up and down before letting go and quickly crafting her a leaf bra. Looking at Luna, he hops to his feet and walks over to her, getting her measurements by hand and weaving her a skirt and bra as well before going back to Umi's comfortable lap.

Binx nodded and followed along with Unta into the barn. Greta leads the two back and stops at one of the stalls with a machine in it. Said machine is fairly large with tubes running along it's surface and six dangling ends topped with what look like breast pumps hang from it.

Greta: Alright big girl, here is the deal. One of my cows isn't feeling well and her milk production has dropped pretty badly. So, to supplement the flow, I want to hook you up to this here machine and use those big breasts of yours to make some milk! No need to fear, the machine is plenty gentle and all you have to do is stand there! At the same time... a few of my stallions are feeling a bit pent up sooooo, while you are in that there machine, would you mind letting get off with you a few times?"


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
Leave it to a horny woman living on a farm in isolation for god knows how long to come up with something so depraved. Still, it wasn't a lot worse than the stuff they did on New Texas, but she wasn't about to agree to this without seeing just how far the little chicken would go with it. "Sorry, miss, but I'm afraid I'm not lactating right now. As for letting your horses take their relief on me, I might be willing to let that happen, on one condition."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Greta smiled at Unta and gave the machine an affectionate pat. "Don't worry girl, a few minutes in this thing and you will be! Now what is this condition of yours?"