Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
with Penny slamming his hand like that, Bozak couldn't keep hold of his axe and his grip slackened. With the follow up strike to his helmet his hands flew free from the axe as he staggered backwards. He then crashed into a pew, shattering it with his heavy weight. Mika gasped, "No! Not the ruins!" she cired fearing that the battle may destroy the room. "Jezzy why don't you help?" Sala demanded. "...It looks like Penny has a score to settle.... we should stay out of this... ", Jezzy said in a serous tone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny grabbed the giant axe and slid it across the floor over to the others. "No more fancy toys! Just you... me... and our fists!" She charges forward and throws a heavy right hook at his helmet again. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Bozak took the hit again but did not topple. he stepped back a few paces and said "Grrr... very well I suppose it will, be much more satisfying if I beat the life out you with my hands. killing you on the spot wouldn't be nearly as rewarding. Now I can watch the look on your face as i carry off the squid girl!", as he smacked his firsts together, sparks flew and currents arched around his hands as his gantlet went to full power. he gave a battle  of cry, "Raaaaagh!" as he swung his fists at penny in a flurry blows.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny grinned, matching him blow for blow as she repeatedly struck at his helmet. She had the upper hand now and it showed. If he used all sorts of weapons like that big axe from before, then hand to hand must not be his specialty while it IS for her. She focused more on dodging and trying to wear him out while throwing the occasional counter at his helmet. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Hand to hand may not have been his specialty, but he swung like someone with years of combat under his belt. however he was slower than she was and her counters and dodges were starting to frustrate him. His helmet had become dented and bent after substantiating so many attacks. His breathing had become much more heavy and staggered, "Gah! You irritating little blob!" He shouted as he tried to tackled into her into the ground. He could move very fast for someone so big and armored.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She blows a raspberry at him and melts under his grasp, slipping out from under him so all he held as her duster. A quick punch to the butt is his reward for such a move. "Are you really trying to grab a blob, as you so kindly put it? Stupid!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Thankfully for Penny, she slipped out of his grasp quickly enough to avoid the electric discharge of the gloves. and when she punched his butt he gave and angry snarl. with out any warning he spun back around and threw another jab at her head but as she no doubt easily dodged it, she soon found that it was just a feint! his other arm then shot out and landed right into her gut and discharged a high voltage shock into her body as she flew back and was smacked into the wall. Mika called out, "PENNY!"


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She splatted onto the wall and twitched as her body sizzled from the discharge. She made strange noises which would have been funny if it wasn't hurting her. When the twitching stopped she pulled herself off the wall she landed panting on the floor "That... was not... very nice... you big jerk!" She rose back up to her feet and charge at him with a downward punch to his helmet again!


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika was getting very worried now, she wasn't sure how many hit Penny could take like that before she would be knocked out or beaten. Mika knew that Penny wanted to settle this herself but she felt like she had to do or say something! In the mean time there battle raged on and more if the pews were destroyed and even one of the murals. All of this was distressing poor Mika and it showed. her body was getting more and more yellow (her I am very worried or distressed color). As Penny slammed the top of his helmet it dazed him monetarily and he staggered backwards, his helmet was mostly trashed at this point but for what ever reason he wouldn't remove it. Mika saw this and thought it was strange.... why would he keep it on even its is more hindering for him at this point... she had a hunch. "Penny! get that helmet off of him!", Mika shouted.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny dodged the next punch and slipped around him before jumping up onto his back, grabbing his helmet and pulling up as hard as she could. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Captain Bozak couldn't act fast enough and Penny managed to rip the helmet off of his head! "Nooo!", he cried as white gas began spraying out of his armor. he stumbled around and flailed madly as he desperately tried to keep his footing. They could finally see the face of the man, he was a very old looking humanoid of some kind with pale green skin with orange eyes and many tubes were connected to his face covering his mouth and nose. his head was hairless and his eyes had no pupils. "Noo! my gas! I need it... look what you have done!", he cried as she sounded like he was running out of breath. As penny got some of the gas on her she began to feel more and more aggressive and agitated as well as feeling stronger! "Wha-What is that gas?!", Mika said backing away from it along with the rest of the girls.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's emerald eyes flashed and were replaced by glowing red. With a cruel laugh she sent the old man flying across the room with a loud punch to his gut. "Wahahahaha! Who cares what it is?! I feel STRONG! But this old fart is really pissing me off. Like an itch or a head ache that isn't going away! But I can fix that..." she stalked toward the old man, an evil glint to her eyes. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily got one whiff of the gas and her synthetic face turned pale. "Oh my god.... this is... Agro gas!", Emily said her face nearly frozen in horror or fear. "This stuff is banned in all systems in the federation! it's a terrible drug that increases your strength but at the cost of you mind!", Emily said he gaze looked on Penny. The captain wheezed and coughed as he righted himself. "I'll.....I'll kill you.... for...for this", he said only barley able to speak at this point. He staggered over to penny and threw a wild punch her way still trying to fight her despite his condition. "we have to get her out of that gas! she might go into a blind rage if she gets enough into her!", Emily cried in dismay.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She simply caught his fist with one hand as her body surged with power. "You?! Kille ME?! That is a good joke old man!" She gripped his arm with both hands and hurled him across the room again. She didn't walk this time, no, she jumped across the room and landed on top of the dieing man, both fists slamming into his chest and pistons firing off at the same time. "You can barely stand you worthless cur! I will see you ended for all the harm you have caused!" She grabs the collar of his armor and punches his gut, letting him fly free of her grasp again. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"That captain..... I hate him... I hate him as much as some one person can hate someone.", Emily said as she looked down. "But, i dont want penny to have another murder on her soul! Mika! you have to get her out of the gas, now!", Emily said as she held Mikas hands. "Wha-What? B-But wont i breathe in the gas too!?", MIka said looking pure yellow at this point. "...This is bad....", Jezzy said and she watched penny knock Bozak around. "Hes going into withdrawal... soon that man will lose conciseness." Emily said as she looked at the now pathetic man. She quickly dug into her bag and pulled out a doctor's surgical mask, she then put it on Mika. "ok hun that should stop you from breathing in the gas for now. You're the only one i think Penny might listen to in a sate like this...." Emily said. She then pushed Mika forward.

Bozak's breathing was erratic and strained now, he tried to stand multiple times but fell back down even time. Without the source of his strength he was more or lees already beaten. "I.... can't....believe this.....", he said weakly as he coughed and wheezed on the floor. Penny attacks seemed to really dent his armor now and he seemed for too weak to take anymore. Penny then herd Mika's voice, "Penny! Wait stop! Don't do it!". She then felt Mika hug her around the waist. "You have to get out if this gas! Before you do something terrible!", Mika cried as she pushed her naked body against her.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny froze and turned around when she felt Mika hug onto her. "Mika?! What are you doing here? Why are you saving this THING from proper justice? Have you forgotten when he did to all those people? What he did to Emily?! What he tried to do to you?!" She is shaking right rage at this point. "He deserves to die! I am strong enough to do it too! He is a vile, evil little man who deserves every kind of beating he could possibly receive! Now let me go Mika! He can't be allowed to live! His very being gives me a head ache!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika hugged back onto Penny tighter, "But Penny look at him! He's already beaten! Penny don't you see? That wouldn't be justice!", she cried as she looked penny in the eyes. "Don't do this! It isn't like you, its that gas! Killing him wouldn't be justice... Justice would be putting him in jail so he can think about what hes done for the rest of his life! Death would be the easy way out for him!", Mika said as she put her hands on Penny's cheeks. Mika then put her arm around penny's waist and began to pull with all her might! She knew penny was much stronger then her, but she didn't care! she had to get her out of this horrible gas!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looked at her and grew confused. "Not... like me? this isn't me? ...No, this isn't me, I don't do that, I don't." She stumbles after Mika and out of the gas. Once free she falls to the floor and holds her head. "My head hurts... everything is too loud and really annoying... I don't like this... it all hurts... hurts real bad. I... I need a nap." Penny melts into a blob, her gauntlets clanging against the floor.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked to penny worriedly. "Is-is she going to be ok?!", She asked Emily. "Yes, I believe so. the rest of the gas should clear out in a while. the gas will have to work it way out of her now." Emily said as she put her hand on the blob that was Penny. Sala and Jezzy ran up with worried looks on their faces. "I hope she wakes up soon... I uh mean its not like I'm scared with out her or anything.", Sala said, trying to save face. "....she might get some very angry dreams while she sleeps...." Jezzy said as she sat down next to the Penny blob. She put out her hand and began to stroke her gently as she slept. Bozak coughed and hacked untill he feel silent.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
It takes Penny half an hour before she slowly reforms into her usual self. She is holding her head in her hands and looks around while blinking confused. "What... what happened? My head is all ouch. Did i beat him? Did I win?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
By then the gas had completely dissipated from the area but Bozak was still out cold. Mika jumped over to penny and hugged her and sat in her lap. "Oh penny it was so scary! i thought we might lose you!", she said as she pushed her face into Penny's big soft breasts. "Well you got him... that was a tough fight but you came out on top. you got hit by that guys gas. Apparently he was using aggro gas to make himself stronger but, you disconnected his flow and then some of it got into you... but mika here saved you!" Emily said as she gave Penny a warm smile.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looked down at Mika and quickly wrapped her into a firm hug, planting kisses on her face. "I don't really understand what is going on, but I do understand that you must have saved me from doing something horrible. for that.... you have even more of my thanks than you normally do Mika. Thank you love." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika's colors did the talking for her at this point she breathed a sigh of relief and she shifted to a pink color. Jezzy then patted Penny's shoulder. "...So you feeling better? That lunk head opened the way for us", she asked and she looked ahead.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looks up and nods after giving Mika one more loving squeeze. "Yea, I am good to go. Head still hurts a bit but I don't feel like destroying everything that moves. So that is a plus!" She stands up with Mika and lets her go with a pat to the butt. "Lets keep going girls." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
everyone was in agreement and soon the mostly naked ladies headed out of the room and into the next area. ahead of the was a long set of stairs heading downwards. As they descended down into the next chamber they could hear a soft humming sound. then soft blue lighting could be seen ahead of them when they finally got to the next room they saw him.... There stood Vaine. Standing in the middle of a tall cylindrical golden room. many strange glowing pipes and large golden pillars decorated the room, but unlike the fertility temple this was a much more simplistic looking place. What looked like a huge holo projector sat in the middle of the room and the wispy figure of the Oracle could be seen floating there. "You stupid machine! You vill give me the generator! I vill destroy you othervise!", Vaine shouted in anger to the oracle. "I cannot do that.... you are not the inheritor... i cannot comply...", it answered serenely.  


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Without a word penny took Sala's zap pistol, aiming it at Vaine and pulled the trigger several times. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Three shots were fired from Sala's pistol at Vaine. He must have herd them as he moved to dodge to the side by throwing himself to the left. However he wasn't fast enough and one of the shots hit him in his arm causing him to grunt in pain as she was shocked. "Gah!" He turned his head to See them all there and penny holding the gun. "You?! Vhat?! I should have know better then to trust this to that imbecile of a pirate captain!" He said as he pounded on the ground angrily. He quickly righted himself and held them in his gaze. "wait.... is that... agent J?! So she's still alive. A pity, her mind must be mostly blank at zhis point you sould have killed her.", he said as he looked at Jezzy. Jezzy stared at him harder then anyone person could, then her eyes went wide, "You! I know that face! THAT EVIL FACE! ...You're the one....the one who did this to me.... I remember.... I was hunting you...was i a bounty hunter? police? military?.... but i now I've found you....", Jezzy said as a dark shadow came over her face. 
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She passed the gun back to Sala and stepped forward after handing Mika her gauntlets. "So, here we are again Vaine. you just keep making trouble everywhere we go don't you? It's obvious you know about these temples, shame there is no way for you to get in. So what will it be? Do you surrender or does this have to get messier than it already has been?" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Vaine's blood red eyes shifted to Mika ,then Penny, then to everyone else. He seemed to weighing his options. "I vould ask how it is you got here but that vould be pointless...." he said as he took a couple steps back. "all of my men defeated.... and my slaves... It would appear I have underestimated you.... vith that squdilliden leading you I should have known she could make it here.", he then looked to Mika. "Miss Maxwell.... you should join me. it vould make all of zhis so much easier. I could show you many artifacts zhe likes of with you have never seen. There is so much knowledge i could share vith you... together we could bring a new order to the galaxy!" Vaine said as he held his hands out to Mika. "Fat change goo brain, (no offense Penny) right Mika!", Sala said as she pointed her gun at him along with Jezzy,"No... you're using and touching things you h-have no right too! I would never join someone like you!" Mika said defiance laced into her nervous voice. "Grrrr... FINE! Dont say i didn't varn you!" he said as he threw a small ball at the ground. POOF it was a smoke bomb! Penny then herd the sound of foot steps as she hear vaine run the opposite direction. A hidden door opened in the room revealing the secret way vain took to get there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny waves the smoke away, trying to keep it from soaking into her body and making her sick. "Dang it! He is getting away again!" Rather than chase after him though, she stays behind to make sure the others are ok, knowing he would be low enough to target them instead of her.