Making History (for floozer)[discontinued]


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika blushed ever so slightly at penny's little hug but gave penny a cute little smile back. After taking a drink of her smoothy emily typed out a message and put it on the table that said: oh listen to you, you charmer!  "Wow, that does sound pretty weird.....I guess those of us with solid bodies can only imagine what that's like........", Mika said looked over to Emily. she nodded in agreement. Mika the looked back to penny again then asked, "I hope this isn't to much of a personal question but.....can you tell about that duster of yours? It seems so important to you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny lets go of Mika and actually blushes slightly. "It's...silly to be honest. i shouldn't hold onto it so firmly, I mean it is just a coat right? It was given to me by my dad. He wore it during his space travel days. I got my wander lust from him. But you know how this story goes, he met my mom one day and wanted to settle down."

She gives a wistful sigh. "When I told them I wanted to wander the galaxy just like dad, my mother was furious. Said it was far too dangerous. My dad was actually on my side, reminding her that if he didn't explore they never would have met. So on the day I was going to leave, he pulled out his old duster and gave it to me. Said it was good luck. I was just happy to have a piece of home with me."

Penny flops onto the couch. "I guess I cling to it cause it is the closest thing I have from him now. He died a few years back...he got what we galora call 'bog crawl' which eats away at our ability to hold forms and maintain mass. It only affects galora so he was able to spend his last days with my mom. So...yea, I hold this old coat in rather high regard."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"I-I don't think that's silly at all!", Mika then pointed to her glasses. "You see, my glasses were given to me by my mother when i set out on my own. she said 'You can always feel safe with a little peace of me around', and so I guess I'm the same way.....heh heh" she said with little grin. Just then Penny could here a chime as she got an email back at her cockpit. If she looked she see it was from Mikas mom, Mira. If she opened it, it would read: Well hey there Penny dear. its me Mira! i was just looking through some of our old family photos and I found just the CUTEST pic of my baby Mika! when I saw how cute it was i just HAD to show it to you dear. hugs and kisses -Mira. attached was picture of Mika as a 1-2 year old sitting in the bathtub with what looked like her mothers hands washing her. As cute as Mika is now, with how she looked as a baby her big adorable eyes could just about kill you with how cute she was. showing this to her would now would no doubt embarrass her to no end.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny lets out a happy squeal and calls the other two over to the cockpit terminal, pointing to the picture and jumping up and down. "Look at how cute she is! Mika, oooooh you are so adorable!" She wraps her arms around her and gives her a squeeze. "do all squillidan look like that or just you? Oh, I don't care that is so cute I could just melt! I'm not sure if I can get you pregnant mika, but this is incentive to try!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Seeing herself as a baby and having both Penny and Emily see her getting bathed by her mom she turned the reddest that Penny had ever seen. when she threw her arms around Mika she gave and adorable little squeak! She then covered her face in embarrassment. Emily put her robo hand where her mouth would be and give a muffled "awwwww" and an semi giggle. "C-Come on mom!", Mika said as she gave an irradiated sigh. She quickly tried to change the subject. "U-U-Uh a-a-anyway much farther until we get to Cephodia.......". looking back at the termianl Penny could see it would take a few days.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
"Sorry love, but that will be a few more days, three at the last five at the most depending on how my ship manages the distance. But we will get there in due time." She gives her a peck on the cheek and a fond squeeze on the bum. "So, what should we do to kill time? I am afraid to tell you Emily that I am lacking on entertainment." 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily motioned around her then nodded happily, it seemed that she was just happy to be somewhere else other then the pirate ship. Mika thought for a second then said, "Well...... you wanna break out the cards again penny?". and so they they had themselves some games of Mika's favorite game five card poker, witch she won most of. Penny was no doubt glad that Mika didn't play for real money or she'd be broke. Afterward they asked Emily more about herself, they found out that she herself was a bit on the playful side like Penny, and that she was rather lax about nudity herself. Being a doctor she got to see all of peoples most private areas so she didn't see it as much of a big deal as most. With a little of nudging they found out more about the circumstances of her capture. It wasn't pretty......Apparently here colony was raided but all of the colonists escaped into the forest around her colony except her struggle to escape the pirates smashed part of her synth face and when they brought her aboard they made the horrible replacement. there she was used and abused for 3 days before Mika and Penny had showed up and saved her. by the end of her story she looked like she was going to cry (but of coarse she couldn't) so she reacted out and hugged penny tightly.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny holds the poor girl tightly in her form, trying to comfort her in any and every way she physically can. She lightly strokes the back of her head while holding her against her warm gooey body. She whispers soft, kind words into her ears and refuses to let go. After a while she lifts Emily up and sets her in her lap, which then melts and absorbs her up to her stomach to try and make her feel as warm and embraced as possible without feeling trapped. "Sssshhh, no more pain dear. I won't let it happen again." She motions to Mika to join in the hug.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily's breathing is staggered and quick as she cries tearlessly, seeming like she had been keeping all of her emotions locked away....or maybe she had been unable to properly express them. Mika comes over to penny and sits down. Unsure of what to, she puts her hand on Emily's shoulder and says "I-Its ok now....t-they can't hurt you now...".


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny nods her head while keeping up her embrace. "She is right. you know what else? We are going to help you get fixed up too! So no more tears, soon enough you will be back and ready to tackle the world!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily moved to look Penny in the eyes and began to make a hole bunch of breathy noises....looks like she forgot that she cant talk again.....judging by how she reacted however it seemed like she was saying something along the lines of: Really?! oh thank you thank you thank you! she moved to kiss penny but only succeeded in bumping her with her face plate.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny giggles and slides her tongue into her masks mouth hole, swirling it around hers a few times before backing off. "There, that is my payment. You are a real sweety Emily...might have to keep you around with Mika and I." She wiggles her eye brows and laughs happily.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Penny could hear Emily laugh thought her false mouth, seems that though they may have taken away her voice they couldn't take away her laughter. Mika gave i short laugh as well. And so they moved onward to cephodiea, having many a card game and lighthearted teasing at Mika's expense and when they went to bed penny would goo them up all over there bodies giving them her own special treatment. by the time they had gotten there penny now had a fairly decent idea of how far she could push Mika and Emily's holes. throughout it all Emily felt more and more at peace, her internal stress alleviated by penny's loving embrace. 

Finally they arrived at Cephodiea. penny could see a very beautiful blue planet dotted with lots and lots of small island continents with a slight orange tinge to its atmosphere, it really did look picturesque. as they looked over the watery world penny could hear Mika say "so.....this is where I'm from.....its....beautiful.....", her voice full of wonder.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looks out the window like an excited child, a smile on her face and a shine in her eyes. "Mika, your home planet is amazing! It's looks like it is straight out of a fairy tale or something! I have to admit I am rather jealous." She shoots Mika a wink  before heading to the command console and taking a seat. "Alright, bringing her down, hold onto your lovely butts!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As Penny entered the atmosphere she could see many of the continents had cities reaching high into the sky, their buildings mostly cylindrical. They were soon directed to land in the nearest city called Zoduko, what could be considered the largest city on the planet. and not to long afterward they were down in the space port. while it was busy place it seemed rather orderly. Many squiliden could be seen going this way and that. their colorful bodies and clothing creating a moving rainbow. It seemed that everything was awash in bright beautiful colors. As Mika stepped out of the ship and looked out onto the scene she was awestruck. she had never seen so many of her own people in one place. She felt like she had been here before, when she knew that wasn't the case. as she took a breath of the cephodian air it seemed to welcome her with its oddly familiar sent. Mika almost seemed hypnotized by all of this.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny steps out of the ship wearing only her duster and nothing else. She puts an arm around Mika's shoulder as she takes in the sights with her. The colors of clothing and bodies is a very interesting display and she spends a minute or two just standing there soaking it all in. She slowly lifts her other arm and puts it around Emily's shoulders and takes a deep breath, loving that fresh air. "So, we need to find a hospital for Emily, find out the price for her reconstructive surgery and then figure out how to pay for it. The first two should be easy...the last one will be much harder. But I have faith we will figure something out. Right girls?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Emily looks to penny and nods, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Mika finally snaps out of it after penny speaks. "...Uh..yeah....I guess we should get started" she said as she shakes her head tiring to clear her thoughts. Mika decides to take the lead as they walk through the space port. she then walks up to the front desk so they can put Penny's ship in the registry. A tall purple tentacled girl stood at the front desk looking bored and blowing bubble gum. when she caught site of them she perked up a bit, and straightened her secretary looking clothes. "Ah! welcome to cephodeia! If the owner of the ship will just sign here." she said as she handed penny a holo clip board. "so what are you fine ladies in town for?", she said as she seemed to look them over appreciatively.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny takes teh colo clip board and signs her full name onto it. "Well, we are actually looking for a hospital. Our friend here ran into some...complication shall we say. She needs some serious cybernetic reconstruction. At the same time, we are hoping to find a way to pay for that." She gives a nervous laugh and hands the clip board back. "I only have about thirteen hundred credits at this point and that is nto exactly enough for the type of assistance we are needing. Can you point us in the direction of the nearest hospital?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh yes, certainly!", she said in a way that almost sounded flirty. She boots up her holo table and shows a 3D image of the city she rotates the image with a swipe of her hand then points. "Ok, so you're right here.". She then moved her finger along the miniature streets. As she does so, a red line appears along the the path her finger makes."the nearest clinic is right here." she then circles a building that is further out towards the water front. "I'll just forward these to your terminal" she said as she flicked the holo map at Mika's terminal. the map then showed up on her display screen along with all the directions she just traced (man the future is nifty!). "U-Uh, thanks...", Mika said shyly. After taking a look at Mika for a second the help desk lady said, "Hmmm, I know that look......Your a squiliden but you've never been here before have you?". Mika eyed her nervously and said, "What? H-how could you tell?". the desk lady gives her a smirk, "Star born squiliden like you always carry themselves differently, we locals can always spot you.", she said with a wink. "But don't worry we love it when starborns finally come to visit! its just so much fun watching them experience their homeland.". She then looked to penny and Emily. "besides, you two lovelies will watch out for her wont you?", she said giving them a wink.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny smiles brightly as she is given the information they so desired. She happily wraps her arms around Mika and gropes her tits right in front of the desk lady. "Of course we will. Always and forever! Mika here is actually my first pod mate! She gets embarrassed really easily but she is so cute when she is I just can't help myself!" She plants a kiss on her cheek and smiles at the helpful woman. "Thank you so much for the directions. We should make haste so Emily here doesn't have to wait as long to get back to normal." She holds out her hand for a shake. "My name is Penny by the way, a pleasure to meet you!"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika gasped, surprised by the sudden grope "H-Hey!", she said as she fumbled with her glasses. The desk lady shook Penny's hand after she gave a little giggle at Mika and said, "Nice to meet you! I'm Nuko! if you need any more help you can always call me! its my job to help people!", she said as she also forwarded her number to Mika. Mika then did a short bow and said, "W-Well thanks Nuko......we'll uh, keep that in mind". Emily nodded gave a wave with her robo hand as the three of them went on there way. Outside was just as colorful if not more so. Squiliden seemed to enjoy coloring the world just as much as they colored themselves. Again they all seemed so orderly as they walked, making it easy to spot the humans and other races that were also visiting. The buildings all had a very natural curve to them, all seeming to flow with some kind of unseen wave. very few cars could be seen on the streets, with most of the inhabitants preferring to walk in the crisp ocean scented air, Mika noticed something as they walked, some of the squiliden's outfits were rather reveling, showing generous amounts of skin. Everywhere she looked she could see at least one person with a low cut shirt or butt hugging shorts, all leaving her a little nervous. Emily was quite enjoying herself with Mika and Penny regularly having to get her attention and pull her the right way. when they finally got to the hospital they found it to be right next to the entrance a rather lovely beach. when they got inside they were greeted by a blue tinted squiliden woman dressed as a nurse......a very sexy one. she had a very reveling white button up shirt that strained to contain her large DD-cup breasts. "so.....what can I do for you ladies?", she said in a even more flirtatious tone then Nuko had.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny's head was swiveling about like an owl on coffee. Her excitement was apparent and it took a fair amount of self control to not run around saying hi to everyone and satisfying every little curiosity that came to mind. Entering the hospital and seeing the busty and very flirty squiliden nurse made her smile even more, but she quickly regained herself and gently set her arm around Emily's hips. 

"excuse me ma'am, but we are looking for someone to do extensive reconstruction on Emily's face. Her cybernetics have been heavily damaged, her lower jaw is gone and her voice is shot. Can anyone here help us?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
The heavy chested Squiliden nurse straightened up when she herd Emilys predicament, with her face turning very serious and concerned. "oh... I see, you poor thing! You can't even speak! We cant have that! I'll call someone up to give her a look right away!", she said as she hit a button on her desk. not too soon afterwards she motioned for them to follow her. As she got up from her seat they noticed something.....she wasn't wearing any pants! she was only wearing a thin white thong that showed off her rather large curvy butt. As they followed her they watched as her hips swayed from side to side and her butt cheeks jiggled enticingly. Mika was speechless at such a brazen exposure, causing her face to turn ever so slightly purple. Emily was quietly enjoying the view but she also seemed eager to see what could be done. The nurse eventually lead them to a small room where a yellow colored tall thin squiliden male was waiting. His clothing was much more inline with what one would expect from a doctor, and certainly the most modestly dressed person in the building. He motioned for them to sit then said, "alright so your friend needs a replacement prosthesis you say?", he said as he eyed Emily.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny licks her lips at such a lovely show, fighting against the urge to just reach out and finger that pussy. Thankfully they reach the office quickly and the temptation fades away. "Yes. She is currently stuck in this ramshackle patch job. Can you give her some semblance of normality again? I am willing to pay whatever it takes...I refuse to leave someone as kind as Emily in such a state!" 


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
"Oh yes, we could even have a synth face that looks allot like her real once did.......but its not going to be cheap.". He reaches out to move Emily's head from side to side looking over it carefully. "hmmmmm.......I'd say the operation would cost atleast around 70,000 credits." he said as he inspected Emily's false mouth. Mika was saddened to hear that. "Even if I help with my money it wouldn't be enough...." she said as looked downward with a worried expression. "I'm sorry... facial replacements are very expensive, they have to be custom made so they're never cheap.....Believe me, if I could do it for free i would.", the doctor said as he patted Emily's shoulder sympathetically.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
Penny looks deep in thought before giving the doctor a serious look. "Do it. Perform the surgery. I will pay for it." She tightens her hold around Mika's shoulders as but support and to stop her protest. "I can find a way to pay for it, so just send me the bill."


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
Mika looked to penny but said nothing, she simply gave her a look of concern. Emily tried to say : But penny, you don't have the money yet! are you sure that's a good idea? What if you cant find it?! But all that came forth was a string of strained wordless noises. Penny could tell she was worried by the sounds she was making. The yellow doctor's color shifted to orange as he thought. "....Ok I'll do it.... I can't in good conscience leave her like this. Just make sure you have the money required tomorrow." he said as he started writing something on her holo clipboard. "Come back in 24 hours or so. total facial replacement is a delicate procedure so it will take some time. When you have the money call for Doctor Garant, that's me.", Dr.Garant then took Emily's hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll figure something out. They look like a capable duo." Emily looked back to Penny and Mika then to back to Dr.Garant and nodded. "If you'll just come with me we'll get you started right away." Dr.grarant then looked to the busty duo and said, "I'll be doing all i can, just make sure you're doing the same. good luck...." he said as he waled out of the room with Emily. as she left she gave them a hopeful glance as she was escorted further into the building. Mika looked to penny after they left, her face full of worry and concern. "P-Penny....what are we going to do?"


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Oct 1, 2015
"I...have no idea. 70k is more than I have ever had in my account my entire life. know, worse comes to worse I go into debt and remain planet side for several years as I work government forced jobs to pay this off." She stops and swallows heavily. "But that is worst case. Come on, surely we can find some sort of lead around this big city!" She takes mika's hand and quickly leaves the hospital, looking around for bulletin boards or any form of public announcement. Mika can practically feel the worry radiate off her normally confident form.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2016
As they looked around something caught penny's eye. A Holo sign projecting above the entrance to the large beach next to the hospital. On it a picture of a squiliden couple could be seen hugging each other lovingly while they looked out over a beautiful sunset, Underneath them it read: Annual Zoduko beach couples competition! Cute couples are free to enter! Winners will receive a free night at a luxury hotel room as well as a large cash prize! Mika didn't see this however, as she was looking the other way.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2015
She quickly moves over to it. "Mika! Look! A couples competition! One night a a luxury hotel and a large cash prize! We could enter this for a chance to get going on that payment!" She smiles at Mika hopefully. "Will you enter with me? Please?"