Claw based combat


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Yeah, but I still don't like that approach. But since its for Xianxia, just go on with that ;)

I'll allow wearing a shield in one hand and clawing in every round in my approach. Different mods, different approaches.
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Active Member
May 24, 2016
Pretty wicked concept, but you passed up the opportunity to call it "Claw-mbat"


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
While i could stat out clawing combat and even actual martial rotations based on the player weapon (wich ill do eventualy) i think claw as a weapon item shouldnt hit any harder the fist but with a bleeding effect.

if we talking natural attack however it ought to be used like a cooldown. I realy think natural weaponry (save for fist) should have better damage then the regular weapon attack and or a special power up to justify their use because lets face it who the flying fuck ever use -kick- or -gore-? No one cuz these ability damages sucks! What of tail whip or salamander tail whip? Same issues! Natural weapon should become primary alternative to the main weapon albeith with a slight cooldown because the first time is always a deadly surprise but using it constantly the tricks gets old and easy to predict. If i constantly did overhead smash with my sword the opponent would get the hint and just sidestep. Battle ought to get out of the repetitive -attack- option and head more toward a combo/inteligence fighting system.

i designed Gargoyle natural comboing in this way
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Tail Whip and especially mander Tail Slap is a bit weak imho:

With a simple thought you set your tail ablaze. Twirling like a top, you bat your opponent with your tail.Traces of your previously used fire magic are still here, and you use them to empower another spell!

 Your tail slams against the imp, dealing 207 damage!

and it was below 200 most of the time.

And here's the code used, to calc the damage:

var damage:Number = int((player.str) - rand(monster.tou) - monster.armorDef);
damage = calcInfernoMod(damage);

Although manders are not the brightest, int should apply and/or probably str * 1,2 (or something, like that) rather, than just plain str


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Ok, after some more thinking: I think, I'll implement dual wielding into the game. If you have only one weapon equipped (and I count the claws as a weapon, too), the attack-button will be as it is already ingame.

When you wield two weapons (e. g. gargoyle claws + mace), the 'Attack' button will have its own submenu, where you can choose between attacking (or double attacking) with your weapon-hand or with your shield-hand (probably -30% damage or similar for off-hand attacks).

Now let's say the player chooses to have a mace in their off-hand and to fight with his gargoyle claws in the main hand. Mashing the 1-key, thus only attacking with your claws would still be an option, but the extremely low attack power, when they're on cooldown sugests to use a rotation. The simplest rotation would be claws -> mace -> mace.
Button order (with the default key-binding in brackets) would be:

  1. Attack --> Claws (1 --> 1)
  2. Attack --> Mace (1 --> 2, Or just name it Attack, too)
  3. Attack --> Mace (1 --> 2)
  4. and so on

Again, mashing button 1 would still be possible, if you fight with only the claws (acts similar to the brawler perk) or with claw and shield for example), but it will be so low, that the player would probably regret ditchig the gargoyle attack rotation due to his lazyness.

PS: I'd rather balance claws to have average damage for claws with no extra effect, like bleeding, armor pierce or whatever and slightly below average damage, when the claws have certain extra effects.

And yet another example: Like I said before: Dog (and wolf) claws are not made for scratching your enemy, so the damage would be not much higher, than fisting your enemy. Dogs and Wolves use their claws to support their neck bite attack.
So, with dog claws, you'll have a higher change to succeed and it would be harder for the foe to shake you off.
As for the TF: If you have dog/wolf claws or a dog/wolf face, chance it high, that your face, respectively your claws change along with it. I won't post the propose code for it, since I assume, you've got the point and since this post is long enough already. ;)

[Edit:] I forgot to say: The above rotation (claws -> mace -> mace) would still have the drawback of being less effective, than using the intended rotation (due to the 30% offhand penalty), while it should do more damage, than just claws --> claws --> claws.
PS: Please keep in mind, that my first example is for gargoyle combat.

[Edit 2:] Oh and don't forget the next button, so the rotation in terms of keypresses would rather be:

  1. 1 --> 1 --> 1
  2. 1 --> 2 --> 1
  3. 1 --> 2 --> 1
  4. and so on
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
About dual wield how you thoughts on dealing with double attack perk that may come in play sooner or later?

And Gargoyles in Xianxia still have some way to become accesable outside of...cheating way. Well I would look anyway to your version of gargoyles Stadler ^^

ABout mander tail slap I want 9as with many other things -_-') make general look over all specials of PC to buff them or nerf if needed. Currently manders slap attack formula is mostly just used exactly like Hel have it. With using it on ice type enemies it may be a slight more effective in xianxia but before this revamp of all specials will be still quite weak in compare to some others one :/


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Dual wield is, when you have two different weapons equipped. And: You can only attack with one weapon at a time.

Currently manders slap attack formula is mostly just used exactly like Hel have it.

Well, then we should buff Hel along with it ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Dual wield is, when you have two different weapons equipped. And: You can only attack with one weapon at a time.

Well, then we should buff Hel along with it ^^

Yep I wouldn't mind give this lovely mander slight buff up too at this time. As long it not make quite simple and easy to beat enc into something more...hard to bit on.

Ok so about dual wiled+double attack you tok path to make them not possible to combine. Well that's good by removing some part of problems to futher trying balance all fight around fact of possible 4 base attacks instead of 1 or 2.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Ok so about dual wiled+double attack you tok path to make them not possible to combine. Well that's good by removing some part of problems to futher trying balance all fight around fact of possible 4 base attacks instead of 1 or 2.

One reason for my idea of dual wielding (which is roughly 2 days old ;)) was that I had a problem, what to do if a player with clawed hands chooses to unequip his shield for example and has a wizards staff in his main hand with the Staff Channeling (Basic attack with wizard’s staff is replaced with ranged magic bolt.) Perk. In other words: What the fuck do I do with the M- Bolt? Silently discard it, ignoring, that the player is capable of firing a 'M. Bolt'? Well, could be one solution to suggest, that the player should fight with claws + shield (I guess, I'll call this 'claw and board' or simply 'claw&board' from now on). But I didn't really like that approach, So I came up with the idea of dual wielding.

For starters, players won't be able to choose between weapon hand and off hand, when equipping a weapon, and dual wielding will only be for claw based combat aka:
The claw is always the weapon hand and the weapon will always be handled, as if the player wields it in the offhand. Offhand will get a -30% damage malus and maybe 5-10% less accuracy with M. Bolt probably being an exemption, because its not a melee attack.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I always only thought about dual wield been when PC use subclass of large weapons (so they naturaly makes wielded in both hands) that is desc as pari of weapons and each having perk that would give true double attack with possible disabling use of double attack perk or maybe just using it to boost slightly dmg.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Nope, I don't plan to change double attack at all. If you wield the same weapon in both hands and have no double attack perk, your out of luck. And if you have that perk your'll still have max two attacks.
However: If you dual wield two Scimitars for example, it'll act, as if you attacked with both weapons at the same time. Probably with damage * 1,2 (120% dmg) or so. Don't forget, that this is not an MMO, where you have an auto attack and different weapon speeds. Its more, like a Pen & Paper RPG.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
MMO mechanics would be too much to try put into CoC. So yes that interesting way you plan to make implement dual wielding. Yet with your workload atm put into other stuff it will have time for you to futher refine idea for it.


Aug 27, 2015
One reason for my idea of dual wielding (which is roughly 2 days old ;)) was that I had a problem, what to do if a player with clawed hands chooses to unequip his shield for example and has a wizards staff in his main hand with the Staff Channeling (Basic attack with wizard’s staff is replaced with ranged magic bolt.) Perk. In other words: What the fuck do I do with the M- Bolt? Silently discard it, ignoring, that the player is capable of firing a 'M. Bolt'? Well, could be one solution to suggest, that the player should fight with claws + shield (I guess, I'll call this 'claw and board' or simply 'claw&board' from now on). But I didn't really like that approach, So I came up with the idea of dual wielding.

For starters, players won't be able to choose between weapon hand and off hand, when equipping a weapon, and dual wielding will only be for claw based combat aka:
The claw is always the weapon hand and the weapon will always be handled, as if the player wields it in the offhand. Offhand will get a -30% damage malus and maybe 5-10% less accuracy with M. Bolt probably being an exemption, because its not a melee attack.

Just add option to toggle M. Bolt and disable melee attacks if it's on


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Just add option to toggle M. Bolt and disable melee attacks if it's on

This option already exists: Equip a shield instead of a wizards staff ...  srsly, an option to disable a weapon makes it kinda pointless to equip it to begin with.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Not so pointless if the player wants to buff himself prefight keep in mind magical buffs are catalyst dependant

Also mbolt damage is so low the magic weapon  buffed staff damage hit 3 time harder xD
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
He fullquoted my post. So I thought, that this wasn't related to M. Bolt alone. More like: We don't need a DW submenu.

Well, anyway: My idea is not for the M. Bolt only. And about the M.Bolt: You could probably add this choice to the Perks Menu, where ppl. have the Options [Prefer M. Bolt] [Prefer Melee](-Attack with W. Staff equipped) [Choose in combat]. The latter would be for a submenu for M. Bolt so the player could actively choose in each combat round, whether he/she wants to use an M. Bolt or the melee attack.

[Edit:] Prefer M. Bolt would be the default and the last choice would activate a submenu for W. Staff attacks.
[Edit 2:] Gargoyles with their claw 'equipped' in their main hand and a club in their offhand for example will have the submenu I suggested above. And if you don't like the submenu you could always fight with claw and board or with a two-handed weapon or the usual sword and board combat aka choosing to fight with a normal weapon instead of using their claws.

And about your Gargoyle combat approach for Xianxia: I assume, that the claw attach would be disabled, when its on cooldown. I assume, that you intend to allow gargoyles to wield their claws in one hand and a club for example in the other, right?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yes each of three button for special attacks of Gargoyle are removed when those specials are on cd so when you can see any of this buttons once again it mean this special is ready to use. And for claw attack req. to be usable is that PC is not using atm large type weapon or any type of shield. So it's like you said that PC in one hand wield claw and using other one to punch enemy in the gang...errr gargoyle style ^^


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Yes each of three button for special attacks of Gargoyle are removed when those specials are on cd so when you can see any of this buttons once again it mean this special is ready to use. And for claw attack req. to be usable is that PC is not using atm large type weapon or any type of shield. So it's like you said that PC in one hand wield claw and using other one to punch enemy in the gang...errr gargoyle style ^^

In the Attack submenu (Not to be confused with the M. Special and P. Special submenu!!). I'd suggest, that the Claw attack-button should probably be disabled when on cooldown.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well for now I made it will just vanish instead been displayed as disabled button. Plus as Liadri suggested all three specials of gargoyles including claw attack are put in p. specials submenu. But once again I would meantion that it's still WIP thing not final version.