New Player, Hard to find Answers


Jul 4, 2016
So, a friend of mine casually mentioned this game to me, commenting about a certain race of short stacks that constantly wants your bone. Being much into said race, I dove in head first and have to say that despite the lackluster tutorial that you get from the game, I've found it extremely pleasurable (more puns to follow). For the past couple of days, I've been balls deep in the damn thing and it won't let me go! I keep coming back and playing it more and more! However, there are a few things here and there that I've actively sought out answers for and have found nothing on the web or otherwise on the issues. So, let's start off with a few and see if I can't get some clarification.

1. Minerva. She's awesome, she told me about her corruption, but there was no offer to help her. I thought perhaps it was an auto quest and I could just go out and get her the help anyway, but I was wrong. In the first method, that being the potion, it requires a calm mint. From what I can read from the trash Wikia page, it apparently only comes from Minerva's garden, and has no explanation on how you are supposed to get it whatsoever. I've been to the oasis tower a lot, and have never had the option. The second method being Jojo, who apparently is oblivious because none of his talk options allow him to purify her, is irritating. And the third, Marae, is just as frustrating because no matter how many times I use the boat, I can't find her again after saving her from the factory.

2. Libido. Beating the final boss is near impossible with a "Minimum Lust" at anything other than zero, and I could find zero online about how to lower my libido to get rid of such a curse (assuming that would even work.) If that isn't how it works, how do I get rid of these annoying features without modding the game? I'd like to play it legit after all.

3. What the hell kind of gifts can I give Kath!? Nothing I ever have in my inventory works!

If anyone could answer any of these, I would be eternally grateful.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
1) Minerva purification is only implemented in the Revamp mod.

2) Libido and sensitivity are a trap stats. More you have in them, less strong your will to fight is. If you are actually aiming to win, you should keep them low. There are a lot of things which are affecting libido, but the most simple is meditation with Jojo.

3) Some clothes, hair dyes, reducto, gro+, canine peppers (including double and bulby), whisker fruits.


Jul 4, 2016
Will I be able to transfer my save file? Also, where is the modded version? I'd have thought the one on this page would have been the most up to date. :[


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Will I be able to transfer my save file? Also, where is the modded version? I'd have thought the one on this page would have been the most up to date. :[

Saves should be transferable (but one way only). Though I'd recommend to start a new game.


Jul 4, 2016
This may be a stupid noobish question, but what program do I need to play the downloadable version? =/ Or is there a browser version I'm missing in that topic?


Aug 27, 2015
This may be a stupid noobish question, but what program do I need to play the downloadable version? =/ Or is there a browser version I'm missing in that topic?

Just run it with browser

But if you really want to you could use standalone flash player


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ekhm Xianxia mod got it too so would you kindly not mislead people -_-'

Well, I can't recommend it to the someone who want to play vanilla CoC. It is sort of major overhaul.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ehhh so what is Revamp then? Minor overhaul of vanilla CoC?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
IMHO too many changes to call it merely continuation. But everyone are free to get their own opinions.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Any piece of a creative work not built under the oversight of the original creator is a completely separate entity, with the potential for both literal and thematic deviance from the source material. Considering CoC itself is a finished concept with an ending, the mod should be regarded as entirely different and unrelated. It should be made very clear to people playing it that nothing in the mod is official and none of its content can be considered canon.


I have a different opinion here. Even if a thing is not canon, it doesn't mean that it is out of place. Especially if we are talking about something like CoC, which is actually a collection of different content from many different authors, loosely tied together.

This becomes crucially important when talking about any future projects FenCo may want to set in Mareth or otherwise relate to the universe of CoC. If people don't understand that the mod is a mod and expect content from it be referenced or acknowledged in any future official project... Well, that's the start of a bad situation.


AFAIK aside of all that ascension stuff, no exportable things are affected.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh @IVIysteriousPerson so you do see all this similar like me....I think ^^

I dunno how you see Etis addition of 2 new area, camp buildings options as patchwork or continuation. Per MP words if it would be mod that adds some thing to extend existing content not create in a way something new that is tied up to existing one it would be considered by many people as quite huge changes. Well but you seems like nothing will change your mind not even seeing Tai Mountain ;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I dunno how you see Etis addition of 2 new area, camp buildings options as patchwork or continuation. Per MP words if it would be mod that adds some thing to extend existing content not create in a way something new that is tied up to existing one it would be considered by many people as quite huge changes. Well but you seems like nothing will change your mind not even seeing Tai Mountain ;)



It is all about definitions. Well, maybe I am just fixing other people's stuff for too long.


Jul 4, 2016
So, as an update, I have now gotten to the same point with Minerva in the modded version linked to me. In fact, I've even had the dialogue telling her that I want to help her, and she suggests finding a God or holy man, or perhaps an alchemist. I now have Jojo in my party, and I have all the ingredients needed for the supposed potion, but neither of the NPC's even acknowledge the quest. Am I doing something wrong? Or am I in yet another version of the game where I can't help this poor sharpy?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@RiotDragonX Do you have pure JoJo not Joy or slave aka corrupted JoJo in camp? Only pure JoJo would allow to go with this ne path for minerva purification.