Space Parasites


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
this has probably been asked before (along with space stds or whatever) but are there any plans for any sex(y) parasites? 


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
You ever read Pollinic Girls Attack? I'm thinking of pitching something like that to the bad ideas thread...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Misty All of parasites (also they are closer to the layman's definition of symbiotic than parasitic) currently present in-game are far less invasive, both literally (they aren't internal) and in terms of their behaviour. That doesn't necessarily remove the squick factor entirely by itself for everyone, but it surely plays into it. Mimbranes, for example, are essentially sentient and cuddly pieces of wet cloth that don't do much to you and can become extremely useful later. They also double as neat all-natural deodorant/perfume.

If anything, I would love if someone would pick up poor Myr Mushrooms.
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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2016
The tentacle beasts (strange egg) are definitely parasites too. Like any forced alien species pregnancy in fact, by definition.
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Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
if I recall there's suppose to be some sort of parasitical tentacle creature being added at some point in the near future. I only gather this from a few pics done by Shou that show these things coming out of your characters lower orifices.
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Those worms are weird. Definitely not as nice as mimbranes, cunt snakes and cock vines
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
@IVIysteriousPerson All of parasites (also they are closer to the layman's definition of symbiotic than parasitic) currently present in-game are far less invasive, both literally (they aren't internal) and in terms of their behaviour. That doesn't necessarily remove the squick factor entirely by itself for everyone, but it surely plays into it. Mimbranes, for example, are essentially sentient and cuddly pieces of wet cloth that doesn't do much to you and can become extremely useful later. They also double as neat all-natural deodorant/perfume.

If anything, I would love if someone would pick up poor Myr Mushrooms. 

Myr  Mushrooms?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Myr  Mushrooms?

In the deep caves on Myrellion there are ants wandering around infected with a sort of fungus that gives them a dick and a Stand. There's also a mushroom queen you can save from some mining equipment.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
In the deep caves on Myrellion there are ants wandering around infected with a sort of fungus that gives them a dick and a Stand. There's also a mushroom queen you can save from some mining equipment.

Is that in-game, or just a document? That sounds rad.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Is that in-game, or just a document? That sounds rad.

It's in game. You can't get infected though, so it's just a bunch of infecties you can try to beat into submission through their regen or just wave your junk at and stun into an easy lust victory.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
Myr  Mushrooms?

Are a symbiote note a parasite. They're a dumbed down version of Cordyceps if i'm not mistaken. Cordyceps is a parasitic spore that infects ants, it gradually eats away at their brain and replaces it causing a 'stalk' to grow out of the ant's head and litterally takes control of the body like some kind of ant zombie puppeteer.  Of course the version that infects the myr doesn't actually kill them it just wants to be their pal and quietly steal their acummulated knowledge but still. The only thing keeping them in the symbiote category is the host is not actually harmed by their presence. Cuntsnakes are also more symbiotic in nature hell their very well being is linked to that of their host when they're done. mims I honestly can't say I paid enough attention to what they even do to classify but since they're on mehnga I doubt they're hardcore enough to call parasites. Nothing on Mhenga is anywhere near as horrifying as it should be. Jungles should be teeming with creepy crawlers and horrifying things but  

CoC worms just struck me as like... an objective detriment to your health and a constant discomfort.

Yes because they are a parasite. By definition what separates parasites from symbiotes is parasites harm the host they're detrimental in nature generally with 0 upsides for the host or provide pseudo upsides like numbing pain so the host can't feel the parasite eating them. (There are all kinds of horrifying parasites that actually exist)

People really need to understand parasites are not your friend. Symbiotes might be, parasites are not, ever. They're always out to better themselves and no one else. If the host dies? Oh well, they often can move into another one.Some species are only parasitic at specific stages of their life cycle...such as for reproduction. In any case there's no situation where getting parasites would actually be a good thing. Which really should be why V-KO's and other docs are around in the first place to purge these nasty little buggers when you pick one up. 

What you should be asking for if you're really into that sort of things is Symbiotic life forms, things that need other species to survive but that do something for their host/partner/whatever. However such creatures are much rarer in reality than parasites so good luck finding solid examples to base a species off of.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2016
to be real with you symbiotes would be cool too, but the space parasite thing is still on the table lol. 

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
The Strange Egg is the best thing ever and needs more content.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
All this talk of symbiotes is reminding me of Marvel's symbiotes. Fun little fuckers they be.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well if we tak about Marvel and symbiotes isn't goo armor something similar to them?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Kinda..Symbiotes do a lot more for their wearers and are in turn a lot more affected by their wearer's condition and personality. Plus they're organic beings.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well who said symbiotes can't be armor of nanites in form of grey goo :p

Telling they nonorganic so can't count as symbiote would hurt their synthetic feelings. Also at start Goo Armor had well not much use and now. Upgrade form tavira Palace and possible another after dungeon on Uveto will be added. Plus unlocked with gained levels and meeting req. now options for it to have more uses to PC. Does it still not account for nothing?

Yeah it won't probably reach level like symbiotes in spiderman (plus I think they weren't as altruistic and actualy wanted take over their hosts to form something new that wasn't person wearing it anymore) but direction Goo Armor is denveloped by Savin is close to that.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Depends on the Symbiote. Originally they were good guys looking to make heroes, but then their race slowly started turning evil cus their species is affected by their host and then the evil ones became the majority. According to wikipedia at least.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh good intention turned bad. And well no wonder symbiotes that was sticked to evil people survived thus those evil tendencies grafted from mimicring host preveiled when all symbiots at heoes died. Glady our Goo Girl Armor got the best host ever...PC :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Playing my Steele as a Spiderman symbiote host would be something I'd love to do.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Sexy parasites/symbiotes/hitch hikers are totally possible. Let me point you towards Valeria,Shouldra, Exgartuan, and the Gray Goo Armor.
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