What Content Would You Like Added?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
IIRC, Savin has said something about the more petplay coming with the puppysults.


No but seriously, don't play with my emotions fam :c
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New Member
Apr 28, 2016
Revenge encounters. If you run into an enemy and loose, there is a chance the next time you run into that kind of enemy they will recognize you and then you can get your sweet sweet sexy revenge....... or just get smashed again. 

^ This!


Jun 24, 2016
As it was discussed in the Discord and for the utmost shaking of heads...

Coma Sex. (Nah, but on a real note Revenge Encounters would be hella cool. I second that.)


Active Member
Jun 12, 2016
I would say some work as a mercenary (IE being hired at a bar or through online means) wherein you go through an intensive storyline (Or something to that effect). Kind of like a dungeon-crawl. You would get to meet, work, and probably have sex with varied people (Or cement ties with them. Like Saendra). I would think this to be one heck of an extensive thing, but hey. Pipe dreams exist.

Oh, and also, some explosive weaponry. Grenade launchers would be very, very nice (Think of the one-shot Vietnam-era stuff). At the very least, an expansion on the weaponry would be very appreciated. Some form of weapon modification would also be nice (Such as adding special items to one's weapon, underslung grenade launchers such as, which would be activated via 'Specials', or merely adding items that would increase stats, such as scopes, stabilizers, etc, etc). Each weapon could, perhaps, have 'slots', that weapon mods would be added to. I know, coding-intensive as all heck, but again. Pipe dream. 

Lastly, some kind of mix and matching with transformative items, IE taking both the Treatment and, say, Horse Pills, at the same time (Or chemically combining the two), because a "Wow what a bad idea this was" transformation item is, well...fun and strange. Mostly strange. Also, the possibility to give crewmembers TF items (Or slipping them TF items. Depends on morality, I would say), such as Anno something (I dunno). Something to the effect of corrupted Amily, from CoC. Also pip dream.

I have too many pipe dreams.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Oh, and also, some explosive weaponry. Grenade launchers would be very, very nice (Think of the one-shot Vietnam-era stuff). At the very least, an expansion on the weaponry would be very appreciated. Some form of weapon modification would also be nice (Such as adding special items to one's weapon, underslung grenade launchers such as, which would be activated via 'Specials', or merely adding items that would increase stats, such as scopes, stabilizers, etc, etc). Each weapon could, perhaps, have 'slots', that weapon mods would be added to. I know, coding-intensive as all heck, but again. Pipe dream.


The problem with explosives - it is a bad idea to use them at point-blank. And all TiTS fights are within melee range.

Lastly, some kind of mix and matching with transformative items, IE taking both the Treatment and, say, Horse Pills, at the same time (Or chemically combining the two), because a "Wow what a bad idea this was" transformation item is, well...fun and strange. Mostly strange. Also, the possibility to give crewmembers TF items (Or slipping them TF items. Depends on morality, I would say), such as Anno something (I dunno). Something to the effect of corrupted Amily, from CoC. Also pip dream.


And this IS coding-intensive. Since every combo should be another item. It is possible actually, but it won't be described even closely as detailed as TiTS/CoC TFs. More like FoE or FS TF scenes.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Oh, and also, some explosive weaponry. Grenade launchers would be very, very nice (Think of the one-shot Vietnam-era stuff). At the very least, an expansion on the weaponry would be very appreciated. Some form of weapon modification would also be nice (Such as adding special items to one's weapon, underslung grenade launchers such as, which would be activated via 'Specials', or merely adding items that would increase stats, such as scopes, stabilizers, etc, etc). Each weapon could, perhaps, have 'slots', that weapon mods would be added to. I know, coding-intensive as all heck, but again. Pipe dream.

On that note, more corrosive weapons would nice so I can crack that Sydian Female's armour. Grenades, acid-spitting goo gun, an acid flail... something.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
On that note, more corrosive weapons would nice so I can crack that Sydian Female's armour. Grenades, acid-spitting goo gun, an acid flail... something.

Ever thought of using a weapon with a physical damage type? Also, talking to the taxi guy on Mhenga with a bow equipped eventually gets you a corrosive bow.
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Active Member
Jun 12, 2016
Ahhh....corrosive weaponry. You know what, just let the player have White Phosphorous. Throw it at the enemy, and boom, done. Bosses? Throw the White Phosphorous in it's eye. Boom. 

On a more serious note, nevermind on the explosive weaponry. Considering it's melee combat...yeah.  But corrosive weaponry, I think, that I agree with. A corrosive bow...eh. Eh. I mean, just...eh. Corrosive weaponry would be a bit more fun, like Borderlands in a way.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
Ahhh....corrosive weaponry. You know what, just let the player have White Phosphorous. Throw it at the enemy, and boom, done. Bosses? Throw the White Phosphorous in it's eye. Boom. 

That might go well with Pocket Sand.
"Pocket Phosphorous! sh-sh-sha!"
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
...I feel like you folks are forgetting this is a sex game and we're supposed to be able to fuck these people we're shooting with flame throwers and white phosphorous... I mean at least with stuff like phasers we can imagine that they've been set to stun. But all these high powered weapons you folks are clamoring for should be straight up killing folks and rendering them horrifically disfigured remains...
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
...I feel like you folks are forgetting this is a sex game and we're supposed to be able to fuck these people we're shooting with flame throwers and white phosphorous... I mean at least with stuff like phasers we can imagine that they've been set to stun. But all these high powered weapons you folks are clamoring for should be straight up killing folks and rendering them horrifically disfigured remains...

Should I not be able to ream a group of Raskvel after blowing them up with grenades?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
...I feel like you folks are forgetting this is a sex game and we're supposed to be able to fuck these people we're shooting with flame throwers and white phosphorous... I mean at least with stuff like phasers we can imagine that they've been set to stun. But all these high powered weapons you folks are clamoring for should be straight up killing folks and rendering them horrifically disfigured remains...

One of the first weapons you get in this game is a railgun. Your argument is invalid.

As long as this game has upwards progression, eventually players will be running around with nuke-launching automatics and pocket death stars. Anyways, I'm pretty sure this game runs on cartoon physics: the moment even the most devastating fight ends, both sides immediately recover.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I just hope, key word being 'hope', that Astra gets some content down the line. Otherwise I'm already satisfied with everything coming down the content line. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
One of the first weapons you get in this game is a railgun. Your argument is invalid.

As long as this game has upwards progression, eventually players will be running around with nuke-launching automatics and pocket death stars. Anyways, I'm pretty sure this game runs on cartoon physics: the moment even the most devastating fight ends, both sides immediately recover.

Which is sorta dumb... But oh well. If cartoon physics are in place then what I'd like to see added are more in game refrences to it/ lampshade hanging. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If cartoon physics are in place then what I'd like to see added are more in game refrences to it/ lampshade hanging. 

Cartoon physics is okay, but it should be consistently cartoon. For everyone, not you and those you've hit. There are enough mentions of cruel dismemberments in a game. Especially on the Myrellion.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
One of the first weapons you get in this game is a railgun. Your argument is invalid.

As long as this game has upwards progression, eventually players will be running around with nuke-launching automatics and pocket death stars. Anyways, I'm pretty sure this game runs on cartoon physics: the moment even the most devastating fight ends, both sides immediately recover.

Well, how else are you going to take out the big scary reality bomb if not with a warp star necklace...?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Which is sorta dumb... But oh well. If cartoon physics are in place then what I'd like to see added are more in game refrences to it/ lampshade hanging. 

I'd be partial to that too. But, for TiTS it seems more like the unwanted elephant in the room than an opportunity to take advantage of.

Cartoon physics is okay, but it should be consistently cartoon. For everyone, not you and those you've hit. There are enough mentions of cruel dismemberments in a game. Especially on the Myrellion.

That's actually pretty in line with cartoons too though. Everyone is okay until a contrived exception is needed to elicit an emotional response. Like in Tom & Jerry, it's fine for Tom to be hurt in all manner of ways, until he randomly clutches his head in pain, starts crying, and is actually hurt. Now suddenly everyone feels bad for him. Or gameplay and story segregation in games where a character is perma killed in-cutscene when your party is right there with a full stock of revival items.

So it is with TiTS. Everyone is fine regardless of being shot, blown up, burned, or melted, but, the next planet is scary dark war land and you need to feel sorry for this ant, so she loses an arm or whatever insert bad times here backstory. Inconsistent in the game, sure, but not in the medium by any means. I consider it a necessary evil, for the potential positives far outweigh the negatives.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Oh yeah, totally. Really looking forward to getting to write her!

If this is sarcasm I apologize for bugging about a well-worn topic, if not, whoohoo! She really presses a lot of my buttons in a good way. Smart, gorgeous, capable fighter, and yet still adorkable and flusterable. 
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Active Member
Jun 12, 2016
OK, idea. This is not, in my opinion, such a pipe dream (As my others were).

Somewhere in the Gold City, on Myrellion, there should be a library. I mean, considering they are WW1 / Cold War technology, they don't have the Codex (I'd be impressed if they had internet), libraries would be something I could really, really see. And, as there is a library, a Myr (Glasses and small fat roll and all) should run it...because who doesn't like a sexy librarian? Also, this could be a good place to meet other, more...nerdish, as it were, aliens (Kui-Tans and all), or to see (Or take part in) exhibition, such as under the table masturbation, vibrators, etc, etc. 

Well, OK. When I put it like that, it seems like a pipe dream.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
id love for more shade content and some stuff for astra content two (i also would love a npc who has used the frostfire tf item to be a arctic kitsune)


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'd love to see some shaving/erotic hair content. Ideally, there'd be a sexy headshave or haircut scene, maybe some ejaculating on freshly-shorn scalps. I get that this isn't everyone's kink, but it's my kink, so it'd be cool to get a scene or two of it.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2016
I'd love to see some shaving/erotic hair content. Ideally, there'd be a sexy headshave or haircut scene, maybe some ejaculating on freshly-shorn scalps. I get that this isn't everyone's kink, but it's my kink, so it'd be cool to get a scene or two of it.

That is one interesting kink. If there's enough demand for it, I'm sure it'll happen.


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
That is one interesting kink. If there's enough demand for it, I'm sure it'll happen.

It's a pretty uncommon kink, so I'm not so sure about demand. I was a little disappointed when I did a playthrough of TiTS and didn't find any, though. I've considered writing a scene myself, but I wouldn't want to implement a fully-blown character for it, etc.