Victoria Steele is canon and is mentioned by name in a Codex I recently wrote. Buckle up for the ~awkward boners~!
Oh no, Oh geez, Oh no!
*Preps many brain bleaches*
Victoria Steele is canon and is mentioned by name in a Codex I recently wrote. Buckle up for the ~awkward boners~!
Victoria Steele is canon and is mentioned by name in a Codex I recently wrote. Buckle up for the ~awkward boners~!
Oh shit, another for the wincest collection? I want Shade, Amara, Astra and Jack in muh bed with the Dorna twins. Do it!
Victoria Steele is canon and is mentioned by name in a Codex I recently wrote. Buckle up for the ~awkward boners~!
...makes me wonder. Was he ever the mother to one of his bastards?
On another note I'm having a hard time putting a name to this woman so I can start molding this formless blob of ideas and fetishes into a person. xD Names are hard yo, how do you do it Savin? Slap your unmentionables on the keyboard?
If it helps, the currently named Gryvain are Sarrin de Thryos and Terensha de Sanna, both sourced from the Mediterranean.
Behind the Name is a godsend, as are most of the baby name/name gen sites.
I tend to do names that have thematic alignment with the character. Usually first and last linking together. Case in point: Aislinn O'Meara (as if I haven't blabbed about her enough already, but she's my sole example). Her first name means (in the context I'm using) "dream, vision" and her last name is actually of dubious meaning, tracing back either to "O Meadrha" into the Gaelic word "meadhar" which means "merry, happy," OR it can trace back in English origin to "O(f) Mara" or "descendant of Mara." Mara means "bitter."
So you can view the name in a poetic/romantic fashion as meaning "dream/vision of happiness" or "dream/vision of bitterness." Both are equally valid given the murky history of Gaelic and English integration.
Do I put too much thought into character names?
There's no such thing as "too much thought."
Except there totally is, overthinking is bad.
Lenore di Serna
At glance value di Serna might be a little too close to de Sanna. Maybe chance to C/Zerna // Cyrna. Otherwise, thumbs up.
At glance value di Serna might be a little too close to de Sanna. Maybe chance to C/Zerna // Cyrna. Otherwise, thumbs up.
Zena, warrior queen? Cirno, ice fairy?
Ice Fairy works pretty well as a ship merchant.
But Faerie Dragons tho
B-but, their four reptilian wings can barely support their weight in short bursts as it is. (In terran gravity or more) Fae wings won't cut it. xD
B-but, their four reptilian wings can barely support their weight in short bursts as it is. (In terran gravity or more) Fae wings won't cut it. xD
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Tapered phalluses, bulbous @base[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]8-12” long, fat.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Bulb does not inflate. :<[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Consider knot mods?[/SIZE]
Non-inflating knot would be a problem, BTW.