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New Member
Apr 24, 2016
I’d done a 4k character rant about my thoughts on this topic, but I'd rather wank and smoke weed so I’ll just leave you a summary.

In TiTS you, as Steele, are the protagonist, but also is a person of your own. Think of it as a trip where you can put on the shoes of another for a while and experience the world in his eyes, in a new light, while still being that guy.

Does that ring a bell to you?

That's right, roleplaying

That being said, having choice is good. Having option to kill also doesn't mean you have to kill on every opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
This is because of propaganda about government monopoly for violence. This requires goverment power to enforce such monopoly, which is not the case for frontier setting, second, legitimacy of goverment, shich is not the case for frontier setting, and it would be quite nice to see that goverment uses it's monopoly effectively, which is not the case where villain can return to villany again.

So your solution is to line up everyone you personally consider a "bad person" and shoot them in the head? Lovely. I see no way this cleverly thought out way of dealing with human lives could possibly spiral out of control. Also do we have any proof that the prison system in the TitS universe is as crappy as the one in DC-comics? Because currently I can't remember anyone we do get arrested returning later. (But I might very well be missing something.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Also do we have any proof that the prison system in the TitS universe is as crappy as the one in DC-comics? Because currently I can't remember anyone we do get arrested returning later. (But I might very well be missing something.)

That's because you don't have anyone arrested, except maybe Badger, who is openly living within UGC reach and no one cares untill you personally kick authorities to do their job.

So your solution is to line up everyone you personally consider a "bad person" and shoot them in the head? Lovely. I see no way this cleverly thought out way of dealing with human lives could possibly spiral out of control.

Sometimes it is a solution. Like, you know, when you are pretty sure that alternative would be that left behind "bad person" would shoot your in the back.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
That's because you don't have anyone arrested, except maybe Badger, who is openly living within UGC reach and no one cares untill you personally kick authorities to do their job.

The Pirates on Tarkus? The Gildenmere terrorsists? Pretty sure those all got arrested during my playthroughs.

Sometimes it is a solution.

I respectfully disagree.

Like, you know, when you are pretty sure that alternative would be that left behind "bad person" would shoot your in the back.

I am about 99,999% sure that you'll probably not get in any situations where the absolute one and only alternative to getting shot in the back is lining up someone and executing them in cold blood.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The Pirates on Tarkus? The Gildenmere terrorsists? Pretty sure those all got arrested during my playthroughs.

Tarkus pirates situation seems to be extremely out of place, and Gildenmere terrorsists are arrested by Myrellion local authorities.

I am about 99,999% sure that you'll probably not get in any situations where the absolute one and only alternative to getting shot in the back is lining up someone and executing them in cold blood.

I'm 99.999% sure it would be. But we won't get option to prevent it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Tarkus pirates situation seems to be extremely out of place, and Gildenmere terrorsists are arrested by Myrellion local authorities.

So basically: "I will conveniently ignore all ingame examples of criminals being sucessfully detained in nonlethal ways because it doesn't fit my point." Got it.

I'm 99.999% sure it would be.

I think that's asinine. Give me one halfways believeable example of a situation in which you absolutely have no other choice than to immediately execute someone and literally every other option leads to you being shot in the back. The only scenarios I can come up with right now are ones where you are working for the bad guys yourself.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So basically: "I will conveniently ignore all ingame examples of criminals being sucessfully detained in nonlethal ways because it doesn't fit my point." Got it.

If they make no sense. We have two criminals with quite a history openly living in Tarkus, but we only find authorities when plot demands.

I think that's asinine. Give me one halfways believeable example of a situation in which you absolutely have no other choice than to immediately execute someone and literally every other option leads to you being shot in the back. The only scenarios I can come up with right now are ones where you are working for the bad guys yourself.

Any situation, when you can't control how said someone is being packed to jail. And jails aren't oftenly conveniently close when you are on frontier. And if said jail is not operated by some bimbo who doesn't give a fuck about actually enforcing law.


Aug 27, 2015
Poll in OP would be useful. 

No it bloody wouldn't.

Eventually, you will deter people from being criminals or you will run out of criminals.

The death penalty is not effective at detering the crimes it is meted out for. Also, this statement is worrying for just so many reasons.

You can justify vigilante violence in comic books and cartoons, where the villains are colourful psychopaths who can always escape prison/government intervention because otherwise plots wouldn't happen. Without wishing to patronise you, your statements and arguments do suggest someone who is applying superhero logic to real life, and it is no longer obvious whether you really think killing sprees are an effective deterrent of crime or whether you're just arguing that because you really want to murder Jack/Jill.

I think maybe one of the problems this thread is showing up that is actually relevant is the question of tone in TiTS. Most of the time you're in a soft, slightly cartoony world where everyone's pretty and if you get involved in fights you knock the blaggards out and either tie them up or give them a friendly bump. But then there is the undercurrent of corporate brutality you quickly discover underpins everything, and you can do things like destroy Tarkus and nuke Myrellion, which are such horrendous "options" they don't seem real. Part of this problem has to do with there being so many different writers, all with their own idea as to what TiTS ideally should be. Perhaps it is not surprising you've got people asking why they can't go around murdering everyone that makes them unhappy, even though by rights that option should be so absurd for a game like this that it shouldn't even occur.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think maybe one of the problems this thread is showing up that is actually relevant is the question of tone in TiTS.

It's quite obvious cyberpunk with all "high tech low life", allmighty corporations and almost anarchy behind illusion of law. Where you can get out with anything, unless someone cares personally and has enough power to make others care.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
If they make no sense. We have two criminals with quite a history openly living in Tarkus, but we only find authorities when plot demands.

This is a fictional piece of work. Everything just happens when/because the plot demands it. You can't just dismiss it because of that. Does it make sense? Maybe not. But hey, neither does the entire premise of this whole game which is: What if humanity finally expored the stars only to find out that the galaxy is populated by sexy human looking girls and some guys to? Find out in "Conveniently human shaped aliens want to bang you: The gameTM" ...uh... I mean "Trials in tainted Space".

Any situation, when you can't control how said someone is being packed to jail. And jails aren't oftenly conveniently close when you are on frontier. And if said jail is not operated by some bimbo who doesn't give a fuck about actually enforcing law.

So your character is brave enough to personally burst through the front door of pirate hideouts for little reason, but so devastatingly afraid of getting shot in the back by the same pirates later that s/he'd rather line them all up and shoot them in the face rather then send them to prison? Sounds more like said character is just trying to justify their murder-boner.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is a fictional piece of work. Everything just happens when/because the plot demands it. You can't just dismiss it because of that. Does it make sense? Maybe not. But hey, neither does the entire premise of this whole game which is: What if humanity finally expored the stars only to find out that the galaxy is populated by sexy human looking girls and some guys to? Find out in "Conveniently human shaped aliens want to bang you: The gameTM" ...uh... I mean "Trials in tainted Space".

So your character is brave enough to personally burst through the front door of pirate hideouts for little reason, but so devastatingly afraid of getting shot in the back by the same pirates later that s/he'd rather line them all up and shoot them in the face rather then send them to prison? Sounds more like said character is just trying to justify their murder-boner.

You know, there are difference between leaving with quote from Kill Bill and leaving because you are stupid. And if I have no option, I can't help but feel like I am playing as another stupid japanese schoolboy from shounen manga.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
It's quite obvious cyberpunk with all "high tech low life"

I think that's a good descriptor, though the aesthetic is obviously very different. Maybe more like TransformationPunk.

Somewhat contrary to what Nonesuch said, TiTS was always intended to have a sort of bubbly-happy fuck paradise veneer, but a rotten corporate dystopia undertone if you looked a little closer. 

And jails aren't oftenly conveniently close when you are on frontier. And if said jail is not operated by some bimbo who doesn't give a fuck about actually enforcing law.

There is actually a competently-run Space Prison on the edge of Rush Space. Ideally it'll make an appearance at some point in the future (for conjugal visits with the Tether pirates and other baddies, if nothing else), but it is there regardless.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I think that's a good descriptor, though the aesthetic is obviously very different. Maybe more life TransformationPunk.

Somewhat contrary to what Nonesuch said, TiTS was always intended to have a sort of bubbly-happy fuck paradise, but a rotten corporate dystopia undertone if you looked a little closer.

Biopunk? Derivative from cyberpunk anyways.

Well,you don't have to use magnifier to see that rotten dystopia.

There is actually a competently-run Space Prison on the edge of Rush Space. Ideally it'll actually make an appearance at some point in the future (for conjugal visits with the Tether pirates and other baddies, if nothing else), but it is there regardless.

Any reason why Lash and Badger are not there, aside plot armor? And why no one cares about clearly incompetent bimbo Penny?


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2016
Any reason why Lash and Badger are not there, aside plot armor? And why no one cares about clearly incompetent bimbo Penny?

No, it's pretty much plot armor. As for Penny it's a pretty small unimportant town where there isn't much criminal activity and superiors probably don't show up often if at all and nobody complained so far I guess.
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Aug 27, 2015
Somewhat contrary to what Nonesuch said, TiTS was always intended to have a sort of bubbly-happy fuck paradise veneer, but a rotten corporate dystopia undertone if you looked a little closer. 

Uh huh. The decisions to murderize millions of people on a whim is still really weird.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Uh huh. The decisions to murderize millions of people on a whim is still really weird.

You can't save someone if there are no option where they die. And, technically, you don't kill them.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Somewhat contrary to what Nonesuch said, TiTS was always intended to have a sort of bubbly-happy fuck paradise veneer, but a rotten corporate dystopia undertone if you looked a little closer.

Ahhh, thank you for answering that for me. I had heard this as a theory or opinion from other forum users, of course, but never straight from the horse's mouth. I had often wondered if TiTS' tone was always meant to be this way or if its direction had changed at some point in development.

I imagine you've probably told people this before, but probably before I started lurking the forums... or in some thread I missed. Possible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Somewhat contrary to what Nonesuch said, TiTS was always intended to have a sort of bubbly-happy fuck paradise veneer, but a rotten corporate dystopia undertone if you looked a little closer. 

That brings up two questions:

  • Why do you insist on keeping the rot under wraps for the majority of the game, yet have places like Tarkus and Myrellion where even PCs bubble of happiness and sex can't keep various horrible boner killers at bay?
  • If it's a something-punk setting, why are the devs so firmly against the notion of PC being a brutal vigilante? Those are one of the genre's staple features after all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Why do you insist on keeping the rot under wraps for the majority of the game, yet have places like Tarkus and Myrellion where even PCs bubble of happiness and sex can't keep various horrible boner killers at bay?

I'd say, there are no place where that bubble of happiness is stable enough. Even Mhen'ga has Xenogen with experiments on locals, Penny with her cumslut path, and massacre in jungle camp clearly done by Vanae.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I'd say, there are no place where that bubble of happiness is stable enough. Even Mhen'ga has Xenogen with experiments on locals, Penny with her cumslut path, and massacre in jungle camp clearly done by Vanae.

My impression is that the bubble isn't supposed to be 100% stable at any given time or place.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'd say, there are no place where that bubble of happiness is stable enough. Even Mhen'ga has Xenogen with experiments on locals, Penny with her cumslut path, and massacre in jungle camp clearly done by Vanae.

You can ignore most of the fap-hindering things you encounter on Mhen'ga with relative ease, and indeed I had done just that on my first playthrough, before I actually began to care about TiTS lore. Even NT don't upset people that prefer not to engage their primate brain when playing porn gamea or to overanalyze their fetishes.

Tarkus is a post-apocalyptic shithole and it houses the first named NPC you can execute (RIP Hand So, I've never had more regrets about a misclick in a game). Myrellion is somehow even worse in that regard.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
This might be kinda off-kilter from the discussion. But I've been thinking about this for awhile now as I've revisited TiTS. The weapons they often use... Well especially some of the firearms on Myrellion. If you didn't have a shield up and you took a high cal rifle shot wouldn't that kinda... Kill you? I know the game isn't aiming for realism but I've wondered why they don't have more star trek styled stun weapons so that it's not like. Oh I just took this alien down with a rifle. Then I'm gonna pounce on them and shag their brains out forgetting about the fact that a rifle firing bullets are going to leave holes in whatever they hit. Technically unless we're talking lone ranger-esque and old western style shooting the weapons out of the hands. Perhaps that's the implied combat method that Steele takes with her opponents. I dunno that takes a huge load of skill though to actually use a lethal weapon to disarm and or disable in a non-lethal manner. I would think that the chaos of combat might lead to a lot of accidents where someone got killed during the struggle. That doesn't mean that either party really had that intent to start with. Just bullets tend to be unforgiving when they punch through body armor and you don't have shields to stop them anymore. Most combat scenario's would end with the incapacitated opponent in need of serious medical attention to avoid dying (Steele too after some of those encounters). I do agree though that TiTS took a very refreshing and even sensible turn in the direction of having people with agendas that aren't necessarily the bad guys that we all wanna kill. I do like lust battle options though. I tend to favor that because it reminds me of the old Vulcan sleeper hold from Star Trek (except sexier). 


Aug 26, 2015
You seriously need to stop reading shitty comic books about anti-heros if that's your opinion.

What's today's date?

Or yous should read less shitty manga about "heroes" who let a villain go with a frown and finger wag after another mass massacre again and again.

So, funny story about this.  There are several reasons that most superheroes don't kill their villains, but a big one is that supervillains didn't actually used to do things worth killing them over.  The Joker used to literally steal candy from children and laugh about how he'd made someone cry.  You're not going to murder someone over that.  Over time, as criminals in our comic books became more violent, the traditions about how to deal with them never changed.

But perhaps the most important two reasons are this: Batman does not kill the Joker because it's society's job to decide the Joker's punishment, and he does not kill the Joker because we the audience want to keep reading more stories about the Joker.  If society refuses to give the Joker the death penalty in acknowledgement that his insanity is no longer a valid defense, what does that say about society?  And if we keep reading Joker stories, knowing that he still lives purely because we haven't gotten bored of him, what does that say about us?

Somewhat contrary to what Nonesuch said, TiTS was always intended to have a sort of bubbly-happy fuck paradise veneer, but a rotten corporate dystopia undertone if you looked a little closer.

It can be very easy to go overboard on dystopia.  I aim to write further towards bubbly; I write with the assumption that most people in most places are okay.  They live reasonably long, comfortable if perhaps not entirely self-actualizing lives, and generally enjoy better standards of living than today, as is the historical trend.  Out on the fringe, obviously, that's going to be less true, but that's because the sorts of people who are willing to pack up everything and go live out on the ass-end of nowhere are usually either people without much to lose, or people looking to profit off the first group of people's willingness to spend lots of money.

More importantly, though, everyone will remember every bad thing you write having happened, but will only remember a fraction of the good things.  It's just how people's brains are wired.  This means that a little bit of dystopia goes a long way, especially when you have a lot of writers and many of them are looking to add their own bits of dystopia.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So, funny story about this.  There are several reasons that most superheroes don't kill their villains, but a big one is that supervillains didn't actually used to do things worth killing them over.  The Joker used to literally steal candy from children and laugh about how he'd made someone cry.  You're not going to murder someone over that.  Over time, as criminals in our comic books became more violent, the traditions about how to deal with them never changed.

Comics Code Authority, anyone?

But perhaps the most important two reasons are this: Batman does not kill the Joker because it's society's job to decide the Joker's punishment, and he does not kill the Joker because we the audience want to keep reading more stories about the Joker.  If society refuses to give the Joker the death penalty in acknowledgement that his insanity is no longer a valid defense, what does that say about society?  And if we keep reading Joker stories, knowing that he still lives purely because we haven't gotten bored of him, what does that say about us

Let's ask Joker himself... I'd agree with him.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
@lightningshifter I feel ya. However, IMO, if you are capable of suspending your disbelief when it comes to something as ridiculous as Lust combat and teasing, then doing that for the HP combat and weapona shouldn't be too hard. You can also choose to not use it. With the ways things are, Lust attacks are OP as fuck and everything you can subdue with Lust attacks is easier to deceat that way. Only a handful of things that are non-organic or really want to harm you won't go down after a good round of striptease. Peace, bra.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I'd say, there are no place where that bubble of happiness is stable enough. Even Mhen'ga has Xenogen with experiments on locals, Penny with her cumslut path, and massacre in jungle camp clearly done by Vanae.

Speaking of that camp, I'm now wondering why we couldn't report the deaths to Penny.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Speaking of that camp, I'm now wondering why we couldn't report the deaths to Penny.

It's Xenogen camp which were used to capture "humanoids". It is interesting question who should be report's theme.
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