Steele's starship


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
I remember awhile back there was a pic that showed the pc's ship, and I remember it looking utterly boring looking. I mean, I know it's supposed to be some sort of old generation hand-me-down - but man, even the text describing it was boring. I was wondering the type of sci-fi aesthetic the design of the ships were gonna be.

Are we talking retro, boxy star wars-like design or will their be more flowing, smooth, starship designs; I can't even really think of any current universe that does interesting ship designs, back in the old days, yeah, but very few current ones, either way, their names aren't coming to me. Maybe Elite Dangerous, or something, their pretty good.

Also, was their ever going to be ship-based combat implemented? I know the mechanics would be wonky to work out, I mean, its space. You lose, you get spaced. Or get bad-ended, like have your crew raped and broken in front or whatever. I'm kinda betting with myself whether space combat would actually be made for that outcome alone or just out of at least minor interest.
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Aug 26, 2015
There will be multiple aesthetics depending on the manufacturer.

Space combat is planned but hasn't yet been implemented.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I remember awhile back there was a pic that showed the pc's ship, and I remember it looking utterly boring looking. I mean, I know it's supposed to be some sort of old generation hand-me-down - but man, even the text describing it was boring. I was wondering the type of sci-fi aesthetic the design of the ships were gonna be.

Are we talking retro, boxy star wars-like design or will their be more flowing, smooth, starship designs; I can't even really think of any current universe that does interesting ship designs, back in the old days, yeah, but very few current ones, either way, their names aren't coming to me. Maybe Elite Dangerous, or something, their pretty good.

Current ship is a piece of junk, which was cheap (and likely already piece of junk) 200 years ago. It's just a box with life support systems and engines, and intentionally designed to be one. The future ship's style would be for sure defined by it's manufacturer. Read: writer.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I remember awhile back there was a pic that showed the pc's ship.

There was? I remember one ship concept that was put to art but I didn't make the connection to the Z14... Now I wanna take a closer look at it.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
I must say, for an ancient piece of junk with just a new paintjob and some minor upgrades, our ship looks very dope.

I agree, there is something to be said for vintage charm. The old girl could definitely use some guns though... I'd hate to run into a Black Void vessel with that bird, I mean what's Jr gonna do? Cram the crew in the escape pods and hope the pirates pass them by?


I agree, there is something to be said for vintage charm. The old girl could definitely use some guns though... I'd hate to run into a Black Void vessel with that bird, I mean what's Jr gonna do? Cram the crew in the escape pods and hope the pirates pass them by?

Actually the shop does have guns they are under the ship and are turret mounted.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Fair enough... and now I wanna reenact a TIE fighter chase with Z14 standing in for Millenium Falcon.
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Apr 14, 2016
Fair enough... and now I wanna reenact a TIE fighter chase with Z14 standing in for Millenium Falcon.

It seems to me that since it doesent have a top mounted turret like the falcon it would be highly vulnerable to attacks from above but assuming the Z14's designers had that in mind it could be more heavily armored on the belly. Which would allow the pilot to fly it belly towards the enemy which would let the gunner have ready aim and would also give  the ship a better chance. Lets just hope you wouldnt be fighting more than one fighter. 


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
It used to be the header image for Fen's Patreon.

View attachment 3251

I must say, for an ancient piece of junk with just a new paintjob and some minor upgrades, our ship looks very dope.

I agree, there is something to be said for vintage charm. The old girl could definitely use some guns though... I'd hate to run into a Black Void vessel with that bird, I mean what's Jr gonna do? Cram the crew in the escape pods and hope the pirates pass them by?

Actually the shop does have guns they are under the ship and are turret mounted.

I don't know, the ship just doesn't look all that impressive to me, maybe its all the sci-fi games and retro japanese games and anime have spoiled my probably "refined" palette. I expect because its supposed to be a family heirloom Steele wouldn't just immediately junk it if after getting a newer ship.

Also another thing I'm curious about; will there be a ship layout for the Casstech like their is for Saendra's, Kiro's, and some other enemy ships? I imagine navigating it like a regular level, like a block for the pilots seat, a row for the crew and the cargo deck.


I don't know, the ship just doesn't look all that impressive to me, maybe its all the sci-fi games and retro japanese games and anime have spoiled my probably "refined" palette. I expect because its supposed to be a family heirloom Steele wouldn't just immediately junk it if after getting a newer ship.

Also another thing I'm curious about; will there be a ship layout for the Casstech like their is for Saendra's, Kiro's, and some other enemy ships? I imagine navigating it like a regular level, like a block for the pilots seat, a row for the crew and the cargo deck.

The Ship is meant to be a ugly junker so don't expect anything its literally a piece of scrap they attached some thrusters and a updated computer on to.

also most likely not even when new ships will be added it will most likely just stay a 1 block map with a menu.                                                                                                     (correct me if Im wrong Savin,Fenoxo,Magic Ted,Gedan,Jacques,Etc.) However that would be a great cosmetic detail however if they do that and the larger ships are added that may be annoying having to go across the entire ship from your cargo-hold to the bedroom to the bridge and so on.


Aug 26, 2015
It's almost certainly not designed as a combat ship.  It's also generally described as being small enough that a one-room layout is all that makes sense.

Personally I'd like to see larger ships have their own maps.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016

Eh, shame about that, but I understand.

The Ship is meant to be a ugly junker so don't expect anything its literally a piece of scrap they attached some thrusters and a updated computer on to.

I was kind of hoping we'd get codex entries for character's and in-depth descriptions of their ships specifications and such, or something like that.

also most likely not even when new ships will be added it will most likely just stay a 1 block map with a menu (correct me if Im wrong Savin,Fenoxo,Magic Ted,Gedan,Jacques,Etc.) However that would be a great cosmetic detail however if they do that and the larger ships are added that may be annoying having to go across the entire ship from your cargo-hold to the bedroom to the bridge and so on.

Yeah, that makes sense.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
It's almost certainly not designed as a combat ship.  It's also generally described as being small enough that a one-room layout is all that makes sense.

Personally I'd like to see larger ships have their own maps.

I'm with Couch. I'd like to see bigger (and presumably more expensive ships) have more than one room map layouts.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
I had always imagined the CassTech as some kind of boxy, shuttle. I suppose I was imagining something like the Tarsus from Wing Commander: Privateer. It doesn't look so bad, actually. I wouldn't mind seeing some small high-performance ships, myself.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Hm. That thing looks pretty spacious, actually. I pictured something more like

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2015
Everything from teensy weensy freighters to Dreadnaughts and Capital ships, at which point you can mobilize your army of waifus in squadrons of one-man fighter crafts. :D


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Everything from teensy weensy freighters to Dreadnaughts and Capital ships, at which point you can mobilize your army of waifus in squadrons of one-man fighter crafts. :D

Somehow I read "army of walrus". I may need to turn up the font size on this forum or something.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2016
Everything from teensy weensy freighters to Dreadnaughts and Capital ships, at which point you can mobilize your army of waifus in squadrons of one-man fighter crafts. :D

Aw dude, please. That is too much of a good idea to NOT be implemented, I don't want to get depressed.


I wonder if the core writers will each get their own brand name.

Different writers=Equals different ship manufacturers 

1.Fenny Freighters

2.Savine Speeders

3.Ted's Tanks

4.*insert more here* 

5.(These are actually pretty shit anyone got better ones)


Aug 26, 2015
There are existing starship brands already, some of which haven't been seen yet outside production documents.  I'm sure more will appear in time, but almost certainly not named for the writers.