A.N.A.L (In Game)


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Goodnight, Anja." He said in a barely audible voice. His eyes stared at Claire's close face almost unblinking for a moment before he hugged the girl and turned her back towards him in a spooning position. "Keep teasing me like that and I won't ever be able to sleep". His voice sounded meek and sheepish. "Go easy on me, will you? I'm not good with people and we need the rest." He tried his best to relax his body, despite the contact of Claire's warm skin and the girly scent she exuded. He had to keep his hips from touching her otherwise every little bit of pride he had would fall apart.


Pausing and pondering the offer given to him,His answer is quite obvious "Done anything for you Vinny" Letting his tongue pierce through her lips and pulling her closer with his arms "I hope you understand that I mean that"


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(Kay & Claire)

"Good night Anja, pleasant dreams." Claire says in a distracted manner, and blushes as Kay studies her face, and smiles sweetly at him, "okay then, I'll play nice and stop teasing you. But there is one thing I've been meaning to do since you saved my life." She whispers to him, then moves her face closer and presses her plump soft lips to his, her face blushing brightly enough that the light freckles on her face are visible in the darkly lit room and he feels the heat radiating from her. After what seems to her like the longest ten seconds of her life, Claire breaks the kiss, and with his assistance she rolls over, whispering "good night Kay. And dont worry, I'll be by your side untill your ready for me." Kay thinks he hears her mutter something under her breath but when he presses for the info she merely replies "g'night!"


Vinerith breaks the kiss slowly and smiles at you knowingly, saying "Believe me love, I know, but you need to get your temper under control." She then takes you by the hand  and guides you up the stairs, leading the way. Once inside however she catches you off guard and squeezes your hand so you cant pull away and throws you onto her bed, before you can react, you the sounds of clinking chains and the clacks off mannacles closing and see her making arcane gestures with her hands and muttering an incantation under her breath. And your effectively chained to her bed by your limbs. She then climbs on the bed and grabs the waist of your pants and pulls in oppiste directions, ripping them off of you. She smiles and says, "Now, how about some dirty magic?" She winks then takes your quickly stiffening member in her hand which then begins to glow with magical energy. After a few words you jerk cause you almost feel what one would assume to be a sensation of being shocked, but soon you realize two things, one, the sensation isnt electrical its just a strong vibration, and two its coming from inside of you, namely your prostate is being massaged by some unknown vibrating force. Vinerith stands up and paces around her bed watching with a twinkle in her eye as your cock throbs with pleasure. "You know... this should help you calm down a bit. Maybe if we drain all that backed up cum out of you then ride you a couple times, back to back, you'll be able to get along with your new friends a little better." As she circles you your cum starts to leak from the head of your dick and run down your shaft in spurts. "Cause untill I release them from my service, dispite how much you and the foot-licker of Marae may wanna tear each other appart I gonna DEMAND that you and him work together on this upcoming job." She then takes a finger and runs it up the length of your cock, gathering some of your spunk on her finger and poping it into her mouth with a short "Mmm," she then continues "Now, once that artifact is in my hands, sure beat them all down if that is what you want to do. But untill then," as she says this last part she climbs over your cock, and you feel the heat from her neither-lips warming the head of your manhood. Her middle finger and thumb glow with magic, and come together as if to snap. "Play nice..." She says with a smirk as she drops on your sensitized prick and snaps her fingers and immediately you orgasim, spraying a payload you didnt know you had into her womb for the second time tonight. But it doesn't stop there. She continues to grind you and the orgasims wont stop comming, your roars of pleasure mixed with pain echo through the halls that night and into the morning.


Dawn Of The Second Day (48 hours remain, lol jk)


Because you went to bed first (also cause I feel we left you sitting too long) You wake up early the next morning to the smell of... Bacon?! As you sit up and look for the source of the smell, you find on the bedside table is a steaming plate of breakfast, completely with bacon, eggs, some pancakes and a tall glass of orange liquid that you can only assume to be orange juice. This actually catches you a little off gaurd, mostly because you know for a fact that the food served here is subpar at best, and never is it served in the rooms itself. Upon closer inspection you also notice a envolope next to the plate marked with Vinerith's seal on the back clearly announcing who the letter is from. You always figured she knew more then she was letting on based on the few number of times youve seen her and the one time you met her, but this is almost blatantly announcing that shes been keeping tabs on you.

(Anja, Kay, & Claire)

Your all dosing peacefully in your beds when you hear a knock at the door, for those who wake up enough to look at the door a meek looking Yuan-ti girl, wearing glasses is poking her head through the crack between the doorframe and the door and says "ummm... G'morning, you dont have to get up just yet... but uhhh, miss Vinerith asked me to prepare breakfast for you all.. soooo, yeah.... its done." The reptilian girl's eyes linger on the still spooning Kay and Claire, her tongue snakeing out a little. She then seems to come back to reality and then shakes her head swiftly, her black hair whiping about her head, like somone not trying to think about something. She then pulls her head back and gently closes the door to the groups room, the sunlight slowly begining to filter through a high window. Kay is still half asleep, and with you not being used to sleeping with others, much less a girl that in your sleep your hand is touching something incredibly soft, but lacking the texture of a pillow (boob). And as you stretch your morning wood prods into something as well (ass cheek), but for the love of Marae, you cant place in your minds eye what could be in your bed with you... Anja is resting peacefully and after the knock it causes her to stir a little from her dreams, as her eyes crack open a little she can help but notice the paladin unknowingly molesting the fair skined girl in his sleep, while the former slave girl is sleeping so heavily that you doubt she knows or even heard the Yuan-ti girl. Regardless though you all smell what smells like good food faintly in the room.


You wake up sore, in Vinerith's room, on her bed. The shackles are gone and the thought of sex is actually painful, but the smell of food is good  and hangs faintly in the air as a Kobold brings in a mug of this liquid that Vinerith  buys from merchants. Supposedly you take the beans of this plant grind them up and run boiling water over them through a filter like system. She told you before that is was called... what was it, coffee? Either way something about the smell seems to highten you waking mind, to say nothing for what happens when consuming this black liquid. The little creature sits the mug down on the bedside table,  bids you a good morning then bows and walks out.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Anja yawns and stretches, before wiping the crust from her eyes. "Mmmmm... Good morning. Whatever you've brought sure smells nice." She awkwardly fiddles with her morning wood, pushing it to the side of her panties so it hugs her skin, rather than jutting out and making a large tent. Walking over to Kay and Claire, a faint smile creeps on her lips, seeing the two lovebirds all curled up like that. She wonders if Kay had any naughty dreams of Claire, because she sure had. "Thanks, lizard girl."


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
He was surrounded by light. He could hear voices coming from the land under him but they did not matter, nothing was important while he drifted in the sky. The dawning Sun was his companion, it's warmth reinvigorated his every fiber. And the were also the clouds. He were silky smooth to the touch but they were also firm. Every time he groped the clouds, happiness filled his being... He nodded to himself, he now knew happiness. A faint breeze brought forth new aromas, each more tantalizing then the other but they all still bowed to the delicious aroma of milk. Every little thing felt as she should be, even his lower body felt comfortable against the clouds. The light grew more intense... and his eyes opened.

He moved so fast and awkwardly that hitting the floor hurt way more then it should have. It took him a moment to register the naked lady in the bed he just fell from, it took another to recognize the mocking expression on Anja's face... and another to realize that the smoothness he felt all night long did not, in fact, belong to clouds. "I... did I...I mean..." He decided not to ask questions and instead cover up the laying girl with the sheet they both used for cover lest his already showing tent got any harder to hide. It was not a morning view for the faint of heart. "Good morning." He said after calming himself up a bit. He rinsed his mouth and equipped back his armor... but he could still feel it though... against his palm. That feeling. "Punyu?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"You were totally groping her all night, Kay..." She eyes his bulge, chuckling to herself. "Need any help with that? I reckon it's not too comfortable to sport in what you're wearing."


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"Erm... no, I-I'm fine. T-thanks for asking?" He answered trying to avoid eye contact while mumbling. "Damn it... I should have spent longer training under the waterfall." He could not help but smile whenever he saw the girl sleeping tranquil. It matters not what any may say, I did good for her.

"It pains me to even suggest this but... should we wake her up? I'd rather not have to hurry breakfast before meeting the baroness. Marae knows what kind of trials we be laid before us all."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Yeah, she doesn't sound like the most pleasant of people, if she employs dickheads like that guy yesterday." "And I would have awoken much earlier if not for that squid-faced henchman last night." Anja sits down on the bed and gently strokes Claire on the arm. "Time to rise and shine. We're busy, today."


Sipping from the hot cup of coffee his mind readjusting to the present as it empties "Ahhhhh, This is great" getting up from the bed taking a bite out of the roast that came with his drink, His body sore all over from last nights events but with something else not quite right "Hmmmmmmm" Flexing his arms and tensing up his body, His muscles are softer and he feels... Warmer? "What the fuck?" putting down the now empty cup of joe and devouring what was left of his meal, His eyes shift from Blood Red to Sky Blue he channels his power into a small blue flame contained within his hand, Quickly faltering into nothing, While not obvious to the normal eye it is quite clear is power has been weakened "Well looks like Vinny actually drained me... Guess playing nice is my only option now" his pants have been sewn back together and folded on the bed putting them back on along with his boots he walks downstairs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Jinni looks at the lovey food that has been made for him. "While I can't say I don't like the thought she still could of knocked.." He fiddles with the letter as he puts on his clothes and eats the food. After reading the letter he does his best to freshen up and make himself presentable. When he's done with this last chore he leaves the room and makes his way out of the bar. Once outside he takes a large lungful of morning air, then coughs because swamps even in the morning don't smell all that great. He then makes his way to Vinerith's manor to wait for Anja. 


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015

The food is (surprisingly) tastey. Upon unfolding the letter you see:

Dear Jinni,

It has come to my attention that you have taken an interest in one of the people I intend to employ, to make things easier for everyone I have notified my gaurds that you are to be let through the gates and into my manor, seeing as you will be accompanying them on the job I intended to hire for I would also be willing to compensate you for your services as well. Thank you for your time.



With that out if the way, you quickly freshen up and head out the door, its still gloomy outside, and a little muggy and the deep breath of aur you take is thick, and a little gross. The streets are filled with a lot of gossip this morning as your ears are filled with rumors about a Paladin derailing the slave trade here in town, and that the Barkeep Sentlac, ate the brain of one of Vinerith's favorites, a demon-dragon half-breed, then sent his mindless corpse back to her manor. Though to you, these rumors sound a tad exaggerated. You quickly arrive at the gate, the Blue Slaad grunts at the Yuan-ti abomination, to which the snake-man replies with a curt nod. Seeming to recognize you they both push the gate open and let you through.

(Anja, Kay, & Claire)

The Yuan-ti girl sniffs at you before saying "yeah, no problem, I got a table set up away from all the books in the main hall when your ready. The names Lisa by the way." The bespectacled snake-girl huffs as she turns away. Claire's eyes flutter open, she then looks from Anja to Kay and sits up, the sheet falling away and exposing her breasts once more with her hair in disarray on one side. She then yawns and stretches, her eyes lidded with drowsiness. From what Kay and Anja can tell, she's either some kinda exabitionist or is so comfortable in her own skin that she doesn't notice her boobs are hanging out. She looks at Kay for a moment or two before tilting her head and smiling, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "Good morn'in.."  she looked around the room and sees the panty snake climbing up Anja's waist. She then giggles before saying playfully "I'm happy to see you too." She then stretches once more before doing a light jump that makes her bounce on her ass to the edge of the bed before hoping out and landing on her feet, with her breasts set to jiggling by the sudden movements. (Claire will save: 13) She starts to walk toward her clothes when she stops suddenly and her eyes go wide like someone who forgot something, her face flushing a little. As she blushes the both of Kay and Anja notice that she seems bothered by something as her thighs slowly start to shift and rub together, causing her hips to sway. "Aw no," she whispers to herself "I think its getting worse...." realizing that shes probably drawing attention to herself her eyes re-focus and she says with a little nervous laughter "eh heh heh... ummmm, I guess I better get dressed." She then steps over to her clothes and armor quickly and proceeds to clothe herself, unwittingly making a show out of it by rubbing her thighs together more as she digs her gear out and dresses herself. "There," she declares as she walks up to the two, "ready when you all are." She says with her best confident smile. 'why won't this heat go away? 'And Kay,' she thinks as she stealthfully slides up next to him. She quietly tries to sniff the air around him (Claire sneak: natural 20.) 'why does he smell so good?' (Anja/Kay spot check: 7-2=5/8+3=11 ) The three of you head to breakfast, (Kay) you notice that Claire seems to be sticking close to you, as you happen to look over your shoulder at her you notice her eyes seem transfixed on you, and her pupils are dilated, untill some part of her realizes that your staring back and she shakes her head again and tries to laugh it off, but it comes out more as nervous laughter like from before.


As you reach the bottem landing of the stairs you see Vinerith talking with a Lizard-man, and she hasn't noticed your approach yet, "Disappeared?.. what do you mean disappeared?!" She asks in a lowered and softer voice. For the first time you see a side of the baroness you havent seen before, uncertainty, doubt, and confusion are all the ingredients used in making the worried face that she now wears. She then looks at the reptilian before her and says, "this is the seventh  team Ive sent to that crypt, I was just hoping they could clear it out till I got someone to go in to retrieve it... Damnit!" That last word comes out a little louder then intended and she then notices your approacg. "Ah, Purgat dear... I trust you slept well?" She says with a knowingly smile, the look of worry completely erased from before. "The paladin and his allies should be arriveing soon. You'll behave youself right?" She asks as the door opens to reveal Jinni (feel free to discribe yourself. :3)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Still getting used to your... enhancements, eh, Claire?" Anja grins, oggling her curvy body like a hungry shark smelling a big, bloody piece of flesh in the water. Her hands almost demanding she undress the young woman and explore her soft body, milking her large breasts, pinching her sensitive nipples. Her nethers, too, are adding to this cacophany of sensory input, her dick straining against her pants, hard as diamonds. She is so goddamn sexy, with her raven black hair, pouty lips and perfectly sculpted face and body. And her smell, her lovely scent... it's like having her face buried in a pheromone-laden honeypot. (Constitution save: 1(+2), critical fail.) Anja lets out a muffled moan as she jizzes, and creams, herself from her thoughts. She blushes heavily, and covers herself in shame. "..." Her face is an unhealthy shade of purple, and she feels like just disappearing right now, this is way too embarassing.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The paladin blinked.

The paladin blinked twice.

The paladin blinked a third time.

The paladin looked away.

"So... the weather huh? I wonder if it's gonna rain." The paladin tried to switch the focus of the party.

"Claire, I think we should go ahead and grab a bite. We will be waiting outside, miss Anja." He said motioning the girl to follow him. He could understand Anja's feelings. His own drive had been hammering away at his self-control, since the day before he had been haunted by temptation and that made him feel awkward in a way he had never before. Claire seemed to be behaving erratically as well but that was no wonder, she did endure a lot and still were it seemed, but having her standing so close affected him... deeply.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kay nodded his head in agreement. "Claire, go ahead." He waited for a moment until they were alone. "I'm sorry things have been this hectic. I appreciate having you around. What's the matter?" He asked earnestly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"It's Claire... she's a sweet girl and all, but her smells and her looks... it's driving me goddamn wild. I don't know how you put with it, Kay, but my cock is absolutely burning thinking about her. She's your slave and all, but I'm not sure I could control myself without you here to shield her. My body is begging me to tie her up and... well... I think you can figure out the rest, aye?" She looks down a bit, rapidly hardening once again in her white-stained black panties. "Whatever they did to her body is really effective, and I'm sure you're feeling it too, right?" She looks down at your crotch, before running her hand across your cheek. She's very warm, and her hands are moist from sweat. There's a hint of desperation in her voice.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The doors open and the red skinned man looks around the inside of the manor. He gives Vinerith a bow that's only slightly mocking.

"Good morning to you my lady! Such a...nice morning we're having." He stands up and flutters his wings to make a small breeze to move the humid air. "Really I'll never understand how people can live here all the time." He spies Pugrat. "Ah I see that the bar keep didn't your brains for a late night snack...pity. So when should the others arrive?"  


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
"She is... not my slave. She is my companion." These first words might have come out a little harshly but what followed came in soft tones, he didn't like to show weakness but he felt weak indeed. "But yes. It's driving me insane. Do you think it was easy to sleep with her on my arms? With my... with her brushing herself against me and that divine scent chipping away any fortitude I had? It really wasn't." He paused for a moment, the girl's caress felt tender bu he could feel his conflict, his want, mirrored inside of her. "But we have to endure... at least until I talk to the baroness. I have to figure out if that's really Claire. I need to know how much of her behavior is out of her own free will. We can't take advantage of her if that's not...her."

The paladin reclined against the wall, his will sapped. "I can't let you take her. I can't let myself take her. But if you're suffering because of it." He looked shyly to his own feet, his own excitement barely contained. "Maybe, I could help you... If you show me how."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Anja is taken aback a little, she never expected Kay to just offer to get her off like this. "You don't absolutely have to do this, Kay. And I won't force you, but if you still want to do it, I can show you how best to do it." Her fingers run along his neck, gently lifting his gaze a little, as she fishes out the dick constrained in her panties. It's quite sizeable, not huge, but certainly above average, and it's covered in her last load of ejaculate. "Last chance to back out, Kay." She lets go of him and grabs a rag, wiping off her erect length of excess cum. "But if you really want to help me, you're gonna have to get down on your knees, and wrap your lips around this girl-cock." She giggles, her heart pumping much faster than usual. Being in this position is actually turning her on even more, a cute guy practically throwing himself at her to suck dick, it sends even more blood to the pale member, the foreskin peeling back to reveal the tender, pale-blue head. "Do you want this?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kay could not deny Anja intrigued him from the start. She was good looking, strong and as everything pointed out, reliable. But was he really willing to go that far? A day ago the only naked body he had seen other then his own was his master's when he helped the cranky old man bathe but that had never been colored in a sexual tone but after the last day, there had been so much happening and so much of it made him feel intoxicated by sexuality. He took a good look at the girl, his heartbeat felt like a hammer to an anvil. He had to wonder if Anja could hear it jumping in his chest. The girl's member was pretty much the same size as his was, he wondered how it felt... touching someone else's.

He could not say he was thinking straight at the moment but it was way too late to back out now, he wasn't even sure he wanted to. He could sense some amount of teasing and anticipation in Anja's voice but it didn't matter. The paladin knelt in front of the futanari, his perspective changing. He could now see everything in a lot more details, her scrotum twitched slightly, probably a reflection of her recent incident and hidden behind it was was something else he had never seen before. Her vagina looked moist but so tight and virginal. He could not help himself, before he even acknowledged what he was doing, he already had a hand gently stroking the Anja's pale cock while the other traced the thin line between her balls that led towards her pussy.

He had to see it all closer. So close he could smell the two different fluids of her body. He could feel the seedy scent of her cum, that he already knew... adolescence happened to every one and it could not go by without some frequent incidents but he could also smell something else entirely. He had to know more. He could feel his lips kiss the girl's crown, his tongue dancing around it for a moment or two. It was salty, he couldn't tell if that's how he expected it to taste like. As his hand jerked her off, his tongue ran along the sizeable pole along his lips loose on he skin, slowly moving down... sucking slowly and deliberately on her testicles before touching her pussy's membrane. That was different. He didn't know if better or worse but different. His fingers parted her inner lips as he ran his tongue up and down her gash, honey mixing with saliva. His hands now stroked her cock faster. He couldn't tell if she girl was enjoying herself or not but he couldn't stop either way.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The sharp gasps of pleasure coming from between her upper lips betray the feeling in her lower pair. Like ripples in a pond, the pleasure spreads out across her body, head to toe. But it was more than that, it was a feeling of being in control, being able to direct where his attention would be, it is a rush like no other, and her cock throbbed in response to this stimuli, it's heat and slight movements easily able to be felt in the working hand. She bites her lip, one hand moving up to fondle her chest, whilst the other gently strokes his hair, guiding his head to her sexes. "Are you sure you haven't done this before?" She giggles, followed by a satisfied moan.

Her hand moves to the back of his head, and she presses him deeper into her gash, his nose forced into her smooth, hairless testes, the heady, musky scent of sweat, semen and her feminine self-lubricants filling his nostrils with every breath. After a few moments of this treatment, she pulls the two apart, Kay's tongue unknowingly reaching for the sweet honeypot as distance is put between the two. "Kay, there's no doubt you can eat pussy, but... there's something else I need you to do." She grins, her red eyes betraying a lust of a more phallic persuasion. She grabs the tool between her thighs, and gently lays it on his thin lips, the smell of stale cum permeating the air around him. "You know you want to, Kay... blow me." She teases with a commanding presence, as if she knows you want to, but still wanting dominance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The words barely meant anything to him at he moment but Anja's actions and domineering attitude left very little to be guessed. He looked up, his eyes focusing on hers, on her grin, on her proudly displayed token of dominance... and he submited. His lips enveloped her cock with some uncertainty but filled with the desire to please. Her taste felt that much stronger, the heat in her shaft grew as well. What had started as hesitation slowly turned into satisfaction. The paladin's hands started to caress the female strong legs from her calves, to her thighs, he embraced her lower body as the movements started to become more natural. His eyes, glued to hers sparkled with something more.

Kay could feel a proper rhythm being established, he knew he was pleasing her despite his amateur skills, maybe specially because of his lack of malice. All he really wanted ar first was to help. Help Anja, help Claire. Now it had changed, at least for the moment all he wanted was to satisfy Anja. For her to tell him how good he had made her feel. For her to tell him how good he had sucked her cock.

As if hunger had taken over him, the paladin bobbed his head with gusto. Saliva dripped from Anja's tool at every motion. He wanted to please her so bad. His own neglected cock hurt now, strained by his underwear but he could not part his hands from the female's firm flesh. He sucked as hard as he could, his tongue trying to coil itself against her phallus but being impeded by his own head motions. Her taste had been overpowering at first but it now felt precious. He could feel her flesh knocking against the back of his mouth every time she thrusted back, he could feel the tension between them escalating... His eyes delighted on her face, on her domineering gaze and how her body trembled along his.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
What began as the occasional gasp or moan is soon transformed into a cacophony of throaty, lewd compliments and the sounds of flesh smacking against flesh. Her eyes, formerly transfixed and dominant, are now half rolled-back into her skull, and her face clearly paints how good she is feeling, with her noises only adding to this audio-visual ecstacy. She builds up pace, holding Kay's head in place, the smacking gets louder, and the feeling of her glans pressing against the back of your mouth intensifying, until she's practically fucking your mouth with reckless abandon. Rapidly building up her crescendo, the firm hand tightens even more, and she thrusts forward with a loud "M-aaaaaaaaah!" Several ropes of jizz splatter against the back of your mouth in rapid succession, before stopping, and leaving Anja panting and sweating as she holds your head in place. Her legs give away beneath her shortly after, and she drops to her knees in front of you, her cock slipping out of it's warm holster, now dangling limply, looking towards the floor, still dripping every now and then.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
So that's how it works. The warm flood overwhelmed him at first as Anja's cum splurged around the youngling's mouth. This isn't tasty... but it's not bad. It took him a moment to notice he could not breath as the female held him firmly against her pelvis, her cock still hitting the back of his mouth. Her cum , mixed with his saliva swam around until he had to swallow which he did eagerly. As Anja let go and fell to her knees, he could breathe again. He coughed once or twice as air reached his lungs, his eyes tearing up, was it because he could breathe again or was it because the experience had simply been that intense? The paladin did not know what to do next. The girl sat in front of him, also breathing hard as she recomposed herself.

His thoughts slowly crawled back to order. He could not believe what had just transpired but the sheer intensity of how it all happened scared him a little. He could understand at least a bit of why people did what they did while they searched for thrills like this. He could feel his own member now surrounded by warmth, he could not remember ejaculating but it felt natural for him to do so. He felt like he wanted to laugh out loud but he was too drained to do so, a smile would have to do. "That was... something." He tried to stand up but he felt a little dizzy, that would have to wait for another moment. He reached for the rag Anja had used to clean herself before and he used it to do the same. He would have to wash him underwear later.

"If Claire finds out..." He cleaned himself as thoroughly as he could. He wondered if he had been stained by Anja's smell, he knew he could still feel her taste. "Thanks, miss. That opened my eyes."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Yeah... thanks to you too, Kay..." Anja pants, tucking his saliva-coated dick inside her semen-crusted panties, before getting back up and dressing herself in the appropriate leather attire. "You're a good cock-sucker, by the way." She winks with a mischievous grin, washing her hands and putting on a pair of bracers. "Come, let's not forget to eat. That is, unless you've already had your fill." She waits for Kay in the door, leaning against the frame with one foot in the ground.

(You can pretty much just have Anja go straight from breakfast to the Baroness without any input from me.)


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(Jinni & Purgat)

As Jinni walks in, the manor is lavish with expensive decorations, paintings and a few tapestries hang from walls, most depicting other dragons, and theres been a large table set up with some fresh fruit in a large bowl and a set of three pitchers with six cups. Vinerith smiles at you, "I see you haven't lost your... charm." That last word has a few hints of sarcasm. "You get used to the swamp when you live here. I personally find it comforting in its own way." She continues as she casually inspects her nails, "Only had to kill a few humans who thought they would turn this into they're personal conquest." She smiles at this, and looks back up to meet your gaze. "But, baring any... interruptions, they should be on they're way here now." She walks to take a seat at the large table with now five empty chairs. 

She then gestures for you to take a seat, "Please, have a seat, would you like a refreshment while we wait?" She asks while taking the chair faceing the door, and gesturing to the bowl and pitchers. She "Yes it really is a good thing Sentlac didn't eat Purgat's mind, as replacing both of them would a real pain in the ass."  She says her mirth fading as she pours a cup of what you assume to be wine. 

(Kay, Anja & Claire)

The food was actually quite good, and after filling your bellies and sating other appetites the three of you head towards the manor, Claire occasionally sniffing the air, "I swear," she says taking in another nose full, "the air is very different in the morning, almost has a heady musk to it."Don't you smell it too? I almost has a familiar smell..." She looks to both Anja and Kay as she askes. The three of you are approaching the gate now, the humidity of the swap during the day seems to be getting to Claire as she uses the collar of her battle-dress(?) to fan her flushing cheeks, causing her breasts to jiggle a little from the effort. "Geez, its so~ HOT!" No wonder Vinerith is such a grump-ass! If I lived in this crap all the time I'd be pissy too!" She states loudly and the Yuan-ti and Blue Slaad open the gate, glaring at the girl for her impudenc. Shes not the only feeling it though, as the three of you trudge up the walkway to the door, the air feels so much heavier in the humidity, making clothing and armor uncomfortable. The trio reach the door to the manor of Vinerith. And a pair of Lizard-men open the door for you, they obviously have been expecting you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"Yeah, it is quite hot. Goddamnit, leather gets stuffy in this thick heat, how the hell have you managed to live here, Claire? This place is wretched to be in, and I'm not just talking about the company." Anja complains in hushed tones, keeping her hand close to the basket-hilt of her rapier. "Not sure if we're walking into some kind of trap, or she really *does* want to see us. In any event, she has the information I am here for, and after I get it I will be leaving this place behind." She says sternly, looking at the lizardfolk guarding the entrance. She never was big on those of a reptillian bent, too savage and cruel for her tastes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Kay walked mostly silently, Claire's comments made he feel guilty of something even if he knew he shouldn't. The way people eyed them as they walked the streets unnerved him, if yesterday, they had avoided him completely, now they seemed either overly curious or outright resentful of his presence. As they entered Vinerith's property and were lead to her presence, he managed to relax a little, he knew she wasn't found of him, but she had plans and he doubted killing him before lunch was included on them. As the large doors opened, he bowed graciously. "Milady". He greeted her as his eyes scanned the room and the other guests. His eyes locked themselves on Purgat's and his hand flew to the hand of his sword, but he did not draw. "I assume milady whipped the misbehaving dog into shape." He sighed trying to keep his composure despite another presence triggering his alertness, a demon, or at least halfling also sat on the table. "We are here, as you had us kindly summoned."


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
(All, and so it begins)

Vinerith smiled as the three entered the room, finally after all this time, she would have a the champion of one of the goodly deities to help bring her plan to fruition. "Welcome welcome, please," she beckons for the three most recent arrivals to come further in and have a seat, "have a seat, and some refeshments, this has been a humid day thus far." As Kay's eyes meet Purgat's and his hand drops to the hilt of his weapon, Vinerith clicks her tongue. "I wouldn't draw if I were you, my young paladin, Purgat here has already been punished for his actions. I also would like to strongly encourage you all to learn to get along quickly, because you all will be putting up with each other for a while yet. Now... Sit."

As everyone gathers at the table, she starts off by way of introducing herself, "my name, as Im sure you all already know, is Vinerith Darkscale. Some of you are here because you have little to no choise in the matter, and some are here for the information that I can provide you, while others, it seems, are here merely because it amuses them." She then looks at Anja, "Lets see, Rapier at the hip, obviously Orcish heritage of some kind, and from that look on your face you dont trust me." The Dragoness smirks at the rouge, "you, young lady, must be Tulgan's daughter Anja." She chuckles to herself, "isn't this quaint, to think that if he had only waited a few days, he would have got to meet his daughter." She laces her fingers together in front of her, "you have his eyes you know."

She then looks at Claire, her smile fading,  and turning her nose up at the former slave. "So, I see your 'friend' has decided to give you the chance to work off your debt." She rolls her eyes and says "whatever, just don't fuck up my plans Claire, cause not even that paladin could save you if you do." She then looks at Jinni, a lazy smile returning to her face, "speaking of wayward children, hows your mom these days? Any new father figures to look up to?" She taps a nail on her chin and appears to look thoughtful for a moment," you know~, she was here about a year ago, was asking around about you, among other things. If you like, it would be no trouble to send word to her if you'd like, could be a reunion of sorts."

Then her gaze falls on Kay, "And there he is, the man of the hour," her voice sounding smooth and somewhat condescending, "champion of Marae, defender of the weak, rescuer of damsels, solution to my problems." Her hands still laced together  rise in front of her and her chin rests on them, her eyes stare back into yours for several moments, a smug, satisfied look smeared on her face before breaking the uncomfortable silence. "I trust you slept well? I would hate to send you out tired, as the Black Forest is very unforgiving, assassin-cockvines, trolls, sprites, tendriculos and the like." She then giggles and downs the rest of her drink.

"Okay, enough with the formalities," she sighs "down to business, now Im sure there are some of you whom expect me to do you some kind of harm, when the truth is I actually need you assistance." Her left hand comes out to her side, and a Kobold comes running up to her side with a rolled up piece of parchment, "thank you," she says before handing it to Anja. "This is a detailed map of the area, commonly known as The Black Forest. Now at the center and a little south is our lovely town, a little further north however is, what we've come to call the Decayed Forest, named because of the number of dead burried out there, theres a crypt built at the center of it all, and deep inside is the object I need a black onyx disk. The task in theory is simple, bring it back to me and I'll pay you all a large sum of gold for it plus possibly some other things. I should probably warn you though, your the fourth team Ive sent, so I advise caution. That being said, I planed to send my own personal ally, Purgat in with you to help make things a little easier. Any questions?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Anja studies the map closely, in case anything should go sour. (roll for wisdom or intelligence?) She turns her gaze back to Vinerith. "I have multiple questions."