Your Steele's appearance.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Last edited by a moderator:
Feb 14, 2016
You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become an alien hybrid over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 12 feet and 6 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 3.81 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, using a red, itty bitty male thong for underwear, and girding your upper body with an undershirt.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with thick, gold skin. A set of razor-sharp, retractable shark-teeth fill your mouth and gives your visage a slightly angular appearance. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with universe-distorting lips and long, beautiful eyelashes. In addition to your primary two eyes, you have a second, smaller pair on your forehead, all of which beam luminous azure in the darkness. The exquisitely long, glowing black mane of tentacles atop your head is parted by a pair of pointed, fin-like ears, sensitive to the slightest sound. Floppy bristly feelers also grow from just behind your hairline, bouncing and swaying in the breeze. Your mouth contains a thick, fleshy tongue that, if you so desire, can telescope to a distance of about four feet. It has sufficient manual dexterity that you can use it almost like a third arm. A pair of 36-inch horns grow from the sides of your head, sweeping backwards and adding to your imposing visage.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of thick, black scales, and magnificent wings sprout from your shoulders. When unfurled they stretch further than your arm span, and a single beat of them is all you need to set out toward the sky. They look a bit like bat’s wings, but the membranes are covered in fine, delicate scales and a wicked talon juts from the end of each bone. Swirls of luminous black trace brighter accents across much of your form. Your sticky skin is secreting a constant layer of lubrication, giving it a slick oiled shine. Shining black exoskeleton covers your arms from the biceps down, resembling a pair of long black gloves from a distance. You have flaring, inhumanly-wide hips that swell disproportionately wide on your lithe frame, and your strong, tremdously large butt is marvelously large, but completely stacked with muscle. 11 sinuous, almost snake-like tails wave behind you, covered in smooth plates like the rest of you except at the tip. There, they terminate in tight, equine cunts that always seem to crave fresh sperm. In addition, your genitails are organs capable of laying eggs into an orifice. Your perfectly lissom legs end in mostly human feet, apart from the horn protruding straight down from the heel that forces you to walk with a sexy, swaying gait. Surprisingly your mobility isn’t impaired by having your feet converted into natural high heels, although you are forced to totter about with your upper body thrust forward a little to compensate, leaving you permanently locked into an awkwardly sexy pose. Your midriff is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.

A pair of gills are growing out just below your neck, spreading out horizontally and draping down your chest. They allow you to stay in the water for quite a long time. You have two back-breaking, milky udders, capped with four teats each. Your immense, fluid-filled mounds are producing alabaster milk but are nowhere near full at the moment. You could easily fill a large OO-cup bra.

Your masculine endowments are concealed within a well-hidden slit when not in use, though when the need arises, you can part your concealed entrance and reveal your true self. Where a penis would normally be located, you have instead grown your obscene group of monstrously thick, mutated dicks:
Your first tentacle-ringed member is 8 inches long and 1.3 inches wide. The crown is surrounded by tiny tentacles with a venomous, aphrodisiac payload. At its base a number of similar, longer tentacles have formed, guaranteeing that pleasure will be forced upon your partners. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your pulsating cock looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 4 inches wide when at full size.
Your second goopey dong is 8 inches long and 1.3 inches thick. The crown is surrounded by tiny tentacles with a venomous, aphrodisiac payload. At its base a number of similar, longer tentacles have formed, guaranteeing that pleasure will be forced upon your partners. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your knotted, squirming goo-dick looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 4 inches wide when at full size.
The third slimy plant-shaft is 150 inches long and five inches thick. Its glowing gold length frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your monstrously thick, smooth dick looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 15 inches wide when at full size.
Your next car-sized cock is 150 inches long and five inches in diameter. Its glowing gold length frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your vine-like prick looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 15 inches wide when at full size.
Your next goopey tentacle-prick is 150 inches long and five inches wide. Its glowing gold length frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your goopey, undulating cock looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 15 inches wide when at full size.
Your sixth mammoth dick is 150 inches long and five inches thick. Its glowing gold length frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your floor-dragging, squirming member looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 15 inches wide when at full size.
The seventh movement-impairing dong is 150 inches long and five inches thick. Its glowing gold length frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your monumental, twisting dick looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 15 inches wide when at full size.
Your next bulbous, gooey shaft is 150 inches long and five inches in diameter. Its glowing gold length frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your shaft looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 15 inches wide when at full size.
Your next vehicle-sized goo-cock is 150 inches long and five inches wide. Its glowing gold length frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your mammoth plant-shaft looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 15 inches wide when at full size.
Your tenth cock is 150 inches long and five inches thick. Its glowing gold length frequently shifts and moves of its own volition, the slightly oversized and mushroom-like head shifting in coloration to purplish-red whenever you become aroused. It is covered in nub-like protrusions, spread out evenly across the shaft, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. The ‘head’ of your shaft widens quite noticeably, the better to stimulate your partners. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your wriggling tool looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 15 inches wide when at full size.
Each of your manhoods naturally retract into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid.

A scaly sloshing scrotum filled with ten beachball-sized balls swings low under your bundle of bloated, mutated cocks. You estimate each testicle to be about 78 inches around and 24.9 inches across.

You have three tight, gooey pussies,  all similar in appearance.
Your first entrance is a dusky snatch with ten 15-inch clits, still virginal in appearance.
The second slit is a dusky snatch with ten 15-inch clits, still virginal in appearance.
The third and final vagina is an equine gash with ten 15-inch clits, still virginal in appearance.
Each vagina’s exterior lips are fat and swollen. They could easily be described as rubbery, and they often shine with a wet sheen, regardless of your arousal. When you’re aroused, you’re told that they wink. Their lips and insides are covered in numerous nub-like protrusions.

You have one tight, lube-flooding ass, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with occasional beads of lube bordering its edges.

Since some parts of you are made of goo, you can adjust them if need be.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2016
Marco Steele
You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a minotaur over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 9 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 2.74 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a heavily modified set of hardened, energy absorbent armor plates, using a set of plain briefs for underwear, and girding your upper body with an undershirt.

 You have a face resembling that of an anthropomorphic bovine, with cow-like features, particularly a squared off wet nose. Your thick, black fur thickens noticably on your head, looking shaggy and more than a little monstrous once laid over your visage. Overall, your visage has a square chin, chiseled jawline, and beard. Your eyes are completely crimson, with irises of the same color and indistinguishible from the pupils themselves, making you appear quite alien. The glowing red mohawk on your head is parted by a pair of rounded cow ears that stick out sideways. Your mouth contains a humanoid tongue. Two huge horns erupt from your forehead, curving outward at first, then forwards. The weight of them is heavy, and they end in dangerous looking points.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, mostly covered in a layer of thick, black fur, and a pair of black wings adorn your back, feathered like a dove’s and big enough to be worn like a cloak when folded over your body. They’re strong enough to glide with, but nice and soft to the touch. Swirls of glowing red trace brighter accents across much of your form. You have pleasant thighs that blend into your pillar-like waist, and your incredibly tight, perky ass molds closely against your form. A long cow tail with a puffy tip swishes back and forth as if swatting at flies. Your legs are muscled and jointed oddly, covered in fur, and end in a pair of bestial hooves. Your belly is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.

You’re ripped as hell, sporting the kind of muscle guys want and girls want around them. Much can be said about your pecs, capped with one 0.2-inch striking nipple each. The average-sized areolae are onyx.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your knotted shaft is 36 inches long and six inches across. It’s black in color and laced with thick veins. The shaft of your manhood naturally retracts into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid. The ‘head’ of your shaft flares proudly, just like a horse’s. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your musky horse-cock, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 9 inches wide when at full size. A fuzzy cum-packed sack filled with two beachball-sized balls swings low under your inhumanly distended, bestial horse-member. You estimate each testicle to be about 50 inches around and 16 inches across.

You have one ass, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.


Personal Statistics
* Name: Marco Steele
* Occupation: Mercenary
* Upbringing: Athletic
* Affinity: Physique
* Initial Race: Human
* Current Race: Minotaur
* Height: 9’
* Weight: 1280.269 lbs
* Sex: Male
* Gender Alignment: Male
* Femininity (Negative is Masculine): -100 %
* Personality Score: 0, Kind, Brute
* Alcohol Tolerance: 100/100
* Exhibitionism: 1.5/100
* Carry Threshold: 16170.32 lbs
* Face: Bovine, Muzzled, Long
* Beard, Length: 1”
* Hair: Glowing Red, Mane, Hair
* Hair, Length: 8”
* Hair, Style: Mohawk
* Ears: Bovine
* Eyes: Crimson, Gabilani
* Lips: Pencil-thin, Peach
* Tongue: Human
* Horns: 2, 2’ 6” Bovine
* Tone: 100/100
* Thickness: 100/100
* Skin: Thick, Fur
* Skin Tone: Ebony, Glowing Red Markings
* Fur Color: Black
* Arms: 2, Human
* Legs: 2, Digitgrade, Furred, Hooves, Bovine
* Tail: 1, Long, Fluffy, Bovine
* Genital Elasticity: 1
* Genital Location: Waist
* Nipples: 2 Onyx Nipples, 1 per breast
* Breast, Count: 2
* Nipple, Type:  Normal
* Nipple, Length: 0.25 in each
* Areola, Size: 0.5 in each
Male Organs
* Total Count: 1 Penis, 2 Testicles
* Testicle, Size: 1’ 3” across, 4’ 2 1/4” around, each
* Testicle, Volume: 35104.065 mLs, each
* Testicle, Weight: 835.433 lbs, total (5 %)
* Penis, Virginity: Taken
* Cum, Type: Cum
* Cum, Capacity: 100 %
* Cum, Current Internal: 5024096 mLs
* Cum, Probable Ejaculation:  807890 mLs
* Cum, Max: 5024096 mLs
* Refractory Rate: 10000 %
* Virility: 1000 %
* Virility, Speed Modifier: 100 %
* Type: Blunt, Flared, Sheathed, Knotted, Black, Equine
* Length, Flaccid:  9”
* Length, Current:  11 3/4”
* Length, Erect: 3’
* Thickness:  6”
* Knot Thickness:  9”
* Volume: 1043.32 cubic inches
* Capacity: 173.887 cubic inches
* Weight: 54.416 lbs
* Belly, Size Rating: 0
* Belly, Weight: 0 lbs
* Hip, Size Rating: 4
* Butt, Size Rating: 1
* Butt, Weight: 0.9 lbs
* Anus: 1, Asshole
* Anus, Virginity: Taken
* Anus, Capacity, Bonus: 500 cubic inches
* Anus, Capacity, Effective: 848 cubic inches
* Anus, Looseness Level: 1
* Anus, Wetness Level: 0
* Orgasms, Total: 717

Combat Statistics
Physical Combat
* Accuracy Bonus, Melee: 0 %
* Accuracy Bonus, Ranged: -4 %
* Critical Chance, Melee: 17 %
* Critical Chance, Ranged: 15 %
* Defense, Armor: 7
* Defense, Shields: 0
* Evasion Bonus: 1 %
* Fortification: 7
* Melee Damage, Kinetic: 13
* Melee Damage, Electric: 31
* Ranged Damage, Kinetic: 45
* Resistance, Kinetic: 80 %
* Resistance, Electric: 30 %
* Resistance, Burning: 30 %
* Resistance, Corrosive: 15 %
* Resistance, Poison: 15 %
Sexual Combat
* Sexiness: 0
* Tease Skill, Ass: 100/100
* Tease Skill, Chest: 100/100
* Tease Skill, Crotch: 100/100
* Tease Skill, Hips: 100/100
Combat Performance
* Combat, Losses: 14
* Combat, Victories: 401
* Tease, Times Used Ass: 101
* Tease, Times Used Chest: 100
* Tease, Times Used Crotch: 100
* Tease, Times Used Hips: 100

General Statistics
* Total Recruited: 4
* Total Onboard: 4
* Time Spent Moving From Room to Room: 17 days 18 hours 20 minutes
* Time Spent Flying: 75 days 2 hours 33 minutes
* Sleeping With: Anno
* Virginities Claimed: 2

Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 775
* Births, Ovilium Eggs, Total: 775

Parasite Statistics
Not Available
* There is no history of any attached parasites.

Creating mine to be like a God among all. Still hoping and waiting for an item that can get his height to 12' without Galomax, then he will be complete.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I got all the mimbranes up to Face first and then started taking GaloMax.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
No, they still get TFed. It's just the mimbranes don't leave. They don't mind a little plush.


New Member
Mar 7, 2016
My main, Lucia Steele: 

You are a half-leithan. You’re a good 7 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 2.13 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a white doctor’s coat, tank top, and skirt, using a set of stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a lacy bra.

 Your face is fairly human in shape, but is covered in black scales over pale skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with juicy lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Regular blue eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. A pair of floppy rabbit ears stick up out of your very long, steel hair, bouncing around as you walk. In addition, three-inch long pointed elfin ears jut out below them, giving you exceptional hearing. Your mouth contains a narrow but flexible tongue that, if you so desire, can extend a good distance out from your mouth. Its tip is forked, and you are capable of moving it around in an almost prehensile manner.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of black scales, and four wings sprout from your back, each covered in wonderfully soft black feathers and big enough to be worn like a robe when all four are folded over your body. They’re arranged so they don’t get in each other’s way when spread, thus you can still glide with them. In addition, your body is sprinkled with a light layer of sweat, signaling the exertion of your previous physical activities. Small claws protrude from the tips of your fingers in place of fingernails, and your arms are covered in scales up to the shoulders. From the waist down, you have a powerful, six-legged body that looks like a crossbreed of a lizard and a horse. Your muscly backside matches your toned, tauric frame quite well. A tapered tail hangs down from just above your nicely muscled butt. It sways back and forth, assisting you with keeping your balance. Your reptilian legs end in clawed feet, tipped with three long toes and a small hind-claw on the back. Your midriff is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.

You have two breasts, capped with one 0.3-inch bud each. The average-sized areolae are pink. You could easily fill a D-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is positioned at the back of your tauric hindquarters, rather than at your humanoid waist. As a tauric creature, your womanly parts lie between your rear legs in a rather equine fashion. You have a pliant, dusky snatch, with one 0.5-inch clit. Occasional beads of girl-cum drip from your narrow, crotch-soaking, dusky snatch. The exterior lips are fat and swollen. They could easily be described as rubbery, and they often shine with a wet sheen, regardless of your arousal. When you’re aroused, you’re told that they wink.

You have one butthole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.

My WIP attempt at an Undyne alt:

You are a human. You’re a good 5 feet and 10 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.78 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a mark one suit of Xenogen’s Atma Armor, using a pair of boyshorts for underwear, and girding your upper body with a sports bra.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with azure skin. Overall, your visage has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw attention and plump lips. Metallically glistening sable eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. The long, red ponytail atop your head is parted by a pair of pointed, fin-like ears, sensitive to the slightest sound. Your mouth contains a tongue.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have ample hips that draw the attention of those around you, and your firm behind looks great under your gear. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your tight middle is nice and smooth.

You have A-cup breasts, two small, pert sporty boobs that almost vanish under anything thicker than spandex, capped with one 0.2-inch prominent nipple each. The average-sized areolae are pink. You could easily fill a A-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have an open pussy, with one 0.5-inch clit. Occasional beads of girl-cum drip from the massive hole that is your barely-spread, pliant cunt.

You have one butthole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.
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Sep 20, 2015
Here's mine ...

You started your journey as a half-kaithrit, but you’ve become an alien hybrid over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 6 feet and 4 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.93 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a shiny, silver and black bodysuit, using a set of stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a lacy bra.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with ebony skin. A set of retractable, needle-like fangs sit in place of your canines, just like a naleen. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with succulent lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a gem-like shimmering ruby iris. The ass-length, silver spiny-hair atop your head can’t possibly hide a pair of exquisitely long, elf-like ears. They extend a full 12 inches from the sides of your head, triangular in shape with a bit of downward curve along their length. A thought is all it takes for them to change their angle to suit your expression, letting even the most rugged face pull off a cutesy pout with ease. A slowly undulating tongue occasionally slips from between your lips. It hangs nearly two feet long when you let the whole thing slide out, though you can retract it to appear normal.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of black chitin, and a pair of large bat-like demon-wings fold behind your shoulders. With a muscle-twitch, you can extend them, and use them to soar gracefully through the air. Swirls of luminous purple trace brighter accents across much of your form. Your hands are still largely human in shape and dexterity aside from the fairly feline claws that have replaced your fingernails. You have flared hips that swell out under your trim waistline, and your nicely muscled behind contracts with every motion, displaying the detailed curves of its lean musculature. A soft silver cat-tail sprouts just above your toned backside, curling and twisting with every step to maintain perfect balance. Your perfectly lissom legs end in mostly human feet, apart from the horn protruding straight down from the heel that forces you to walk with a sexy, swaying gait. Surprisingly your mobility isn’t impaired by having your feet converted into natural high heels, although you are forced to totter about with your upper body thrust forward a little to compensate, leaving you permanently locked into an awkwardly sexy pose. Your belly is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.

You have two supple breasts, capped with one 0.3-inch nipple each. The average-sized areolae are luminous purple. You could easily fill a D-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have a slavering, flexible, supple pussy, with two 0.5-inch clits. Thick streams of honey drool constantly from your stretchy cunt. The exterior folds glisten in the light, while the inner tunnel is lined with writhing, tentacle-like feelers.

You have one narrow asshole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.


Mar 17, 2016
You started your journey as a half-kaithrit, but you’ve become an alien hybrid over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 4 feet and 10 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.47 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor incorporating ablative chitin plates, using a set of ropes and straps for shibari bottoms for underwear, and girding your upper body with a mesh shirt.

 Overall, your visage has a nice set of cheekbones and petite lips. Your eyes are solid black in color. They are well adapted to low light environments, befitting a cave-dwelling species like the nyrea. The short, silver curled hair atop your head can’t possibly hide a pair of exquisitely long, elf-like ears. They extend a full eight inches from the sides of your head, triangular in shape with a bit of downward curve along their length. A thought is all it takes for them to change their angle to suit your expression, letting even the most rugged face pull off a cutesy pout with ease. Your mouth contains a tongue. A quartet of prominent horns has broken through your pale white skin. The back pair are longer, and curve back along your head. The front pair protrude forward demonically.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, covered in a layer of black chitin. Your humanoid hands appear very demonic, tipped with sharp claws that seem to have replaced your fingernails. You have noticeable hips that draw the attention of those around you, and your tight butt looks great under your gear. A narrow tail ending in a spaded tip curls down from your compact bottom, wrapping around your chitinous leg sensually at every opportunity. Your legs are covered in a reflective black, insectile carapace up to your mid-thigh, looking more like a pair of ‘fuck-me-boots’ than exoskeleton.

You have a girly, soft, undefined flat chest, capped with one 0.2-inch nipple each. The average-sized areolae are pink.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your pink, soft-barbed shaft is 4.5 inches long and 0.8 inches across. It ends in a tapered head, ringed in small, fleshy nubs that terrans have taken to calling “barbs” in spite of their softness. More of these “barbs” line the shaft, but they’re largest at the base, where they are likely to be rubbed against a clit mid-coitus. Your empty sack clings tightly to your groin, holding your two large balls snugly against you. You estimate each of them to be about four inches around and 1.2 inches across.

You have one tight pucker, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with slight signs of moisture bordering its edges.


Aug 28, 2015
Here's mine ( I tried to make it look like a draenei  :$ )

You are an alien hybrid. You’re a good 6 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.83 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a mark one suit of Xenogen’s Atma Armor, using a set of stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a corset.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with pale blue skin. Overall, your visage has a beautiful, feminine shapeliness that’s sure to draw attention and plump, indigo lips. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a luminescent blue iris. The moderately long, white hair atop your head can’t possibly hide a pair of exquisitely long, elf-like ears. They extend a full six inches from the sides of your head, triangular in shape with a bit of downward curve along their length. A thought is all it takes for them to change their angle to suit your expression, letting even the most rugged face pull off a cutesy pout with ease. A slowly undulating tongue occasionally slips from between your lips. It hangs nearly two feet long when you let the whole thing slide out, though you can retract it to appear normal. Two curled ram horns twist back from your forehead, curling over your six-inch long ears like a satyr out of terran legend.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have flared hips that match your trim, lithe body, and your petite rump looks great under your gear. A narrow tail ending in a spaded tip curls down from your tight tush, wrapping around your leg sensually at every opportunity. Your legs are muscled and jointed oddly, covered in fur, and end in a pair of bestial hooves. Your slim middle is nice and smooth.

You have two well-rounded mammaries, capped with one nipple each. You could easily fill a C-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your animalistic horse-shaft is 16 inches long and 2.7 inches across. It’s pale blue in color and laced with thick veins. The shaft of your manhood naturally retracts into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid. The ‘head’ of your shaft flares proudly, just like a horse’s. A full sack with two apple-sized balls swings heavily beneath your wide stallion-prick. You estimate each testicle to be about 12 inches around and 3.8 inches across.

You have one unclaimed pucker, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.


Mar 9, 2016
God Empress Val Steele.

An exhibitionistic 3m tall amazon. Light gold skinned, ass long glowing golden tentacle hair. With Zil arms, legs and eyes.

Run puny mortal, my armies are growing. Bwhahaha.

You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a zil over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 10 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 3.05 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, going commando down south, and letting your torso breathe, unrestricted by any undertop.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with pale gold skin. Your lips appear slightly puffy. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with dazzling, luminous purple lips decorated with a pair of lip piercings, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Your eyes are pitch black with rose irises. Their structure allows you to have a larger angle of vision as well as detecting the fastest of movements. The ass-length, glowing gold tentacle-hair atop your head is parted by a pair of pointed, fin-like ears, sensitive to the slightest sound. Two floppy antennae also grow from just behind your hairline, bouncing and swaying in the breeze. Your mouth contains a long, bright yellow proboscis that can extend a foot past past your lips when fully extended. The tip has a tube inside it, capable of gathering sweet nectar from jungle flowers or lovers.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Swirls of luminous purple trace brighter accents across much of your form. Shining black exoskeleton covers your arms from the biceps down, resembling a pair of long black gloves from a distance. You have flared thighs that sway to and fro, emphasized by your trim body, and your full keister fills out your clothing nicely. Protruding from above your butt, a long, slippery tail wiggles behind you. It is lined with octopus-like suckers on the bottom, very much like a tentacle of some underwater... or perhaps tree-dwelling, creature. Shimmering, armor-like chitin girds your legs from your toes to your mid-thigh. The sable material is rock hard right up until the ring of soft fluff that grows over the uppermost edge. Your carapace-covered, carapace-covered feet appear to be slightly distended. Your middle is fairly well-toned.

You have two fluid-filled udders, capped with one nipple each. Your lactating breasts are sore and sensitive from being so stuffed with milk. You should release the pressure soon. You could easily fill a F-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have three snatchs,  each a unique and beautiful flower.
Your first entrance is a thick-lipped pussy with one 0.5-inch clit, occassionally beading its ever-present honey, its lips slightly parted. The exterior folds are a dusky black, while the inner lining of your tunnel is a glorious golden hue. It appears slightly swollen from the mimbrane.
The second slit is a writhing pussy with two 0.5-inch clits, occassionally beading its ever-present honey, its lips primly pressed together as if waiting for something. The exterior folds glisten in the light, while the inner tunnel is lined with writhing, tentacle-like feelers.
The third and final vagina is a zil-like honeypot with one 0.5-inch clit, occassionally beading its ever-present honey, its lips primly pressed together as if waiting for something. The exterior folds are a dusky black, while the inner lining of your tunnel is a glorious golden hue.

You have one tailhole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with occasional beads of lube bordering its edges.


Active Member
Mar 23, 2016
Posted more here but since I didn't get any responses, figured I'd post her actual TiTS description here:

Aserae Steele


You started your journey as a half kui-tan, but you’ve become a kui-tan over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 4 feet and 8 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.42 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, using a thong for underwear, and girding your upper body with an underbust corset.

 Your smooth, tawny fur is decorated with a sly-looking kui-tan mask, and under it you have a human-shaped head with smooth, fair skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with fat lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Normal-looking hazel eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. The knee-length, brown hair on your head parts around a pair of egg-shaped, furry raccoon ears. Your mouth contains a tongue.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, mostly covered in a layer of smooth, tawny fur. A coat of tawny fur covers your arms below the shoulders, and your fingers are tipped with dark brown pads. They’re softer and more supple than the finest leather. You have wide thighs that make you walk with a sexy, swinging gait, and your generous, cushiony tush wobbles like a bowl full of jello as you walk. A black-and-tawny-ringed kui-tan tail waves behind you. Your legs, though covered in fur, are humanlike. Long feet on the ends bear equally long toes, and the pads on the bottoms are quite sensitive to the touch. Your midriff is fairly average in appearance.

You have two tits, capped with one 0.3-inch bud each. The average-sized areolae are pink. You could easily fill a C-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your modest member is 6 inches long and 1 inch thick. The shaft of your manhood naturally retracts into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid. A large bulge of flesh nestles just above the bottom of your bulgy ‘nuki-dick, to ensure it stays where it belongs during mating. The knot is 2 inches wide when at full size. Two smaller ones line the length of the shaft, the hallmark of the kui-tan race. A fuzzy painfully empty scrotum filled with two balls swings low under your alien ‘nuki-dick. You estimate each testicle to be about two inches around and 0.6 inches across.

You have an exotic cunny, with one 0.5-inch clit. Moisture gleams in your gash. The exterior folds are dusky black, looking almost animalistic on your body.

You have one tight backdoor, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with occasional beads of lube bordering its edges.


And yes I'm aware my artwork didn't exactly match. Been doing a lot of save scumming and eating the stuff that shrinks your balls and breasts as I adjust the numbers. lol.
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New Member
Jan 8, 2016
Here are my most visually impressive characters

Ori Steel: They sort of happened by accident during the roll out of GaloMax when I was playing around with the Leithan charm and sky sap. Later on, I mixed in some Lucifer Apple, 4 doses of GaloMax, and terran treat. I am pretty happy with the results. Although, I'm looking to swap the wings/horns for something more dragonic, acquire some larger lizan paws, and maybe a tail cock in the future. *Shrugs*  

You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become an alien hybrid over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 10 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 3.05 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re not wearing a single scrap of armor, going commando down south, and letting your torso breathe, unrestricted by any undertop. You’re a shameless exhibitionist and proud of it, flaunting your naked body and giving the entire galaxy quite an eyeful!

Your face is human in shape and structure, with fair skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with luscious lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a brightly glowing red iris. The very long, glowing gold gooey tentacle-hair atop your head is parted by a pair of pointed, fin-like ears, sensitive to the slightest sound. A slowly undulating tongue occasionally slips from between your lips. It hangs nearly two feet long when you let the whole thing slide out, though you can retract it to appear normal. A large number of thick demonic horns sprout through your skin, each pair sprouting behind the ones before. The front jut forwards nearly ten inches while the rest curve back over your head, some of the points ending just below your ears. You estimate you have a total of eight horns.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, and a pair of large bat-like demon-wings fold behind your shoulders. With a muscle-twitch, you can extend them, and use them to soar gracefully through the air. Swirls of luminous violet trace brighter accents across much of your form. Small claws protrude from the tips of your fingers in place of fingernails, and your arms are covered from fingertip to elbow with a thick layer of chitinous plates. You have inhumanly-wide hips that sway hypnotically on your extra-curvy frame, and your ginormous, slappable posterior is obscenely large, bordering freakish, and makes it difficult to run. A tapered tail hangs down from just above your seam-destroying booty. It sways back and forth, assisting you with keeping your balance. Two digitigrade legs grow down from your inhumanly-wide thigh, ending in clawed feet. There are three long toes on the front and a small hind-claw on the back.

Your blimp-like, gravid belly protrudes obscenely from your form, hanging heavily. Getting around is a struggle with so much extra mass on you. Your belly is hugely swollen, full of what must be near to a hundred plastic eggs that rustle, shift, and jostle inside you with even the slightest motion. You’re in a constantly state of near-orgasmic high from the unending sensation, shivering every time you take a step or rub a hand against your belly.

You have three rows of breasts, the topmost pair starting at your chest. Your uppermost row houses two immense tits, capped with four 5.7-inch nipples each. You can make 28.6-inch tentacle-pricks slide out from behind the normal-looking areolae. They could easily fill a hyper DD-cup bra. The second group holds two mounds, capped with four 5.7-inch nipples each. You can make 28.8-inch dicks slide out from behind the normal-looking areolae. They could easily fill a hyper big DD-cup bra. Your third batch contains two immense breasts, capped with four 5.7-inch cock-concealing buds each. You can make 28.7-inch pricks slide out from behind the normal-looking areolae. They could easily fill a hyper DD-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have three pussies,  each a unique and beautiful flower.
Your first entrance is a supple pussy with two 0.5-inch clits, occassionally beading its ever-present slime, its lips primly pressed together as if waiting for something. The exterior folds glisten in the light, while the inner tunnel is lined with writhing, tentacle-like feelers.
The second slit is a slick snatch with one 0.5-inch clit, occassionally beading its ever-present slime, its lips slightly parted. The special muscles around your vagina are strong and powerful, making it possible to swallow any insertion without the need to push it in.
The third and final vagina is a massaging cunny with two 0.5-inch clits, occassionally beading its ever-present goo, its lips slightly parted. The exterior folds glisten in the light, while the inner tunnel is lined with writhing, tentacle-like feelers.

You have one ass, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.

Personal Statistics
* Name: Ori Steele
* Occupation: Smuggler
* Upbringing: Austere
* Affinity: Reflexes
* Initial Race: Human
* Current Race: Alien Hybrid
* Height: 10’
* Weight: 1536.69 lbs
* Sex: Female
* Gender Preference: Female
* Femininity (Negative is Masculine): 100 %
* Personality Score: 46, Mischievous
* Alcohol Tolerance: 100/100
* Exhibitionism: 100/100
* Carry Threshold: 677.25 lbs
* Face: Human
* Hair: Glowing Gold, Gooey
* Hair, Length: 3’ 5 9/16”
* Hair, Style: Tentacle
* Ears: Vanae
* Eyes: Glowing Red, Demonic
* Lips: Luscious, Glowing Gold
* Tongue: Demonic
* Horns: 8, 10” Demonic
* Tone: 0/100
* Thickness: 100/100
* Skin: Skin
* Skin Tone: Fair, Luminous Violet Markings
* Scale Color: Gold
* Chitin Color: Gold
* Arms: 2, Chitinous, Leithan
* Legs: 2, Digitgrade, Scaled, Paws, Lizan
* Back: Demonic Wings
* Tail: 1, Long, Scaled, Prehensile, Lizan
* Genital Elasticity: 3
* Genital Location: Waist
* Breasts: 6 Breasts
* Breasts, Weight: 253.017 lbs, total (37 %)
* Nipples: 24 Glowing Gold Nipples, 4 per breast
* Milk, Type: Vanae Huntress Milk
* Milk, Capacity: 3.4 %
* Milk, Current: 195 mLs
* Milk, Max: 5668.200000000088 mLs
* Milk, Production Training: 125.2 %
* Milk, Production Bonus: 250 %
First Breast Row
* Breast, Count: 2
* Breast, Size: Hyper DD-cups
* Breast Row, Weight: 84.031 lbs (12 %)
* Nipple, Type:  Dick
* Nipple, Genital Type: Tentacle
* Nipple, Length, Flaccid:  5 3/4”
* Nipple, Length, Erect: 2’ 4 5/8” each
* Areola, Size:  7 3/16” each
Second Breast Row
* Breast, Count: 2
* Breast, Size: Hyper Big DD-cups
* Breast Row, Weight: 84.787 lbs (13 %)
* Nipple, Type:  Dick
* Nipple, Genital Type: Tentacle
* Nipple, Length, Flaccid:  5 3/4”
* Nipple, Length, Erect: 2’ 4 5/8” each
* Areola, Size:  7 1/4” each
Third Breast Row
* Breast, Count: 2
* Breast, Size: Hyper DD-cups
* Breast Row, Weight: 84.199 lbs (12 %)
* Nipple, Type:  Dick
* Nipple, Genital Type: Tentacle
* Nipple, Length, Flaccid:  5 3/4”
* Nipple, Length, Erect: 2’ 4 5/8” each
* Areola, Size:  7 3/16” each
Female Organs
* Total Count: 3 Vaginas, 5 Clits
* Clitoris, Length: 0.5 in, each
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.031 lbs, total
* Vagina, Virginity: Taken
* Girlcum, Type: Goo
* Girlcum, Probable Ejaculation:  1570 mLs
* Fertility: 320 %
* Fertility, Speed Modifier: 200 %
* Fertility, Quantity Bonus: 1
First Vagina
* Type: Gooey, Blue, Vanae
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 500 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 6783.99 cubic inches
* Looseness Level: 1.4
* Wetness Level: 4, Squirter
* Clitoris: 2
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.013 lbs, total
Second Vagina
* Type: Lubricated, Gooey, Blue, Gabilani
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 500 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 11448 cubic inches
* Looseness Level: 2.2
* Wetness Level: 5, Squirter
* Clitoris: 1
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.006 lbs
Third Vagina
* Type: Gooey, Blue, Vanae
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 2000 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 35727.99 cubic inches
* Looseness Level: 2
* Wetness Level: 4, Squirter
* Clitoris: 2
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.013 lbs, total
* Belly, Size Rating, Total: 591.305
* Belly, Weight: 757.305 lbs (112 %)
* Active Pregnancies, Total: 4
First Womb
* Belly, Size Rating: 65
* Pregnancy, Type: Unknown
* Pregnancy, Gestation Time: 514 days 8 hours 5 minutes
* Pregnancy, Incubation Speed Modifier: 150.1 %
* Pregnancy, Egg Count: 1
Second Womb
* Belly, Size Rating: 92
* Pregnancy, Type: Unknown
* Pregnancy, Gestation Time: 3 days 7 hours 21 minutes
* Pregnancy, Incubation Speed Modifier: 150 %
* Pregnancy, Egg Count: 92
Third Womb
* Belly, Size Rating: 80
* Pregnancy, Type: Unknown
* Pregnancy, Gestation Time: 3 days 7 hours 48 minutes
* Pregnancy, Incubation Speed Modifier: 150 %
* Pregnancy, Egg Count: 80
Anal Womb
* Belly, Size Rating: 91
* Pregnancy, Type: Unknown
* Pregnancy, Gestation Time: 3 days 8 hours 14 minutes
* Pregnancy, Incubation Speed Modifier: 150 %
* Pregnancy, Egg Count: 91
* Hip, Size Rating: 36.25
* Butt, Size Rating: 36.25
* Butt, Weight: 38.25 lbs (6 %)
* Anus: 1, Asshole
* Anus, Virginity: Taken
* Anus, Capacity, Bonus: 500 cubic inches
* Anus, Capacity, Effective: 6996 cubic inches
* Anus, Looseness Level: 2
* Anus, Wetness Level: 2
* Orgasms, Total: 3033

Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 150
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Royal: 104
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Total: 104
* Births, Renvra’s Children: 28
* Births, Water Queen Young: 18
* Total: 10019
* Births, Ovilium Eggs, Total: 552
* Births, TamaniCorp Egg Trainer Eggs, Total: 9467

Eve steel: This one's freaking ancient, I made her when T.i.Ts was first released to observe the long term effect of parasites on the P.C. and panda T.F.s. Then... I got bored with that and had her test a ton of bovine T.F.s, sky sap, and Lucifer apple. The result is a totally broken character who can potentially perform up to four melee attacks (I use the bio whip BTW), one venomous bite, and passively fire lust DoTs every fucking turn.       

You started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a panda-morph over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 9 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 2.74 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit of armor constructed from an active gray goo, using a set of stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a bra designed in mind for honeypot-myr.

You have a face resembling that of an anthropomorphic panda, with a short muzzle and black nose. Your fluffy, white and black fur hides pale skin underneath. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with dazzling lips adorned with beauty marks just above them and long, beautiful eyelashes. Your eyes bear a vertical slit instead of rounded pupils, surrounded by a brightly glowing red iris. The back-length, black hair on your head is parted by a pair of round panda ears. A slowly undulating tongue occasionally slips from between your lips. It hangs nearly two feet long when you let the whole thing slide out, though you can retract it to appear normal. A quartet of prominent horns has broken through your skin. The back pair are longer, and curve back along your head. The front pair protrude forward demonically.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, mostly covered in a layer of fluffy, white and black fur, and a pair of large bat-like demon-wings fold behind your shoulders. With a muscle-twitch, you can extend them, and use them to soar gracefully through the air. Your fingers are thick and capped with bear-like claws but maintain their human opposability. You have broodmother-sized thighs that make you look more like an animal waiting to be bred than any kind of human, and your tremendous, rounded ass is obscenely large, bordering freakish, and makes it difficult to run. A writhing, sinuous appendage flows after you, bobbing and undulating with the slightest movement of your hips. Most of the length of the thing is coated in pale skin, culminating in a thick bulge at the base and a dark purple shaft lined with sensitive nodules up to the tip. Your perfectly lissom legs end in mostly human feet, apart from the horn protruding straight down from the heel that forces you to walk with a sexy, swaying gait. Surprisingly your mobility isn’t impaired by having your feet converted into natural high heels, although you are forced to totter about with your upper body thrust forward a little to compensate, leaving you permanently locked into an awkwardly sexy pose. Your spike-supported feet appear puffy and inflated.

Your expectant belly protrudes obscenely from your form, hanging heavily. Getting around is a struggle with so much extra mass on you. Your belly is hugely swollen, full of what must be near to a hundred plastic eggs that rustle, shift, and jostle inside you with even the slightest motion. You’re in a constantly state of near-orgasmic high from the unending sensation, shivering every time you take a step or rub a hand against your belly.

You have two rows of breasts, the topmost pair starting at your chest. Your uppermost row houses two exercise-ball-sized mammaries, capped with four 4.6-inch cock-sized nipples each. They could easily fill a hyper big FF-cup bra. The second group holds two immense tits, capped with four 4.2-inch nipples each. They could easily fill a hyper D-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have three wet, terran snatchs,  all similar in appearance.
Your first entrance is a terran twat with one 0.5-inch clit, occassionally beading its ever-present honey, its lips loosened by frequent fucking. It appears delightfully plump, creating an undeniable bulge in your armor.
The second slit is a terran cunt with one 0.5-inch clit, its lips slightly parted.
The third and final vagina is a terran pussy with one 0.5-inch clit, its lips slightly parted.

You have one supple, soaked tailhole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with occasional beads of lube bordering its edges.

From time to time, small chirps remind you that your body is not owned by just you alone. The parasites attached to a variety of your appendages seem intelligent enough for some rudimentary communication....

You currently have 8 Mimbranes attached to you.

Mimbrane Pussy:
    Level 4 Trust.
    15 Feedings.
    0 Days since last fed.
    4 times reproduced.
Mimbrane Ass:
    Level 4 Trust.
    3 Feedings.
    0 Days since last fed.
    8 times reproduced.
Mimbrane Boobs:
    Level 4 Trust.
    6 Feedings.
    0 Days since last fed.
    6 times reproduced.
Mimbrane Hand Left:
    Level 4 Trust.
    3 Feedings.
    0 Days since last fed.
    0 times reproduced.
Mimbrane Hand Right:
    Level 4 Trust.
    3 Feedings.
    0 Days since last fed.
    0 times reproduced.
Mimbrane Foot Left:
    Level 3 Trust.
    12 Feedings.
    0 Days since last fed.
    5 times reproduced.
Mimbrane Foot Right:
    Level 3 Trust.
    12 Feedings.
    0 Days since last fed.
    5 times reproduced.
Mimbrane Face:
    Level 3 Trust.
    6 Feedings.
    0 Days since last fed.
    1 times reproduced.

* Name: Eve Steele
* Occupation: Mercenary
* Upbringing: Austere
* Affinity: Physique
* Initial Race: Human
* Current Race: Panda-morph
* Height: 9’
* Weight: 966.382 lbs
* Sex: Female
* Gender Preference: Female
* Femininity (Negative is Masculine): 100 %
* Personality Score: 49, Mischievous
* Alcohol Tolerance: 32/100
* Exhibitionism: 58.5/100
* Carry Threshold: 551.945 lbs
* Face: Panda, Muzzled
* Hair: Black, Hair
* Hair, Length: 1’ 6”
* Ears: Panda
* Eyes: Glowing Red, Demonic
* Lips: Fat, Bubblegum-pink
* Lip Accent: Beauty Marks
* Tongue: Demonic
* Horns: 4, 4” Demonic
* Tone: 0/100
* Thickness: 68/100
* Skin: Fluffy, Fur
* Skin Tone: Pale
* Fur Color: White and Black
* Arms: 2, Furred, Panda
* Legs: 2, Plantigrade, Smooth, Heels, Succubus
* Back: Demonic Wings
* Tail: 1, Prehensile, Long, Knotted, Nubby, Cockvine
* Tail, Genital Type: Dark Purple, Demonic, Cock
* Tail, Genital Volume: 12.37 cubic inches
* Genital Elasticity: 2.2
* Genital Location: Waist
* Breasts: 4 Breasts
* Breasts, Weight: 174.834 lbs, total (32 %)
* Nipples: 16 Luminous Orange Nipples, 4 per breast
* Milk, Type: Vanae Huntress Milk
* Milk, Capacity: 2.9 %
* Milk, Current: 169 mLs
* Milk, Max: 5775.665000000099 mLs
* Milk, Production Training: 125.1 %
* Milk, Production Bonus: 260 %
First Breast Row
* Breast, Count: 2
* Breast, Size: Hyper Big FF-cups
* Breast Row, Weight: 91.298 lbs (17 %)
* Nipple, Type:  Normal
* Nipple, Length:  4 11/16” each
* Areola, Size:  6 3/16” each
Second Breast Row
* Breast, Count: 2
* Breast, Size: Hyper D-cups
* Breast Row, Weight: 83.536 lbs (15 %)
* Nipple, Type:  Normal
* Nipple, Length:  4 5/16” each
* Areola, Size:  5 3/4” each
Female Organs
* Total Count: 3 Vaginas, 3 Clits
* Clitoris, Length: 0.5 in, each
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.019 lbs, total
* Vagina, Virginity: Taken
* Girlcum, Type: Honey
* Girlcum, Probable Ejaculation:  186740 mLs
* Fertility: 166 %
* Fertility, Speed Modifier: 100 %
* Fertility, Quantity Bonus: 1
First Vagina
* Type: Pink, Human
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 80 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 65017.326 cubic inches
* Looseness Level: 5
* Wetness Level: 151, Squirter
* Clitoris: 1
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.006 lbs
Second Vagina
* Type: Pink, Human
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 155 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 1790.8 cubic inches
* Looseness Level: 2
* Wetness Level: 2
* Clitoris: 1
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.006 lbs
Third Vagina
* Type: Pink, Human
* Hymen: Taken
* Capacity, Bonus: 180 cubic inches
* Capacity, Effective: 2032.8 cubic inches
* Looseness Level: 2
* Wetness Level: 2
* Clitoris: 1
* Clitoris, Weight: 0.006 lbs
* Belly, Size Rating, Total: 301
* Belly, Weight: 416.624 lbs (75 %)
* Active Pregnancies, Total: 4
First Womb
* Belly, Size Rating: 15
* Pregnancy, Type: Unknown
* Pregnancy, Gestation Time: 1112 days 8 hours 55 minutes
* Pregnancy, Incubation Speed Modifier: 102.3 %
* Pregnancy, Egg Count: 1
Second Womb
* Belly, Size Rating: 86
* Pregnancy, Type: Unknown
* Pregnancy, Gestation Time: 4 days 20 hours 55 minutes
* Pregnancy, Egg Count: 86
Third Womb
* Belly, Size Rating: 97
* Pregnancy, Type: Unknown
* Pregnancy, Gestation Time: 4 days 21 hours 21 minutes
* Pregnancy, Egg Count: 97
Anal Womb
* Belly, Size Rating: 91
* Pregnancy, Type: Unknown
* Pregnancy, Gestation Time: 4 days 21 hours 47 minutes
* Pregnancy, Egg Count: 91
* Hip, Size Rating: 25.65
* Butt, Size Rating: 24.15
* Butt, Weight: 22.959 lbs (4 %)
* Anus: 1, Asshole
* Anus, Virginity: Taken
* Anus, Capacity, Bonus: 100 cubic inches
* Anus, Capacity, Effective: 1677.874 cubic inches
* Anus, Looseness Level: 2
* Anus, Wetness Level: 4
* Orgasms, Total: 3176

Reproduction Statistics
* Total: 244
* Births, Cockvines: 132
* Births, Cockvines, Captured: 10
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Huntress: 42
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Royal: 43
* Births, Nyrean Eggs, Total: 85
* Births, Renvra’s Children: 8
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Total: 13
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds, Planted: 0
* Births, Venus Pitcher Seeds @ Daycare: 13
* Births, Water Queen Young: 6
* Total: 1750
* Births, Ovilium Eggs, Total: 33
* Births, TamaniCorp Egg Trainer Eggs, Total: 1717

Parasite Statistics
* Attached, Type: Demonic
* Attached, Total: 8
* Reproduction, Current Total: 29 times
* Reproduction, Total Noticed: 3 times
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I like how we've been here since August and we still don't know this shit.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I feel you there. Indeed, there used to be a spoilers button on the reply box, but now it's gone. And WYSIWYG is not perfect.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I feel you there. Indeed, there used to be a spoilers button on the reply box, but now it's gone. And WYSIWYG is not perfect.

We need to petition to get the dedicated spoiler button back (or a thread).


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Since I upgraded to a new phone, I  had to start again so now this is my new main use Steele. :3

Laura Steele
You started your journey as a half-ausar, but you’ve become an ausar over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet and 7 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.7 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a revealing set of feminine plate armor, using a set of stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a bra designed in mind for honeypot-myr.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with thick, pale skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with voluptuous cock-pillows decorated with a pair of lip piercings, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Metallically glistening gold eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. The exquisitely long, dirty blonde braid on your head is overlapped by a pair of pointed dog ears. Your mouth contains a tongue.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. A coat of blonde fur covers your arms, giving them a distinctly animalistic bent. Your fingers are tipped with short, canine claws as well, just like one of the ausar. You have flared hips that make you walk with a sexy, swinging gait, and your soft, pinchable ass fills out your clothing nicely. A fuzzy blonde dogtail sprouts just above your large, bouncy posterior, wagging to and fro whenever you are happy. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your slim belly is nice and smooth.

You have two milky mammaries, capped with one 0.4-inch striking bud each. The coin-sized areolae are pink. Despite the uncomfortable fullness, you are at ease - you know your enhanced breasts will never stop lactating, no matter what. Unfortunately, a bit of milk leaks out onto your a bra designed in mind for honeypot-myr... Maybe you should invest in a maternity bra? You could easily fill a EE-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have a pink, slobbering slit, with one 0.8-inch clit. Thick streams of girl-cum drool constantly from your loosened, terran pussy, their lips slightly parted.

You have one tight, lubricated butthole, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.

From time to time, small chirps remind you that your body is not owned by just you alone. The parasites attached to a variety of your appendages seem intelligent enough for some rudimentary communication...
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Name: Lexea "The Real Lex" Steele

Age: 27

Personallity: Kind, flirty, but can be a seriously vengeful bitch when pushed too far

"You are a human. You’re a good 5 feet and 10 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.78 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a mark one suit of Xenogen’s Atma Armor, using a set of stockings and panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a bounty bra.

Your face is human in shape and structure, with smooth, dark skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with succulent lips, an adorable nose, and long, beautiful eyelashes. Green-colored eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. Your back-length, crimson curled hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well. Your mouth contains a tongue.

You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have flared thighs that swell out under your trim waistline, and your spacious heinie wobbles enticingly with every step. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your middle is fairly well-toned.

You have two fluid-filled melons, capped with one 3.8-inch nipple each. The saucer-sized areolae are brown. Your basketball-sized, milky udders are sore and sensitive from being so stuffed with milk. You should release the pressure soon. You could easily fill a big H-cup bra.

Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your distended, human dick is 10 inches long and 2.8 inches across. A mostly full scrotum with a pair of apple-sized testes swings heavily beneath your terran dick. You estimate each testicle to be about 12 inches around and 3.8 inches across.

You have a terran cunt, with one 3.5-inch clit. Occasional beads of girl-cum drip from your soaked slit.

You have one pliant, lube-drooling anus, placed between your cheeks where it belongs with occasional beads of lube bordering its edges."

My two serious regrets is that there is no way to get a true boy-pussy (mpreg and all) and dicknipples (outside of goo) in this game....yet. FD


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I have a reason to interact with Lirliel at last. Now... does anyone know anything about that hrad race?