Tarkus Wish List


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody! TFMaster here! I just recently joined Fenoxo Forums but have been playing Fen's games for a while now. Well... technically I only got into to it last year (2015 for those of you reading this in the future) but I have been totally playing the shit out of Fen's games. Anyways on to the Topic at hand, I have a few things that I would like to see on Tarkus most of them already planned but am just wondering when the hell they are going to be released! I would like to see the female Sydian added to Tarkus, we already have a bust for her (see the Sydian Codex entry for details). I also would like to see the Gabilani appear as enemies on Tarkus, I read on the Wiki that there are plans to make them an enemy but currently the only Gabilani in the game are Colenzo and Una. (BTW why does Colenzo talk with a British accent I mean he's not even British!) Also I'd like to see some more work done with Deck 13 in particular with Nova, unless of course Deck 13 and Nova are finished as is. What I would like to see is the ability for the player to visit Nova and check on her and her crew's status. Currently you can only do the Anno mission and then get a suit of Grey Goo from Deck 13. (Technically she is not a suit but your very own Grey Goo) I do feel bad for leaving the suit of Grey Goo in storage when I'm not using her, I mean it's like ok sorry insert name here but I don't need you right now so I'm just going to put you in storage. I mean she should totally be a legitimate Crew Member instead of just a personalized suit of armor.

If anybody else has things that they would like to see on Tarkus then by all means post it here man! (or woman)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sorry for the standard reply, but write it or pay someone else to write it if you desperately want to see something.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
No plans for expanding them outside of a reference/bonus points in the endgame. 

What about meantioned in the past about thing of possible meeting Nova captain in her cybernetic body if PC pick correct option? Still possible to "maybe someday" happen or forever lost into the void?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
What about meantioned in the past about thing of possible meeting Nova captain in her cybernetic body if PC pick correct option? Still possible to "maybe someday" happen or forever lost into the void?

Possible, but certainly in the "maybe someday" category. That'd be more of a sexy encounter than a lore/plot thing.


Aug 27, 2015
My one wish for Tarkus, is for the Female Sydian to be written and implemented in the game.

It's written, by TiTS' own hermit writer Zeikfried. It remains for Fen to stick it in.


Aug 27, 2015
Really, she's finished? Then that leads me to believe that Fen completely forgot about her.

Don't be pathetic. There are a vast number of projects vying for his attention and a mob for an already-represented race on a finished planet is probably a distance down his list. The fact it was turned in as a bounty by an established writer means it will get implemented eventually.

Enigmatic D

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
To be honest, I want to go further with the whole slave situation that Shekka brought up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Don't be pathetic. There are a vast number of projects vying for his attention and a mob for an already-represented race on a finished planet is probably a distance down his list. The fact it was turned in as a bounty by an established writer means it will get implemented eventually.

I meant no disrepect to Fen. The reason why I said that is because when you compare her importance to the other stuff that Fen currently has on his plate, gives me the feeling that anyone would forget about her.
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Well-Known Member
Wow! So many posts already! And some from the creators and writers themselves! Sorry about being so enthusiastic about that fact.

To be honest, I want to go further with the whole slave situation that Shekka brought up.

I totally agree with you Egnimatic D. I was originally going to mention that in my original post but it somehow slipped my mind. Seems like it should be a quest or something.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Tarkus feels a bit enemy dry when compared to other planets. So I definitely would like to see more of that, specially if it's dudes.

Some more trash pick-ups and enemy drops would go well too since Tarkus is really low on that.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Tarkus feels a bit enemy dry when compared to other planets. So I definitely would like to see more of that, specially if it's dudes.

Some more trash pick-ups and enemy drops would go well too since Tarkus is really low on that.

Thiiiiis! A fully-fleshed out fuckable male NPC would be pretty nice too (besides Lane if you count him as one).

Also, I wouldn't mind more male Sydian content.
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Aug 26, 2015
I think all three planets have roughly the same enemy counts, actually.

Mhen'ga has the male zil, female zil, male naleen, female naleen, vanae maiden, vanae huntress, kerokeras, and mimbranes, so that's eight.

Tarkus has the male raskvel, female raskvel, lapinara, male sydian, sexbot, and gray goo, so that's six.

Myrellion has the cockvines, fungus, beta nyrea, alpha nyrea, wetraxxel hound, and wetraxxel brawler, so that's six.  There's the red and gold deserters whose names I can't remember too, but they both stop fighting you after two or three battles so I'm not sure they count.

Still, female sydian and sydian TF would help complete the place, and maybe some kind of recurring miniboss like the wetraxxel.  Some kind of junk-eating sandworm, maybe?


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
I think the difference between Tarkus and Myrellion is that the later has way more NPCs to interact with whereas Tarkus really just has a few shopkeepers that you talk to a couple times and then never think of again.

EDIT;; You end up spending more time traveling the wild areas expecting a set up like Mhen'ga, but there's not quite as much so it feels kind of empty. Especially since there aren't as many scene variations for the enemys there and the hostile zone is connected together making it seem bigger than Mhen'ga's (though I'd imagine it's about the same) which would make one hope for a greater variety of encounters.
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I think all three planets have roughly the same enemy counts, actually.

Mhen'ga has the male zil, female zil, male naleen, female naleen, vanae maiden, vanae huntress, kerokeras, and mimbranes, so that's eight.


There's also the cunt snakes. Which makes nine for Mhen'ga
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Wife Material

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2016
I guess that is why I get that feeling that Tarkus is lacking. There's a lot more possible repeatable wild events.

To be fair for Tarkus, it does have 2 boss type areas and pool secluded away in the Rust Fields. 

Just to make a short list of the stuff I know is on Tarkus 

More things to do in town...Del, Shekka, Anno, Goo Prime boss, etc.

Male Sydian.

Female Raskvel normal and pregnant encounter.

Male Raskvel barter encounter, normal encounter, and just plain sex encounter.

The story mode area.


Sex Bots Male/Female.

Gray Goo.

So when you put it all out like that it doesn't really seem all that lacking in comparison to Mhen'ga, I'd actually stress to say it has more to offer in variety thought I'd never say no to more content for the planets. 


Well-Known Member
 (BTW why does Colenzo talk with a British accent I mean he's not even British!)

Currently you can only do the Anno mission and then get a suit of Grey Goo from Deck 13. (Technically she is not a suit but your very own Grey Goo) I do feel bad for leaving the suit of Grey Goo in storage when I'm not using her, I mean it's like ok sorry insert name here but I don't need you right now so I'm just going to put you in storage. I mean she should totally be a legitimate Crew Member instead of just a personalized suit of armor.

I just wanted to bring these two things to everyone's attention as it seems nobody paid them any mind. I guess people be all like TMI Did not read or they just skimmed through it.


Aug 26, 2015
There are some characters who speak a different dialect of English for the sake of variety--Not everyone has to speak standard "American". It's really up to the author on how a character speaks. While the text should primarily stick to American English, the character dialogue can have a bit more freedom.

The grey goo armor will now be counted as a "recruit" in the stats, but unless anyone writes extended scenes for her, she won't really have much interaction outside of combat.


Well-Known Member
There are some characters who speak a different dialect of English for the sake of variety--Not everyone has to speak standard "American". It's really up to the author on how a character speaks. While the text should primarily stick to American English, the character dialogue can have a bit more freedom.

The grey goo armor will now be counted as a "recruit" in the stats, but unless anyone writes extended scenes for her, she won't really have much interaction outside of combat.


Also I understand that there needs to be variety in the speech of the different characters but I still find it odd that he speaks like that since he's not even from Earth let alone the UK.


Aug 27, 2015
Also I understand that there needs to be variety in the speech of the different characters but I still find it odd that he speaks like that since he's not even from Earth let alone the UK.

None of the ayyliens are from America but they happily use American colloquialisms and phrasing, you wally. Half the humans you meet are probably speaking in Spanish or Chinese. Your babel fish is interpreting Colenso as speaking in a dialect distinct from the raskvel, and is rendering that in a way which is perceptible to you.

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015

Also I understand that there needs to be variety in the speech of the different characters but I still find it odd that he speaks like that since he's not even from Earth let alone the UK.

But you don't find it odd that he speaks English despite his system having been discovered just a few months ago?

(He doesn't actually speak English, in any accent. That's just your translation nanobots' interpretation of what he's saying.)