So tell me, what are your thhoughts on tails? How do you get multiple tails(two cockvine/two cuntsnake)? What new tail types do you think should be added or wish to be added?
At first I as content with having feline tails, but seeing the cockvines and cunttails gives me an idea for the future. Honestly, I would like to have a tail or tails that work like hands for obvious reasons. *smirks*
I would love to see the return of the kitsune tails. Hopefully it would be easier to get all nine of them in T.i.T.S. than it was in CoC.
I would love to see the return of the kitsune tails. Hopefully it would be easier to get all nine of them in T.i.T.S. than it was in CoC.
I'm happy with my cat-tails, at least until it's possible to get a dragon tail.
Well there are the "Sionach's" from the wiki which are pretty similar to Kitsune's, but a more traditional kitsune TF or Fox TF would still be appreciated.
Their very sensitive tails especially wakes some interest. I can imagine having lots of fun with those.
As one of kitsune fans, + to kitsune tails. Hm... Kitsune tailcocks? Give me nine, please!
It is possible code-wise to have multiple tails, but they all have to be matching. Any cock type can be tailcock, only cuntsnakes can be proper tailginas..
lol when I think Kitsune I immediately think Tamamo and the whole 'touch fuffy tail' gig.
Which is where Penny gets the "Touch fluffy tail" button which leads to sex.
"Touch Fluffy Tail" by Ken Ashcorp.
When I first got really into his music I consulted a friend of mine for games like MGQ that I could play for free without pirating. She told me about CoC, the rest being history.
I remember that song! It's been so long since I've heard it though. Need to go back and play Part 3.....
Im fine, TiTs has everything I need for a tail
I mean, I wanted one in COC.