CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
@Stadler  Well I not sure from which part of code you showed this piece so I...'m still kinda confused on this as I not know what exactly will it change. If you would tell some more about context of from where you did used this part of the code.

Its applied to (legs tf to lizan legs) and to (legs tf to dragon legs). [Edit:] I've added the comment just now to make it clearer, what it does.

[Edit 2:] Heres the code part of isTaur():

public function isTaur():Boolean
if (legCount > 2 && !isDrider()) // driders have genitals on their human part, inlike usual taurs... this is actually bad way to check, but too many places to fix just now
return true;
return false;

Note, that this is from the original files and I didn't change any part of it.

TL/DR: If your legs TF to lizan or dragon legs they'll stay tauric with my changes and without my changes they'll TF to a bipedal (2 legs) form.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah both TF doing it for sanity of keeping all to predictable outcome. Which if you want keep taur lower body (technicaly drider or naga version of dragon/lizan lower body would look more than slight odd, yet taur ones for each case won't make that weirdness). Thou I'm pretty sure that only few TF making PC change back from taur to bipedal form and not as mian effect but as additional bonus of getting specific lower body. So like Taurinum specificaly helps get taur body it could be thoght to make something to do reverse thing of changing taur body to apropriate bipedal form (so like...hooved taur to normal hoofed or in your case taur dragon/lizard to normal dragon/lizard). But that ofc out of your current focus so I just casualy meantioned it as possible food for thoughts for future for whoever pick it up ^^


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Yeah both TF doing it for sanity of keeping all to predictable outcome. Which if you want keep taur lower body (technicaly drider or naga version of dragon/lizan lower body would look more than slight odd, yet taur ones for each case won't make that weirdness). Thou I'm pretty sure that only few TF making PC change back from taur to bipedal form and not as mian effect but as additional bonus of getting specific lower body. So like Taurinum specificaly helps get taur body it could be thoght to make something to do reverse thing of changing taur body to apropriate bipedal form (so like...hooved taur to normal hoofed or in your case taur dragon/lizard to normal dragon/lizard). But that ofc out of your current focus so I just casualy meantioned it as possible food for thoughts for future for whoever pick it up ^^

IIRC every leg TF in the code cept the taur, drider and naga of course changes you legCount to 2 making them non tauric. I've changed that, so lizans and dragons remain being tauric, but I plan to revert it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
IIRC every leg TF in the code cept the taur, drider and naga of course changes you legCount to 2 making them non tauric. I've changed that, so lizans and dragons remain being tauric, but I plan to revert it.

Yeah as usual reasons behind those most of TF effects for legs to make them bipedal lower frame. Only having item to specificaly target lower body it could be removed form normal tf's aside those of naga or likes as they kinda need this special lower body to be treated as this species.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016

Example taken from player appearance (player has green scales being SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC and ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR):
"Your arms are covered by tough, iron-like, green shield-shaped scales from the biceps down and your fingernails are now short curved claws."

[Edit:] @Ormael: Sure. And you can switch back and forth from being tauric or bipedal easier then. So: I'll revert this and if you want to remain tauric: Use Taurinum after that.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Heh I feel like sooner or later Xianxia will get specific item to change taur/naga/scylla/drider lower body to bipedal with possible retaining legs appearenc so like taur to hoofes or naga to...well scales covered xD

Now ummm scylla one will be tricky to make since...making bipedal slippery or covered with sucking cups legs....that sounds a little bit odd.

I like how this apearance for predator arm+dracon scales ooks in desc. Does it both req. to give PC point in dragon score? Also if PC would have jsut predator_arm will it give him/her point to any race score?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Heh I feel like sooner or later Xianxia will get specific item to change taur/naga/scylla/drider lower body to bipedal with possible retaining legs appearenc so like taur to hoofes or naga to...well scales covered xD

Now ummm scylla one will be tricky to make since...making bipedal slippery or covered with sucking cups legs....that sounds a little bit odd.

Maybe a new recipe for Rathazul? Perhaps needing 2 Hummus and 1 Sweet Gossamer?

I like how this apearance for predator arm+dracon scales ooks in desc. Does it both req. to give PC point in dragon score? Also if PC would have jsut predator_arm will it give him/her point to any race score?

Not now, but I could possibly add that to dragons (requires arms + dragon scales) and/or lizans (requires arms + normal scales), but that may add to many points to these races. Opinions?

And I'll leave the salamaner firewater mutation unchanged for now. Think of a salamander with salamander arms, legs and tail, but the rest having human skin (or even fur?)

btw: I've just added the method hasPredatorArms() to my PlayerHelper-class. Looking at the code should give you ideas (points at the comments):

// As of now its just an alias for hasReptileArms()
// Maybe in the future you want to have different predator arms. e. g. ARM_TYPE_FELINE for cats with retractable claws or whatever :)
public function hasPredatorArms():Boolean
return [ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR, ARM_TYPE_SALAMANDER].indexOf(armType) != -1;

I'm not using it right now, but oh well ... meeeowwww ;)
Another idea, that comes into mind would be ARM_TYPE_HARPY with taloned, avian fingers counting as predator arms. Think of a harpy like the harpy sisters from YGO. Anyway: I won't fiddle around with cats or harpys right now. Maybe later, since my patch is mainly for dragons and lizans.

And, since I hate to repeat myself, when it comes to coding I've added the method 'public function newLizanSkinTone():String'. Better this way than three times the same code in the scale TF part of reptilum and since I'm a follower of the DRY(=Dont Repeat Yourself)-coding-principle.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 So like Taurinum specificaly helps get taur body it could be thoght to make something to do reverse thing of changing taur body to apropriate bipedal form (so like...hooved taur to normal hoofed or in your case taur dragon/lizard to normal dragon/lizard).


In LD I'ver just made Taurinum to cycle between tauric/bipedal stances.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
@Etis: Thats nice to hear :)

Just updated the post of my dragon patch.

Recent Changelog:

  • 01.07.2016 02:39 CEST

    Applied SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC to player.skinFurScales()
  • The skin TF in the dragon TF now correctly uses SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC
  • Finished the ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR implementation (uses player.skinFurScales())
  • lizans gain an ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR now, too
  • SKIN_TYPE_SCALES transition works now
  • dragonScore() now requires SKIN_TYPE_DRACONIC
  • lizardScore() now requires hasScales() meaning,any scaly skin adds a point to the lizardScore
  • Added hasPredatorArms() and newLizanSkinTone()
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Just updated the post of my dragon patch.

Recent Changelog:

  • 01.07.2016 06:08 CEST

    moved hasDragonNeck() and hasNormalNeck() from to
  • made the dragon neck slightly longer (from 24 to 30 inches)
  • specified the final position of the neck on your head (at the backside)
  • updated the texts (TF and appearance of the PC and Ember) respectively

See the commit on GitHub.

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
So, question. How many of the scenes actually take into account that you have a knot when you have a doggy cock or a draconic cock? I mean the example size I've looked at so far is pretty small, Spider Girl, and a few lovers at camp. But apart from when your cock is refered to as a 'knotted doggy cock' or the like. You never actually. You know. KNOT somewhere. Shoving the knot inside of them, having it swell up to lock you two together as you cum...

Anyone else notice this? Or am I missing something exactly?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Maybe a new recipe for Rathazul? Perhaps needing 2 Hummus and 1 Sweet Gossamer?

Not now, but I could possibly add that to dragons (requires arms + dragon scales) and/or lizans (requires arms + normal scales), but that may add to many points to these races. Opinions?

My opinion what your heart and mind telling you. For people that want mix-max their chara stats having too many options to get points for various racial scores will be a blessing never a curse.

For taur to bipedal TF effect...I think using Hummus in this mix will be fitting. Not sure what second item should be as aside Hummus none specificaly changing all non-bipedal legs to bipedal for a sake making them human like.

And I'll leave the salamaner firewater mutation unchanged for now. Think of a salamander with salamander arms, legs and tail, but the rest having human skin (or even fur?)

Savin actualy see salamander like that...human with mander arms, legs, tail. If I recall well he even cringing when some meantion manders having reptile muzzle :p So nope I not think anything else that plain human skin would be possible as long he's watching.

Another idea, that comes into mind would be ARM_TYPE_HARPY with taloned, avian fingers counting as predator arms. Think of a harpy like the harpy sisters from YGO. Anyway: I won't fiddle around with cats or harpys right now. Maybe later, since my patch is mainly for dragons and lizans.

Harpies got atm they own version of arm TF effect (and alway had as it was one of few arm body parts existing in vanilla CoC). So looking at direction you took would it mean you will end someday with coverting as much as possible arm versions to predator type + some other effect/status/condition?

In LD I'ver just made Taurinum to cycle between tauric/bipedal stances.

And in Xianxia taurinum not exist -_-' Ehh seems I would need to make actualy something to alow hopping around some of lower body types. And Eve with her attitude to experimenting with transformations (kinda deep reason for it in her lore) would fit for someone to incvent such thing.

The Revamp, which this thread is indeed for, as well as a couple other mods are still undergoing updates.

Technicaly counting if we look at mods that are shared en public that would be for now only Revamp and Xianxia plus now Stadler dragon patch that may or may not grow into 3rd mod for CoC ;)


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
My opinion what your heart and mind telling you. For people that want mix-max their chara stats having too many options to get points for various racial scores will be a blessing never a curse.

Ok, agreed. Will implement that in the next update.

For taur to bipedal TF effect...I think using Hummus in this mix will be fitting. Not sure what second item should be as aside Hummus none specificaly changing all non-bipedal legs to bipedal for a sake making them human like.

Looking at the code, sweet gossamer is the only other TF that TFs any tauric legs to normal human legs, so I chose this as the other ingredient.

Savin actualy see salamander like that...human with mander arms, legs, tail. If I recall well he even cringing when some meantion manders having reptile muzzle :p So nope I not think anything else that plain human skin would be possible as long he's watching.

Salamander firewater doesn't affect your skin, so you stay being furry or scaly, when you TF towards salamander. Just confirmed it with the unpatched mod.
In other words: I agree with salamanders being human with mander arms, legs and tail. Hence why I decided not touch salamander TF. I could implement skin TF to normal human skin, if this is what Savin and/or you want me to do ^^

Harpies got atm they own version of arm TF effect (and alway had as it was one of few arm body parts existing in vanilla CoC). So looking at direction you took would it mean you will end someday with coverting as much as possible arm versions to predator type + some other effect/status/condition?

These were more or less random thought, but yes, this could be a future option. I'd volunteer to code that part, if other people suggest that and it is accepted by @Kitteh6660.

Technicaly counting if we look at mods that are shared en public that would be for now only Revamp and Xianxia plus now Stadler dragon patch that may or may not grow into 3rd mod for CoC ;)

Well, I'd actually prefer my patch to be included in the mod or at least the main parts. On the other hand GitHub makes it quite easy to let my fork grow with Kitteh6660's mod.

Well, maybe I'll add stuff like new perks or extra armor with dragon scales and so on later. But definitely not now. I won't fiddle around with stats and perks until my TODO-list is done and the patch is finished. Maybe I'll branch my own patch for that. Emphasis goes to the word 'maybe'
btw: Just now I consider to add new EYE_TYPEs. One for reptiles and one for dragons (the former would be just fluff, while the latter would give you a bonus. e. g. more precision).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I could implement skin TF to normal human skin, if this is what Savin and/or you want me to do ^^

Well if PC had any untypical skin type before using salamander TF it won't change it into human skin. Well now I thin about it maybe this could beworth of considering if it fits this particular TF.

Well, I'd actually prefer my patch to be included in the mod or at least the main parts. On the other hand GitHub makes it quite easy to let my fork grow with Kitteh6660's mod.

Well, maybe I'll add stuff like new perks or extra armor with dragon scales and so on later. But definitely not now. I won't fiddle around with stats and perks until my TODO-list is done and the patch is finished. Maybe I'll branch my own patch for that. Emphasis goes to the word 'maybe'
btw: Just now I consider to add new EYE_TYPEs. One for reptiles and one for dragons (the former would be just fluff, while the latter would give you a bonus. e. g. more precision).

Not sure if you looked over other mod thread so would as well talk about it here.

What you think about possibility of including part or whole of your patch to Xianxia mod as well?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Well if PC had any untypical skin type before using salamander TF it won't change it into human skin. Well now I thin about it maybe this could beworth of considering if it fits this particular TF.

mmh, since this is your salamander TF, why don't you discuss this with Savin? Just tell me, if you made your decision.
Implementing this (all non human skins TF to human skins) should be a simple copy&paste-task, after I'm finished with my skinType-fixes (See below)

Not sure if you looked over other mod thread so would as well talk about it here.

What you think about possibility of including part or whole of your patch to Xianxia mod as well?

See my reply in your Xianxia-mod-thread :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
mmh, since this is your salamander TF, why don't you discuss this with Savin? Just tell me, if you made your decision.
Implementing this (all non human skins TF to human skins) should be a simple copy&paste-task, after I'm finished with my skinType-fixes (See below)

See my reply in your Xianxia-mod-thread :)

Sent him pm so now would be waiting what he will reply. I'm hoping it would be typical: it's fine you can do like that.

As for reply in other thread I also replied there.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Good news everyone! Version 1.3.24 of the mod has been released with several features and plenty of fixes!

I've fixed several game-breaking bugs, especially perk permery menu. There are several changes so check out the patch notes. The patch note also contains a joke as well.

And oh, about the dragon patch. I'd like to add some features from dragon patch. Especially the arm type since there isn't enough diversity of arm types.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh stones from Phylla now gained only once a day? Interesting change so would see if amount of stones gained in both version is similar. Or was it to lower amount of stones PC got daily?

Nails box for 200 gems....humm isn't that a tad too high? Whole toolbox cost much as it got many items inside but simple box for nail cost the same.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Good news everyone! Version 1.3.24 of the mod has been released with several features and plenty of fixes!

I've fixed several game-breaking bugs, especially perk permery menu. There are several changes so check out the patch notes. The patch note also contains a joke as well.

Nice to hear. Next task for me would be merging it into my patch. Should be relatively easy AFAICS.

And oh, about the dragon patch. I'd like to add some features from dragon patch. Especially the arm type since there isn't enough diversity of arm types.

Feel free! :)

And while were at it: Rather than adding more predatory ARM_TYPEs, like ARM_TYPE_FELINE I'm thinking about adding new propertys in, like clawAdj and clawDesc and the method 'public function claws():String' acting similar to 'public function skinFurScales():String'. What do you think?


// Gain Dragon arms
// [...]
player.armType = ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR;
player.clawAdj = "thick";
player.clawDesc = "claws";

// Gain Lizard arms
// [...]
player.armType = ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR;
player.clawAdj = "short";
player.clawDesc = "claws";

// Gain Cat arms (Example)
// [...]
player.armType = ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR;
player.clawAdj = "thin, retractable";
player.clawDesc = "claws";

// Gain Avian (Phoenix?) arms (Example for non-harpy arms, may never be implemented)
// [...]
player.armType = ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR;
player.clawAdj = "";
player.clawDesc = "talons";


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Ok, I've just merged it into my patch and pushed it to GitHub (Patch @GitHub). Merging it was a matter of seconds (Only 1 small conflict)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Forgot to mention: I'm done with my clawAdj and clawDesc implementation along with a transition between dragon and lizan claws.


  • Dragon arms with draconic scales: "Your arms are covered by tough, iron-like, green shield-shaped scales from the biceps down and your fingernails are now powerful, thick curved claws."
  • Claw transition from dragon to lizan: "Your powerful, thick curved claws change a little to become reptilian. You now have short curved claws."
  • Lizan arms with normal scales: "Your arms are covered by green scales from the biceps down and your fingernails are now short curved claws."

Next step would be adding two new reptilian EYE_TYPEs: EYE_TYPE_LIZARD and EYE_TYPE_DRAGON. Why two for reptilians you ask? Well, at first colors and their description would differ slightly and second: I'm considering to add a bonus in combat, when you have one of those eyes (e.g. +3 precision with lizard eyes and +6 precision with dragon eyes). But: this will happen later, since I don't want to buff dragons and lizans without buffing other races as well.

@Kitteh6660: Your opinion? I'll create a branch for my ARM_TYPE_PREDATOR implementation along with the clawDesc and clawAdj along with a PR, if you want.

If it just writing scenes I could probably help, I am a alright writer

Did you mean me? Or more in general?

Well, anyway: Like I said in my post about my dragon patch: If you think a text should be changed, just tell me :) And if you think, that dragon-taurs with dragon necks (2.5 feet as of now) and with a dragon tongue (4 feet) should be able to masturbate using that tongue supported by their neck length fell free to write the sex scene for it. But please no rimjob. Maybe its, because I'm a male, but I agree with Kitteh6660 that this is gross.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Is this where the "lotion" option from Rathazul gets added? It doesn't seem to have an entry in the wiki, so I'm wondering if it's the mod. If so, what does it actually do? The mod wiki doesn't have any entries for it too. In a related matter, what does the oils do?

In order to experiment, I bought the "sexy lotion", and then used it, but the only thing it seemed to do was make my skin sexy... whatever the fuck that means.

Help, please?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Is this where the "lotion" option from Rathazul gets added? It doesn't seem to have an entry in the wiki, so I'm wondering if it's the mod. If so, what does it actually do? The mod wiki doesn't have any entries for it too. In a related matter, what does the oils do?

The oils change your skin (or scale) color.

In order to experiment, I bought the "sexy lotion", and then used it, but the only thing it seemed to do was make my skin sexy... whatever the fuck that means.

It simply changes your skin adjective, meaning for example: smooth scales become sexy scales. Thats all.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
The oils change your skin (or scale) color.

It simply changes your skin adjective, meaning for example: smooth scales become sexy scales. Thats all.

Aah, thank you! Is there any way to undo it? I don't mind overly much, I am just asking out of curiosity.