Psionic content discussion


Nov 27, 2015
Hey guys~

So as you all know, Tainted Space is already at build 0.6.18, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but there still isn't any real headway on psionic abilities in-game. I would be more than happy to write stuff for this, but I'm not sure if Fen's team is already onto this or not. So, discuss! What psionic abilities would you like to see in-game, and why are/aren't you excited for it?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Psionics aren't going to be playable for a while. We still don't know how they'll function or what form they'll take. Psionics will, however, appear in the upcoming planet, Uveto, as NPC abilities. 


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
The game does have a hypnotist in Tarkus, if that counts as a psionic ability. Her name is Lane, and she can increase one of your stats for 24 hours.
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Nov 27, 2015
The game does have a hypnotist in Tarkus, if that counts as a psionic ability. Her name is Lane, and she can increase one of your stats for 24 hours.

Lane was actually going to be my gate to psionic content if Savbro gave me the go-ahead. Guess I'll just have to bide my time c;

Also thanks for the confirmation Savin~

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
Lane's hypnosis is just garden-variety hypnosis (i.e. suggestion reinforced by blinking patterns and repetition), not actually magical.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Personally, I want psionic ability's to be like a special tier or class you can unlock through surgery or some other means that do not have to be blocked behind tfing. Something that can really help you if you need it, but not needed to get the job done. So like having max strength, speed, and intelligence to carry home the latex goo-girl in CoC. Don't need all the stats, but they really help.

For combat sort of ability's, I think they shouldn't be too game changing, just little puffs or cool ability's you can use. So say, a psionic shield you put up with your mind that can stop kinetic/etc damage from hitting, gives say, a 10-25% buff to your shields or something. Another cool ability would be a invasion of the mind kind, where you force your opponent to imagine sexual images or scenarios that can raise there lust.  

I don't really know how the devs would make it work, but it would be cool if it worked like this.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2015
Lane's hypnosis is just garden-variety hypnosis (i.e. suggestion reinforced by blinking patterns and repetition), not actually magical.

As someone who's been under hypnosis, either Lane is doing something weird or Steele is really susceptible. Most hypnofetishists don't develop addictions to being hypnotized and have findom compulsions. 

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
It's garden-variety freaky alien hypnosis. I didn't mean that it's like real world hypnosis (if such exists), but merely that it isn't magic in universe.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Psionics aren't going to be playable for a while. We still don't know how they'll function or what form they'll take. Psionics will, however, appear in the upcoming planet, Uveto, as NPC abilities. 

How do you get away with this? Shouldn't you have this shit figured out before planet 1 was even released?

This is why psionics and space battles and a decent combat system are such a pain to put in, because everything keeps getting put off way longer than it has any right to be.

I'm angry because I love you man, don't do this to me.


Nov 27, 2015
It's garden-variety freaky alien hypnosis. I didn't mean that it's like real world hypnosis (if such exists), but merely that it isn't magic in universe.

I was hoping to follow the intelligence-boosting effects after addiction, possibly during, to allow Steele to become more observant in their ship. This would go on for a few days, before Steele becomes able to toss something in their inventory away- but have it fly across the ship (and into a follower) instead.

I'm not a fan of the entire "Psionic = Magic", especially in such a futuristic universe where almost anything can be recreated with microbots and the like.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As someone who's been under hypnosis, either Lane is doing something weird or Steele is really susceptible. Most hypnofetishists don't develop addictions to being hypnotized and have findom compulsions. 

Don't forget that Lane is an alien and uses his/her body to hypnotize Steele. He/she is using an alien method that isn't present in our reality and is probably a lot more effective than our human hypnotism. 

Fully Automated

Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2015
I'm not a fan of the entire "Psionic = Magic", especially in such a futuristic universe where almost anything can be recreated with microbots and the like.

What else would psionics be? I can't think of any depiction of psionics in which they aren't basically magical powers.


Nov 27, 2015
What else would psionics be? I can't think of any depiction of psionics in which they aren't basically magical powers.

Can you think of any in-game (TiTS) event whereupon an event is written off as "magical" rather than "Dad did it"?

Note that I didn't wish to turn Tainted Space into CoC - that is, reading a few books and gaining magical powers. If you want to be psionic, you should need to be smart and logical. Who exhibits control of conscious thought? Who can expand on your own intelligence?  Who rips you off just like most of the psychics already out there?



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Personally, I want psionic ability's to be like a special tier or class you can unlock through surgery or some other means that do not have to be blocked behind tfing. 

For combat sort of ability's, I think they shouldn't be too game changing, just little puffs or cool ability's you can use. So say, a psionic shield you put up with your mind that can stop kinetic/etc damage from hitting, gives say, a 10-25% buff to your shields or something. Another cool ability would be a invasion of the mind kind, where you force your opponent to imagine sexual images or scenarios that can raise there lust.  

I'll agree in the sense that TFing to acquire Psionic abilities really doesn't make any sense to me. What would make more sense is if Steele unlocks it by doing vigorous mental training.

The invasion of the mind makes sense, though I'm thinking that Steele can do a damaging version where you can give the opponent severe headaches and commanding them to inflict self harm, things along the lines of that.
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Nov 27, 2015
It's garden-variety freaky alien hypnosis. I didn't mean that it's like real world hypnosis (if such exists), but merely that it isn't magic in universe.

What makes you think that Steele will gain magical powers as opposed to mentally-based, trained powers? Again, I have yet to see real evidence in Tainted Space for magic. That is why I don't believe the Fen-team will incorporate the abilities as magic, but rather, explain it as vigorous mental stamina and/or will.


Nov 27, 2015
Because I don't see any difference between the two.

Sounds like magic to me.

When someone shouts out "Magic!", I think of flinging fireballs at people, a la TES style.

When someone shouts out "Psion!", I think of direct mental contact

The difference between these two concepts is that one relies on the outside world and is governed by physics, while remaining unexplained about the original concept. Where did this fire come from? How did this person gain access to create something out of nothing? As opposed to direct mental contact, which many real-life psychics claim to possess, as well as the fact that it can be explained relatively easier. Excessive intelligence may lead to being able to read body language more efficiently, for example, offering access to suggestions similar to Lane's. Compare this to creating a chemical reaction to produce a flame out of nothing.

Magic v Science.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I'll agree in the sense that TFing to acquire Psionic abilities really doesn't make any sense to me. What would make more sense is if Steele unlocks it by doing vigorous mental training.

I'd play devil's advocate and point out that no core races have records of individuals exhibiting psionic powers and thus they have no natural capacity for them. It'd make sense that researching an alien race with such abilities will be U.G.C.'s gateway to psionics. Alternatively, we can have 'porn spice' in place.

Either way, the alteration of Steele would be in order if they would want to use those powers. Luckily, regardless of what method PC will use, it shouldn't change their appearance. Maybe give them PSI USB/Wi-Fi cord.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
That's only one of several possible interpretations of psionics though. When it starts getting into things like telekinesis, psychoportation, and other tangible effects on the physical world the distinction between magic and psionics gets really fuzzy. Ultimately the divide between psionics and magic boils down into just how much plausible sounding/ consistent technobabble you throw into the mix to try and give an explanation for how psionic feats are acomplished. The less it's explained the more it becomes "Spess Magic" like the "Force" in Star Wars.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
How do you get away with this? Shouldn't you have this shit figured out before planet 1 was even released?

This is why psionics and space battles and a decent combat system are such a pain to put in

They're not a PAIN to put in, man. They take TIME. The same amount of time that it would take whether we put them in now or pre-release or add it as expansion content after the game's done. 

Remember that this is a game that's in alpha. You are playing an unreleased, pre-1.0 product. Much of our time is spent developing content and areas so you guys have something to do while actual systems are slowly rolled out over time. Hence why things like combat are still being tweaked as we adjust to the needs and wants of both you the audience, and the game as it develops.

What makes you think that Steele will gain magical powers as opposed to mentally-based, trained powers? Again, I have yet to see real evidence in Tainted Space for magic. That is why I don't believe the Fen-team will incorporate the abilities as magic, but rather, explain it as vigorous mental stamina and/or will.

Psionics are space magic in the same way Warp Gates and TFs and nanomachines are: given just enough scientific excuse for you to suspend your disbelief as robots rip your body apart and turn you into a centaur.  The term "psionics" has about as much meaning as the word "magic" does in context, too -- that is to say, a system for supernatural powers. There's no effective difference between a Psionic in TiTS using mental power to create a telekenetic blast, and a Wizard in Dungeons & Dragons burning runes into his brain so he can cast Thunderwave once per day.

Either way, the alteration of Steele would be in order if they would want to use those powers. Luckily, regardless of what method PC will use, it shouldn't change their appearance. Maybe give them PSI USB/Wi-Fi cord.

Depends. Could get psionics from parasites, racial TFs, weird technological psi-amps, who knows. 

That's only one of several possible interpretations of psionics though. When it starts getting into things like telekinesis, psychoportation, and other tangible effects on the physical world the distinction between magic and psionics gets really fuzzy. Ultimately the divide between psionics and magic boils down into just how much plausible sounding/ consistent technobabble you throw into the mix to try and give an explanation for how psionic feats are acomplished. The less it's explained the more it becomes "Spess Magic" like the "Force" in Star Wars.

This. Technobabble is a nice way to not say "Shut up it's magic."


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
I'd play devil's advocate and point out that no core races have records of individuals exhibiting psionic powers and thus they have no natural capacity for them. It'd make sense that researching an alien race with such abilities will be U.G.C.'s gateway to psionics. Alternatively, we can have 'porn spice' in place.

Either way, the alteration of Steele would be in order if they would want to use those powers. Luckily, regardless of what method PC will use, it shouldn't change their appearance. Maybe give them PSI USB/Wi-Fi cord.

Actually there /is/ one core race that has Psionics! It was the Bird people (whose name escapes me at the moment). Some of them can be born with Psionic genes, but it takes a master of Psionics training you to really tap into that potential, though they've never trained an outside before. Their powers let them use their singing to mind-control those listening to them. 

Or at least that's what I remember from their codex on the species and their history, so I suggest someone try to find that if they want to know more.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Actually there /is/ one core race that has Psionics! It was the Bird people (whose name escapes me at the moment). Some of them can be born with Psionic genes, but it takes a master of Psionics training you to really tap into that potential, though they've never trained an outside before. Their powers let them use their singing to mind-control those listening to them. 

Or at least that's what I remember from their codex on the species and their history, so I suggest someone try to find that if they want to know more.

That's...not really a core race, seeing as they never made it into TiTs in the first place. The Avanai were written up when I was considering writing for TiTs, and have as of now been junked. If someone actually wants to write stuff for them (ha ha fat chance) I'm not against letting them have the codex, but as things stand they're not anywhere near canon.

Once I settled into my position as an FoE writer, what I had on them was eventually recycled into Cveta, Mikhail and the Plane of Air.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
That's...not really a core race, seeing as they never made it into TiTs in the first place. The Avanai were written up when I was considering writing for TiTs, and have as of now been junked. If someone actually wants to write stuff for them (ha ha fat chance) I'm not against letting them have the codex, but as things stand they're not anywhere near canon.

Once I settled into my position as an FoE writer, what I had on them was eventually recycled into Cveta, Mikhail and the Plane of Air.

Ah, so that's what happened to them. Though to be fair, at this stage most anything can be accepted as possible canon, seeing as several species that never were finished did get in-game references like the spider folk on the Myr homeworld. That is until they get removed, then they're officially not canon....

Anyway, well there goes my example, wonder if there is any core world psionic race then?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Ah, so that's what happened to them. Though to be fair, at this stage most anything can be accepted as possible canon, seeing as several species that never were finished did get in-game references like the spider folk on the Myr homeworld. That is until they get removed, then they're officially not canon....

Anyway, well there goes my example, wonder if there is any core world psionic race then?

Nothing's canon unless it shows up in game as an encounter.

There are a few core-ward psionic races that have been proposed, but no encounters with them have gotten written AND coded in yet.