CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
Same here. The "harder" exploration option was nice, though the Krakens that you can find WILL oneshot you unless you oneshot them first, which can be annoying sometimes. Other than that though, it'll be good to have more high-level areas. Plus, being able to go underground into more cave systems will always be welcome.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2017
There are a few problems with the Barrage special. At the moment it's actually strictly worse as a multiattack with enough arrows against group enemies.
Since it doesn't take the archery training damage bonus into account, which is at that point at least 3. So with 4 arrows you're already even. And it's way cheaper as well, with 20 Stamina against 60.
For the late game, while it does take elemental arrow damage bonus into account. It doesn't multiply them like doing individual attacks would. Shooting 4 arrows means you get the elemental bonus 4 times. Using Barrage only gives it one time.

As another small thing, could we add the enemy specific perk damage bonus to the range attacks? Feral hunter, Demon hunter and Heroism. They fit thematically very well.


New Member
Nov 28, 2018
@NobleLeader6 since I primarily play a female gorgon the most successful strategy I've found so far against Krakens is to just petrify, tease, tease, and repeat with intermittent breaks from teasing to heal from oxygen deprivation. It's time consuming, but a sexy enough gorgon can get almost anything capable of taking lust damage to submit to her without ever laying a hand on her opponent.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2017
The Sidewinder special has the same problem. Even against Beast type enemies it's multiplier is only *15, but 4 arrows with a *3.5 multiplier already come to a total of *14.
Against any non beast enemy it's actually worse than shooting a single arrow since it lacks the training multiplier.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Happy B-Day Spike. May the Amazons be with you xD

Not much work went into Caves but there is other area added with pretty much stuff (some was ready long ago and some was made in last few days but mostly it's not many new stuff rather gathering many group enemies in one area that is for those PC's that can deal with group enemies fast). Then there is a follow up for certain boss that run away in 'anti-climatic' end of fight in Hidden Cave.

I know Shion that Sidewinder need revision. I would get to it soon.

EDIT. Gah forgot to reply about Kraken - she's Deep Sea area enemy (when it will be opened to exploration) and for air shortage - gills works super well for it. Caves (at least first layer) would have max lvl 60 enemies. For higher ones Glacial Rift may be better place to check (with current Frost Giant becoming Young Frost Giant ther eiwll be another bit more older Giant in GR with lvl 80)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2017
Honestly Barrage is more important, since group enemies are becoming such an important part of the game.
Meeting the mentioned person again should be interesting.

I found something in the health regeneration code that might or might be a bug. Second wind gives a regeneration bonus of 5%, but it's still capped by the maximum regeneration bonus which is 2%. It still helps with the health cost of Overlimit, but I'm not sure if that's intentional.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2016
For some reason saving doesn't always work. I'll just try to save to slot one and it'll just take away the save notes and not let me continue no matter how many times I hit the button.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
@Creslin I can easily deal with them now, just need to use either the black magic spell arouse, or use my Kitsune's fused fox fire, and it does enough lust damage to take them out almost instantaneously.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Second Wind not rising temporaly cap for max % HP regen was bug and it's now fixed. Barrage and Sidewinder can be now boosted with dmg from Bow training multiplier (and Cupid perk toggle would also affect them - Minotaur King is animal-morph so he probably would loove cupid enhanced Sidewinder, right? ^^) plus they now get generaly 1/3 cheaper if PC can shoot 1 arrow normaly but more costly if PC can shoot more to reach max cost for PC capable to shoot 6 arrows normaly (but it also come with equal dmg output increase for both specials).

I feel somehow in mood to add few perks for job geared toward firearms and maybe do bit of work for npc that is firearm user/gunslinger.

@Nyseron Saving not working when using PC ver in browser or stand alone player or when using mobile ver?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2017
Thank you Ormael, looking forward to trying out an archer in the next build!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2017
You need to kill our favourite mouse martial artist for them, either by winning the first fight or by not taking care of her after the second.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2016
You unlock the relevant tf's as you experience them. Go chug them transformatives to get more options.
Ormael should really add a human option that's available from the start for characters that started out human. Your character should already know what it's like to have a human body (assuming you didn't use a non-human preset).


New Member
Nov 28, 2018
I'm thoroughly supportive of adding a human option to the metamorph list. Buying hummus every time I want to do a reset gets expensive.
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Feb 2, 2019
What version of CoCEd does this work with? I tried 1.3.1 but any changes I make to my character's body won't be saved.
Had to double check, but I'm using 1.3.1 as well. Tried out majority of the options for the body stuff and didn't have any issues with them saving. Not too sure why it wouldn't be working for you. Which body parts are you trying to change and what to?


Feb 2, 2019
Having the same issues as well trying those. Not too sure why the cloven hoofed isn't working though (the editor is using the correct thing when you use metamorph to transform your legs) and never really messed around with venom recharge. From what I found through a quick check, partial fur might require fluffy hair or it may not be fully implemented yet. I'll have to poke around the files a bit more tomorrow to see if I can find a better answer.

Also, if you want to get the cloven hoofed legs another way for now you can just unlock the metamorph perk in the editor. After that, go to the raw data section and scroll down through the 'statuses' section on the right to find 'Unlock Cloven Hoofed Legs'.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Partial Fur/Scales/Chitin still use juut fur/scales/chitin (those values named Partial_FUR and etc. are not used anymore). So for get partial coat cover need to look for value named COVERAGE_LOW as normaly full coat will get this put on COVERAGE_HIGH or COVERAGE_COMPLETE.

Human bodyparts would be unlockable in metamorph after next public ver come out (still need to first get genetic memory perk to start gather them).

If anyone was hyped for new dungeon...I super sorry but i feel it still need some work which i can't put atm in due to limited time before next public release so i would make sure that dungeon be ready for next one ver. And nearest public ver will be somehwere between 2 to 7 days from today.
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Feb 2, 2019
Great, thank you for clarifying that. I'm going to try and play around with the editor to see if I can't get some of the stuff I've been having issues with to work better with all of the Xianxia stuff as well.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2016
@Ormael Good job on getting the update out! On a somewhat related note, for content with Celess, how do we go about meeting her after getting the shield? Its been about 20 in-game days of doing nothing but exploring the forest and nothing has shown up. I assume you can recruit her based on the text in the changelog, but she doesn't seem to be showing up, at least for me. Then again, idk if this was simply explained before I got the mod, as I only got it within the last year.

EDIT: I just searched for Celess and found the document written for her by Liadri (I think?), and I see what I've done wrong. Unfortunately though, I'll end up passing on her content due to the nature of it. I tend to use male characters, and while I know there's no difference between male and female apart from some sex scenes, the whole being forced to one side or the other to get a follower, is not something I will do. It's fine that it's in, as this is your mod, so it's only fair that there are some things in here that I or others may not partake in. It just isn't my cup of tea. Were I playing a female character I'd have no issue, but since I personally don't like the idea of just being changed like that by a supposedly "pure" being, I won't do the content with this character.
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