It's the laprina vagina, accessible through the "Shift Goo" > "Crotch" > "Vagina" menu. You have to read the codex entry about laprina, though.How did you get that particular description for your vagina? The thing mentioning the ovipositor?
It's the laprina vagina, accessible through the "Shift Goo" > "Crotch" > "Vagina" menu. You have to read the codex entry about laprina, though.How did you get that particular description for your vagina? The thing mentioning the ovipositor?
You started your journey as a half-leithan, but you’ve become a naga over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 16 feet tall by ancient imperial measurements and 4.88 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit pitch-black platemail, using a hardlight anti-gravity jock for underwear, and letting your torso breathe, unrestricted by any undertop.
You have a wolf’s face, wide and majestic, with jaws filled with sharp teeth. You’ve got thick, black fur, hiding your thick, tan skin underneath your furry visage. Overall, your visage has a square chin and chiseled jawline. Your eyes are mapped like a printed circuit board and are decorated with rings of Red around each iris, giving them a very synthetic appearance. Your red spiked hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well. Two floppy antennae also grow from just behind your hairline, bouncing and swaying in the breeze. Your mouth contains a thick, fleshy tongue that, if you so desire, can telescope to a distance of about four feet. It has sufficient manual dexterity that you can use it almost like a third arm. Because it constantly produces a steady stream of wet lube, the inside of your mouth stays well lubricated. Two goat horns extend from the top of your forehead. The thick ibex-like horns rise 12 inches into the air, curving towards your back in a regal manner. Your horns are not their typical color, instead being dark brown.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers, mostly covered in a layer of thick, black fur, and magnificent black wings sprout from your shoulders. When unfurled they stretch further than your arm span, and a single beat of them is all you need to set out toward the sky. They look a bit like bat’s wings, but the membranes are covered in fine, delicate scales and a wicked talon juts from the end of each bone. Above your shoulders and around your neck grows a mane of fluffy, black fur, making you appear quite royal. Poofing out your chest is a fluffy ball of black fur. Parts of your fur show abstract gold tattoos, ones that glow faintly with a pleasant aura. Parts of your body emit aromatic pheromones, enticing potential mates. Your human-shaped hands appear very demonic, tipped with sharp claws that seem to have replaced your fingernails. In addition, your forearms are covered by sleek plates of jet-black chitin along the outside of each arm. Smaller pentagonal plates trail up your upper arms and over your shoulders. You have muscular hips that blend into your pillar-like waist, and your chiseled ass molds closely against your form. Ten long, writhing, tentacle tails flow after you, all similar in appearance. Studying one of them, you find that you have excellent control over their movements. When aroused, the tip of each one will open to reveal a thick, tentacle tail-cock. In addition, your thick tail-cocks are organs capable of laying eggs into an orifice. Below your thighs, your flesh is fused together into a very long, snake-like tail, leaving a narrow, connecting gap between your crotch and narrow tailhole. It is covered in black-colored scales. Your midriff is rock-hard, shaped by a good diet, steady conditioning, or both.
A pair of feathery gills are growing out just below your neck, spreading out horizontally and draping down your chest. They allow you to stay in the water for quite a long time. You have a fuck-off six pack, bulging with heavy muscle. Above it, you have a broad chest, capped with one 0.2-inch perky nipple each. The average-sized areolae are pink.
Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Where a penis would normally be located, you have instead grown a bundle of knotty pricks:
Your first plant-cock is 25 inches long and 4.2 inches wide. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your twisting cock looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 12.9 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.
Your second vine-cock is 25 inches long and 4.2 inches thick. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your shaft looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 12.9 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.
The third plant-phallus is 25 inches long and 4.2 inches thick. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your member looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 12.9 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.
Your next tentacle-phallus is 25 inches long and 4.2 inches in diameter. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your pink plant-shaft looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 12.9 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.
Your next tentacle-tool is 25 inches long and 4.2 inches wide. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your pant-ripping, vine-like cock looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 12.9 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.
Your sixth vine-dick is 12 inches long and two inches thick. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your slithering dick-tentacle looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 6.2 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.
The seventh tentacle-cock is 12 inches long and two inches thick. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your cock-tendril looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 6.2 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.
Your next plant-shaft is 12 inches long and two inches in diameter. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your foot-long, knotty dick-tendril looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 6.2 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.
Your next dick-tendril is 12 inches long and two inches wide. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your twisting cock looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 6.2 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.
Your tenth plant-cock is 12 inches long and two inches thick. It is lined with rib-like protrusions, soft and rounded enough to massage any passage into which it is inserted. Its surface is slick and slippery, covered in an abundant amount of moist lubrication. The obscenely swollen lump of flesh near the base of your tool looks almost too big for your cock. The knot is 6.2 inches wide when at full size. The phallus doubles as an egg-injecting organ.
Each of your manhoods naturally retract into an animalistic sheath when completely flaccid.
A fuzzy bloated scrotum filled with six barrel-sized balls swings low under your cluster of cock-tendrils. Covered in plush, black fluff makes it absolutely squeezable! You estimate each testicle to be about 120 inches around and 38.2 inches across.
You have one anus, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.
based him on one of the forms elias ainsworth takes in the ancient magus bride anime/mangaDamn!I’m honestly having a hard time figuring out what your character would look like!
based him on one of the forms elias ainsworth takes in the ancient magus bride anime/manga
sure here: chance you can provide a pic for visualization? I’ve honestly never seen nor heard of this anime/manga.
Ok i have to ask. Why are everybody's characters 16' tall chimeras of mismatched body parts with 10 giantic dicks and 5 pussys?
Man, I thought my feathered, herm dragon with tailcock and tailcunt was already a stretch, but holy cow!
i like my characters tall and i tend to build most of them after a theme (appearance wise that is)Yeah I’m with you on that Thebiologist I don’t understand this strange trend in character creation either. A lot of these random body parts just don’t go together imo and I have troubles visualizing these characters since they’re just a hodge podge of different parts.
i like my characters tall and i tend to build most of them after a theme (appearance wise that is)
let's use link as an example: wolf head because he transforms into a wolf in twilight princess, bunny ears cause turns into a bunny in a link to the past, the antlers because they come from the same tf that turns you into a plant and link becomes a plant creature in majora's mask, golden tattoos because the triforce is gold, and a centaur body cause he rides a horse in several games.Build them after a theme? And what theme is that? All I see is a bunch of random body parts that don’t really go together!
No offense m8 I just don’t understand any of this.
let's use link as an example: wolf head because he transforms into a wolf in twilight princess, bunny ears cause turns into a bunny in a link to the past, the antlers because they come from the same tf that turns you into a plant and link becomes a plant creature in majora's mask, golden tattoos because the triforce is gold, and a centaur body cause he rides a horse in several games.
EDIT: any questions?
well the massive balls, tentacle cocks and tails have nothing to the with the them they're just leftovers from my template that i didn't bother changingAh I see now... that explains everything but the multiple cock tails, tentacle cocks, and the massive pair of balls. I think you just like making crazy chimeric characters.
Ok i have to ask. Why are everybody's characters 16' tall chimeras of mismatched body parts with 10 giantic dicks and 5 pussys?
Man, I thought my feathered, herm dragon with tailcock and tailcunt was already a stretch, but holy cow!
How do you get BOTH at once?tailcock and tailcunt
Nope. I at least am not able to get two functional genital tails of different type.Two words, save editor.
Nope. I at least am not able to get two functional genital tails of different type.
No Herm Tails.
where are the bimbos at
saluteYou started your journey as a human, but you’ve become a cow-girl over the course of your adventures. You’re a good 5 feet and 6 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.68 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a SteeleTech suit, using a set of plain panties for underwear, and girding your upper body with a plain bra.
Your face is human in shape and structure, with pale skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with hypnotic lips, an adorable nose and long, beautiful eyelashes. Regular blue eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. Your lengthy, black hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well. Your mouth contains a tongue. Two horns protrude through the pale skin of your forehead. Each is about four inches in length and impossible to ignore.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. Freckles dot various parts of your skin. You have flared hips that sway to and fro, emphasized by your trim body, and your soft, heart-shaped ass looks great under your gear. A long cow tail with a puffy tip swishes back and forth as if swatting at flies. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your middle is nice and smooth.
You have two wobbling, milky udders, capped with one 0.7-inch nipple each. The coin-sized areolae are pink. Your basketball-sized tits are producing milk but are nowhere near full at the moment. You could easily fill a big H-cup bra.
Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. Your cock is 26.5 inches long and 4.4 inches across. A scrotum with two soccerball-sized testicles swings heavily beneath your giant cock. You estimate each testicle to be about 27 inches around and 8.6 inches across.
You have a pink, human slit, with one 0.8-inch clit. Occasional beads of girl-cum drip from your pink slit.
You have one virgin bum, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.
Oh, and big tiddy Goth gf. Literally whom I based Jane on.
You are a human. You’re a good 5 feet and 4 inches tall by ancient imperial measurements and 1.63 meters in the more accepted metric system. Right now, you’re wearing a suit pitch-black platemail, using a set of plain panties for underwear, and letting your torso breathe, unrestricted by any undertop.
Your face is human in shape and structure, with pale skin. Overall, your visage has a jaw-droppingly feminine shape with luscious lips, an adorable nose and long, beautiful eyelashes. Fairly unremarkable blue eyes allow you to take in your surroundings without trouble. Your lengthy, black hair looks good on you, accentuating your features well. Your mouth contains a tongue.
You have a humanoid upper body with the usual torso, arms, hands, and fingers. You have flared hips that sway to and fro, emphasized by your trim body, and your large, bouncy rump fills out your clothing nicely. Two normal human legs extend below your waist, ending in normal human feet. Your slim midriff is nice and smooth.
You have two luscious breasts, capped with one 0.9-inch bud each. The rather huge areolae are pink. You could easily fill a J-cup bra.
Your sexual equipment is located at your humanoid waist. You have a pink, human pussy, with one 0.5-inch clit. Moisture gleams in your cunt.
You have one anus, placed between your cheeks where it belongs.