Helix Prime: May I have your criticism?


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
Helix Prime

Type of game: Text Adventure

Current Pairings: M/F, M/M, M/H, H/M, H/F (You can change your gender in the Medical Bay on your ship.)

Future Pairings: F/F(Haven't added any pussy eating scenes yet.), F/MMMMMMM, H/MMMMMM, M/MMMMMM, M/FFFFFFF, F/FFFFFFF

Current Fetishes: Impregnation, Pregnancy, Cumflation, Oviposition, Lots of fun body parts

Future Fetishes: Lots! Off the top of my head: Rape, Domination, Restraints, Monsters, Transformation. You name it. I try to be open minded, so if enough people want it, it'll be added.

About: You are the captain of the Icarus, an inter-galactic exploration ship. You have just arrived in the Helix Prime system, which turns out to be teeming with life for you to... interact with.

Current state of the game: First prototype is ready to be shown. I would really love some criticism at this point.

Play: http://www.helixprimegame.com

Contact: helixprimegame@ gmail.com

I've been fiddling around with this for some time now, and I felt it was time to show it to someone, so I made this account to keep my other one off-topic. The engine is mostly complete, and there are some scenes. Conversations are really bare-bones right now, and there is currently no combat system. Next up in line is an actual character you can have conversations with, but I could really use some feedback right about now. Anything goes. Is this something worth continuing, or am I wasting my time here? Please let me know :)
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New Member
Sep 1, 2015
Took a look over the features available so far. Overall, a good concept you've got started.

- I'm fine with metric myself, but an option for "imperial" measurements would draw in more players. Perhaps an option in the menu to convert the metric to imperial?

- Stick to one planet/concept at a time initially, and build each one up to completion. It's good to have a wide variety of content eventually, but initially your player-base is going to want a "complete arc" to really draw value to the game. Think of each planet like seasons of a tv series, and each character you can meet on the planet is there own episode. Helps reduce the feeling of the game being "incomplete" as it continues into development.

- Didn't test everything, but I look forward to there being a "Get Fucked" option for female opponents against male players.

- You may want to clarify here that even though you "start male" you can easily alter your body on the ship to another look. Some people may see a lack of character creation and not even bother to play the game not knowing there's an option to play female.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
- I'm fine with metric myself, but an option for "imperial" measurements would draw in more players. Perhaps an option in the menu to convert the metric to imperial?

I was wondering if anyone would bring that up. If more people mention it, I'll throw it in.

- Stick to one planet/concept at a time initially, and build each one up to completion. It's good to have a wide variety of content eventually, but initially your player-base is going to want a "complete arc" to really draw value to the game. Think of each planet like seasons of a tv series, and each character you can meet on the planet is there own episode. Helps reduce the feeling of the game being "incomplete" as it continues into development.

That's a good point. Didn't think of that. Each planet was going to have its own theme/cultures, so I might just do that.

- Didn't test everything, but I look forward to there being a "Get Fucked" option for female opponents against male players.
 A dominant female character is one of the candidates for the first character. That would include female-dominant scenes. I'll keep your comment in mind. Edit: Just to mention it. There won't be a "Get Fucked" option in the future. It will be part of the dialogue. :p

- You may want to clarify here that even though you "start male" you can easily alter your body on the ship to another look. Some people may see a lack of character creation and not even bother to play the game not knowing there's an option to play female.

I didn't even think of that. I'll add a comment on that to the post, and maybe on the site.

Thanks for the feedback, Tremlin. I really appreciate it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I didn't even think of that.
Really? There are people who like to play as the opposite of what they are, and females also have the right to play as such, you know! And there's the people who, like me, are a bit tired of having the MtF as the only way to play as a female, especially when that sometimes puts you as a submissive by default.

As per the fetishes... can't say I'm interested in them apart from monsters, transformation and perhaps "lots of fun body parts".


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
Really? There are people who like to play as the opposite of what they are, and females also have the right to play as such, you know! And there's the people who, like me, are a bit tired of having the MtF as the only way to play as a female, especially when that sometimes puts you as a submissive by default.

As per the fetishes... can't say I'm interested in them apart from monsters, transformation and perhaps "lots of fun body parts".

No, I think you misunderstood. I didn't think of the fact that someone may not notice that you can change genders in the Medical Bay. I'll improve the intro in the future though, so it would be a non-issue eventually. For now, a comment will have to do.

As for monsters. I have a "being-raped-by-a-monster" scene written, but it ended up being a bit extreme, so I decided to leave it out for the time being.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Ah, I see. Anyway, it seems I'll have to wait and see until something more consensual is included.


New Member
Sep 11, 2015
Tremlin pretty much summed up what I was going to say, besides that I really enjoyed playing around with what you have so far. The PC editor in the medlab is brilliant and so is the capture feature to bring things back to the ship.

I hope you continue with the game, it is one of the most interesting I have played recently.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Um... well, you got the framework of a potentially interesting game here but... at the moment it's extraordinarily shallow. You wander around planets, bump into people totally at random, and your interaction with them is restricted to whether to fuck them or let them fuck you. Oh, you can capture them during sex and imprison them in your ship's brig, but that's just so you can fuck them (or let them fuck you) up there instead. It gave me a hilarious mental image of setting foot on an alien desert planet, inexplicably meeting what seems to be another human woman, just walking up to her and shoving my cock in her, cumming inside her, then walking away again without a word. I've heard of "wham, bam, thank you ma'am", but this didn't even include the "thank you ma'am"! I assume it's just an engine test at this point, but it doesn't really catch my attention without actual CHARACTERS (apart from Eva the bitchy AI).

Also, the writing in the sex scenes is pretty good, but there needs to be more of a system in place than just "do whatever until you feel like stopping". There's a reason sex scenes in CoC have a fixed end (usually when you cum).

Keep going, though, it looks like it could be pretty good with more development.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
  • Right off the bat there's the filters.  Filters are almost a must for games that include a wide variety of fetishes, but typically filters... well filter out unwanted content when applied.  In your game the gender filters state that they're including content with that gender and then the extreme fetish filters are just assumed to do the same for the listed fetish.  As I'm writing this I haven't even read the intro yet, and I have no idea if the content I selected will be included or if it will be excluded while the content I didn't want will be included.  It would be simpler to either have a note at the top saying that selecting a box will include that content, or reversing the effect of selecting a box and have a note at the top stating that selections will disable that content.
  • During DNA manipulation, the hair color and dick head type selectors seem to have the options obscured.  Still seems to work fine, it's just difficult to see unless you're willing to get really close to your screen or cycle through each option.
  • It seems like NPCs will fuck your ass almost, maybe more than almost, every time.  I don't know if this has something to do with what I did or if whatever random generator choosing scenes decided that my female test character was only going to get it up the ass.  But if it is something other people experience as well then the odds probably need adjusting.  Seems pointless to customize a pussy that never gets used.
That's all I found.  Everything else is just a matter of a lack of content.  I'd be curious to see where this goes, especially with all the customization for characters.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
Um... well, you got the framework of a potentially interesting game here but... at the moment it's extraordinarily shallow. You wander around planets, bump into people totally at random, and your interaction with them is restricted to whether to fuck them or let them fuck you. Oh, you can capture them during sex and imprison them in your ship's brig, but that's just so you can fuck them (or let them fuck you) up there instead. It gave me a hilarious mental image of setting foot on an alien desert planet, inexplicably meeting what seems to be another human woman, just walking up to her and shoving my cock in her, cumming inside her, then walking away again without a word. I've heard of "wham, bam, thank you ma'am", but this didn't even include the "thank you ma'am"! I assume it's just an engine test at this point, but it doesn't really catch my attention without actual CHARACTERS (apart from Eva the bitchy AI).

This gave me a good laugh. But yes, you are spot on. Yesterday I started mapping out factions, characters and "dumb NPCs"(Like the ones that are in the game currently). So they're on their way.

Also, the writing in the sex scenes is pretty good, but there needs to be more of a system in place than just "do whatever until you feel like stopping". There's a reason sex scenes in CoC have a fixed end (usually when you cum).

Agreed. I'll be doing something about that soon.

  • Right off the bat there's the filters.  Filters are almost a must for games that include a wide variety of fetishes, but typically filters... well filter out unwanted content when applied.  In your game the gender filters state that they're including content with that gender and then the extreme fetish filters are just assumed to do the same for the listed fetish.  As I'm writing this I haven't even read the intro yet, and I have no idea if the content I selected will be included or if it will be excluded while the content I didn't want will be included.  It would be simpler to either have a note at the top saying that selecting a box will include that content, or reversing the effect of selecting a box and have a note at the top stating that selections will disable that content.

That's a good point. Would it be better if it said "Enabled content" instead of "Filters"?

  • During DNA manipulation, the hair color and dick head type selectors seem to have the options obscured.  Still seems to work fine, it's just difficult to see unless you're willing to get really close to your screen or cycle through each option.

What build did you try? Is it the WebGL one? (It has some issues currently. With dropdown boxes.)

  • It seems like NPCs will fuck your ass almost, maybe more than almost, every time.  I don't know if this has something to do with what I did or if whatever random generator choosing scenes decided that my female test character was only going to get it up the ass.  But if it is something other people experience as well then the odds probably need adjusting.  Seems pointless to customize a pussy that never gets used.

At the moment it should be 50/50, as I haven't added any weighting. In the future, you'll have a say in it unless it makes sense to not have a choice. I'll look into it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
That's a good point. Would it be better if it said "Enabled content" instead of "Filters"?
That would be much better, yes.

What build did you try? Is it the WebGL one? (It has some issues currently. With dropdown boxes.)
The unity version.  It didn't disable any boxes or anything.  There were just a few where something was covering up the options so that it was slightly harder to read them.  It seemed to only affect the ones with the option to scroll down actually.

At the moment it should be 50/50, as I haven't added any weighting. In the future, you'll have a say in it unless it makes sense to not have a choice. I'll look into it.
 Then it was probably just random chance screwing me over.  I was trying to test female scenes and made some type choices that I was curious to see mentioned in the scene.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Gonna watch this like a hawk. Love the idea, i've got a sort of glitch i found, not sure how it occurred, but every-time i tried to visit someone in the cells after capturing a herm, i got a herm encounter in the forest, even though i was in the cells.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
Gonna watch this like a hawk. Love the idea, i've got a sort of glitch i found, not sure how it occurred, but every-time i tried to visit someone in the cells after capturing a herm, i got a herm encounter in the forest, even though i was in the cells.

Oops, my bad. I forgot to set the prison scene. Small fix. Makes a lot of difference :)

 Then it was probably just random chance screwing me over.  I was trying to test female scenes and made some type choices that I was curious to see mentioned in the scene.
I think most body parts are taken into account with the exception of taurs. Those require some work, and will be added when I add a character of that type. (I also found the bug you are talking about.)


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Oops, my bad. I forgot to set the prison scene. Small fix. Makes a lot of difference :)

Well it wasn't just the scene that was messed up. I litterally only got the herm, even when i chose to interact with the werewolf. It just like over-rided me and forced the herm interaction.

edit: also i too tested out female PC and always got anal scenes with "get fucked" seems like the characters will start prodding the vag and next thing you know whey are pounding the rear.
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Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
Well it wasn't just the scene that was messed up. I litterally only got the herm, even when i chose to interact with the werewolf. It just like over-rided me and forced the herm interaction.

edit: also i too tested out female PC and always got anal scenes with "get fucked" seems like the characters will start prodding the vag and next thing you know whey are pounding the rear.

Noted and noted. Looks like there is something wrong with the vaginal scene in general. I'm going to have to go over it.

I'm updating progress here: http://helixprimegame.com/Forums/showthread.php?tid=11&pid=11#pid11 in case anyone is interested.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
0.1.1 is out.

It has a couple of characters(Female. I'll see if I can't caugh up a male one soon.).

There is also an android build up under the "Play" section. http://helixprimegame.com/?page_id=22

As always. I appreciate being yelled at because the thing sucks somehow :)  (I just realized this sounds sarcastic. To clarify; Please criticize the game!)
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Hm, can you add a similar menu for scenes under the "Get fucked" option?

And, I haven't found out but maybe let us use the DNA restructure thing on our prisoners for now to test things?


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
Hm, can you add a similar menu for scenes under the "Get fucked" option?

I've been struggling with deciding how this should work for a while now. Currently, the "active" partner decides what happens. Since the "Get Fucked" option sets the player as the receiving partner, the NPC picks the scenes. I suppose a more soft decision would make sense, like "cum in me/cum on my face" etc. Alternatively, the "Get Fucked" could be replaced with various invitations, so the player can tempt the NPC with their pussy/ass/mouth/etc. Note that the "Fuck" and "Get Fucked" options are placeholders, and will be replaced with something a little less direct, like "Flirt" or similar that comes with its own mini-game. This depends a bit on what kind of combat system I decide to go with.

Also; There are currently not very many scenes in the game. All of the current scenes make the cock-owner the active partner. There will be scenes where the pussy/ass/mouth owners are the active ones. In fact the one with with Sar'i is an active pussy-oral scene, I just haven't made it available with the NPCs yet.

tl;dr: It's complicated, and depends on future features. I might go with a simple "flirt" system as a short term solution, so you can play around a bit more freely for the time being.

And, I haven't found out but maybe let us use the DNA restructure thing on our prisoners for now to test things?

That's a good idea. Should be a quick change too. I'll have a look at it after I'm done with the Save/Load functionality I'm working on currently. (This would also allow you to name your prisoners :))
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Might want to put an example or two of what "Weird/Disturbing" is for enabled content, like you have for "Beasts". Beasts and watersports are pretty self-explanatory since they refer directly to a particular fetish, yet weird and disturbing are subjective in nature and might be too vague by themselves for new players to really understand what they refer to.
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Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
There is currently nothing in those categories yet anyway. I'll disable those filters until they become relevant. :)

I figured I'd start with more mainstream content, and then we can get more exotic later.


Aug 27, 2015
Played a bit its coming a long well but I would say there needs to be a lot more talking characters other then Kita (only one I found, not sure if there is a few more or what) this is because smut is better when its not the "nice shoes want to fuck" approach. Adding a few more races then the genaric ones would be good too. No comlplaints about the current content other then the descriptions need a bit of work but they work fine for the current model.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
I've been struggling with deciding how this should work for a while now. Currently, the "active" partner decides what happens. Since the "Get Fucked" option sets the player as the receiving partner, the NPC picks the scenes. I suppose a more soft decision would make sense, like "cum in me/cum on my face" etc. Alternatively, the "Get Fucked" could be replaced with various invitations, so the player can tempt the NPC with their pussy/ass/mouth/etc. Note that the "Fuck" and "Get Fucked" options are placeholders, and will be replaced with something a little less direct, like "Flirt" or similar that comes with its own mini-game. This depends a bit on what kind of combat system I decide to go with.

Also; There are currently not very many scenes in the game. All of the current scenes make the cock-owner the active partner. There will be scenes where the pussy/ass/mouth owners are the active ones. In fact the one with with Sar'i is an active pussy-oral scene, I just haven't made it available with the NPCs yet.

tl;dr: It's complicated, and depends on future features. I might go with a simple "flirt" system as a short term solution, so you can play around a bit more freely for the time being.

tbh get fucked currently is quite boring because you have so little things that happen there. Maybe you should restructure the dialogue tree in general. Like this:

"She pushes you and tries to get you on your back."
>Push back

>let her

etc. - So you maintain control during the act but of course can let yourself end up in a submissive position if you let your partner. Adding suggestions (like lying down invitingly) could be a part of it, but of course there would be a chance that your partner doesn't do what you had in mind! =D


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2015
Just played through the latest build. I thought it was kinda cool to see the ovipositor/egg pregnancy so early.

Also, I don't know if it's just me but currently I'm only getting vaginal scenes. I've tried all 3 males multiple times.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
Played a bit its coming a long well but I would say there needs to be a lot more talking characters other then Kita (only one I found, not sure if there is a few more or what) this is because smut is better when its not the "nice shoes want to fuck" approach. Adding a few more races then the genaric ones would be good too. No comlplaints about the current content other then the descriptions need a bit of work but they work fine for the current model.

Yes, I agree that there needs to be more characters. They take time to write though. I'm working on it! :p

About the generic races. Having them be humanoid versions of species we are used to makes them easier to visualize. If I start throwing in completely original species, players might struggle to imagine what exactly they look like, without a comprehensive description. This is why I decided to start with the traditional ones. I don't have artwork at the moment, which makes this even more difficult.

Descriptions are currently scheduled for a work-over :)

"She pushes you and tries to get you on your back."
>Push back

>let her

etc. - So you maintain control during the act but of course can let yourself end up in a submissive position if you let your partner. Adding suggestions (like lying down invitingly) could be a part of it, but of course there would be a chance that your partner doesn't do what you had in mind! =D

I'll probably end up going for something like this. I just need to figure out how rape would be handled when you have options. If you run into someone who's in a rut, they ain't gonna stop just because of your protests.  :p  (Gonna add a filter for rape though, don't worry.)

I thought it was kinda cool to see the ovipositor/egg pregnancy so early.

Fun fact. That's largely because it's such a mechanics-heavy thing to implement. It's just so much better when it's done from the ground up, rather than tacked on at a later date.

Also, I don't know if it's just me but currently I'm only getting vaginal scenes. I've tried all 3 males multiple times.

Added a bug for this. I'll look into it. :)

Thanks for the feedback guys. It helps on both motivation and quality!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Few problems from the unity version:

No scrollbar.

Can't change tail to reptile. The option is blocked. Same for drider option in the legs.

Choosing Hairy skin type leaves me with a hairless upper body.

No foreskin option on dick. Is it supposed to be normal?

First entering the Brdige Typo "that separate you from ther vacuum of space.

Character starts with 0 breasts, not sure why.

Introduction with Kita has "move" repeated two times in a row.

"He lets out a small gasp as you meaty cock flops down on his back. It reaches almost to his navel." ... what.

"Feeling this his eyes go wide and her anal muscles" all the characters were male

Kiss scene "You hold your kiss and move Your knees"

Reptiles are missing stuff in their description.

There is no way to get rid of prisoners.

There are no herms with male gender.

Overall it seems like it's a good foundation but it's missing a lot of stuff and needs a lot of editing(double spaces, repetition, typos). I can only really say that it needs a lot of work.

So far all five planets have the exact same encounters. I assume that in the future it will not be so and each planet will have it's own list.

Things I would like to see: Anal pregnancy, sex and gender changing the prisoners, some reason for pregnancy(colony building or something?), cum color, different arm types, prisoner pregnancy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
looks interesting at a glance.

Of course its hard to get more into it without a save function to keep your progress

- Stick to one planet/concept at a time initially, and build each one up to completion. It's good to have a wide variety of content eventually, but initially your player-base is going to want a "complete arc" to really draw value to the game. Think of each planet like seasons of a tv series, and each character you can meet on the planet is there own episode. Helps reduce the feeling of the game being "incomplete" as it continues into development.

Very important advice


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
Few problems from the unity version:

Wow, that's quite the list! I have fixed about half of them already, the rest is added to the bug list. Thanks for taking the time to write them all down. I really appreciate that.

There are no herms with male gender.

Could you elaborate on this one? Would you like herms to be referred to as "he"? Described as masculine? No breasts, but both pussy and cock? 

As a related question that goes to anyone who can answer really. The engine currently supports "cunt-boys" in various forms, I just haven't added any because quite frankly I'm a little unsure of what exactly is included in that definition. The options I see are:

  • Completely female body, but referred to as male.
  • Male body except for having a pussy and wide hips. Referred to as male
  • Completely male body, but with a pussy instead of a cock. Referred to as male.
So far all five planets have the exact same encounters. I assume that in the future it will not be so and each planet will have it's own list.

Yes, that is the plan. I have mapped out where each species will belong (including many that are not in the game yet.), and I will be adding a filter not only for planet, but for zones on a planet as well.

Things I would like to see: Anal pregnancy, sex and gender changing the prisoners, some reason for pregnancy(colony building or something?), cum color, different arm types, prisoner pregnancy.

Eggs and nanites can currently result in anal pregnancy. Are you referring to a cloaca(womb in the butt) kind of thing? I took the liberty of adding suggestions on the forums for each of those ideas that are not already planned. They are really good ideas, and have a high chance of making it in. :)

Again, I appreciate you taking the time to write this up.

Of course its hard to get more into it without a save function to keep your progress

Very important advice

just finished implementing that. ;)  As for the one-planet-at-a-time thing, do you guys think I should disable the other planets for the time being? (As they don't really have any content.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wow, that's quite the list! I have fixed about half of them already, the rest is added to the bug list. Thanks for taking the time to write them all down. I really appreciate that.


Could you elaborate on this one? Would you like herms to be referred to as "he"? Described as masculine? No breasts, but both pussy and cock? 

As a related question that goes to anyone who can answer really. The engine currently supports "cunt-boys" in various forms, I just haven't added any because quite frankly I'm a little unsure of what exactly is included in that definition. The options I see are:

  • Completely female body, but referred to as male.
  • Male body except for having a pussy and wide hips. Referred to as male
  • Completely male body, but with a pussy instead of a cock. Referred to as male.

Yes, that is the plan. I have mapped out where each species will belong (including many that are not in the game yet.), and I will be adding a filter not only for planet, but for zones on a planet as well.


Eggs and nanites can currently result in anal pregnancy. Are you referring to a cloaca(womb in the butt) kind of thing? I took the liberty of adding suggestions on the forums for each of those ideas that are not already planned. They are really good ideas, and have a high chance of making it in. :)

Again, I appreciate you taking the time to write this up.


just finished implementing that. ;)  As for the one-planet-at-a-time thing, do you guys think I should disable the other planets for the time being? (As they don't really have any content.)
Maleherms refers to characters with both pussy and dick(balls are optional) have a masculine body (broad shoulder, smaller hips and flat breasts or pecs, among other) and identify as male. I would like some characters like that.

Cuntboys are the last option, masculinity + Pussy. The other are more akin of a trap or a tomboy.

Just remember to make it thematicly congruent. That is the most important factor.

Nanites? How does that work? And ovipositors don't fill that fetish becase well it's a form of parasitic pregnancy and there isn't a combination of DNA and doesn't really count as reproduction.

Not a cloaca specifically, I'm not exactly sure how cloacas work through. Anal pregnancy is just a fetishy way of having gay couples having babies without one having to grow a pussy. Logically it can work in thousand different ways... and I wrote one for a race for TiTS (here is the link if you want to read it).

Still would like to know what happens to the children.
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