Helix Prime: May I have your criticism?


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
 I get what you mean now. Will look into possibilities in the design.

Interesting read on the Vulkrimi. I'll ponder on it for a while. I added a post on the forums as a reminder.

Still would like to know what happens to the children.

They end up in the nursery on your ship. You can't access it though, since I haven't made any GUI for it yet. The plan is that when they grow up you get to choose whether they stay in a room on the ship, like other visitors, or go off on their own in which case you will never see them again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
  • Completely female body, but referred to as male.
Not this

  • Male body except for having a pussy and wide hips. Referred to as male
  • Completely male body, but with a pussy instead of a cock. Referred to as male.
Both of these are cuntboys. Cuntboys and dickgirls are actually real, they are what you get when someone transgenders via the use of hormones but does not undergo the final surgery to reconstruct their genitals. Unlike futa which is fictional and is someone who has fully functional male and female bits. Typically on a hormonally female body but rarely on a male one.

Well... actually dickgirls are almost real, dickgirls typically are depicted with hilariously over the top huge dicks that are impossibly large. that part is fake.

Don't feel overly obligated about this as it has very niche appeal

just finished implementing that. ;)  As for the one-planet-at-a-time thing, do you guys think I should disable the other planets for the time being? (As they don't really have any content.)
Yes, you should definitely disable planets that have no content yet. Although once you start working on said planet, you don't have to wait until its all finished to add it, just make sure to have an in game note that it is still unfinished.

Could you elaborate on this one? Would you like herms to be referred to as "he"? Described as masculine? No breasts, but both pussy and cock? 
No breasts, masculine appearance, masculine body hair, beard, etc. Basically, it is a male who you glue a vagina on in addition to their original parts.

Don't feel overly obligated about this as it has very niche appeal
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
No breasts, masculine appearance, masculine body hair, beard, etc. Basically, it is a male who you glue a vagina on in addition to their original parts.

It's quite a shame that people don't know/forget that male herms can be a thing. Heck, I was royally pissed off when my CoC male champions suddenly became a "she" just because I wanted to add an extra slit to unlock more scenes :/


Active Member
Sep 7, 2015
Pretty good so far, although I haven't encountered any nanites yet. Where are they?
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Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
In Helix Prime, the "gender" (He/She) is a variable on it's own, and not generated from body parts. The reason is that people may not identify as their physical parts. The only exception to this is the filtering options. Those are based on both the "gender" variable, and body parts. I'm not entirely sure how I would filter male herms though. I'll need to think about that for a bit.

Creating the random creatures you run into is a quick process by the way. I pretty much just have to fill in a table. It's the characters that take time to write.

Pretty good so far, although I haven't encountered any nanites yet. Where are they?

There are no sources of nanites yet, sorry :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
In Helix Prime, the "gender" (He/She) is a variable on it's own, and not generated from body parts. The reason is that people may not identify as their physical parts. The only exception to this is the filtering options. Those are based on both the "gender" variable, and body parts. I'm not entirely sure how I would filter male herms though. I'll need to think about that for a bit.

Creating the random creatures you run into is a quick process by the way. I pretty much just have to fill in a table. It's the characters that take time to write.

There are no sources of nanites yet, sorry :(

You could refer to herms with they and avoid gendering them like that. That way it's the reader's interpretation how they want to see them.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
You could refer to herms with they and avoid gendering them like that. That way it's the reader's interpretation how they want to see them.

While I see your point, I'm not sure that sounds very natural, nor very personal. I have the same issue with "hir" and a few other variants I've seen floating around. They really jump at you like a face-hugger out of an easter egg when you read them.

Coding-wise it would be a simple matter to implement. I would just add some extra pronouns to the pronoun data-structure. So a compromise could be to have those less-used pronouns off by default in the options menu.

I have quite a few things with higher priority at the moment though, so I think I'll worry about this wording after the relevant characters appear.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
While I see your point, I'm not sure that sounds very natural, nor very personal. I have the same issue with "hir" and a few other variants I've seen floating around. They really jump at you like a face-hugger out of an easter egg when you read them.

Coding-wise it would be a simple matter to implement. I would just add some extra pronouns to the pronoun data-structure. So a compromise could be to have those less-used pronouns off by default in the options menu.

I have quite a few things with higher priority at the moment though, so I think I'll worry about this wording after the relevant characters appear.


Just fyi even Shakespeare used the singular they, also look at this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spivak_pronoun - gender neutral pronouns aren't exactly a new nor an unnatural idea. "They" however is a very common and generally accepted pronoun from what I've seen. I don't really see this is a high priority matter either, but considering it is - as you said - only minimal effort involved there is really no reason to say no to it somewhere down the road.


Active Member
Oct 24, 2015
I wasn't saying you were wrong. I know what a singular they is. It's just that it's not common enough to sound natural. It's the same reason I avoid linguistic gymnastics. They're more distracting than anything else. (In my opinion.)

It's not a no, it just needs to be optional :)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
It's quite a shame that people don't know/forget that male herms can be a thing. Heck, I was royally pissed off when my CoC male champions suddenly became a "she" just because I wanted to add an extra slit to unlock more scenes :/

yea, it is rather odd too, there is no logical sense why a herm has to be female-based. besides which even the original term

In Greek mythologyHermaphroditus or Hermaphroditos  i/hərˌmæf.rəˈdaɪ.təs/ (Ancient GreekἙρμαφρόδιτος) was the son of Aphrodite and Hermes. According to Ovid, born a remarkably handsome boy, he was transformed into an androgynous being by union with the water nymph Salmacis.[1] His name is the basis for the wordhermaphrodite.