Question about Bess/Ben and their job


New Member
Oct 14, 2015
So, been working through the Bess/Ben storyline, fun stuff- but I've got a question about assigning their job.

Made them a librarian, and the actual dialogue at the end states:

Bess is now the ship’s archivist! You can change Bess’s role at any time in the Discuss section of her Follower Menu!

However, all I get is the option to chat about their job. Is this, I dunno, depending on future content, or, contrary to the above text, is their job fixed upon choosing it, and there are no take-backs?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I don't think there's even anything written for library/archive content.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Supposedly, the job vhosen would provide some sort of perk along with it.  The Friendship Bracelet Bess/Ben gives was also meant to provide an HP-boost too, according to the gdoc.  They don't seem to have been implemented though.  Not sure if it was just scrapped or if it's a bug.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well braclet should give 5 hp boost (lil small) so it may been scrapped but that Jim or Geddy can explain about it fate. For jobs perks I got feeling they will be added with space combat stuff (I do hope it won't been cut too as well giving her 100 credits just to get nothing is kinda a waste especialy that those perks wasn't so none significant for each role). As all we'll see it when the right time have come I assume.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Perks and shit were axed because Fenoxo doesn't like gating cool stat stuff behind waifus...


Addendum: I remember hearing something about generic crew bonuses when Ship Combat comes in, but that's like, a whisper of a whisper, so don't give it much weight.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Perks and shit were axed because Fenoxo doesn't like gating cool stat stuff behind waifus...


Addendum: I remember hearing something about generic crew bonuses when Ship Combat comes in, but that's like, a whisper of a whisper, so don't give it much weight.

Ok so it not like they were moved for later date to add but then...why the hell Bess/Ben crew payout need to be actualy used? Why not since any perk for job is gained by PC we need still loose 100 credits each week.

Like give that damn perks or just meantion in scene we start giving pay to our lovely more than sexbot and never actualy charge us. As othewise it's like damn scam and unneeded money sink (given your gdoc quite much pointed we would get something in exchange for that weekly pay).

Oh well probably we would stick with wasting needlessly credits each week anyway so it's nothing we can do about :(

PS. About gating...not like already free INT gain is gated behind fucking Syri cuz othwerwise we not get friendly with her. She will be crewmember someday too so well future waifu with gated free int gain is ok but Bess/Ben perks with need to spend credits each week is not ok. Kali morality in full swing it seems :(
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Do you actually get charged weekly? I didn't think this happened.

Yes we do get charged each week. So it's like that feeling PC spend 100 credits each week for...nothing :/

PS. For sure it was last time I went so long with playthou...will do the same with newest build to be sure if it still there or was removed (unless someone else will be faster to report if it true or not still).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Perks and shit were axed because Fenoxo doesn't like gating cool stat stuff behind waifus...


Addendum: I remember hearing something about generic crew bonuses when Ship Combat comes in, but that's like, a whisper of a whisper, so don't give it much weight.

Wait, so if I read that and the other comment right, its OK when Fen and Sav do the waifu gated perk thing but when you do it, its a big no no? If it is then that's utter bullshit.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thats utter bullshit, so if I read that and the other comment right, its OK when Fen and Sav do the waifu gated perk thing but when you do it, its a big no no?

Well, it's not like it's a big secret or anything. More ribbing him then actually complaining. He's the creator, he can do what he wants. Also, I'm not sure the upgraded versions of her shop guns are gated behind her romance, so don't get too up in arms about it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Wiiiierdd. Yeah, that IS odd. Particularly since you don't get charged for the rest of the crew. o_o

Checked and it's now changed so luckly we not charged 100 credits for nothing. But in first build that had Bess we were charged (good at least it was now cut out with charging but still...well I kinda fell like a whole scene is pointless now as what is the difference which job we pick for Bess as nothing will be different...nor the reason we change her job later which is currently not available to done anyway - all scene and stuff with her job as crewmember now feel kinda like dead weight in her whole content to the point if it would be removed nothing would actualy change gamewise (still I'm aware it's much needed from storywise angle to have this scene)). Oh well weird things will be weird.
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Oct 16, 2015
Since this topic is about Bess/Ben, I'm going to ask my question here instead of starting a whole new topic if that's alright.

Sorry if this is kind of a stupid question, but how rare is it to find Bess/Ben? I've been wondering around the junk piles so much I've leveled up twice, but I haven't encountered the bot.
Oct 15, 2015
Bess/Ben is in a specific spot on the west side of the map. There's a little button to pick them up, similar to the dong designer or horsecock.


Oct 16, 2015
Bess/Ben is in a specific spot on the west side of the map. There's a little button to pick them up, similar to the dong designer or horsecock.

Thought I'd traversed every area of the map, but apparently I missed a spot. Went back further west than where I was looking and found her. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I second that notion, especially since the location they are placed in doesn't lie on route to any of the quests, with Gray Goo being the only incentive to go in that general direction.

Easiest solution - expand map that way and put some quest there so people will be like *running happily to get next quest done fast when bam...some foot stuck out of pile of trash...check it or go to the quest? And that room is I think it was already stated exactly but named : Next to the suspicious pile or similar. SOmewhere in depth of fenformu I already posted exact name of the room where Bess/Ben can be found -_-' Now I not even know in which Bess/Ben thread it was already :(


Oct 12, 2015
A marker would be nice, as the pile is easy to overlook, but lacking a marker, it might already help to make one or two new tiles beneath/south his current location and put him/her there. There is some (near) universal practice of putting additional rewards/treasure chests at dead-ends, so most gamers check those out of a habit. The location is a dead-end already, but it is hard to make out as one, as it is only one tile deep.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Once you actually have a ship combat use for your crew, it's entirely possible that there will be a bunch of hire-able crew available for players that don't want to go through the trouble of recruiting lover crew to staff their ship.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Once you actually have a ship combat use for your crew, it's entirely possible that there will be a bunch of hire-able crew available for players that don't want to go through the trouble of recruiting lover crew to staff their ship.

Crew members that you're not having sex with? Pfft. What's the point in that?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Being able to actually hit pirates and dodge their attacks at the same time?

But then how will you be the dashing, brave Captain that saves the crew after the ship is crippled and enemies are boarding non-stop? How will I make panties wet and tents pitch?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
But then how will you be the dashing, brave Captain that saves the crew after the ship is crippled and enemies are boarding non-stop? How will I make panties wet and tents pitch?

For that you have old recruitable army of waifu/husbando :p I mean who said on ship we would need to have only all sexable or non-sexable npc only without any mixing? Also well if some npc will be non-sexable I ownder if they "advantages" to have onboard will outweight lack of sex content attatched...


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Hmm. Boarding/counterboarding seems to be the only thing the current lovers would be good for, actually. A few people who should be good in either getting into a ship, or fighting once they're there, but everybody who actually knows how to fly and such already has their own ship, which they seem to be pretty damn attached to.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
For that you have old recruitable army of waifu/husbando :p I mean who said on ship we would need to have only all sexable or non-sexable npc only without any mixing? Also well if some npc will be non-sexable I ownder if they "advantages" to have onboard will outweight lack of sex content attatched...

Point I was making, Ormael, is that if you've got a non-lover crew that can keep you from getting stranded then you can't be hero and get your lovers turned on (at least not as easily).


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Point I was making, Ormael, is that if you've got a non-lover crew that can keep you from getting stranded then you can't be hero and get your lovers turned on (at least not as easily).

I see but then question I could ask you...WHY you not have any lover crew member on board? I mean Celise is sexable one and we practicaly getting her for simply saying yes at start of the game. So if someone would avoid taking any of creww members like her onboard will it mean that he find all that type npc's sooooo boring and lame to not bother taking them on? I think pride of they writers would get lil hurt since it wouldn't be much more diff than saying those npc are shit in your eyes.

Like since we got thread about Bess/Ben - so not taking them of planet and allowing for that scene where we see some huuuuuge explosion on horizon or just sell/hand over to authorities pernamently removing from the surely is there for sake of giving player choices. But that also mean someone may not liked this npc or done it for some kind of sick joke. As for now we got infinity crew space I could keep all followers on ship but later...yeah I already know which two will keep on ship when Cass tech ship got again with limited space for crew ^^ (No worry Jim Bess will be one of those two crew members, she's damn to fun to ditch out off the ship like that ^^)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I see but then question I could ask you...WHY you not have any lover crew member on board? I mean Celise is sexable one and we practicaly getting her for simply saying yes at start of the game. So if someone would avoid taking any of creww members like her onboard will it mean that he find all that type npc's sooooo boring and lame to not bother taking them on? I think pride of they writers would get lil hurt since it wouldn't be much more diff than saying those npc are shit in your eyes.

Like since we got thread about Bess/Ben - so not taking them of planet and allowing for that scene where we see some huuuuuge explosion on horizon or just sell/hand over to authorities pernamently removing from the surely is there for sake of giving player choices. But that also mean someone may not liked this npc or done it for some kind of sick joke. As for now we got infinity crew space I could keep all followers on ship but later...yeah I already know which two will keep on ship when Cass tech ship got again with limited space for crew ^^ (No worry Jim Bess will be one of those two crew members, she's damn to fun to ditch out off the ship like that ^^)

There's some confusion going on here. I was saying that (jokingly) having a lover crew would be better cuz of shenanigans involving sexiness. Having non-lovers would just be efficient for battles.