Conquest of Shadows (For DaBomb)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth raises a brow at the woman while chuckling.  Orgy... wasn't exactly what Ash thought Saria was doing but it definitely gave her a reason to be late. Probably. 

"Well, you won't have to be doing that anymore... or at least any time soon.  Because I finally secured the milk transport to your shop, you should easily have enough shipment to make this place a little less uptight." Asheroth gives a sly wink at her comment.

"Oh... Something else that's kind of important.  I uh... Kinda of made you the center of all of my funds.  You will be receiving packages of money from... questionable sources designated to me. Feel free to take a lump from the pile if you need it.  A token of gratitude from me for keeping my stuff on the low down." 

Now that she thought of it... she was in a shop with rare and magical items... She could easily browse or purchase something while she was here... it'd save her a trip back to the store anyway...

"You got anything interesting in stock, Saria?  Well, interesting or me at least?" 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Always ready for busiess, the half-elf visibly perks up from her defused state.

"Well I certainly wouldn't say no to a chunk of change thrown my way. Don't worry about the money's... Nefarious origins, either. I have ways of making the dirtiest revenue stream into something that's sparkling clean from a legal standpoint. As for new inventory, I'm sure I'll find something suitable to thank you for sending so much business my way."

She stands, heals clacking against the floorboards and makes her way to the store front. You can hear Siara rummaging through the clutter even from your seat several rooms away. After a few minutes later, she returns with her find, setting a large piece of quartz in front of you.

"It's a seeing stone," She explains, "Break it up and you'll be able to see and hear what goes on around the other pieces so long as you possess one of the shards. If you look here, you'll see this smooth, rounded portion? I think it used to be a sphere, which means there might be other pieces laying around. Still, pretty useful, huh?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth's eyes flick from detail to detail on the stone, her arcanic curiosity getting the best of her, as it did with such peculiar magic items.  A thing like this would be very useful... Allowing her to see what was happening from place to place, even when she wasn't there... It could even act as an alarm if she thought of a way to implement it...

"This... would be astonishingly useful for my business affairs... it would do quite nicely!  How much?" She replies, taking it and examining it as she spoke.  "Would you mind keeping one in this place?  The open area of the shop, I mean... I don't want to invade your privacy." She grins.  "Would you mind giving a piece to the noble, Tera?  She'll understand what it's for, and it'd be useful for the position I gave her..."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"As in the daughter of Lord D' Lutheon? My, you do work fast. I'll turn around tomorrow and find you wearing a crown, Ash!"

The half-elf draws a dagger and chips two sizeable pieces from the hunk of quartz. Judging by her division, you have about three pieces left including the shard you'll have to maintain about your person.

"I'm sure I'll find a way to get it to the esteemed Lady Tera. I look forward to making her acquaintance."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash takes the remaining piece and places it in one of her numerous pockets.  "I'm sure you will, she's quite the woman.  Very knowledgeable in an abundance of topics. Not that her father was of much help..." She mutters in spite, pausing for a moment.  "Anyway, I'll most likely see you soon.  And I hope you'll like your wares, I may be able to supply more in the future!" She ends with a high note, waving to the woman as she leaves her shop.

She'd make her way back to Rizzi and see what the situation with her friend was.  If everything was fine, she'd meet up with Cart again and make her way back to the new location of the bandit camp.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You make your way back to Sarklings manner and find one very nervous Rizzy in the courtyard. Accompanying her is the demonically-altered young man, Jerrin. Gone is the coy nature that the demon-morph displayed during the auction. He keeps his tail hidden beneath a large dark cloak and a cap as well as his shaggy hair disguise his horns. The way his stance shifts upon your entrance speaks of a history as a thief... Or a street fighter.

Unfortunately, Rizzi's cumbersome wings are too large to really hide without some blatantly suspicious coverings. She stands in a simple gown, shifting her feathery attachments and flinching whenever someone happens to pass in the nearby street.

Cart is also here, leaning against the gate entrance. He waves.

"Drop off went without a hitch, boss." He nods over to the two transformed humans. "I take it those two are the ones coming along? You've got a big heart, taking in all the misfits, Asheroth... Watch that dark one though, I don't like quick hands like those, and the half dozen knives I spotted on him strain even my trusting nature."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth glances at Jerrin for a few moments, before shrugging.  "I got the feeling he was a fighter of some sort, though I don't really mind.  I'm sure he knows that penalties will occur if he shows any aggression to us. Besides, he seems civil enough.  Rizzi seems to trust him.  Then again, I only met her recently... Anyway, let's be off."

If nothing else occurs, Ash will make her way to the new bandit camp location. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Journeying to the edge of the Northern Forest takes far longer than it would have normally. Dodging patrols and stumbling by lantern light eventually convinces you to tell Cart to locate a good camping spot. You would resume travel in the morning.

Through the morning mists, you trek off the road and slip amongst the craggy boulder-strewn landscape that abuts the dark forest that for so many years was your home. Jerrin helps the ungainly Rizzi over the rough terrain, his deadly grace an almost comic foil to the avian's clumsiness. While fit and strong, Rizzi is balanced for a mode of movement that she cannot yet accomplish. Cart returns from his scouting, gnawing on a piece of jerky.

"Just up ahead. I waved down the sentries so they aren't likely to stick us with pointy things."

Veronica has worked wonders in the short time since you reinstalled her as the bandit leader. Tents have been pitched in organized rows and a formidable perimeter of sharpened stakes have been arrayed all around the camp save for the entrance where four spear-bearing guards have been posted. The grip their weapons unfamiliarly, but they seem dedicated to their assigned task. No doubt greater skill would come with time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Though they took a bit longer than ash would have liked, the rough terrain seeming to be an obstacle or Rizzi, but they make it to their destination regardless. Once they reached the base, Ash was happy to see that the compound was put up so quickly, she could only wonder what could be accomplished in more time, with more resources.  Good things, no doubt.

Walking up to guards, she gives a friendly wave.  "I'm looking for Veronica, is she around? I need to talk to her and Issac about business."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Two of the guards are clearly of the batch you transformed with the corrupted bovine twins. You barely keep their attention as they flutter their eyes at your muscly wolf-man companion. Their sergeant, seems to have a better grasp of the situation.

"Form up you two!," She barks, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "Sorry ma'am, they get a bit antsy around his type. The commander is in her tent at the center of camp. Just follow the main path."

You find the salamander frowning over a map with her mage companion, Issac. The shockingly pale human youth is pointing to something while referencing a ledge, prompting Veronica to massage her temples with frustration.

She looks up after hearing your approach.

"Ah, my esteemed patron arrives. I hope you've got good news." She looks around your shoulder spotting Rizzy and Jerrin. "Not more recruits? I've already got my hands full enforcing discipline with the last lot you saddled me with."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Yes, we do have good news.  We have established a large amount of funding, in bulk and in revenue. We easily have enough money to fund anything your heard desires and then some, so start making a list and it should be taken care of once the money starts poring in." She replies in a smug tone, looking back at the two with her. 

"Oh, they're coming with me.  So, you don't have to worry about them.  Though... I do have something to ask of Issac. Two things."  She gestures to Rizzi.

"She tells me that she was given those wings by a being.  I'd like to see if her knows anything about that... since he's the most educated person I know at the moment."  She smiles briefly. 

"Also, I need him to check something out... near my home.  I've found the sacred grounds of a some deity and it spoke to me... Wanting me to smite the people on the land." She pauses for a moment, clearing her throat. "I'd like to know the identity of the Goddess who wants me to kill."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Veronica eyes you warily, but Issac simply looks thoughtful. The albino asks a few clarifying questions of your and Rizzi's respective experiences. While you remember your revelation at the farmhouse, Rizzi's narrative is full of holes. Either the result of it happening so long ago, or her subconsciously blocking the memory of the event.

"Many deities were worshiped by the mortal races before the demon wars, but most were forgotten after the conflict. Entire peoples were enslaves by the demons and were exiled with them in the great banishment, taking the memory of their gods with them... While I don't doubt one of the Forgotten could have the power to give your these wings, I'm not aware of any similar event in recent history... You're sure you didn't encounter some magical substance when you were younger? Some transformatives can induce effects far beyond their intended use. If you-"

"I didn't take none of that stuff! I might have been a little girl, but I knew better than to guzzle some witch's brew. I'm telling you it happened that night, and it was the voice in my head that did it."

Issac raises his hands placatingly. "Well that may be, but it's certainly hard to prove. No offense intended, but your story is vague. A geographic location, some substance that you had contact with- that could help me figure out what happened to you. We can search the historical record for deities and spirits associated with this region, but it will be difficult. As I said, the period when gods walked among us is long since passed and I don't have access to a fraction of the research materials required... I'm sorry."

Jerrin places a comforting hand on Rizzi's shoulder while the angel-girl's face scrunches in pain.

Issac turns to you. "Your own query is much simpler. I suspect that there is some sort of conduit anchoring a magical entity to the farmhouse and its surrounding land. We merely have to perform a divination ritual on the sight in order to find its source. I don't want to get your hopes up, but it likely isn't something so grandiose as a god. Plenty of malignant spirits have been known to assume a divine persona in order to manipulate their victims. We'll likely find a poltergeist or some other low-level extra planar creature." 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash gives Rizzi a slight rub on her shoulder.  "Sorry we couldn't figure much out... than again, it isn't a lost cause." Ash turns back to Issac.  "With sufficient funding, could you gain access to Research materials?  I'm sure any amount of information is better than none, right Rizzi?" Asheroth offers a smile.

Though her own problem seemed to bear more fruit than Rizzi's. Though, they did have much more to work with.  Then again, she doubted that Issac had full comprehension of what she felt at that farm...

I Don't think it was a poltergeist... I felt it in my head, Issac.  It spoke to me and knew my name.  The feeling it gave me... It made me feel... what it felt.  Like I was offended by the people at the disrupting such a sacred place. And it felt similar to when... these burned into my skin." She gestures to the markings that appeared when she... melted one of the bandits.  "Though, I guess we won't know for sure until we check.  Would you mind if I borrowed him for a little while, Veronica?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Veronica opens her mouth but hesitates. This prompts a reassuring grin from Issac, who reaches over to rub her back.

"It's just a little trip, Ver. You can stand to be alone for a night or two."

Veronica gives him a tight, sharp-toothed smile.

"Easy for you to say," She murmurs before locking lips with the young mage.

Their is a slight shimmer before their contact and your curiosity prompts a closer examination. Issac seems to have summoned a layer of ice coating his lips, presumably to protect himself from the salamander's scorching skin. When they break apart, their exhales are clouds of steam. The exchange looks well practiced and... Enticing.

"It's been awhile since I conducted a real arcane survey. We'll take a look at this farm and then I will dedicate what free time I have to your friends... Condition. I will prepare a list of texts that I think might help, although I'm hardly an expert on the subject," Issac resumes his conversation as if nothing happened, "I'll get my things and will be ready momentarily."

As the albino slips back into the main tent, Veronica draws your attention to the map.

"Your cash has gone a long way to securing our position here, but the cavalry patrols are making things difficult. Half the supply runs my people make are waylaid on the roads. Some are even straight up confiscated. We've tried alternate routes, but that slows things down and it doesn't guarantee you won't run into some other form of trouble. I ended up having putting down a troupe of imps that were enticing some of the girls off the road."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash gives a slight wave to Issac as her turns to leave, quickly turning to Veronica once she points to the map. She had no idea that Veronica was having this much trouble, even in this new location.  Sounded like Veronica had her hands full and that wasn't healthy for future business.

"So, what can I do to help?  Could I perhaps make one of the alternate routes more safe for use?  Or is there something else you had in mind?" She asks, expecting Veronica was going to ask for some form of assistance anyway.  It wasn't like Ash was busy, anyway.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Veronica nods.

"We've been scouting every since we've gotten here. There are some routes that are traversable by wagon that the cavalry don't touch, but there's a reason for it. In particular there's an old road that skirts the marshes west of here. The place is absolutely crawling with vine-monsters and has been impassable for months. The grain exchange nearby could supply us with all the food we need, but with no way to transport it..."

"I figure the townspeople would be grateful if someone rid them of the creatures, enough to sell a certain rebel group food without letting the authorities know about it."

She taps the hilt of her falchion thoughtfully.

"That and we need real equipment. Our people have been making do with the left overs from the bandit camp, but it's a long way from the sort of armament a true company of soldiers would have. You want us to go toe to toe with the Governor, and we'll need better weapons and armor."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth nodded.  "I'll put it on my too do list.  Expect it done relatively soon, though I have some other things I'd like to take care of first. And equipment, eh?  That may be further down the road, I don't really know that many blacksmiths.  Though, i'll certainly start looking." She pauses for a moment, thinking on another matter.

"So, you said you've scouted the area?  Can you tell me what kind of creatures live here?  Sentient ones, I mean.  If there are small groups of them... I'd like you to map them out, so I can put them down on future... things to do." She offers a smile.

"Will that be all?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Veronica gestures you over to the map and outlines the general area with its inhabitants. The Northern Forest, also known as The Reaches, is thick with corrupt creatures of all sorts- descendants of the Demon Lord's soldiers all those many centuries ago. Beyond the westward mashes, there is a maze-like arrangement of bluff and crags covered in mist. Here lies the fierce minotaur tribes that the kingdom has worked so hard expel from its borders.

Veronica also lists several bandit groups in the area that either splintered off from her own organization or competed with her in the passed.

"Mostly humans," she explains, "But you'll find a few beast-morphs in their midst as well. I know a lot of them to be cutthroats, rapists, murderers, but there's more than a few that lived better lives and were forced into dirty work. They... They could use a second chance, and you seem to be in the business of giving them. If you like, I can put out the word that we're recruiting. Of course, that would put even more pressure on the supply situation..."

During your discussion, Issac has returned with a pack and a simple walking stick. Compared to your enormous furry enforcer, the mage looks positively diminutive.

"Are we ready to go," He asks after hugging his "commander".


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth intently studies the map as Veronica points out the different areas, actively nodding most of the time. It looked like the forest did have potential to add to her army, though those that looked promising would likely be hard to acquire. She'd have to think on it further. 

"Don't recruit just yet... Let's wait until we have the Forest path cleared out before we add anyone else to food line." She looks up from the map, just catching sight of the mage as he returns. 

She looks at Veronica for a moment before turning to Issac again.  "If she has nothing else to add, then I believe we are ready. So, we can leave at your say." 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Veronica completes her briefing and gives her beloved arcane boytoy a somber farewell. Issac falls into line with your troupe of diverse followers and you begin the trek east towards the southern outskirts of Tencrest. It's a little after midday when you catch sight of the large farmhouse that Trissa and her acolytes have repurposed for their temple.

The head priestess wastes no time in making a dramatic showing of welcoming you in, all but throwing the double doors of the house open.

"Asheroth, my dear sister! I thank the All Mother's grace for the preservation of your safety and speed return."

She ushers you inside, giving odd looks at Jerrin and Rizzi and an outright glare at Cart. To be fair, the massive wolfmorph began flirting with one of the whore-turned-nun converts almost immediately upon arrival.

"Many of the girls you entrusted to me have had... A hard time adjusting to their new life," Trissa says pompously, "But with my, and of course the All Mother's, careful guidance, they are learning to become dutiful members of the flock. And you were right, this plan has attracted goodwill from all over the community. Our donations almost doubled overnight!"

The girl Cart is flirting with giggles naughtily as he paws her rump... One wonders what sort of services these nuns could be providing that make them so popular with the general populace.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth shoots Cart a dirty look, motioning for him to stop.  She was already a demon as it is, she didn't want to get on bad terms with the nuns here.  Especially considering the fact they were about to conduct the spell here... and Trissa would not be all for such a heretic act. 

"That's good, I doubted they'd be cured overnight, but progress is progress, right? And the donations are helping you here, I presume.  I'm glad things have gotten better." She looks to Issac, ushering him up.

"I did what I said I was going to do and I brought a Wizard. We'll do a few tests on the ground and we'll be on our way.  I hope we don't bother you by doing this?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Rizzi shifts under the curious gazes of the nuns while Jerrin stands in front of her protectively. Cart reluctantly releases his grip on the less-than-holy nun and lets her get back to her duties with a knowing wink. He raises his paw-like mitts as if to conveying to Trissa that he isn't touching anything.

Trissa mutters something about "baser instincts" and "subhuman conduct" before turning back to you and Issac.

"As I said, you can work your magics, but you will only find the presence of the All Mother here."

"With respect Madam," Issac murmurs, closing his eyes and raising a glowing crystal. "There is a presence here, but it's faint... And I doubt it's the All Mother you speak of. You wouldn't happen to have a basement or cellar here?"

"Not to my knowledge," Trissa huffs, "Clearly your methods are flawed if you cannot sense the enlightened presence I so carefully cultivated an-"

Issac pays her no attention and wanders from the room, interrupting several acolytes washing linens in the adjoining room. He crosses the floor stamping his feet until the sound echoes with a hollow thunk.

"I think there's more to this place than meets the eye." 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Asheroth rolls her eyes once she hears the thud from Issac.  "Really?  What's with these old buildings and secret basements?" She protests, walking over, helping him open whatever made the thud and checking inside with him if it got open. 

(Sorry, didn't really have anything else to say.)


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
There really isn't a secret door for you to open, just solid wooden flooring. Whatever lies beneath must not have been accessed since the house had been built.

Cart lumbers over and pries up a few boards with the ease of one supernaturally endowed. After the dust settles, the sight of a gaping hole greets you. The opening is small, barely two shoulder-widths wide- someone like Cart would have no chance of passing through and even your sharp eyes can't detect the bottom.

"Smells... Old," Cart states the obvious.

"The builders of this home must have known this was here," Issac says, "I'd say it predates it- look that's solid bedrock right there. They built a house on top of this... Shaft. But why?"

The magician focusses a moment on his divining crystals.

"This is definitely the source. I can set up a diviners circle in a few moments, and we should also consider some means of containing whatever could be down there. Also some rope and-"

His voice drowns out of your awareness along with all the other conversation, like you're being submerged in water. Your vision fills with the sight of the dark shaft in front of you, as if it's beckoning you to jump into its depth. Down there is the knowledge you seek, the answer to every question you had as a young girl. There lies the story of your past... And the power to forge a future.


The voice is barely a whisper in your ear and sends a shiver down your spine, but who-


Rizzi's concerned voice brings you back to reality. Cart looms over you protectively as everyone else stares as you come out of your trance.

(No worries. If you don't have enough to write a longer response, it's because I didn't give you much to go off of :p )


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
As Cart rips open the boards, Ash peers over to see what had been contained. It was a very long shaft to say in the least, she wandered what could possibly be down these.  Well, whatever it was it di-

Ash's eyes widened.  This was her purpose.  She had finally reached all the answers she wanted... she had to know.  She had to go down.  and then...


She shivered as she suddenly felt so... cold.  She kneeled as if she was about to jump down... but then she was back.

"Wait, what?" She mumbles, looking around to see the attention was entirely on her. "Whatever is done here has a connection to me.  A deep one.  I don't now how to explain it..." She shakes her head in dismissal. "I need to go down there."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
"Ma'am, I don't see how that could possibly be," Issac protests, "As I said, this passageway is ancient. Unless you are older than you look, the builders finished this project centuries before you were born. Millennia even- who know? Let me at least take a few days to-"

The sound of several coils of thick rope dropping interrupts the pale academic. Cart begins tying off the cordage to an overhead rafter.

"You be careful down there, alright?" He says gruffly, "I know you've got that face-melting stuff up you sleeve but... Just watch your back."

"Ash..." Rizzi murmurs, eyeing the hole nervously.

Jerrin sighs abruptly and throws off his cloak and hat, revealing multitudes of knives and his demonic features. Trissa shrieks and slumps over in what is clearly a fake faint as you can see her eyes flickering under half-closed lids.

"I'll go with you," the demonkin says brusquely, "Your mine and Rizzi's ticket out of Sarkling's manner, and I'm not having you get mauled by an acid beetle in some gods' forsaken hole in the ground."


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash gazes over to Jerin and nods.  "Thank you, Jerrin.  It means a lot to me that you would do something like this for someone you barely know." She admits, giving him a shy smile.  "Anyway, it's never a better time than the present." she Jokes, grabbing the rope and beginning her descent down the mysterious mineshaft.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(Strength roll: 9)

The descent is long and gives you several minutes of thinking time- not that you have much opportunity to day dream while you descend hand over hand down a perilously deep shaft with no end in sight. You feel your arms begin to scream with fatigue.

Jerrin gives no sign of a similar effort, sinuously gliding downward like a spider on a strand of silk, making your own efforts look supremely clumsy by comparison. The demon-marked even has the energy to carry a conversation.

"I meant what I said," Jerrin calls down to you, "This isn't some special favor. Rizzi's tied me to your saddle and I figure I might as well start riding rather than being dragged behind. Why she trusts you, I don't know, but you can't be worse than Sarkling."

You note that he doesn't consider the possibility of Rizzi leaving without him. Perhaps the option never occurred to him. The thought comes just as your feet mercifully hit solid ground. Jerrin must have heard you land because he drops from a good fifteen feet overhead.

"I don't put much faith in promises," He says rising from his crouched position, "But you've gotten Rizzi enamored with your notions of acceptance, and she deserves more than what this world gave her. Hope you can live up to her expectations."

From his tone, you can guess what his expectations are.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ash looks at Jerrin for a moment, a sad look painted on her face.  "I do my best to keep my promises, so they actually hold weight.  I doubt it means anything to you, but I would never do something to Rizzi that would hurt her.  I try my best to make sure people don't have to feel the pain I was put through.  And from what Rizzi has told me, i'm sure you can relate." She stares at him for a few moments longer, before turning away.

At the bottom of the pit, she attempted to follow where the presence was, or at least pinpoint where it was more concentrated. If she found it, she'd call Jerrin over and make her way toward the source. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
You seem to be at the base of a large tunnel, the hole you just descended from cut into the rounded ceiling overhead. Set into the stone are period glow crystals that turn on as you approach, giving plenty of light. Running your hand along the smooth passage wall, you suspect that a cross section of the space would be a perfect circle. Glittering inlay of lapis lazuli lining the white marbe form massive, curving arcane glyphs that are both precisely crafted and breathtakingly beautiful. The entire place is humming with magic- it served a purpose at one time.

You squint, trying to make out the tunnel's end in either direction but can only see it curve off in the distance in a symmetrical fashion. Detected the source pulses in either direction, you suspect you are in a large tube-like passage that doubles back on itself-a subterranean loop.

You've just come to the conclusion that either direction is as good as the other, when a clattering of stone echoes from behind you and Jerrin. A scuttling in the darkness reaches your keen ears, causing your demonkin companion to draw several of his blades.

"Well boss, got a plan?"

You aren't too far from the entrance. If you're quick, you might be able to retreat back the way you came. Although hoisted up by a rope isn't exactly an ideal position to conduct a fight from if this thing- things can climb.