Shou's TiTS Busts


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Her horse dong seems dunno...smaller than her scenes suggesting. Or it's just matter of perspecitve, tauric body size and etc. ^^

Oh well generaly it's still a good pic.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
Her horse dong seems dunno...smaller than her scenes suggesting. Or it's just matter of perspecitve, tauric body size and etc. ^^

Oh well generaly it's still a good pic.

If you compare the cockhead to her actual head, it is sort of the same size, so I guess that is a pretty impressive size... My best guess is that her body is just huge, so her cock seems to be small in comparison, but it really is not.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
If you compare the cockhead to her actual head, it is sort of the same size, so I guess that is a pretty impressive size... My best guess is that her body is just huge, so her cock seems to be small in comparison, but it really is not.

Yeah, it's probably like 3 foot long or some shit. Those fucking nuts, though. Ngh!


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
First I would like to say, "Thank you.", your art is a WONDERFUL addition to the game all of us around here love. Overall your are is exceptional, expressive of your own unique style and generally consistent with the descriptions of the characters in the game. That being said I only just recently found this thread and noting that you are both receptive to and seemingly appreciative of constructive criticism I thought I'd put in my 2 cents for the things I've seen throughout the thread.

That being said, what exactly about Logan is odd? I can't quite see it looking odd, but then I was scribbling the lines on it forever so it might be a case of my being unable to see the forest for the trees.

I dunno if this ever got explained in a way that you can understand or perhaps engage with visually. . . but what I see here is a distinct pubic bone depth issue. The mons pubis of the nude version of Logan is just too deep into the body and it makes the penis look like it's coming through the abdomen instead of out over the top of it. Which would be why the clothed one doesn't look as "off" if you will. The small chest and wide hips make for a bit of an odd looking 3/4 profile compared to the other kinds of bodies we tend to see in TiTs but it seems proportional to me.

Feedback is appreciated for Zaalt, that being said, here are his clothed versions as well as the sketch/wip that shows the foreshortening better.

Can I suggest that the pose is somewhat off, and that both the foreshortening and the perspective issues would be better served by either dropping the elbow a bit or raising the hand a bit. The gun and hand may also need to be a bit larger to show the parallax changes.

Yeah, it is. I've been having loads of trouble with left arms lately! *Grumbles.* But it looks alright when his hand is braced on his clothes- which are just sketches at the moment.

The reason this looks off is because the hand is too far towards the butt. That pose is squirrely because the "thumb hook" behind the hip is a LOT further forward than seems appropriate for the pose. Just remember when you're drawing it that often in that pose the character's index finger could slide down into the inguen (the crease between thigh and the pubic area of trunk).

Generally speaking I see some minor issues with size and shape changes when dealing with foreshortening. Perhaps some minor issues with shading in a few places. Some of the earlier work in this thread shows some issues with stiff or forced body positioning but most of the later work has few if any issues with such at all (kudos for that growth :D). All in all I think your work is stunning and would like to see a great deal more of it. Which makes me lucky as you've already stated that you hope to make it so that one person (presumably yourself) had produced an image of ever bust in the game. A laudable effort :D the results of which I look forward to seeing.


P.S.: I hope to see more characters in the game that had smaller breasts but are still feminine so that I can see how you present that a bit more. Your red myr busts indicate that you have some talent in that space as well.


Eccentric Artist
Oct 2, 2015
Watertown, New York
First I would like to say, "Thank you.", your art is a WONDERFUL addition to the game all of us around here love. Overall your are is exceptional, expressive of your own unique style and generally consistent with the descriptions of the characters in the game. That being said I only just recently found this thread and noting that you are both receptive to and seemingly appreciative of constructive criticism I thought I'd put in my 2 cents for the things I've seen throughout the thread.

Whoa! Big post, and one I really appreciate! <3 Thanks a ton for taking the time to respond to old things as well as new!

  • Concerning Logan - Yeah, I did end up figuring that out with her. But as the bust was already finished and implemented, I just made a note to myself on another list to take the time to redraw her when I have free time. x3 Which is unlikely to be soon. There is also the problem of her torso being "pinched" in the middle a little too extremely. A slight widening of that, and a rejiggering of anatomy and she'll be golden.
  • Concerning Zaalt - Yup, I tried to be a little too enthusiastic in what I was capable of at the time. Some practice has helped me go quite a long way in ability. His is also in my pile to redo when I get a chance. I tried too hard not to stretch the canvas and fit everything in when I should have just said fuck it and widened the canvas to give appropriate proportions as well.
  • Concerning Lane(male) - Yeah, it wasn't so much that his hand was meant to be on his hip, it was supposed to be more of a hand sliding down his hip sort of pose. But I couldn't quite capture the sensuality of the movement. He (again) has been dropped on my redraw pile for some point in the future.

Foreshortening is my bane, but I've been trying to put in a lot of practice to get much better at it. I still have issues, but not nearly so many as before. And Shading is also something I struggle with - I prefer flats, or inks with just a splash of color. But I'm also improving in how to shade! So there is that! *Cheers*

Thanks so much for noticing the growth! ;A; I'm so glad! I look back at the earlier stuff and I'm just really pleased it got out of being so incredibly stiff and contrived and looks way more natural now instead of posed. I hope my efforts come to fruition!

<3 In respond to your Post Script - yes, I hope to come across smaller breasted characters as well. I'm much better at small chests than huge ones. Though I've gotten lotsa practice! Haha!

Her horse dong seems dunno...smaller than her scenes suggesting. Or it's just matter of perspecitve, tauric body size and etc. ^^

Oh well generaly it's still a good pic.

Her body from front to hindquarters is approximately about 8' (2.4m) long. She stands probably about 58" (4'8" /147 cm) at the withers (where her waist meets her tauric half). Which puts her near enough to about 7' tall, not counting her ears! She probably weighs near 2,486 lbs.
You can see her cock is about half her body length, which makes it aboooout.... 4-ish feet long, with her melon sized nuts!

Yeah, it's probably like 3 foot long or some shit. Those fucking nuts, though. Ngh!

Off by a foot! But good guess!
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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2016
Whoa! Big post, and one I really appreciate! <3 Thanks a ton for taking the time to respond to old things as well as new!

Yeah, I try to be thorough in almost everything I do. I chose to speak in regards to both old and new because of your attitude in response to "constructive criticism" as I mentioned in my post. I consider what I did to be a direct outpouring of your behavior as an artist. I find that behavior to be valuable and wish to encourage such :D . So to you I say thank you for being BOTH a good artist and a humble one!


Aug 27, 2015
@Shouyousei Thanks for soliciting suggestions off me when doing this. I think it came out really well.

That has got to be the least sexy thing so far in the game. Not knocking the artwork, because it's just as good usual, but the design is just... ew. Reminds me of a Wendigo from Until Dawn crossed with The Fly.

The dangers of not writing identikit titty monsters I guess. Even so, having googled your comparison, I have to say that's ridiculously harsh.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That has got to be the least sexy thing so far in the game.

Tastes, tastes. But no testes are on sight! Yet that doesn't detract from how his design includes many features I'm interested in, so that has got to be one of the most interesting things so far in the game. For me, that's it.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
The dangers of not writing identikit titty monsters I guess. Even so, having googled your comparison, I have to say that's ridiculously harsh.

To me, he looks like a mothman Dark Eldar. Not hard on the eyes by any means, but not among the sexiest male characters in the game either.

That's almost identical to the way I imagined the species looking based on the slavers mob doc, only for some reason I can't quite remember right now, I got into my head that their collar would be a lot more colorful.

Anyway, great work as always, Shou.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah I like that. Dark elf + mothman seems the right definition for him. I also like that the musculature of the torso gives the impression of a thorax rather than normal set of pecs and abs.