Questions about Myrellia rebels mission.


Dec 4, 2017
I want to be careful about spoilers and whatnot considering that this mission just went live for everyone yesterday or so.

Is there a password available somewhere for the Xenogen data pad? So far I've been unable to find one.

Also, is it possible to encounter the refugees sent offworld if you visit that planet later?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
1) No, the datapad content is TBA
2) Yes, you need to wait a few days before they set up shop, though.
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Well-Known Member
Is there a password available somewhere for the Xenogen data pad? So far I've been unable to find one.

Also, is it possible to encounter the refugees sent offworld if you visit that planet later?

1) No, the datapad content is TBA
2) Yes, you need to wait a few days before they set up shop, though.

Currently you can only visit them if you send them to Mhen-ga, if you send them to the Kui-tan you won't be able to visit them... yet.

Also why do I get the feeling that the Xenogen tablet will reveal that Xenogen was supporting the Gold rebellion in some way?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2016
I just found them, feels really satisfying to give those people a new proper start. Hope her interactions with the player get developed further she is definitely one of the most interesting characters in the game for me.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I just found them, feels really satisfying to give those people a new proper start. Hope her interactions with the player get developed further she is definitely one of the most interesting characters in the game for me.

Plus it's good having a small army of fanatical guerrillas indebted to you.
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Nov 25, 2017
One of my builds is exactly this. She is in charge of the sex bots, the queen of the deep, helped the Zil, and now the Golds. My cousin is seriously screwed in a throw down fight because I have 4 armies willing to help me now.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
One of my builds is exactly this. She is in charge of the sex bots, the queen of the deep, helped the Zil, and now the Golds. My cousin is seriously screwed in a throw down fight because I have 4 armies willing to help me now.
Literally the only being on that list is anywhere near worth a fuck is the AI controlling those sexbots.


Nov 25, 2017
The zil will obviously be the meat shields. The Nyrean captured your cuz so I'd say they make a decent main army. The sexbots are good for lust attacks/whatever. The golds will be the special ops unit. I'm pretty sure that is a good start.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2017
I have two things. Is it possible to use the tranq on the queen, and is it werid that Marik is my first Steele's name?


Well-Known Member
I have two things. Is it possible to use the tranq on the queen, and is it werid that Marik is my first Steele's name?

Yes, you can use the tranq on the queen if you haven't used it already to knock out the room full of guards, you can just use a Lustoxin grenade but beware of backlash though the worst thing that happens is you get to fuck a bunch of horny Golds which you can always come back to to let off some steam, ;) but if you want to avoid that for whatever reason just wear an airtight suit of armor which is a good idea for anytime you use the Lustoxin. There is an option during the battle (one of the buttons on the bottom) to use the tranq which has various negative effects on the queen such as increased lust damage (that's actually the only effect I paid attention to I can't remember what the other ones were maybe reduced reflexes or sumthin).

No it isn't weird that your first PC has the same name as Marik, just a strange coincidence.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
.... What am I missing...?
Argh, I don't get the "Marik Steele" thing, this is gonna be unreasonably bothersome....


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
One of my builds is exactly this. She is in charge of the sex bots, the queen of the deep, helped the Zil, and now the Golds. My cousin is seriously screwed in a throw down fight because I have 4 armies willing to help me now.

Question - how are you going to get four armies to where you need them when at the moment, Captain Steele's resources amount to a space camper van? Don't get me wrong, they're probably well regarded by the upper echelon executives of SteeleTech, especially when Steele opens up new avenues of profit for them, but at the end of the day, Steele is on their own because after all, the whole point of their quest is to gain control of the company.

Here are the problems as I see them:
- The Zil are a newly found race, one that still uses bows and spears. How can Steele arm them and transport them? Would they even fight for Steele?
- The Queen of the Deep, is potentially the last of her race, or at the very least there's not a lot of them left. However you look at it, that's not an army.
- The Golds are facing defeat at the hands of the Reds, even that was postponed by the UGC intervention. They're also tied to a planet that has yet to achieve space travel. Even if you could assemble an army, how would you transport them and equip them?
- The sex bots are technically controlled by Hand So, an AI with some rather questionable motives (okay, digital eyes on galactic domination), you'd still need to keep the AI under control and that's just going to be more hassle than its worth.

This isn't meant to piss all over your ideas but at the same time, some of them are really unfeasible and a couple of instances more than likely to get Captain Steele in trouble with the UGC.


Nov 25, 2017
This isn't meant to piss all over your ideas but at the same time, some of them are really unfeasible and a couple of instances more than likely to get Captain Steele in trouble with the UGC.

No worries, I'm not sensing any piss at all. I don't actually expect your PC to get anything good from saving the people. The main reason I saved most of them is for repeatable sex. BUT if there is ever a "Hey I need help to attack a base or something." Have allies who would back you would be cool. Like instead of attacking you could ask Hand So to lend you some sex bots to distract people or ask Nova for some grey goo people. If you attack it would be some Gold soldiers helping you.

Transport - With the Golds it only cost 30,000 and you moved maybe 1,000 of them or so (if I remember correctly). So transport is pretty "easy" but you would need a ship that can hull lots of people or know a captain who could do that. Its all possible.

Arming - Kitting out your army would probably be a nightmare for the coders so lets not talk about that.

Zil - the Queen might be willing to help you. But your point is valid.
Queen of the Deep - Sorry I meant Taivra Queen of the Nyreans. Not the Queen of the Deep.
Golds - If you offered to move Estallia to Mhen'ga she would probably have some of her daughters help you out.
Sex bots - getting a use for Hand So would be awesome. Maybe you could let him build the army and then build a massive robot for him to pilot. Nothing could go wrong with that idea.

My main idea is that eventually the content might be added and that would make the choices you made during your game have a little more meaning and impact on the story.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
Out of the 4 groups you've mentioned, 2 are in no position to help with any real dangers (Nyrean and Zil dont have guns or any real weapons and are busy dealing with their own issues), the Rebel Gold Myr are too busy being either captured, or setting up a new life based on what you chose, and Hand So's sexbots probably aren't going to fare well against a real threat.

Not to mention, it would be pretty hard to implement an army system with transports and arming the soldiers. Plus, isn't it more fun to go solo? Imagine Kara Quest 2 but you dont do anything since your soldiers swarm the place.

Still, the idea is pretty cool, but kinda infeasible.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2016
Moving Estallia and her children to Mhen'ga felt like the "best" option at first, but let's not forget that a lot of reds died defending Steele while believing that he/she would honor their word. Besides, depending on your choices, you could still have an army of nyrean amazons ready to blast your enemies and pump them full of eggs.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
Moving Estallia and her children to Mhen'ga felt like the "best" option at first, but let's not forget that a lot of reds died defending Steele while believing that he/she would honor their word. Besides, depending on your choices, you could still have an army of nyrean amazons ready to blast your enemies and pump them full of eggs.
The point of the mission was to eliminate a rogue Queen. Shuttling her off is a win-win even if the red ant in charge doesn't like it.

Plus you can still hand off some very nice documents to that ant girl you know who goes on the mission.
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