Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
If there are is much deep-seated hatred and as little trust between the sides of a conflict as there is between Myr, one would be hard pressed to convince them that other guys aren't in cahoots with the enemy.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2015
Bombing cities to rubble isn't a violation of Geneva Conventions, mostly because the various powers who've signed the papers have usually been big fans of the tactic. It would have been somewhat embarrassing for the winners of WWII to classify their own tactics as war crimes.

Plus you only have to own up to war crimes if someone can make you. 

Sadly true. Doesn't mean it shouldn't change.

edit : actually, the usa are one of the rare "developed" countries that didn't sign the geneva convention. I wonder why.
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Nov 3, 2015
Hello, I'm not here to partake in Polo-ticks I just want to know

Anyone have ANY lead of where the rebel reds are that the queens want found?

Are there any ways to find them or not yet?

Because I have no lead whatsoever xD


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Hello, I'm not here to partake in Polo-ticks I just want to know

Anyone have ANY lead of where the rebel reds are that the queens want found?

Are there any ways to find them or not yet?

Because I have no lead whatsoever xD

Try walking around the town and who knows a lead might find you! :p


New Member
Nov 4, 2015
I'v seen a few people discussing this among a few other threads and I'm sure that it's been asked before on this one but I still have to ask, Is there (possibly) a Nyrea TF or Nyrea-esk/oviposition TF in the works? I ask mostly out of curiosity but also because the drider/bee girl where some of my favorite races to play as because of their ovipositor scenes both getting stuffed by them as well as stuffing an enemy full of egg's. I would love to see something like this in TITS and I hope I am not alone in this.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
I'm curious if any characters from Myrellion could be made possible crew members. Though I doubt that anything is planned like that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
Just saying.

I'm always on the "everyone deserves to live" position.

Even Tau from Warhammer. And i genuinely hate them!

So i would rid off of the Dr.McAllister and Juro to achieve this goal.

Because first one is a racist, and Juro will have a whole bunch of cocksleeves chicks, appreciative for destroying the entire populatinon of "big mean reds".

He is too interested in this!

Fortunately Kiro doesn't let him spoil my opinion of the Kui-Tan.

Then you can do as much "trust quests" for golds and reds as you want.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
So i would rid off of the Dr.McAllister and Juro to achieve this goal.

Because first one is a racist, and Juro will have a whole bunch of cocksleeves chicks, appreciative for destroying the entire populatinon of "big mean reds".
Elaborate on McAllister, please? 


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
You can just ask him about the red myr. 

He definitely prefers the gold ones. So as soon as he will study them properly, he can dump them with ease. No hard feelings.

Yes, my own opinion is quite foregon, i admit it, but the fact that you have to do his job for him...

Like really, dood! You have the very important mission here.

If he would have wanted to stop this conflict peacefully, he might have done this long time ago..

So he is the obstacle for me!

Because Xenogen... 
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Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
 The obvious and consistent anti-Red bias from the off world delegation really gets to me as well. Make me think the Golds are trying to fuck their way into getting the Reds wiped out by the space fleet after their first attempt failed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm curious if any characters from Myrellion could be made possible crew members. Though I doubt that anything is planned like that.

Embry from tavern for sure someday will get of the rock...errr Myrellion along with PC. Alos is foreshadowed that individual myr deserters may been taken off planet someday. But not sure if just moved to other planet/station or made into crew members.

For now almost each planet/station we visit have/will have at elast one recruitable crew member: Reaha/Celise from Tavros, Bess/*Hand So*/Anno from Tarkus, *Embry*(/*Briha*/*Lys*) from Myrellion, *Yammy*/*Gianna* from NT, *Syri* from Uveto (some are not yet recruitable but as far plans go they suppose to be so I included those already here ^^).

So kinda each bigger location PC visit hide some potential crew member....hmm ok Mhen'ga lack one as for now as noone even foreshadowed any npc that can be recruited there yet (unless some miracle happen and we get Vanae/Female Naleen crew member xD ).
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm curious if any characters from Myrellion could be made possible crew members. Though I doubt that anything is planned like that.

They COULD, yes. I know JimT has plans for days about his characters, and I'd love to be able to have Taivra, Renvra, and/or Lieve join the crew. Obviously, none of these plans are priority right now.

Make me think the Golds are trying to fuck their way into getting the Reds wiped out by the space fleet

That's because they are~


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Well, yes, but you'd think that in a setting where "I have genitals and so do you" is just about as far as you need to go to get laid, they'd be less successful at it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2015
 The obvious and consistent anti-Red bias from the off world delegation really gets to me as well. Make me think the Golds are trying to fuck their way into getting the Reds wiped out by the space fleet after their first attempt failed.

Well I think that is kind of understandable, since the red myr are kind of portrayed as WWII Germans in the initial conversations you have with the various npcs when arriving on the planet. After exploring the planet more though I did come to liking the Red a lot more, probably lot to do with it that I much prefer small breasts and like all the gold myr have gigantic ones. :p


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
 The obvious and consistent anti-Red bias from the off world delegation really gets to me as well. Make me think the Golds are trying to fuck their way into getting the Reds wiped out by the space fleet after their first attempt failed.

They are. 

If they win, and every last red would be killed by off-worlders, they would understand that they can do whatever they whant as long as they would portrait their enemies as monsters.The can use chemical weapon on the new enemy, nuke him, use other methods, and still believe they won't recieve punishment.

Because they are "100% good, never attack first, use these things to survive e.t.c.".

If the red wins... Well. It would still be bad.

They need each other for balance! Otherwise they both will find a new enemy in no time,

so this is very important to make peace with each other, as long as both people tired of this eternal war...


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Well I think that is kind of understandable, since the red myr are kind of portrayed as WWII Germans in the initial conversations you have with the various npcs when arriving on the planet. After exploring the planet more though I did come to liking the Red a lot more, probably lot to do with it that I much prefer small breasts and like all the gold myr have gigantic ones. :p

I had the Golds pegged as the Germans in May 1945, they kicked the wrong dog, and now it's gnawing their arms off. Though, for the sexiness, I admit to preferring the reds as well.


Aug 27, 2015
I had the Golds pegged as the Germans in May 1945, they kicked the wrong dog, and now it's gnawing their arms off. Though, for the sexiness, I admit to preferring the reds as well.

Who started the war is extremely ambiguous and it seems to be six on one side, half a dozen on the other. Certainly the Golds did not invade Scorpetenland and Pillbugland. And their culture is nothing like 20th century Germany.


Active Member
Oct 16, 2015
Who started the war is extremely ambiguous and it seems to be six on one side, half a dozen on the other. Certainly the Golds did not invade Scorpetenland and Pillbugland. And their culture is nothing like 20th century Germany.

Ok, Scorpetenland took me a second, but that was pretty classy. 

I was mostly referring to the specific military situation there, however. I don't think who started the war is even relevant, there's a few people who mention that the war was coming, from both sides, for a long time. The war was going to start, it was both sides fault, and trying to place blame would be an exercise in futility.  


Aug 26, 2015
 The obvious and consistent anti-Red bias from the off world delegation really gets to me as well. Make me think the Golds are trying to fuck their way into getting the Reds wiped out by the space fleet after their first attempt failed.

On the other hand that racist bias is also the only reason the golds might get an equitable agreement when the reds otherwise have every advantage in population, resources, and more and more claim to the land every day they hold it.  Possession is nine-tenths of the law, and every day the reds simply push for another round of negotiations it gets less and less practical for them to give the territory back.  Aggression isn't necessary, merely bureaucracy.

Mind you, all three of the diplomats are behaving in extraordinarily unprofessional ways.  Lyralla's banging Kiro, Kiro's given up any pretense of neutrality in the process, and Nehzara accepts bribes of sex from offworlders who she proceeds to drug without information or consent.  This is not going to go well.

McAllister, meanwhile, is undeniably a racist and ethically dubious scientist, if not outright ethically bankrupt.  He's also the chief reason that the gold myr are alive today.  Because that's the thing about Xenogen: they will be the best friends you could ever have, so long as they like you and you don't stand in the way of what they want.  Captain Steele should be wary of getting too buddy-buddy with them, but even more wary of crossing them until the captain's good and ready for the consequences.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2015
So I read a few pages of this and everyone seems to be missing the actual big issues of the myr war.

Firstly who started it doesn't matter at this point. Even if there were an AHA moment where you found out the golds started it and were bad guys all along you know what would change? Nothing. Why? Because the red myr greeted the offworlders like a normal species, with caution, respect, and a healthy level of suspicion. The gold myr on the other hand greeted them with open legs and orifices and played the role whor---I mean damsels in distress. Short of proving the golds guilty of warcrimes or something horrific the gold favoritism should be expected.....especially since all the ingame territory on myrellions surface so far is all gold myr land.(Hold on to your "but kressia--" statements I'm getting to that.)

We haven't actually seen the Red myr's home, or their leadership, we've seen the gold queens and the gold cities, but we have NO idea what's going on in the red's home turf or if there are offworlders living over there as well, right now there is only the embassy which is above gildenmere which is a gold city state, and kressia which is a gold city state under red occupation. Not a red territory but a red occupied territory. There's a big difference. So little is really known about what the reds do or how their normal daily life goes on or what their civilians do. You only interact with red military personnel. So you and the other offworlders you meet only have a skewed view of the myr based on the fact they're staying right above a gold myr city, whereas the nearest red controlled zone is a plane ride away, and it's worth noting that in said zone there are no other offworlders. Wheras gildenmere is littered with other aliens (Xanthe, and the shady guy who wants honey whose name I can't remember, Gene, the genemod guy, and the others in the embassy) but there are none in kressia. which means it's unlikely there are many if any who've traveled to the red homelands and seen what they're really like when not parked on the edge of a potential battleground or in enemy territory.

Second, nobody's mentioned the rebels, well....the two groups of rebels which may or may not be the same group. But there is a Unification movement among the myr which i would guess both sides are probably trying to clamp down on. A quest has you go to one of these unification ralleys to find an extremist and report(or not) them to get access to the gold queen. But there's no further interaction with the rebels, or so much as a peep out of the unification movement after that. There's also the still unifinished quest for kressia which involves rebels presumably resisting the red occupation.....annnnnd the completely un-touched subject of the orange myr gene treatment you can develop. Want to end the myr red/gold war? Make them all orange so no one knows who was red and gold anymore.This actually seems to be the sort of thing those seeking unification would really want to get their hands on....but before i get to into that this brings me to another subject not really touched on: Half-breeds. Myr attitudes towards halfbreeds is unmentioned, there's only one that can be found so far, and she's in the red army. The only mention of cross breeding by the golds is queen irelia shooing you off before the council accuses her of trying to make a new halfbreed species or some such thing. Leaving the question of whether half red half gold myr even exist. I assume a male being as rare as they are they'd take one when they can get one regardless of red or gold. So......what happens to the halfbreeds? I wouldn't be surprised if the unification rebels turned out to be comprised of half-bred myr. be it half nyrea or whatever else.(I wonder if there's a half wetraxxel myr? o.o....wait what does the wetraxxel do on myrellion anyway?)

Myrellion is thus far the most interesting planet in the game by far and I'm curious how much further content will be added to flesh it out.