I started a new game on the latest version and now the purify option is missing when i visit Rathazul. Is this a bug or did something change?
I am playing on android using swfplayer.
I'm currently running a maleherm hybrid, but I wouldn't mind going full satyr for the greater good. Still, I wished to ask so that I can plan my gameplay beforehand.
I hope there's more Satyr stuff and M/M incest. Like interacting with the Minotaur Son group as a male or maybe a satyr son harem.
: Faun Frat House![]()
Which, sorry to tease, isn't done yet and I won't be working on it till I get my comms down (frfr) but... >> Here It Is <<
Faun Frat House
Which, sorry to tease, isn't done yet and I won't be working on it till I get my comms down (frfr) but... >> Here It Is <<
While I certainly enjoy your writing, isn't the concept of a "frat house' more suited to a game like flexible survival (which has exactly that in the college area, iirc.) Make it a winery only or something. Last time I checked there was a dearth of college campuses in Mareth. One of the things that ruins the Rogar m/m scenes for me as a player/reader is the whole "no homo" meme jammed into them, which is something else that doesn't belong in Mareth. Muh immerzion.
I'm still working on 1.3.18 and I'm confident this will fix the issues with Rathazul along with more bugs. I really want to implement weather for post-Lethice as well.
And as for the gay content, I'm looking for someone to help with the following contents: Behemoth and pure Jojo sex scenes. Anzu will also come at a point in 1.4 eventually.
Pablo will eventually be added but I have a nitpick about him. There's no option to anally penetrate him. Every maleherm document I see, it involves either penetrating him vaginally or take anally but no option to penetrate him anally.
Anyways, 1.3.18 has been released with more bug fixes! I have added kimonos and samurai armour to the game for those who love traditional Japanese style. You get 2 bonus attack and defense if you wield katana while wearing samurai armour.
Also, Izma now charges you gems to remove her cock starting in New Game+, up to a maximum cost of 10,000 gems in NG+4! Now you understand why you shouldn't force Izma to get rid of her favourite parts. And with the upcoming mystery box as new gem sink, it'll completely destroy any motivation to remove her cock.
Pablo will eventually be added but I have a nitpick about him. There's no option to anally penetrate him. Every maleherm document I see, it involves either penetrating him vaginally or take anally but no option to penetrate him anally.
I see. Also, on the topic of Izmael, will we be able to turn them male WITHOUT the heavy dose of corruption? As much as I want a dude shark and everything, I'd at least like her consent before transforming them from Brainy Herm to Partying Bro.